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카페 프로필 이미지
역사학도의 시사토론 글방
카페 게시글
BBC 동영상 뉴스 스크랩 7월 28일 BBC 뉴스/ [중동 위기] 유엔의 레바논 사흘 휴전 제의
역사학도 추천 0 조회 9 06.07.29 18:26 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

A Lebanese man sits in a shop nearly depleted of food supplies in Tyre
The UN seeks a three-day truce to let aid enter Lebanon - but the US reject calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Major UN powers agree on a draft resolution giving Iran until 31 August to suspend uranium enrichment.
Sri Lanka criticises the decision by Denmark and Finland to withdraw their ceasefire monitors.




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