UDS 프로토콜의 주요 사용처 중 하나는 진단입니다. 차량에 문제가 생겼을 때 FCM(Fault Code Memory)에 DTC(Diagnostic Trouble Code)가 저장되는데, 이 정보를 가져오기 위해서 ReadDTCInformation 같은 UDS명령어가 사용됩니다.
첫번째 번역
one of the main useful applications for UDS protocols puts on diagnostics, at failures occurrence on vehicles, Fault Code Memory(FCM) stores Diagnostic Trouble Code(DTC), UDS commands such as ReadDTCInformation is used to bring this information
기계 번역
One of the primary uses of the UDS protocol is diagnostics. Fault Code Memory (FCM) stores diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) when a problem occurs with the vehicle and UDS commands such as ReadDTC Information are used to obtain this information.