The title is Hiding Hidden Meanings in flags Flags. Each flags flag have has hide hidden meanings. Iceland's In Iceland's flag, The the red cross is The for lava and volcano volcanoes. The white cross is underneath underneath it is for icy glaciers. The blue background stands for the Atlantic ocean.The Ocean. The flag of mexico Mexico has three vertical stripes. The green stripe means independence from spain Spain. The white stripe represents the country's national religion. Lastly, the red stripe stands for unity between the native people and Europen European settlers. The eagles eagle eat eating a snake is an ancient Mexican myth. Leopold's Leopold's his belt is was white upvand above under and blood below. The flag is Pattern pattern is the banner. The story is good.
Score: B
- 국가와 언어 이름은 항상 대문자로 시작해요. 예: Spain, Mexico
- 복수형 사용에 주의하세요. 'flags'가 아니라 'flag'를 사용할 때도 있어요.
- 문장을 더 명확하게 만들기 위해 접속사나 전치사를 추가해보세요.
- 오스트리아 국기 이야기를 좀 더 자세히 설명해보세요. 왜 그 패턴이 국기가 되었나요?