* 영어번역 해주시는 봉사자분의 합류로 영문버전 입양홍보글을 올릴 수 있게 되었어요!
함안보호소 아이들은 시골개들이 많다보니 소형견 보다는 중대형견이 많아요. 그래서 국내입양률을 높이기가 쉽지 않은게 현실이었어요ㅠㅠ 그래서 반려견 입양을 고려하고 있는 국내 거주 외국인분들에게도 우리 함안보호소 아이들의 사랑스러운 모습들을 홍보하려고 해요😍 그리고 해외입양을 위해 해외에 아이들 프로필 이미지나 정보를 보낼 때도 도움이 될 거라 기대합니다!^^
"RiRi" loves dog friends and people, and is lovely to be around.
His current foster parents think RiRi looks even more adorable in person than in pictures. He is also very smart, as he has been using a pad despite never getting training for it.
RiRi has majorly recovered from the mange condition he got from the shelter and just was recently neutered. Now RiRi is more than ready to find a forever home :)
🧡Name : RiRi
🌼Sex : Male(Neutered)
🌼Age : 5months
🌼Weight : 5.5 kg
🌸Information regarding Dali from her foster parents🌸
🍀 Getting used to strangers or new environments:
- It only took about a minute! He adapted very quickly and is generally very curious about things. He has a fundamentally easygoing and fearless dogsonality.
🍀 When his current foster parents first met RiRi:
- When I first met RiRi, the first thing that came to my mind was “OMG he looks totally like dandelion puffs!”
- He seems rather independent and I can easily read his feeling from his facial expressions.
- He started peeing on the pad as soon as he got to my place, then he laid down and kissed me a bunch.
🍀 Sociability with people:
- RiRi loves people. He knows both how to give and receive love from people :) He will give you a kiss and act charming when you approach him.
🍀 Reaction to Children:
- There was a child who asked me to pet him when I walked RiRi outside before, and although he hid behind me, he didn’t growl. I think he was just startled by someone approaching him suddenly at the time.
RiRi used to enjoy being around people and running over to them more than the walk itself, however now that he has spent some time with Mori, his biological mother, he’s less interested in people or other dogs.
🍀 Fear of people based on gender:
- None
🍀 Reaction to other dogs:
- He bow-wows to bigger dogs than him but he will ignore or slowly approach smaller dogs. I think he likes Bichon Frise breeds.
🍀 Reaction to cats:
RiRi didn’t seem interested in cats when he ran into them on the street before. He just walked by them.
🍀 Barking Issues:
RiRi barks when he hears loud footsteps outside or if other dogs bark to him.
🍀 Aggression or Biting Issues/Habits:
- RiRi hates people touching his side to lift him up. He also doesn’t like to be interrupted while he’s eating, like other dogs.
🍀 Eating Habits/Favorite Food:
- RiRi loves food. He doesn’t even have any trouble taking medicine. He does tend to be obsessed with food, however. The boy just keeps wanting to eat. Due to these reasons, he’s currently using a special food bowl to prevent indigestion.
🍀 Coprophagis (eating feces):
- None
🍀 Sleeping Preferences:
-RiRi sleeps both on the ground or in bed with me. Other dogs I have fostered before slept under my feet, but RiRi likes sleeping right up against me. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of night and see RiRi still sleeping next me, It’s sooo cute and super adorable!
🍀 Crate Training:
-We haven’t trained him with a crate but he seemed fine being inside of one. He didn’t have any issues being in the crate when he had to stay inside for a long time for traveling.
🍀 Potty-Training:
- We heard from his previous foster parents that RiRi already knew that he was supposed to pee/poo on the pad and did it even though he had never been trained for this before. And he was perfectly fine with using a pad in my place as well.
Sometimes he makes mistakes with aiming and pees on a corner, but he only ever uses the pad area.
🍀 Marking:
- None
🍀 Playing with Toys:
- He can play with toys by himself and enjoys tug play with people. Although RiRi is such a sweet dog that he even lets Mori (RiRi’s mom) play with his toys whenever she wants.
🍀 Separation Anxiety/Separation Habits:
-RiRi has no separation anxiety or any spoiled habits when he’s home alone, however when I come home, I can see the mess him and his mom Mori made while I was gone. Mori is just like him, they are really two peas in a pod.
🍀 Walking outside/Harness issues:
- RiRi loves walking outside. It’s a little tricky to put the harness on him because he gets so excited and jumps around every time he sees his harness, but it’s no problem to get it on or off :)
Although he likes running and smelling outside, he doesn’t seem very interested in other dogs. (He used to be more interested in other dogs before but since he started walking with his mom Mori, he doesn’t care much about them anymore.)
🍀 Name Recognition/Callback Training:
RiRi always comes back to me whenever I call his name.
🍀 Understood commands:
He can understand “Sit” and “Wait”.
🍀 Ideal Family:
- RiRi doesn’t get scared generally, even when I scold him, but we figure this was more because of his bold personality, and not as a spoiled or defiant trait.
We hope you would take it this way as well :)
Because RiRi drinks a lot but has a small bladder, he pees many times a day, so we hope you can be considerate about this and change the pad often enough for him.
RiRi loves food and could legit lose his mind depending on the situation. It would be wonderful if you saw this in the adorable way we take it as well.
RiRi is such a smart, sweet dog. We hope RiRi could find a family who could be accepting, forgiving, and generous to him for just the way he is.
🌼 RiRi’s current foster parents take good care of him. If you would like to see more lovely pictures of RiRi, please visit @meomu_ur (Instagram) or check the Fostering diary tab within “Haman Street Angels” at Daum cafe.
🌼 RiRi’s foster parents took him when he had nowhere to go after his last fostering home. They also took RiRi’s mom Mori and let them stay together till they find a forever home.
We are also planning to post one for Mori soon :) Please look forward to Mori’s adorable post! Thank you!
❗❗ There have been numerous cases where people adopted puppies only to abandon them when they get bigger. The worst case involves puppies that are adopted, and then abandoned when people see their appearance change and simply decide they don’t like how the dog looks anymore.
❗❗ For the first few days when you adopt or foster a new dog, they could always act differently than expected. This is only because they are scared of new environments and it takes time to get used to a new place, and is not at all indicative that there is a problemㅠㅠ
❗❗ We hope that you will agree that RiRi, and all dogs like him, do not simply exist to show off to others or is just a way for a person to show a facade of kindness and caring.
No matter how young he is, he’s still an adorable, precious living thing.
We are looking for a family for RiRi who would love him no matter who he grows up to become.
🧡Conditions for adoption🧡
- Agreement among all family members to adopt
- Dog must live indoors
- Must fill out adoption consent form
- Unfortunately, minors will not be able to adopt, but we are more than happy to talk to your parents about adoption.
🧡Adoption Application🧡
1. Name of the Dog:
Personal Details:
2. Name:
3. Age:
4. Occupation:
5. City:
6. Phone Number:
7. Household members (for the purposes of determining any potential living difficulties between the dog and family, such as with small children or the elderly):
8. Agreement of adoption among all family members (Yes/No):
9. Experience with pets:
10. Pets you currently have:
11. Please provide at least 2 pictures of your house where your newly adopted dog will be living:
♥ Please send a message to pororihoya (카톡) if you are interested. Thank you! ♥