Abbreviation | Question | Answer or Advice |
Can you communicate by radio-telegraphy (500 kHz)? |
I can communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz). |
Can you communicate by radio-telephony (2 182 kHz)? |
I can communicate by radio-telephony (2 182 kHz). |
Can you communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 – frequency 156.80 MHz)? |
I can communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 – frequency 156.80 MHz). |
Can you communicate
with me |
I can communicate with
you in ¼ |
Have you received the safety signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the safety signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign). |
What is the commercial quality of my signals? |
The quality of your signals is ¼ |
How many tapes have you to send? |
I have ¼ tapes to send. |
Shall I send a phasing signal for ¼ seconds? |
Send a phasing signal for ¼ seconds. |
Shall I send my tape? |
Send your tape. |
Will you listen on ¼ kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency position-indicating radiobeacons? |
I am listening on ¼ kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency posi-tion-indicating radiobeacons. |
Abbreviation | Question | Answer or Advice |
Have you received the signals of an emergency position-indicating radiobeacon on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
I have received the signals of an emergency position-indicating radiobeacon on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Is your vessel fitted for reception of selective calls? If so, what is your selective call number or signal? |
My vessel is fitted for the reception of selective calls. My selective call number or signal is ¼ |
On what frequencies can your ves-sel be reached by a selective call? |
My vessel can be reached by a selective call on the following frequency/ies ¼ (periods of time to be added if necessary). |
Can you send on any working fre-quency? |
I can send on any working fre-quency. |
Do you hear my call; what is the approximate delay in minutes before we may exchange traffic? |
I hear your call; the approximate delay is ¼ minutes. |
What is the name of your vessel (or station)? |
The name of my vessel (or station) is ¼ |
How far approximately are you from my station? |
The approximate distance between our stations is ¼ nautical miles (or kilometres). |
By what private enterprise (or state administration) are the accounts for charges for your station settled? |
The accounts for charges of my station are settled by the private enterprise ¼ (or state ad-ministration). |
Where are you bound for and where are you from? |
I am bound for ¼ from ¼ |
What is your estimated time of ar-rival at ¼ (or over ¼ ) (place)? |
My estimated time of arrival at ¼ (or over ¼ ) (place) is ¼ hours. |
Are you returning to ¼ (place)? |
I am returning to ¼ (place). or Return to ... (place). |
Will you tell me my exact fre-quency (or that of ¼ )? |
Your exact frequency (or that of ¼ ) is ... kHz (or MHz). |
Does my frequency vary? |
Your frequency varies. |
How is the tone of my trans-mission? |
The tone of your transmission is ¼ 1. good |
How many radiotelephone calls have you to book? |
I have ¼ radiotelephone calls to book. |
What is the intelligibility of my signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The intelligibility of your signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign )) is ¼ 1. bad |
Are you busy? |
I am busy (or I am busy with ¼ (name and/or call sign)). Please do not interfere. |
Is my transmission being interfered with? |
Your transmission is being inter-fered with ¼ 1. nil |
Are you troubled by static? |
I am troubled by static ¼ |
Shall I increase transmitter power? |
Increase transmitter power. |
Shall I decrease transmitter power? |
Decrease transmitter power. |
Shall I send faster? |
Send faster (¼ words per minute). |
Are you ready for automatic operation? |
I am ready for automatic opera-tion. Send at ¼ words per mi-nute. |
Shall I send more slowly? |
Send more slowly ( ¼ words per minute). |
Shall I stop sending? |
Stop sending. |
Have you anything for me? |
I have nothing for you. |
Are you ready? |
I am ready. |
Shall I inform ¼ that you are call-ing him on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
Please inform ¼ that I am calling him on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
When will you call me again? |
I will call you again at ¼ hours on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
What is my turn? |
Your turn is Number ¼ (or ac-cording to any other indication). (Relates to communication.) |
Who is calling me? |
You are being called by ¼ (on ¼ kHz(or MHz)). |
What is the strength of my signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The strength of your signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign)) is ¼ 1. scarcely perceptible |
Are my signals fading? |
Your signals are fading. |
Are you a low traffic ship station? |
I am a low traffic ship station. |
Are my signals mutilated? |
Your signals are mutilated. |
QSE* |
What is the estimated drift of the survival craft? |
The estimated drift of the survival craft is ¼ (figures and units). |
QSF* |
Have you effected rescue? |
I have effected rescue and am pro-ceeding to ¼ base (with ¼ per-sons injured requiring ambu-lance). |
Shall I send ¼ telegrams at a time? |
Send ¼ telegrams at a time. |
Are you able to home with your direction-finding equipment? |
I am able to home with my direc-tion-finding equipment (on ¼ (name and/or call sign)). |
I have been unable to break in on your transmission. or Will you inform ¼ (name and/or call sign) that I have been unable to break in on his transmission (on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
What is the charge to be collected to ¼ including your internal charge? |
The charge to be collected to ¼ including my internal charge is ¼ francs. |
Can you hear me between your signals and if so may I break in on your transmission? |
I can hear you between my signals; break in on my transmission. |
Can you acknowledge receipt? |
I am acknowledging receipt. |
Shall I repeat the last telegram which I sent you (or some previous telegram)? |
Repeat the last telegram which |
Did you hear me (or ¼ (name and/or call sign)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
I did hear you (or ¼ (name and/or call sign)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Can you communicate with ¼ (name and/or call sign) direct (or by relay)? |
I can communicate with ¼ (name and/or call sign) direct (or by relay through ¼ ). |
Will you relay to ¼ (name and/or call sign) free of charge? |
I will relay to ¼ (name and/or call sign) free of charge. |
Have you a doctor on board (or is ¼ (name of person) on board)? |
I have a doctor on board (or ¼ (name of person) is on board). |
Shall I repeat the call on the calling frequency? |
Repeat your call on the calling fre-quency; did not hear you (or have interference). |
What working frequency will you use? |
I will use the working frequency ¼ kHz (or MHz) (in the high frequency bands normally only the last three figures of the fre-quency need be given). |
Shall I send or reply on this fre-quency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼ )? |
Send or reply on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼ ). |
Shall I send a series of Vs (or signs) for adjustment on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz))? |
Send a series of Vs (or signs) for adjustment on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Will you send on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼ )? |
I am going to send on this fre-quency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼ ). |
Will you listen to ¼ (name and/or call sign(s)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ¼/ channels ¼? |
I am listening to ¼ (name and/or call sign(s)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ¼/ channels ¼ |
Shall I change to transmission on another frequency? |
Change to transmission on another frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Shall I send each word or group more than once? |
Send each word or group twice (or ¼ times). |
Shall I cancel telegram (or message) number ¼? |
Cancel telegram (or message) number ¼ |
Do you agree with my counting of words? |
I do not agree with your counting of words; I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group. |
How many telegrams have you to send? |
I have ¼ telegrams for you (or for ¼ (name and/or call sign)). |
QTD* |
What has the rescue vessel or res-cue aircraft recovered? |
¼ (identification) has recovered¼ |
What is my TRUE bearing from you? or What is my TRUE bearing from ¼ (name and/or call sign)? or |
Your TRUE bearing from me is ¼ degrees at ¼ hours. or Your TRUE bearing from ¼ (name
and/or call sign) was ¼ or |
What is the TRUE bearing of ¼ (name and/or call sign) from ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
The TRUE bearing of ¼ (name and/or call sign) from ¼ (name and/or call sign) was ¼ degrees at ¼ hours. |
Will you give me my position according to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which you control? |
Your position according to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which I control was ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or other indication of position), class ¼ at ¼ hours. |
Will you send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by your call sign (or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? or Will you request ¼ (name and/or call sign) to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by his call sign (and/or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
I am going to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by my call sign (or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). or I have requested ¼ (name and/or call sign) to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by his call sign (and/or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ... kHz (or MHz). |
What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)? |
My position is ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication). |
QTI* |
What is your TRUE course? |
My TRUE course is ¼ degrees. |
QTJ* |
What is your speed? |
My speed is ¼ knots (or kilo-metres per hour or ¼ statute miles per hour). |
(Requests the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively.) |
(Indicates the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively.) |
QTK* |
What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth? |
The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth is ¼ knots (or ¼ kilometres per hour or ¼ statute miles per hour). |
QTL* |
What is your TRUE heading? |
My TRUE heading is ¼ degrees. |
QTM* |
What is your MAGNETIC head-ing? |
My MAGNETIC heading is ¼ degrees. |
At what time did you depart from ¼ (place)? |
I departed from ¼ (place) at ¼ hours. |
Have you left dock (or port)? or Are you airborne? |
I have left dock (or port). or I am airborne. |
Are you going to enter dock (or port)? or Are you going to alight (or land)? |
I am going to enter dock (or port). or I am going to alight (or land). |
Can you communicate with my station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO)? |
I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO). |
What is the correct time? |
The correct time is ¼ hours. |
Will you send your call sign (and/or name) for ¼ seconds? |
I will send my call sign (and/or name) for ¼ seconds. |
The identification signal which follows is superimposed on another transmission. |
What are the hours during which your station is open? |
My station is open from ¼ to ¼ hours. |
Shall I stand guard for you on the frequency of ¼ kHz (or MHz) (from ¼ to ¼ hours)? |
Stand guard for me on the fre-quency of ¼ kHz (or MHz) (from ¼ to ¼ hours). |
QTW* |
What is the condition of survivors? |
Survivors are in ¼ condition and urgently need ¼ |
Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until ¼ hours)? |
I will keep my station open for further communication with you until further notice (or until ¼ hours). |
QTY* |
Are you proceeding to the position of incident and if so when do you expect to arrive? |
I am proceeding to the position of incident and expect to arrive at ¼ hours (on ... (date)). |
QTZ* |
Are you continuing the search? |
I am continuing the search for ¼ (aircraft, ship, survival craft, survivors or wreckage). |
Have you news of ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
Here is news of ¼ (name and/or call sign). |
QUB* |
Can you give me in the following order information concerning: the direction in degrees TRUE and speed of the surface wind; visibility; present weather; and amount, type and height of base of cloud above surface elevation at ¼ (place of observation)? |
Here is the information requested: ¼ (The units used for speed and distances should be indicated.) |
What is the number (or other indi-cation) of the last message you received from me (or from ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The number (or other indication) of the last message I received from you (or from ¼ (name and/or call sign)) is ¼ |
Have you received the urgency signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the urgency signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign) at ¼ hours. |
Can you speak in ¼ (language), with interpreter if necessary; if so, on what frequencies? |
I can speak in ¼ (language) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Have you received the distress sig-nal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the distress signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign) at ¼ hours. |
QUH* |
Will you give me the present baro-metric pressure at sea level? |
The present barometric pressure at sea level is ¼ (units). |
May I resume normal working? |
Normal working may be resumed. |
1. When directed to all stations: Will vessels in my immediate vicinity ¼ or (in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude) or (in the vicinity of ¼) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed? 2. When directed to a single station: Please indicate your position, TRUE course and speed. |
My position, TRUE course and speed are ¼ |
QUO* |
Shall I search for¼. in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication)? |
Please search for ¼ in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication). |
QUP* |
Will you indicate your position by ¼ 1. searchlight |
My position is indicated by ¼ 1. searchlight |
QUR* |
Have survivors ¼ 1. received survival equipment 2. been picked up by rescue vessel 3. been reached by ground rescue party? |
Survivors ... 1. are in possession of survival equipment dropped by ¼ 2. have been picked up by rescue vessel 3. have been reached by ground rescue party. |
QUS* |
Have you sighted survivors or wreckage? If so, in what position? |
Have sighted ¼ in position ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication). |
QUT* |
Is position of incident marked? |
Position of incident is marked by ¼ 1. flame or smoke float |
QUU* |
Shall I home ship or aircraft to my position? |
Home ship or aircraft ¼ (name and/or call sign) ¼ 1. to your position by sending your call sign and long dashes on ¼ kHz (or MHz) 2. by sending on ¼ kHz (or MHz) TRUE track to reach you. |
QUW* |
Are you in the search area desig-nated as ¼ (designator or lati-tude and longitude)? |
I am in the ¼ (designation) search area. |
Do you have any navigational warnings or gale warnings in force? |
I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force: ¼ |
QUY* |
Is position of survival craft marked? |
Position of survival craft was marked at ¼ hours by ¼ 1. flame or smoke float |
May I resume restricted working? |
Distress phase still in force; res-tricted working may be resumed. |
B. List of Signals According to the Nature of Questions, Answer or Advice
Abbre-viation |
Question |
Answer or Advice |
Name |
What is the name of your vessel (or station)? |
The name of my vessel (or station) is ¼ |
Route |
Where are you bound for and where are you from? |
I am bound for ¼ from ¼ |
Position |
How far approximately are you from my station? |
The approximate distance between our stations is ¼ nautical miles (or kilometres). |
What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)? |
My position is ¼ latitude, ¼ lon-gitude (or according to any other indication). |
At what time did you depart from ¼ (place)? |
I departed from ¼ (place) at ¼ hours. |
Quality of Signals |
What is the commercial quality of my signals? |
The quality of your signals is ¼ 1. not commercial |
How is the tone of my trans-mission? |
The tone of your transmission is¼ 1. good |
Quality of Signals (cont.) |
What is the intelligibility of my signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The intelligibility of your signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign)) is ¼ 1. bad |
Strength of Signals |
Shall I increase transmitter power? |
Increase transmitter power. |
Shall I decrease transmitter power? |
Decrease transmitter power. |
What is the strength of my signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The strength of your signals (or those of ¼ (name and/or call sign)) is ¼ 1. scarcely perceptible |
Are my signals fading? |
Your signals are fading. |
Keying |
Shall I send faster? |
Send faster (¼ words per minute). |
Are you ready for automatic operation? |
I am ready for automatic opera-tion. Send at ¼ words per minute. |
Keying (cont.) |
Shall I send more slowly? |
Send more slowly (¼ words per minute). |
Are my signals mutilated? |
Your signals are mutilated. |
Interference |
Is my transmission being inter-fered with? |
Your transmission is being inter-fered with ¼ 1. nil |
Are you troubled by static? |
I am troubled by static ¼ 1. nil |
Adjustment of Frequency |
Will you tell me my exact fre-quency (or that of ¼)? |
Your exact frequency (or that of ¼) is ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Does my frequency vary? |
Your frequency varies. |
Will you send your call sign (and/or name) for ¼ seconds? |
I will send my call sign (and/or name) for ¼ seconds. |
Choice of Frequency |
Can you send on any working fre-quency? |
I can send on any working fre-quency. |
Choice of Frequency
and/or |
Did you hear me (or ¼ (name and/or call sign)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
I did hear you (or ¼ (name and/or call sign)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
What working frequency will you use? |
I will use the working frequency ¼ kHz (or MHz) (in the high frequency bands normally only the last three figures of the fre-quency need be given). |
Shall I send or reply on this fre-quency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼)? |
Send or reply on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼). |
Shall I send a series of Vs (or signs) for adjustment on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz))? |
Send a series of Vs (or signs) for adjustment on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Will you send on this frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼)? |
I am going to send on this fre-quency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ¼). |
Will you listen to ¼ (name and/or call sign(s)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ¼/ channels ¼? |
I am listening to ¼ (name and/or call sign(s)) on ¼ kHz (or MHz), or in the bands ¼/ channels ¼ |
Change of Frequency |
Shall I change to transmission on another frequency? |
Change to transmission on another frequency (or on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Establishing |
Can you communicate by radio-telegraphy (500 kHz)? |
I can communicate by radiotelegraphy (500 kHz). |
Establishing |
Can you communicate by radio-telephony (2 182 kHz)? |
I can communicate by radiotelephony (2 182 kHz). |
Can you communicate by radio-telephony (channel 16 – frequency 156.80 MHz)? |
I can communicate by radiotelephony (channel 16 – frequency 156.80 MHz). |
Can you communicate with me in ¼ 0. Dutch 5.
Italian |
I can communicate with you in ¼ 0. Dutch 5.
Italian |
Do you hear my call; what is the approximate delay in minutes before we may exchange traffic? |
I hear your call; the approximate delay is ¼ minutes. |
Are you busy? |
I am busy (or I am busy with ¼ (name and/or call sign)). Please do not interfere. |
Are you ready? |
I am ready. |
When will you call me again? |
I will call you again at ¼ hours on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
What is my turn? (Relates to communication.) |
Your turn is
Number ¼ (or according to any other
indication). |
Who is calling me? |
You are being called by ¼ (on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Are you a low traffic ship station? |
I am a low traffic ship station. |
Establishing |
Shall I repeat the call on the calling frequency? |
Repeat your call on the calling fre-quency; did not hear you (or have interference). |
Can you communicate with my station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO)? |
I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO). |
Can you speak in ¼ (language), with interpreter if necessary; if so, on what frequencies? |
I can speak in ¼ (language) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Selective Calls |
Is your vessel fitted for reception of selective calls? If so, what is your selective call number or signal? |
My vessel is fitted for the reception of selective calls. My selective call number or signal is ¼ |
On what frequencies can your ves-sel be reached by a selective call? |
My vessel can be reached by a selective call on the following frequency/ies ¼ (periods of time to be added if necessary). |
Time |
What is the correct time? |
The correct time is ... hours. |
What are the hours during which your station is open? |
My station is open from ¼ to ¼ hours. |
Charges |
By what private enterprise (or state administration) are the accounts for charges for your station settled? |
The accounts for charges of my station are settled by the private enterprise ¼ (or state ad-ministration). |
Abbre-viation |
Question |
Answer or Advice |
Charges (cont.) |
What is the charge to be collected to ¼ including your internal charge? |
The charge to be collected to ¼ including my internal charge is ¼ francs. |
Transit |
Shall I inform ¼ that you are call-ing him on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
Please inform ¼ that I am calling him on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Can you communicate with ¼ (name and/or call sign) direct (or by relay)? |
I can communicate with ¼ (name and/or call sign) direct (or by relay through ¼). |
Will you relay to ¼ (name and/or call sign) free of charge? |
I will relay to ¼ (name and/or call sign) free of charge. |
Have you a doctor on board (or is ¼ (name of person) on board)? |
I have a doctor on board (or ¼ (name of person) is on board). |
Have you news of ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
Here is news of ¼ (name and/or call sign). |
What is the number (or other indi-cation) of the last message you received from me (or from ¼ (name and/or call sign))? |
The number (or other indication) of the last message I received from you (or from ¼ (name and/or call sign)) is ... |
Exchange of |
How many tapes have you to send? |
I have ¼ tapes to send. |
Shall I send a phasing signal for ¼ seconds? |
Send a phasing signal for ¼ sec-onds. |
Abbre-viation |
Question |
Answer or Advice |
Exchange of |
Shall I send my tape? |
Send your tape. |
How many radiotelephone calls have you to book? |
I have ¼ radiotelephone calls to book. |
Have you anything for me? |
I have nothing for you. |
Shall I send ¼ telegrams at a time? |
Send ¼ telegrams at a time. |
I have been unable to break in on your transmission. or Will you inform ¼ (name and/or call sign) that I have been unable to break in on his transmission (on ¼ kHz (or MHz)). |
Can you hear me between your signals and if so may I break in on your transmission? |
I can hear you between my signals; break in on my transmission. |
Can you acknowledge receipt? |
I am acknowledging receipt. |
Shall I repeat the last telegram which I sent you (or some previ-ous telegram)? |
Repeat the last
telegram which |
Shall I send each word or group more than once? |
Send each word or group twice (or ¼ times). |
Shall I cancel telegram (or mes-sage) number ¼? |
Cancel telegram (or message) number ¼ |
Do you agree with my counting of words? |
I do not agree with your counting of words; I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group. |
Abbre-viation |
Question |
Answer or Advice |
Exchange of |
How many telegrams have you to send? |
I have ¼ telegrams for you (or for ¼ (name and/or call sign)). |
Shall I stand guard for you on the frequency of ¼ kHz (or MHz) (from ¼ to ¼ hours)? |
Stand guard for me on the fre-quency of ¼ kHz (or MHz) (from ¼ to ¼ hours). |
Will you keep your station open for further communication with me until further notice (or until ¼ hours)? |
I will keep my station open for further communication with you until further notice (or until ¼ hours). |
Movement |
What is your estimated time of ar-rival at ¼ (or over ¼) (place)? |
My estimated time of arrival at ¼ (or over ¼) (place) is ¼ hours. |
Are you returning to ¼ (place)? |
I am returning to ¼ (place). or Return to ¼ (place). |
Are you able to home with your direction-finding equipment? |
I am able to home with my direc-tion-finding equipment (on ¼ (name and/or call sign)). |
QTI* |
What is your TRUE course? |
My TRUE course is ¼ degrees. |
QTJ* |
What is your speed? |
My speed is ¼ knots (or kilo-metres per hour or ¼ statute miles per hour). |
(Requests the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively.) |
(Indicates the speed of a ship or aircraft through the water or air respectively.) |
Movement (cont.) |
QTK* |
What is the speed of your aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth? |
The speed of my aircraft in relation to the surface of the Earth is ¼ knots (or ¼ kilometres per hour or ¼ statute miles per hour). |
QTL* |
What is your TRUE heading? |
My TRUE heading is ¼ degrees. |
QTM* |
What is your MAGNETIC heading? |
My MAGNETIC heading is ¼ degrees. |
At what time did you depart from ¼ (place)? |
I departed from ¼ (place) at ¼ hours. |
Have you left dock (or port)? or Are you airborne? |
I have left dock (or port). or I am airborne. |
Are you going to enter dock (or port)? or Are you going to alight (or land)? |
I am going to enter dock (or
port). or I am going to alight (or land). |
1. When directed to all stations: Will vessels in my immediate vicinity ¼ or (in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude) or (in the vicinity of ¼) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed? 2. When directed to a single station: Please indicate your position, TRUE course and speed. |
My position, TRUE course and speed are ¼ |
Abbre-viation |
Question |
Answer or Advice |
Meteorology |
QUB* |
Can you give me in the following order information concerning: the direction in degrees TRUE and speed of the surface wind; visibility; present weather; and amount, type and height of base of cloud above surface elevation at ¼ (place of observation)? |
Here is the information requested: ¼ (The units used for speed and distances should be indicated.) |
QUH* |
Will you give me the present baro-metric pressure at sea level? |
The present barometric pressure at sea level is ¼ (units). |
Do you have any navigational warnings or gale warnings in force? |
I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force: ¼ |
Radio Direction-Finding |
What is my TRUE bearing from you? or What is my TRUE bearing from ¼ (name and/or call sign)?
or What is the TRUE bearing of ¼ (name and/or call sign) from ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
Your TRUE bearing from me is ¼ degrees at ¼ hours. or Your TRUE bearing from ¼ (name and/or call sign) was ¼ degrees at ¼ hours. or The TRUE bearing of ¼ (name and/or call sign) from ¼ (name and/or call sign) was ¼ degrees at ¼ hours. |
Radio Direction-Finding (cont.) |
Will you give me my position ac-cording to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which you control? |
Your position according to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which I control was ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or other indication of position), class ¼ at ¼ hours. |
Will you send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by your call sign (or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? or Will you request ¼ (name and/or call sign) to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by his call sign (and/or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz)? |
I am going to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by my call sign (or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). or I have requested ¼ (name and/or call sign) to send two dashes of ten seconds each (or carrier) fol-lowed by his call sign (and/or name) (repeated ¼ times) on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Suspension of Work |
Shall I stop sending? |
Stop sending. |
May I resume normal working? |
Normal working may be resumed. |
May I resume restricted working? |
Distress phase still in force; res-tricted working may be resumed. |
Safety |
Have you received the safety signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the safety signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign). |
Safety (cont.) |
Do you have any navigational warnings or gale warnings in force? |
I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force: ¼ |
Urgency |
Have you received the urgency signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the urgency signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign) at ¼ hours. |
Distress |
Will you listen on ¼ kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency position-indicating radiobea-cons? |
I am listening on ¼ kHz (or MHz) for signals of emergency posi-tion-indicating radiobeacons. |
Have you
received the signals |
I have received the signals of an emergency position-indicating radiobeacon on ¼ kHz (or MHz). |
Have you received the distress sig-nal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign)? |
I have received the distress signal sent by ¼ (name and/or call sign) at ¼ hours. |
May I resume normal working? |
Normal working may be resumed. |
May I resume restricted working? |
Distress phase still in force; res-tricted working may be resumed. |
Search and Rescue |
QSE* |
What is the estimated drift of the survival craft? |
The estimated drift of the survival craft is ¼ (figures and units). |
Search and Rescue (cont.) |
QSF* |
Have you effected rescue? |
I have effected rescue and am pro-ceeding to ¼ base (with ¼ per-sons injured requiring ambu-lance). |
QTD* |
What has the rescue vessel or res-cue aircraft recovered? |
¼ (identification) has recovered¼ |
QTW* |
What is the condition of survivors? |
Survivors are in ¼ condition and urgently need ¼ |
QTY* |
Are you proceeding to the position of incident and if so when do you expect to arrive? |
I am proceeding to the position of incident and expect to arrive at ¼ hours (on ¼ (date)). |
QTZ* |
Are you continuing the search? |
I am continuing the search for ¼ (aircraft, ship, survival craft, survivors or wreckage). |
1. When directed to all stations: Will vessels in my immediate vicinity ¼ or (in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude) or (in the vicinity of ¼) please indicate their position, TRUE course and speed? 2. When directed to a single station: Please indicate your position, TRUE course and speed. |
My position, TRUE course and speed are ¼ |
Search and Rescue (cont.) |
QUO* |
Shall I search for ¼ in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication)? |
Please search for ¼ in the vicinity of ¼ latitude, ¼ longitude (or according to any other indication). |
QUP* |
Will you indicate your position by ¼ 1. searchlight |
My position is
indicted by ¼ 1. searchlight |
QUR* |
Have survivors ¼ 1. received
survival equipment |
Survivors ¼ 1. are in possession of survival equipment dropped by ¼ |
QUS* |
Have you sighted survivors or wreckage? If so, in what position? |
Have sighted ¼ in position ¼ latitude, ¼ longi-tude (or according to any other indication). |
QUT* |
Is position of incident marked? |
Position of incident is marked by ¼ 1. flame or smoke float |
Search and Rescue (cont.) |
QUU* |
Shall I home ship or aircraft to my position? |
Home ship or aircraft ¼ (name and/or call sign) ¼ 1. to your position by sending your call sign and long dashes on ... kHz (or MHz) 2. by sending on ¼ kHz (or MHz) TRUE track to reach you. |
QUW* |
Are you in the search area desig-nated as ¼ (designator or lati-tude and longitude)? |
I am in the ¼ (designation) search area. |
QUY* |
Is position of survival craft marked? |
Position of survival craft was marked at ¼ hours by ¼ 1. flame or smoke float |
May I resume restricted working? |
Distress phase still in force; res-tricted working may be resumed. |
Identification |
The identification signal which follows is superimposed on another transmission. |
Section II. Miscellaneous Abbreviations and Signals
Abbreviation |
AA |
All after ¼ (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
AB |
All before ¼ (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
Address (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
End of transmission. | |
Waiting period. | |
BK |
Signal used to interrupt a transmission in progress. |
BN |
All between ¼ and ¼ (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
BQ |
A reply to an RQ. |
Signal to mark the separation between different parts of the same transmission. | |
C |
Yes or “The significance of the previous group should be read in the affirmative”. |
Confirm (or I confirm). |
CL |
I am closing my station. |
Collate (or I collate). |
Cancel my last word or group. The correct word or group follows (used in radiotelephony, spoken as KOR-REK-SHUN). |
CP |
General call to two or more specified stations (see Recommendation ITU-R M.1170). |
CQ |
General call to all stations. |
CS |
Call sign (used to request a call sign). |
Abbreviation |
DE |
“From ¼” (used to precede the name or other identification of the calling station). |
DF |
Your bearing at ¼ hours was ¼ degrees, in the doubtful sector of this station, with a possible error of ¼ degrees. |
DO |
Bearing doubtful. Ask for another bearing later (or at ¼ hours). |
Digital selective calling. |
E |
East (cardinal point). |
Estimated time of arrival. |
International Code of Signals groups follow (used in radiotelephony, spoken as IN-TER-CO). |
K |
Invitation to transmit. |
KA |
Starting signal. |
Nautical miles per hour (knots). |
Minute (or Minutes). |
Prefix indicating a message to or from the master of a ship concerning its operation or navigation. |
Maritime safety information. |
N |
North (cardinal point). |
Narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy. |
I have nothing to send to you. |
NO |
No (negative). |
NW |
Now. |
NX |
Notice to Mariners (or Notice to Mariners follows). |
OK |
We agree (or It is correct). |
OL |
Ocean letter. |
P |
Prefix indicating a private radiotelegram. |
Preamble (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
Please. |
R |
Received. |
Rescue coordination centre. |
Reference to ¼ (or Refer to ¼). |
Repeat (or I repeat) (or Repeat ¼). |
RQ |
Indication of a request. |
S |
South (cardinal point). |
Search and Rescue. |
Signature (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
Radiomaritime Letter. |
Prefix indicating a service telegram. |
Refer to your service telegram. |
Traffic. |
TR |
Used by a land station to request the position and next port of call of a mobile station; used also as a prefix to the reply. |
TU |
Thank you. |
Text (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
End of work. | |
W |
West (cardinal point). |
WA |
Word after ¼ (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
WB |
Word before ¼ (used after a question mark in radiotelegraphy or after RQ in radiotelephony (in case of language difficulties) or after RPT, to request a repetition). |
WD |
Word(s) or Group(s). |
WX |
Weather report (or Weather report follows). |
XQ |
Prefix used to indicate the transmission of a service note. |
YZ |
The words which follow are in plain language. |
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