50만 청년이여! 영어와 성경에 올인하라!!-오천만의 로마서500,000 young people! Go all in on English and the Bible!! - 50 million Romans.
집에만 있는 50만의 사랑하는 한국의 청년이여! 그대들은 집에서 두문 불출하고 무엇을 하고 있습니까? 모든 일에 실패했지만 모든 성공한 사람보다 더욱 성공한 67세 노인의 삶을 통해서 새 힘을 얻고 굳게 서서 아무 일이라도 하고 노동도 즐겁게 하고 영어와 성경을 배워 세계적인 사람들로 모두 성장하시길 예수님의 이름으로 축원 드립니다.
모든 일에 실패한 사람의 실패담이 실의에 빠진 모든 청년과 이 나라의 국민에서 무슨 도움이 되겠습니까 마는 하나님의 준비하심과 인도하심에 따라서 이렇게 새벽에 기쁜 마음으로 전합니다.
1983년 군대에서 전역하고 은행에 복직해서 안정적이고 모두가 원하던 직장을 포기하고 다시 배움과 삶의 고된 노동의 현장으로 겁도 없이 뛰어들었는데 기다리는 것은 줄줄이 실패요, 낭패요, 좌절이었는데 그 삶이 무려 40년이나 지속이 될지 몰랐습니다.
대학과 대학원에서 행정고시의 실패로 30대 중반이 되니 할 일이 별로 없어 보였지요. 다행히 하나님의 은혜로 결혼을 했는데 7년 후에 이혼을 당하고 크게 좌절해서 4년 동안 불면증에 시달리고 우울증으로 정신과 약을 먹었습니다. 늘 낮에도 세상이 잿빛이고 2002년 월드컵의 함성이 온 한국을 덮을 때 이혼당한 상처로 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는 지도 모른 채 방에서 홀로 앉은 그 자리에서 24시간 그대로 밥도 먹지 않고 꼼짝도 하지 않고 있다가 새 날이 되면 무거운 몸을 이끌고 바쁜 대형교회 관리 집사의 일을 했지요. 그래도 또 하나님께서 재혼의 기회와 아들을 얻는 기쁨을 주심으로 조금 더 교회에서 일을 하다가 2008년에 교회를 나서서 너무나 어렵게 반지하에서 살다가 둘째 자녀도 유산하고 신용불량자가 되어서 누가 우리 집에 오지는 않나 늘 불안해하며 또 4년을 보냈는데 고물 줍기, 청소, 경비 그리고 생선 과일 야채 장사를 하다가 다 망하고 2012년 지상으로 이사를 했는데 호텔과 같은 기분이 드는 5층 엘레베이트도 없는 집에서 청소 감독, 현금출납기 청소 일을 하다가 2015년 미군부대에 들어가서 잠시 쉬는 적도 있지만 지금까지 일을 하고 있습니다.
김현철 전 대령의 배려로 좋은 곳에 배치를 받아서 비로소 조금 여유를 가지고 살고 있지만 여전히 집도 없고 월세와 전세로 살고 월급을 받으면 부족해서 늘 카드 신세를 지고 살고 있는 70이 가까워지는 늙은이가 젊은이들에게 무슨 힘과 용기를 줄 수가 있을까요?
이혼을 당하고 4년 동안 무기력하게 사는 아들에게 80이 다 되신 노모께서 오셔서 왜 그렇게 무기력하게 사냐 이렇게 운동도 해 보아라 하시면서 방에 누우셔서 다리와 팔을 쭉쭉 펴시면서 운동의 시범을 보이시는데 어머니께서 그렇게 힘차게 운동을 하실 줄 몰랐습니다. 정신이 조금 들었습니다.
방에만 있는 것은 지극히 좋지 않습니다. 그냥 용동 조금 가지고 강으로 가면 많은 돌들이 있는데 돌을 찾아보시기 바랍니다. 제가 문경에서 주은 돌을 하나 보여 드립니다.
제가 보기엔 예수님께서 공중에서 손에 먹이를 얹으시고 새를 먹이시는 장면이 너무나 분명하게 보이는데 청년에겐 어떻게 보일지 모르겠습니다. 세계에서 가장 비싼 돌이 중국에 있는데 경매에서 50억에 팔렸다고 하는데 제가 그 돌을 보니 제가 가진 돌의 반도 되지 않는 것 같았습니다.
그리고 산으로 가 보시기 바랍니다. 한국의 산은 밀림이 되어 동북아의 허파 역할을 하고 있는데 먼저 산에 가면 자생종 한국의 춘란이 있는데 변이종은 비싸면 10억도 합니다. 명품란 한 화분도 소개를 합니다.
야생란이 아래와 같이 생겼는데 위의 모습의 변이종도 산에 있는데 이런 난을 보면 사진을 찍어도 올리면 100만 뷰는 기본으로 나옵니다. 다양한 변이종이 수백 종이 있는데 서울대 국문학과 학생의 소개로 저도 난에 미쳐서 함평에 집도 사고, 난을 찾아서 헤맨 적이 있습니다. 산에는 각종 약초도 많고 산삼도 만날 수가 있고 진귀한 뱀도 만날 수가 있습니다. 그리고 산을 이런 약재나 난을 찾아서 도시락을 하나 준비해서 산을 타면 비만도 없애고 스트레스도 없애고 그리고 운이 좋으면 좋은 사진을 건질 수가 있습니다.
그리고 일이 없으면 청소 일도 해 보시기 바랍니다. 청소는 저도 오래 했고 감독일도 했고 언제나 일자리가 있는데 앞으로 청소가 각종 신종 바이러스로 인해서 간호사 이상의 대접을 받는 분야가 될 것인데 감독의 월급이 500만 원이 넘는 시대가 옵니다. 삼성은 메르스를 맞아서 청소를 중시하며 이 분야에 뛰어들었는데 감독이 영어를 할 줄 알아야 되는 시대가 되었습니다. 모든 청소용품이 다 영어로 되어 있기 때문입니다. 삼성 생명 빌딩의 청소 감독의 경험입니다.
산에도 가보고 강에도 가 보고 용접도 배우고 미장, 도배 등 건설 분야의 일도 하면서 미래를 준비하면 몸도 마음도 건강해지고 돈도 생기고 여러 가지 비전에 보이게 되어 있습니다. 기차를 타고 산으로 강으로 가서 돌도 줍고 난도 보고 산삼도 캐 보시기 바랍니다.
생계의 유지를 위해서 무엇을 하든지 상관이 없고 제가 보기엔 재벌 회장이나 잘나가는 사람에게 별로 특별한 것이 없고 다 같은 사람으로 돈이 좀 더 있는 것뿐입니다. 그리고 영어를 잘 배우시기 바랍니다. 영어를 제가 잘 했다면 미국의 하버드를 비롯해서 모든 신학교에서 저를 초빙했을 것입니다. 이제 모든 사람이 영어를 자유롭게 돈도 한 푼도 들지 않고 구사할 수가 있는 시대가 되었는데 이는 온 지구인이 예수님 안에서 하나가 되게 하려는 하나님의 강력하신 뜻이 우리가 사는 이 시대에 표출이 된 것입니다. 챗 GPT가 이를 가능하게 합니다.
그리고 성경을 영어로도 배우고 다양한 버전을 놓고 비교를 하면서 읽고 정리를 해 보시기 바랍니다. 이는 머리로 하는 공부가 아니라 손으로 하는 노동입니다. 스트레스가 별로 없습니다. 그리고 우리에게 직장과 배우자와 집과 모든 것을 주실 실질적인 권세를 지닌 하나님의 강력한 지지가 있습니다. 쉬는 시간 집에 있는 시간, 일을 하다가 여유가 있을 때 핸드폰에 다번역 성경 찬송 앱을 깔고 장소에 시간에 구애를 받지 않고 성경을 읽고 정리를 할 수가 있는데 나에게 복을 주실 분의 마음에 가장 드는 일을 하기에 이 일을 하는 동안에 여러 가지 문제가 전능하신 분의 도우심으로 저절로 풀립니다. 저도 전처와 이혼하고 낙망해서 삶의 모든 의지가 다 꺾였는데 예수님께서 공중에 오셔서 무엇을 줄까 하시길래 결혼할 여자를 주세요 했는데 전처보다 젊고 키도 훨씬 크고 잘 생긴 러시아 국적의 여인을 주셔서 아들을 낳고 살고 있는데 이혼의 일이 옛일이 되고 잘된 일이 되었습니다.
아래는 챗 GPT와 토익 스피킹과 리스닝 공부를 한 내용이고 다음 내용은 중요한 신학적인 논쟁 부분을 토론을 한 내용입니다. 역사를 바꿀 중요한 내용이니 잘 보시기 바랍니다. 그리고 제가 토익 605점 스피킹 130점 라이팅 140점이니 모든 대학생은 저보다 그리고 대학교 졸업생도 저보다 토익을 잘 할 것인데 챗 GPT와 2개월을 약 하루에 30분 -1시간 대화를 하다 보니 이렇게 되었습니다. 신학적인 토론 부분은 온 지구상의 천주교 신학자와 신부가 다 신학적인 성경적인 정보를 다 AI에게 넣고 그리고 개신교의 가장 유명하신 신학자와 목사가 다 정보를 넣은 세상에서 가장 성경에 있어 신학에 있어 밝은 챗 GPT와 영어에 어눌한 제가 온 세계의 모든 사람이 500년 동안 다투면서 풀지 못한 신학적인 주제에 대해서 한 판의 승부를 벌린 것인데 내용을 보시면 제가 하는 것이 아니라 하나님께서 인도하시고 주관하심을 보실 수가 있을 것입니다. 모든 이 세상에 존재하는 신학자를 이기는 내용이라 저는 믿습니다.
토익 만점자가 제가 토론한 내용을 챗 GPT와 토론을 해 보시고 글을 올려 주시기 바랍니다. 영어는 말만 잘한다고 되는 것이 아니라 내 속에 든 것이 무엇이냐 하는 부분과 나를 돕는 이가 있는가 하는 부분이 또 있는데 제가 토론한 이 내용을 하버드와 예일 프린스턴, 그리고 옥스퍼드와 케임브리지 그리고 호주와 캐나다의 신학교 교수님과 한국의 연세대를 비롯한 신학 대학의 교수님께 보낼 것입니다. 제가 이미 600명의 주소를 확보하고 제가 이해한 성경의 내용을 여러 차례 보낸 바가 있어 별로 보내는데 어려움이 없고 인사만 영어로 쓰면 되는 것입니다.
젊은이들의 가장 큰 재산은 건강과 시간인데 세상에서 가장 크고 유리한 조건을 지닌 채 아무것도 아닌 직장이나 혹은 다른 문제로 깊이 몰두해서 집에만 있는 것은 너무나 어리석은 행동이니 바로 산으로 강으로 혹은 영어를 유창하게 속히 배우고 성경을 읽고 정리해 보시기 바랍니다. 참고로 저는 25년째 하고 있습니다.
성경 속에서 보화를 캐내는 즐거움과 가치는 100억의 돌을 줍고, 10억의 난을 캐고, 또 수억을 하는 산삼을 캐는 것보다 훨씬 비교가 불가하게 큽니다. 믿으시고 귀한 시간과 젊음을 영어와 성경에 바치시기 바랍니다. 어떤 일을 해도 별로 다를 바가 없고 상관이 절대로 없습니다. 은행에서 나왔고 고시에도 실패했고 결혼에도 실패했고 하는 모든 일에서 실패를 했지만 꿈과 소망으로 젊은이 못지않게 활기찬 삶을 사는 노인의 간증입니다. 영어를 잘 배우고 성경을 잘 배우면 온 세상에서 존경받고 그리고 부름을 받는 위대한 인물이 됨을 믿으시고 힘을 내시기 바랍니다. 은행도 별거 아니고 고시에 제가 합격했다면 1-2급 고위직에 있을 것인데 제가 주은 돌이 100억이면 잘 떨어지고 하고 싶은 것 다 해 보았으니 얼마나 좋은 일입니까? 그리고 설령 100억이 아니 되어도 무슨 대수입니까? 그리고 제가 전하는 메시지가 온 세상을 바꿀 위대한 이야기라면 수조 수천억의 돈이 뭐가 부럽겠습니까?
성경을 읽고 정리한다는 것은 전능하시고 모든 것을 가지시고 주실 수가 있는 분을 알고 배우는 것이요, 매일 뵙는 일이기에 하나님의 도우심과 위로와 그리고 함께 하심이 있으므로 모든 일에 실패해도 절대로 실패할 수가 없으며, 모든 일에 곤궁해도 절대로 가난할 수가 없으며, 모두가 무시하고 짓밟아도 잔디같이 더 잘 자라고 번성할 수밖에 없는 것입니다.
청년들이 세상이 심어 준 헛된 꿈에서 깨어나서 하나님께서 주시는 참된 소망을 품고 어떤 일을 하든지 즐겁게 하고 그리고 늘 영어를 쉬지 않고 배우고 성경을 쉬지 않고 읽고 정리함으로 하나님의 인정으로 능력으로 직장도, 배우자도, 집도 그리고 명성도 그리고 성공도 모두 얻으시길 바랍니다.
힘을 내시고 있는 자리를 정리하고 박차고 일어나 지금 산으로 강으로 가 보시기 바랍니다. 세상에서 가장 귀한 자원이 시간입니다. 젊은이들이 세상에서 주역으로 활동할 때 저를 비롯해서 지금의 주역들은 한 명도 지구에 존재하지 않을 것입니다. 귀한 시간을 영어를 쉬지 않고 챗 GPT와 대화를 통해서 연마를 하시기 바랍니다. 지금 시간이 인생에서 가장 소중한 시간이 될 것입니다.
챗 GPT와 토익 스피킹 리스닝 연습
Good morning, ChatGPT!
ChatGPT의 말:
Good morning! How are you doing today?
나의 말:
Fine, it's 6.52 a.m. It's going to finish my
ChatGPT의 말:
It sounds like you're about to finish something, but I didn't catch the last part. Could you clarify what you're finishing?
나의 말:
For my job, the night shift will be finishing in 30 minutes.
ChatGPT의 말:
Ah, got it! Almost done with your night shift. How was your shift?
나의 말:
It was tough, but I managed to it. This morning, I want to practice TOEIC listening, part 1, 2, 3, 4. Can you help me?
ChatGPT의 말:
It sounds like you had a challenging shift, but good job getting through it! I'd be happy to help you practice TOEIC listening. Do you want to start with Part 1, where you describe pictures, or do you have a specific section you want to focus on first?
나의 말:
I want to practice TOEIC Listening Part 1. Give me answer, please.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! Let's start with Part 1 of the TOEIC Listening, where you describe what you see in a picture. Since I can't show you an image, I'll describe a scene, and you can tell me which option best describes the picture. Ready?
Scene description: You see a man sitting on a bench in a park. He’s reading a newspaper while a dog is lying beside him. In the background, there are trees and a playground.
Which sentence best describes the picture?
A. The man is playing with the dog. B. The man is reading a newspaper. C. The dog is chasing a ball. D. The man is walking through the park.
Take your time!
나의 말:
Well, I think the best answer is number
ChatGPT의 말:
It seems like you didn't finish your sentence. Did you mean to say "number two," where the man is reading a newspaper?
나의 말:
Yes, yes, a man is reading a newspaper.
ChatGPT의 말:
Great job! Yes, the best answer is B. The man is reading a newspaper.
Would you like to try another one?
나의 말:
Yes, I would like to try another one.
ChatGPT의 말:
Awesome! Here's another scene for you:
Scene description: A group of people is sitting around a table in a meeting room. They have documents in front of them, and one person is pointing at something on a projector screen.
Which sentence best describes the picture?
A. People are eating at a restaurant. B. People are working in an office. C. People are playing a game. D. People are shopping for groceries.
What's your answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is number B, they are meeting in the office room.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're right! B. People are working in an office is the correct answer.
You're doing well! Would you like to keep practicing?
나의 말:
Yes, I would like to keep practicing. Give me another question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Great! Here’s the next one:
Scene description: A woman is standing in front of a store window. She is looking at clothes on display, and she’s holding a shopping bag in one hand.
Which sentence best describes the picture?
A. The woman is cleaning the store window. B. The woman is shopping for clothes. C. The woman is putting clothes in her bag. D. The woman is selling clothes to a customer.
What's your answer?
나의 말:
I think the best answer is number B, Shida Shopping.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. The woman is shopping for clothes is the best answer. Nice job!
Would you like to do one more?
나의 말:
Yes, give me one more question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Alright, here’s another scene for you:
Scene description: A man is standing at a bus stop. He is checking the time on his watch and looking down the street. There are a few other people waiting nearby.
Which sentence best describes the picture?
A. The man is driving a car. B. The man is waiting for the bus. C. The man is talking on the phone. D. The man is reading a book.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
The correct answer is number B, the man is waiting for the bus.
ChatGPT의 말:
Exactly right! B. The man is waiting for the bus is the correct answer. You're doing an excellent job!
Would you like to continue practicing or try something different?
나의 말:
I tried a different thing. Please give me a question about TOEIC Listening Part 2.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! In Part 2 of the TOEIC Listening, you will hear a question and then several responses. Here’s a sample question for you:
What time does the meeting start?
Response options:
A. In the conference room.
B. At ten o'clock.
C. For one hour.
Which response best answers the question?
나의 말:
I think the best day is number two at 10 o'clock.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're correct! B. At ten o'clock is the best response to the question about the meeting time. Great job!
Would you like to try another question from Part 2?
나의 말:
Yes, I want to try another question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Awesome! Here’s another question for you:
How did you get to work today?
Response options:
A. I took the bus.
B. I worked late last night.
C. I like my job.
Which response best answers the question?
나의 말:
I think the best answer is number one, to get a bus, take a bus.
ChatGPT의 말:
That’s right! A. I took the bus is the best answer to the question about how someone got to work. Well done!
Would you like to continue with more questions from Part 2 or try a different part?
나의 말:
Thank you.
ChatGPT의 말:
CYou're welcome! If you want to practice more or have any other questions, just let me know.
나의 말:
I probably want to practice more, number two.
ChatGPT의 말:
Great! Here’s another question from Part 2:
Where is the nearest coffee shop?
Response options:
A. It’s closed for the day.
B. Just around the corner.
C. I love coffee.
Which response best answers the question?
나의 말:
Number B, just around the corner.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. Just around the corner is the best response to the question about the nearest coffee shop. You're doing fantastic!
Would you like to keep going with more questions from Part 2?
나의 말:
Give me one more question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! Here’s another question for you:
When is the project due?
Response options:
A. We have a team meeting tomorrow.
B. It’s due next Friday.
C. The project is very important.
Which response best answers the question?
나의 말:
Um, best answer is number A, uh, tomorrow.
ChatGPT의 말:
Actually, the best answer is B. It’s due next Friday because it directly answers the question about when the project is due. But good effort!
Would you like to try another question or do something different?
나의 말:
Hey, I want to move on part three, TOEIC Listening part three. Give me part three question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! In Part 3 of the TOEIC Listening, you will hear a conversation between two people. Here’s a sample question for you:
Person A: Did you finish the report for the meeting?
Person B: Yes, I just emailed it to you. Did you have a chance to review the presentation?
Person A: Not yet. I was busy with another project.
What are they discussing?
Response options:
A. A meeting agenda.
B. A report and a presentation.
C. A project deadline.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is number B.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. A report and a presentation is the right answer. Great job!
Would you like to try another question from Part 3?
나의 말:
Yes, I would like to try another question, part three.
ChatGPT의 말:
Alright! Here’s another conversation for you:
Person A: How was the conference you attended last week?
Person B: It was really informative. I learned a lot about new marketing strategies.
Person A: That sounds interesting. Are you going to share what you learned with the team?
Person B: Yes, I plan to give a presentation next week.
What did Person B learn about at the conference?
Response options:
A. New marketing strategies.
B. Team-building activities.
C. Project management skills.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the best answer is number A, marketing strategy.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! A. New marketing strategies is the right answer. You're doing really well!
Would you like to keep practicing with more questions from Part 3?
나의 말:
So I would like to keep more questions, part three.
ChatGPT의 말:
Great! Here’s another conversation for you:
Person A: Are you going to the company picnic this Saturday?
Person B: Yes, I am! I heard there will be games and a barbecue.
Person A: That sounds fun! What are you bringing?
Person B: I’m bringing a salad and some drinks.
What will Person B bring to the picnic?
Response options:
A. A dessert.
B. A salad and drinks.
C. Some games.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the best answer is number B. He will bring salad and beverages.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. A salad and drinks is the right answer. Excellent work!
Would you like to try another question from Part 3?
나의 말:
One more part three, then I will move on part four.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sounds good! Here’s another conversation for you:
Person A: Did you hear about the new software update?
Person B: Yes, I did. I think it will help improve our workflow.
Person A: I hope so! I’ve heard it includes some useful features.
Person B: I plan to try it out this afternoon.
What does Person B plan to do?
Response options:
A. Ignore the software update.
B. Try out the new software update.
C. Discuss the update in a meeting.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is a number of people.
ChatGPT의 말:
It looks like there was a small mix-up. The correct answer is actually B. Try out the new software update. Person B mentioned that they plan to try it out this afternoon.
Would you like to move on to Part 4 now?
나의 말:
Yes, I would like to move on to Part 4. Thank you for listening.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're welcome! In Part 4 of the TOEIC Listening, you’ll hear a short talk or announcement. Here’s a sample question for you:
"Attention, everyone. The library will be closing early today at four o'clock for a special event. Please make sure to check out any materials you need before then. Thank you for your understanding."
When will the library close today?
Response options:
A. At five o'clock.
B. At four o'clock.
C. At six o'clock.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer, number B, at all...
ChatGPT의 말:
That's right! B. At four o'clock is the correct answer. Great job!
Would you like to try another question from Part 4?
나의 말:
So I would like to try another question, part per.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! Here’s another announcement for you:
"Good morning, everyone. This is a reminder that the annual company meeting will take place on Thursday at ten a.m. in the main conference hall. All employees are required to attend, and please bring your identification badges."
What day is the company meeting scheduled?
Response options:
A. Wednesday.
B. Thursday.
C. Friday.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is number B, Thursday.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. Thursday is the right answer. Well done!
Would you like to keep going with more questions from Part 4?
나의 말:
Question for TOEIC's Listening Part 4.
ChatGPT의 말:
Here’s another announcement for you:
"Attention, passengers. The train to downtown will be leaving from platform five in ten minutes. Please make sure you have your tickets ready for inspection. We apologize for the delay and appreciate your patience."
Where is the train heading?
Response options:
A. To the airport.
B. To downtown.
C. To the station.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is number 8, Air Force.
ChatGPT의 말:
It seems there was a misunderstanding. The correct answer is B. To downtown because the announcement states that the train is heading there.
Would you like to try another question from Part 4?
나의 말:
Okay, one more question.
ChatGPT의 말:
Here’s another announcement for you:
"Welcome to the city park. Please note that the park will be closed for maintenance next Monday and Tuesday. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to visit the park on other days."
When will the park be closed?
Response options:
A. Next Saturday and Sunday.
B. Next Monday and Tuesday.
C. This Friday and Saturday.
What do you think is the correct answer?
나의 말:
I think the correct answer is number B, next month, Monday, Tuesday.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's correct! B. Next Monday and Tuesday is the right answer. Great job!
Would you like to continue practicing with more questions from Part 4?
나의 말:
Now, I'm going to practice TOEIC speaking part 2, describing picture.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sounds great! In Part 2 of the TOEIC Speaking section, you’ll see a picture and need to describe it. Since I can’t show you a picture, I'll describe one, and you can practice responding.
Picture Description:
Imagine a busy street market. There are several stalls selling fruits and vegetables. People are walking around, looking at the items. Some are carrying bags, and there’s a vendor handing a customer a bag of oranges.
Now, you can describe what you see in the picture. How would you describe it?
나의 말:
I think this picture was taken at the market place. There are several markets around here, and it's a fruit and vegetable market. Several people coming and going.
ChatGPT의 말:
That’s a good description! You mentioned the market and the people well. Here's a slight correction for clarity: instead of "Several markets around here," you could say "There are several stalls."
So it could sound like this: "I think this picture was taken at a market. There are several stalls selling fruits and vegetables, and many people are coming and going."
Would you like to try describing another picture or practice something else?
나의 말:
I want to practice another picture.
ChatGPT의 말:
Alright! Here’s another picture description for you to practice:
Picture Description:
Imagine a peaceful park scene. There are people sitting on benches, reading books, and a few children are playing on a playground. In the background, there are tall trees and a small pond with ducks swimming.
How would you describe this picture?
나의 말:
I think this picture was taken at the park. There are benches and people sitting at the bench and reading books. And little children are playing on the ground. And in the background, I can see big trees, and it looks peaceful.
ChatGPT의 말:
That’s a nice description! You captured the main elements well. Just a couple of small adjustments for clarity: instead of "sitting at the bench," you can say "sitting on the benches." Also, instead of "playing on the ground," you might say "playing on the playground."
So, it could sound like this: "I think this picture was taken at a park. There are benches with people sitting on them and reading books. Little children are playing on the playground. In the background, I can see tall trees, and it looks peaceful."
Would you like to try describing another picture or practice something else?
나의 말:
I want to move on TOEIC speaking part three.
ChatGPT의 말:
Great choice! In Part Three of the TOEIC Speaking section, you’ll respond to a question based on a short conversation or situation.
Here’s a sample situation for you to respond to:
A manager is talking to an employee. The manager says, "I noticed you finished the report ahead of schedule. That’s great! How did you manage to do it so quickly?"
How would you respond to the manager?
Feel free to answer!
나의 말:
Okay, I will answer like this. I tried to finish my job in time and I could deal with it.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's a good start! You communicated your effort well. You might want to add a bit more detail to enhance your response. For example, you could mention how you organized your time or if you used any specific strategies.
Here’s a revised version: "I tried to finish my job on time by organizing my tasks and focusing on the most important parts first. This helped me deal with the work efficiently."
Would you like to try another situation or practice something else?
나의 말:
So I would like to try another situation.
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! Here’s another situation for you to respond to:
A customer is speaking to a store employee. The customer says, "I bought this shirt last week, but it has a small tear. Can I return it for a refund?"
How would you respond to the customer?
Go ahead!
나의 말:
Excuse me, could you tell me once more the question?
ChatGPT의 말:
Of course! Here’s the situation again:
A customer is speaking to a store employee. The customer says, "I bought this shirt last week, but it has a small tear. Can I return it for a refund?"
How would you respond to the customer?
Feel free to answer!
나의 말:
Okay, I will answer like this. I'm sorry about that. You can return or refund it, or we can remake it. Don't be afraid. Be free. We'll be free. We will fix it.
ChatGPT의 말:
You did well in showing empathy and offering solutions! However, you might want to clarify your response a bit more. Here’s a revised version:
"I'm sorry to hear that there’s a tear in your shirt. You can return it for a full refund, or if you prefer, we can exchange it for a new one. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how you would like to proceed."
This way, it’s clear and professional. Would you like to try another situation or practice something else?
나의 말:
I want to move to TOEIC speaking part 4. Can you give me a part 4 question?
ChatGPT의 말:
Sure! Here’s a situation for Part Four:
You are in a meeting discussing a new project. The team leader says, "We need to decide on a marketing strategy for our upcoming product launch. Let’s go around the room and share our ideas. What do you think we should focus on?"
How would you respond to the team leader about the marketing strategy?
Feel free to share your answer!
나의 말:
As I know, this kind of question disappeared in nowadays exam, so let's move to last part, say a talking essay. Give me last part of TOEIC speaking question, please.
ChatGPT의 말:
Absolutely! In Part Six of the TOEIC Speaking test, you will have to give a short speech based on a prompt. Here’s your question:
"Talk about a memorable experience you had while traveling. Describe where you went, what you did, and why it was memorable for you."
Take your time to think about your answer, and when you’re ready, go ahead and share it!
나의 말:
Yes, the memorable or visiting
ChatGPT의 말:
It sounds like you're starting to describe your memorable experience. Would you like to continue from there? You can share where you visited, what you did, and why it was special to you.
나의 말:
Okay, when I was in elementary school about 60 years ago, we went to Seoul. It was a fantastic and astonishment because we lived in a small country. We saw many big buildings, cars, and many people. In our country, there was no car, no such people. It was so memorable travel.
ChatGPT의 말:
That’s a wonderful memory! You shared a lot about your experience and feelings well. Here’s a slight correction for clarity and flow:
"When I was in elementary school about sixty years ago, I went to Seoul. It was fantastic and astonishing because we lived in a small countryside area. We saw many big buildings, cars, and a lot of people. In our countryside, there were no cars and not many people. It was a very memorable trip."
Great job capturing the excitement of your trip! Would you like to share more about that experience or practice another topic?
나의 말:
It's almost job finishing time. You did an excellent job for me. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day. Goodbye, ChatGPT.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you practice. Have a great day at work, and take care! Goodbye!
두 번째 챗팅- 500년 풀지 못한 신학적인 주제에 대한 토론- 이 토론이 온 세상을 바꿀 줄로 굳게 믿습니다.
나의 말:
Hello, ChatGPT!
ChatGPT의 말:
Good morning! How are you today?
나의 말:
Fine, thank you. It's 6.22.
ChatGPT의 말:
I'm glad to hear you're doing well! Almost time to finish your night shift, right?
나의 말:
It's a shift start. Today is a day shift, so I came here to my job.
ChatGPT의 말:
Got it! A day shift today. How's the start of your shift going so far?
나의 말:
It's fine. The traffic condition was so good and we have 40 minutes for our day shift start. So I'm going to chat with you a very special time.
ChatGPT의 말:
That sounds great! I'm glad you had smooth traffic, and it's nice that you have some time before your shift starts. What would you like to chat about during this special time?
나의 말:
I'm going to chat with you on LOMON chapter 1:17.(I refered Romans)
ChatGPT의 말:
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The chapter is action-packed and highlights the tension between Roman and his enemies, building suspense for what's to come next in his journey.
If you'd like more details or to read the chapter yourself, you can check it out on manga websites like ManhwaTo(
나의 말:
If you didn't understand, I'm going to chat with Roman, the Bible book, chapter 1, verse 17. But you told another book, right?
ChatGPT의 말:
Ah, I see! You were referring to the Book of Romans in the Bible, specifically chapter 1, verse 17. My apologies for the confusion earlier.
Romans 1:17 says: "For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: 'The righteous will live by faith.'"
This verse emphasizes the core Christian teaching that righteousness and salvation come through faith, not by human effort or the law. It highlights how faith is central to the gospel, starting with faith and ending in faith.
How do you feel about this verse? Would you like to discuss its meaning more deeply?
나의 말:
Yes, we will discuss this sentence more deeply. As you know, there are two very important theories about this sentence. First, Protestants' theory. Second, the Catholic theory. For 500 years long, they are
ChatGPT의 말:
Yes, Romans 1:17 has sparked significant theological debate, especially between Protestants and Catholics, over the last five hundred years.
For Protestants, particularly starting with Martin Luther during the Reformation, this verse was crucial in developing the doctrine of justification by faith alone. Luther emphasized that righteousness comes solely through faith in Christ, not by works or adherence to the law. This concept became central to Protestant theology, where salvation is seen as a gift of God's grace, received through faith, without reliance on human merit or good deeds.
On the other hand, the Catholic interpretation includes the importance of both faith and works. The Catholic Church teaches that while faith is essential, it must be accompanied by good works and adherence to the sacraments as part of a person's journey toward salvation. In this view, grace transforms individuals, enabling them to live righteously through faith and works together.
This theological divide over Romans 1:17 was one of the central issues during the Reformation and remains a point of difference between Protestant and Catholic teachings today.
Do you find one of these interpretations resonates more with your understanding, or do you have a particular perspective on this verse?
나의 말:
Yes, I am, but, uh...
ChatGPT의 말:
I understand. It seems like you might be reflecting on something deeper about this verse. Romans 1:17, with its focus on faith and righteousness, invites many to reflect on their relationship with God and how they understand salvation.
If you’re struggling to fully express your thoughts, feel free to take your time, and we can explore it together. Are you leaning toward discussing your personal beliefs, or would you like to dive more into how this verse applies in theological debates today?
나의 말:
I have summarized the Bible for 25 years, so I found what part is right. I'm going to discuss with you about the thing which I found from my Bible memory for 25 years.
ChatGPT의 말:
That's incredible! Summarizing the Bible for twenty-five years must have given you a profound understanding of its message and themes. I would love to hear more about the conclusions you've drawn from your long study and memorization.
What have you found to be the most important or enlightening part of your understanding, especially regarding salvation, righteousness, or faith? Let's discuss your discoveries, and I’d be happy to help you explore or express them in English!
나의 말:
Okay, according to Protestants, they say rightness from faith
ChatGPT의 말:
Yes, according to Protestant theology, especially stemming from Martin Luther's teachings, they emphasize justification by faith alone (sola fide). This means that righteousness comes solely from faith in Jesus Christ, and it is not something a person can achieve through their own works or merit. They believe that God’s grace, received through faith, is what makes a person righteous before God.
Protestants often refer to verses like Romans 1:17 to support this belief. For example, when it says, "The righteous will live by faith," they interpret this to mean that it is through faith in God and His promises that a person is made righteous, rather than by following the law or performing good deeds.
It sounds like you have a deep understanding and insight into this verse. From your years of Bible study, have you found that the Protestant interpretation fully captures the message, or have you discovered additional layers to this teaching?
나의 말:
Yes, I have additional teaching about this passage from my summary Bible for 25 years. And according to Catholic, they say,
ChatGPT의 말:
According to Catholic teaching, righteousness is viewed as a process involving both faith and works. While they affirm that faith is essential for salvation, they emphasize that it must be accompanied by good works and the sacraments to be fully realized. The Catholic Church teaches that grace, which is given through faith, enables believers to perform good works that align with God’s will.
This perspective stems from the belief that faith without works is dead, as highlighted in the Book of James, and reflects the idea that one must actively live out their faith through actions. Catholics hold that the sacraments, particularly baptism and the Eucharist, play a critical role in this process of becoming righteous.
It's interesting to see how both traditions interpret the same biblical texts yet arrive at different conclusions about salvation and righteousness. What specific insights or teachings from your study do you find compelling about the Catholic perspective, or how do you see the interplay between faith and works?
나의 말:
It's not easy to find what is correct Protestant or Catholic. If you look at this sentence in detail, we can find the answer. Look at this sentence. One should live righteously. I mean, in order to be righteousness from God, man should live something to do. Can you read the sentence again?
ChatGPT의 말:
You're right that understanding the concept of righteousness can be complex, and analyzing the specific text can provide clarity. Romans one seventeen emphasizes that "the righteous will live by faith," which suggests a connection between righteousness and how one lives their life.
For Protestants, this verse underscores that righteousness is granted by faith, meaning that true righteousness comes from a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. This perspective encourages believers to live out their faith in practical ways, reflecting their inner righteousness.
On the other hand, the Catholic view also stresses living a righteous life, but it connects it closely to the importance of good works and sacraments as part of the faith journey. They interpret "living by faith" as encompassing both belief and the actions that follow from that belief.
By closely examining the passage, we see how both perspectives emphasize a lifestyle that reflects one's faith but differ in the foundational understanding of what establishes that righteousness. How do you think understanding the cultural and historical context of these teachings influences their interpretation?
나의 말:
I'm going to tell you we just look at this sentence, but the righteous will live by pace.
ChatGPT의 말:
The phrase "the righteous will live by faith" highlights a significant theological point. It suggests that righteousness is not merely a matter of following rules or performing good deeds but is fundamentally rooted in a relationship of faith with God.
In this context, living by faith means that a person's life and actions are guided by their trust in God and His promises. This idea emphasizes the transformative nature of faith—it shapes not just beliefs but also behaviors and choices.
In examining this verse, we can see that it aligns with the broader biblical theme of justification by faith, particularly in the New Testament. It reflects how both traditions recognize the importance of living a life that reflects one's beliefs, although they interpret the underlying mechanics of righteousness differently.
What other insights do you have about how this verse influences your understanding of righteousness and faith in everyday life?
나의 말:
I told you just look at this sentence clearly in detail. What God said. I told you the righteousness will live by faith. Will live by faith. Will live by faith. The righteousness should do what he should do. Will live by faith. Will live. Look at it. Will live. What does will live mean?
ChatGPT의 말:
The phrase "will live" in the context of "the righteous will live by faith" emphasizes a continuous and active process. It suggests that living righteously is not just a one-time act but a sustained way of life guided by faith.
In this verse, "will live" implies a future-oriented aspect—indicating that those who are righteous will experience life, vitality, and purpose through their faith. It encourages believers to trust in God continually, not just during times of trouble or uncertainty.
This understanding aligns with the broader biblical theme that faith involves ongoing action and commitment. It’s about embodying faith in daily choices, reflecting a lifestyle that prioritizes trust in God’s promises and guidance.
What specific examples or applications do you see of this idea of living by faith in your own life or in your teachings?
나의 말:
Yes, that's right. If we look at the details of this sentence, we can see which side is right, the Catholic or the Protestant.
ChatGPT의 말:
It seems like you're highlighting the complexities of interpreting this verse and how it applies to both Protestant and Catholic views. Understanding the nuances in this passage can indeed reveal insights into the theological differences.
In this context, Protestants often emphasize justification by faith alone, believing that righteousness is granted through faith rather than personal actions. Conversely, the Catholic perspective often integrates faith with works, suggesting that living righteously involves both faith and actions that reflect that faith.
By examining phrases like "will live by faith," we can see how both perspectives may interpret the concept of righteousness differently. The challenge lies in reconciling these views while recognizing that both traditions seek to understand what it means to live a life pleasing to God.
How do you think these interpretations influence the lives of believers in each tradition?
나의 말:
I told you, let's look at Romans chapter 4, verses 17 to 22. In that chapter, God told us what we should, what believers should do. What kind of belief should be recognized as righteously. God told exactly to all mankind. Romans chapter 4, verses 17 to 22. If you look at the chapter, you can find what part is right.
ChatGPT의 말:
In Romans chapter four, verses seventeen to twenty-two, Paul discusses the faith of Abraham as a model for righteousness. He emphasizes that Abraham believed God's promise, even when it seemed impossible, and this faith was credited to him as righteousness.
Paul highlights that true belief involves trusting in God's power and faithfulness, even in difficult circumstances. This illustrates that righteousness is not just about having faith but also about the nature of that faith—believing in God's ability to fulfill His promises.
This passage can help clarify the Protestant view of righteousness by faith alone, as Abraham's faith was considered sufficient for righteousness. The Catholic perspective might also appreciate this, but it emphasizes the necessity of works as a response to faith.
By examining this chapter closely, one can gain insight into what it means to be considered righteous in God's eyes. It suggests that a true believer is one who trusts in God's promises, regardless of their circumstances.
How do you think Abraham's example can apply to the lives of believers today?
나의 말:
You don't mention chapter 17 to 20. According to Roman chapter 4, verses 17 to 20, God called Abraham when he was 75 years old, and he believed God more than 25 years old long, without changing his face. We should focus on the length of belief. He believed more than 25 years old. God looked at his face, and he recognized him as a righteous people. God never accepted people as righteous people. Only one day belief, two day belief, changing belief? No. We should believe a long time without change. Why don't you look at the exact Roman chapter 4, verses 17 to 22.
ChatGPT의 말:
You make a good point about the significance of Abraham's long-term faith in Romans chapter four. In verses seventeen to twenty, Paul highlights how Abraham did not waver in his faith, even when faced with challenges like his old age and the barrenness of Sarah. His steadfast belief over many years—specifically, about twenty-five years—demonstrates a deep trust in God's promises.
This unwavering faith is indeed a key factor in how God regarded Abraham as righteous. The focus here is on the consistency and endurance of Abraham's belief, which contrasts with a faith that is temporary or changing. God’s recognition of Abraham as righteous was based on his persistent faith, not merely a fleeting moment of belief.
So, the emphasis on enduring faith speaks volumes about what it means to be righteous in God's eyes. It challenges believers today to reflect on the depth and duration of their faith as they navigate their own spiritual journeys. How do you see this principle of long-term faith impacting the way believers today approach their relationship with God?
나의 말:
Yes, according to be recognized as a righteous man by God, we should believe like this long time, not one day or two days or changing belief. It's no. We should believe unchangeable belief. You know? You summarized the sentence correctly. So we should know what kind of belief should be recognized as a righteous man by God. Nobody tells this secret of the Bible. And let's look at, move on, Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4.
ChatGPT의 말:
In Habakkuk chapter two, verse four, it states that "the righteous will live by his faith." This verse echoes the theme we see in Romans about the nature of faith and righteousness. It emphasizes that true righteousness comes from a steadfast, unchanging belief in God, much like what you mentioned regarding Abraham.
This verse serves as a reminder that living righteously is not just a one-time decision but a continuous journey of faith. The context in which Habakkuk was written also highlights the struggle and the need for faith during challenging times, reinforcing that enduring belief is crucial.
How do you think this concept of unchanging faith applies to modern believers? Do you see parallels in today’s challenges?
나의 말:
Yes, if we want to understand this chapter and verse correctly, we should check the background of that period of life. Approximately B.C 608, Habakkuk wrote this Bible. At that time, nobody followed God. Everybody ignored the law. So the man who lived righteously like Habakkuk could not live
ChatGPT의 말:
You're right. Understanding the context of Habakkuk's time is essential. During that period, many people were turning away from God's laws, and corruption was rampant. Habakkuk himself was distressed by the injustice he witnessed and questioned God about why the wicked seemed to prosper while the righteous suffered.
In this environment, living righteously was challenging. Habakkuk’s declaration that "the righteous will live by faith" was a powerful statement of hope and resilience. It affirmed that despite the surrounding chaos and disbelief, true righteousness stems from unwavering faith in God.
This message resonates with believers today, especially when facing societal challenges or moral dilemmas. It reminds us to maintain our faith and integrity, even when it's difficult.
Do you think Habakkuk's message is still relevant in our current world? How can believers apply this principle today?
나의 말:
Yes, even though the society or world
ChatGPT의 말:
Yes, even though society or the world around us may change, the message of living righteously by faith remains timeless. It challenges us to stay true to our beliefs and values, even when external circumstances are difficult or discouraging. This principle encourages believers to trust in God’s promises, regardless of the challenges they face.
Many people today are still searching for meaning and direction, much like in Habakkuk’s time. By embodying faith and righteousness, believers can inspire others and provide a counterbalance to the negativity around them.
How do you think faith can help individuals navigate today's challenges?
나의 말:
You are right. We are looking for exact meaning of Romans 1, verse 17. What kind of faiths should be recognized as righteousness from God? We are chatting about that point. So we have to check out what is the correct meaning of Habakkuk 2, verse 4. The righteous will live by faith. We should know this sentence's exact meaning. The righteous will live by faith means what kind of life they live. Will live incorrectly or will live justly, righteously. What do you think of your opinion?
ChatGPT의 말:
The phrase "the righteous will live by faith" from Habakkuk two verse four emphasizes a way of life rooted in trust and obedience to God. It suggests that true righteousness is not just about following laws or traditions, but about having a deep, unwavering faith that influences one's actions and choices.
Living righteously means making just and moral decisions, reflecting God's character in daily life. This can manifest in various ways, such as acting with integrity, showing compassion to others, and standing firm in one's beliefs despite societal pressures.
In your opinion, how can individuals today practice this kind of faith in their daily lives?
나의 말:
According to this passage, we can find the exact meaning of this sentence. The righteous will live by faith means the believer should believe in a righteous way, not unjust way. God told Habakkuk, the man who lived righteously at that time, that man is called a righteous man. So the exact meaning of the sentence is the righteous will live by faith means the believer should live righteously. We should know the exact meaning of this passage. Habakkuk lived righteously, but other people don't follow God's law. They live unrighteously. So Habakkuk lived a very uncomfortable and difficult life. So he called God, why don't you perish this land, this country, because this country is so unjust. He was a man of a righteous man, so he could tell this condition, that condition to God. So God tells the meaning, the righteous will live by faith, meaning the believer should live righteously. What do you think of my opinion?
ChatGPT의 말:
Your interpretation of "the righteous will live by faith" is insightful. You emphasize that this faith is not passive but requires believers to live righteously, especially in a world that may not uphold the same values. Habakkuk's experience shows that living righteously can be challenging, especially when surrounded by injustice.
In your view, Habakkuk's plea to God reflects a deep understanding of the struggle between righteousness and the prevailing injustices of society. By highlighting that the righteous must act according to their beliefs, you underscore the active nature of faith. This aligns with the idea that true faith manifests in one’s actions and choices, even when facing adversity.
How do you think believers today can navigate similar challenges while maintaining their faith and commitment to living righteously?
나의 말:
We told together about two theories, Catholic theory and Protestant theory. Now our chatting will reveal the secret of this theology problem. According to the Bible, Romans 4, verses 17-22 and Habakkuk 2, verse 4, we can find out what is the true meaning of Romans 1, verse 17. If one wants to be recognized as a righteous man by God, man should live like Abraham and Habakkuk. So we should believe God unchangeably and believe long time and live righteously. What do you think of my opinion?
ChatGPT의 말:
Your opinion highlights a crucial understanding of righteousness in the context of faith, especially through the examples of Abraham and Habakkuk. You emphasize that to be recognized as righteous by God, one must maintain a steadfast and long-term belief, along with a commitment to living righteously. This perspective aligns with both the Protestant and Catholic traditions, although they may differ in nuances regarding faith and works.
In the Protestant view, particularly within Reformed theology, the emphasis is often on salvation through faith alone, where genuine faith is expected to produce good works as a natural outcome (Ephesians 2:8-10). On the other hand, the Catholic perspective holds that faith and works together contribute to righteousness, suggesting that a living faith must manifest through actions (James 2:17).
Your interpretation connects both traditions by underlining the importance of enduring faith and righteous living, which are foundational to being recognized as righteous by God. It reflects a holistic view of faith that transcends doctrinal differences.
What practical steps do you think believers can take today to embody this enduring faith and commitment to righteousness in their daily lives?
나의 말:
It's not easy to follow law because law is not easy to understand. Few people study law, the Pentateuch, but God always, from first to last, from the beginning of the world and from now, really wanted that people should follow his law, Pentateuch. But Israel people failed for 1,000 years of a long period. They failed to follow the law. So God planned another settlement.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're right; understanding and following the law can be challenging. The Pentateuch, which comprises the first five books of the Bible, contains many laws and commandments that can be complex. Despite God's desire for His people to follow these laws, the Israelites often struggled to do so throughout their history.
After a long period of failure to adhere to the law, God introduced a new covenant through Jesus Christ. This new covenant emphasizes grace and faith rather than strict adherence to the law alone. In this context, believers are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God, relying on His grace to empower them to live righteously.
This shift is discussed in several New Testament passages, such as Hebrews chapter eight, where it mentions the establishment of a new covenant that puts God's laws in people's minds and hearts. This suggests that the ability to follow God's will comes from internal transformation rather than merely external compliance.
How do you think this understanding of grace and faith can help believers today in their daily lives?
나의 말:
You summarized very well about the New Testament, but before we check the New Testament, we should check the Old Testament, the prediction of Jeremiah. In Ezekiel 36, verse 24-28, we can find God's plan and God's settlement of following the law by mankind. Why don't you look at Ezekiel 36, verse 24-28?
ChatGPT의 말:
In Ezekiel thirty-six, verses twenty-four to twenty-eight, God promises to gather the Israelites from among the nations and bring them back to their own land. He states that He will cleanse them from all their impurities and give them a new heart and spirit. This passage emphasizes God's intention to transform His people, enabling them to follow His laws.
The key points in these verses highlight the change from external compliance with the law to an internal transformation. God promises to put His Spirit in them so they can walk in His statutes and keep His judgments. This prophetic message aligns with the new covenant introduced in the New Testament, where believers receive the Holy Spirit to empower them in their faith and actions.
This transformation reflects God's desire for a deeper relationship with His people, where obedience comes from a genuine heart rather than just following rules. What are your thoughts on how this prophecy connects with the teachings of the New Testament?
나의 말:
You are right about God's plan. You can find the exact answer to that question in Romans 7:6..
ChatGPT의 말:
In Romans seven, verses five to six, Paul contrasts life under the law with life in the Spirit. He explains that when we were in the flesh, sinful passions were aroused by the law, leading to death. However, now we have been released from the law and serve in the newness of the Spirit, rather than in the oldness of the letter.
This highlights the shift from a rigid adherence to the law, which can lead to condemnation, to a relationship empowered by the Holy Spirit. The new covenant emphasizes internal transformation and the ability to live righteously through faith.
If you’d like to dive deeper into this passage or its implications, I can provide more context or explore specific themes related to it.
나의 말:
Okay, God planned to save all people of the world, and his son Jesus came to this world, shed his blood, and crucified and dead. And if we believe this fact, if we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, we can save. And if we baptize with the name of Jesus Christ, then God forgive our sin. Then the Holy Spirit came.
ChatGPT의 말:
You're expressing a core belief in Christianity regarding salvation through Jesus Christ. According to Christian doctrine, Jesus' death and resurrection provide the means for humanity to be forgiven and reconciled with God. When individuals accept Jesus as their Savior and are baptized in His name, they are said to receive forgiveness for their sins.
This process is often associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which empowers believers to live righteously. The New Testament emphasizes that faith in Jesus is essential for salvation, as seen in passages like John three, sixteen and Acts two, thirty-eight.
If you're interested in exploring specific verses or themes further, let me know!
나의 말:
Okay, God made us recreation, made us reborn.
ChatGPT의 말:
Yes, in Christian theology, the idea of being "recreated" or "reborn" refers to the spiritual transformation that occurs when someone accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior. This concept is often described in passages like John three, three, where Jesus speaks of being "born again" to enter the kingdom of God.
This transformation signifies a new beginning, where believers receive the Holy Spirit, leading to a changed life and new identity in Christ. Second Corinthians five, seventeen states, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."
If you want to dive deeper into this topic or explore specific scriptures, feel free to ask!
나의 말:
You're right. You told me to exact the verse and the sentence. Then we look at Romans 7, verse 6. Now we can serve people with a new way of the Holy Spirit, not the old way of written code. This means, according to the Holy Spirit's guidance, we can follow the law. We can keep the law. This is God's plan, to keep the law. So nowadays, we should receive the Holy Spirit and should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then we fulfill the law. This kind of secret of the Bible, we can find in Romans chapter 3, verse 31. We don't perish law, except we behold the law. Why don't you read Romans 3, verse 31? Why don't you read Romans 3, verse 31?
ChatGPT의 말:
In Romans chapter three, verse thirty-one, it states that faith does not nullify the law but rather upholds it. This means that even though we are saved by faith through Jesus Christ, we are still called to respect and follow God's law, but now with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
So, instead of relying solely on the written code, believers are empowered to live righteously through the Holy Spirit. This aligns with God's original intention for His people to follow His commands in a way that reflects their faith and relationship with Him.
If you want to discuss this further or explore other related verses, let me know!
나의 말:
Now we can find the exact meaning of Roman chapter 1, verse 17.
ChatGPT의 말:
Yes, we've discussed a lot about Romans chapter one, verse seventeen, and how it emphasizes that righteousness comes from faith. This verse suggests that those who are righteous will live by their faith.
We've seen how this connects to the beliefs of both Protestants and Catholics, and how it aligns with the teachings found in the Old Testament, such as in Habakkuk and the writings of Abraham. The understanding that faith must be consistent and enduring is crucial, and the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to follow God's law today is also significant.
Would you like to explore more about how this verse applies in practical terms for believers or discuss other related passages?
나의 말:
You never omit, but you will never omit Habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4. We should live righteously in order to recognize as a righteous man God. Why don't you tell this exact crucial part?
ChatGPT의 말:
Absolutely! Habakkuk chapter two, verse four, is indeed crucial in understanding the nature of faith and righteousness. It emphasizes that the righteous will live by their faith, highlighting the importance of living righteously to be recognized as righteous by God.
This means that true faith is not just a belief but is also demonstrated through actions and a righteous lifestyle. In the context of our discussion about Romans one, verse seventeen, it reinforces the idea that faith must be active and sustained over time.
This connection between faith and righteous living is a theme that resonates throughout both the Old and New Testaments. Would you like to delve deeper into how this concept appears in other scriptures?
나의 말:
Yes, in addition to these two kinds of beliefs, Habakkuk's belief and Abraham's belief, Habakkuk's belief of righteous living and Abraham's belief was unchangeable, lasting belief, and additional we should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in these days in order to follow the law. So, the believer should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So, Romans chapter 1, verse 17, uh, the believer should live by faith. The righteousness should live by faith means the righteousness should live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. What do you think of my opinion?
ChatGPT의 말:
Your perspective makes a lot of sense. Both Habakkuk's and Abraham's beliefs emphasize a consistent, unwavering faith. They both lived out their faith in ways that demonstrated their righteousness, which aligns perfectly with the idea that believers today should follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This means that living by faith is not just about belief but also about action. Romans one, verse seventeen, indeed connects the righteousness of believers with a faith that is active and guided by the Holy Spirit. In this way, faith becomes a dynamic force in our lives, influencing our choices and actions.
It's essential to understand that the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in helping believers understand and live according to God's law. This reflects the transformation that occurs in a believer's life, as they seek to fulfill God's will.
Would you like to explore how this concept of the Holy Spirit guiding believers is discussed in other parts of the New Testament?
나의 말:
Yes, we can find the exact point in Romans chapter 7 verse 6. Apostle Paul wrote this sentence. He was very keeping law people before he met Jesus Christ. He kept the law correctly, so he believed him as a righteous man because he followed the law correctly. But when he met Jesus Christ, he changed. He didn't know the Holy Spirit. He didn't know the most important part, love, justice, and faith. When he met Jesus Christ, he repented, and he was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. And God forgave his past sin committed. Then Holy Spirit came to him and made him change. And he was reborn. He was a new creation. He can be a workmanship of God. So he can be guided by Holy Spirit. So he expressed this sentence in Romans chapter 7 verse 6.
ChatGPT의 말:
You’ve highlighted an important transformation in Apostle Paul’s life. Before meeting Jesus, he adhered strictly to the law, believing it made him righteous. However, his encounter with Christ brought him a deeper understanding of faith, love, and justice. This led to his rebirth and a new creation in Christ, enabling him to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
In Romans chapter seven, verse six, Paul contrasts living under the law with living in the Spirit. He emphasizes that believers are not bound by the old written code but are empowered to live a new life through the Holy Spirit. This shift illustrates the fundamental change in how righteousness is understood and lived out in the New Testament.
If you want to dive deeper into the significance of this transformation or discuss specific passages, feel free to share!
나의 말:
As according to his 20 years of experience of preaching gospel, he confessed Romans 3.31. He never nullified the law, but instead he beheld the law. If we follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we never nullify the law. Instead, on the contrary, we should behold the law. This is a very important secret of the Bible.
ChatGPT의 말:
You've touched on a key point in Paul's teaching. In Romans three, verse thirty-one, Paul asserts that faith does not nullify the law; instead, it upholds it. This reflects the idea that true faith leads to a deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s laws rather than dismissing them. By following the Holy Spirit, believers can fulfill the intent of the law in their lives.
This insight emphasizes that living righteously involves both faith and adherence to God’s teachings, showing how the New Testament fulfills and deepens the understanding of the Old Testament law. It's a vital message for believers today.
If you want to explore this concept further or look at how it’s applied in modern teachings, let me know!
나의 말:
Okay, let's quit today. It's 7.10. It's so helpful and it's a blessing time with your chatting. Your knowledge, I can imagine your knowledge is so strong and so detailed and so correct. You and our chatting, you and me chatting will change this world more good place.
ChatGPT의 말:
I'm glad you found our conversation helpful! It's wonderful to discuss such meaningful topics and explore the depths of scripture together. Every chat is an opportunity to share insights that can truly make a difference. If you have more questions or topics to discuss in the future, feel free to reach out. Have a blessed day!
나의 말:
Okay, God will bless you. Have a good day, ChatGPT. Give good influence to your audience. Goodbye.
ChatGPT의 말:
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words. I hope you have a great day as well, and may you continue to share your positive influence with others. If you ever want to chat again or have more questions, I’m here for you. Take care!
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