What virtues are needed for the next president of the country?
In Korean history, unfortunately, involvement of our presidents in all kinds of corruptions and scandals have been a rite of procedure splitting the country emotionally. They had to leave the Blue House in dishonor and could not avoid the judgement of law after their terms. Then the country got in turmoil facing political crisis and our economy suffered severe setbacks. To restore normal constitutional order, we had to watched many innocent students and conscientious civilians sacrificed by bloody political oppression and distorted judical logic.
The first president, Rhe sungman, was exiled to Hawaii after what is called 3.15 fraudulent election. Ex-president Pak, chunghee despite his great success in successive economic policies, he was assassinated by one of his right arms-the director of KCIA after eighteen years of dictatorship. The two ex-presidents were not able to avoid imprisonment on charge of a coup d’etat and forceful repression of people’s desire for democracy in Kawangju. To the greatest regret of people, former president Nomuhyun ended up committing suicide for being charged with taking a bride in spited of his clean image. It is too bad that a train of political scandals seemed to have given any leaders in this country a lesson. They all added up to the impeachment of President Pak kunhea, the daughter of ex-president Pak, again dividing this land into extreme conservatives and liberals. What brought about this tragedy? What qualities could make a political leader great and honorable? It appears to depend on the state que. Whenever Korea was faced up to economical or security crisis, our nation tends to lose rational judgement and resort to emotion called localism and security logic regardless of personality and qualifications of being a president. Suffice it to say that Koreans are less rational than emotional when it comes to politics. So many people won’t not accept what are different from their thinking even though it proved to be wrong. In my opinion, what is real courage is an attitude toward being persuaded by right logic and facts. I don’t deny that reasonal judgement is somewhat relative, but more rational is better than rational in terms of law.
What can I put priories on choosing a leader?
First, I prefer a communication ability over any other thing. In politics, an individual’s decision in today’s complex society is so dangerous that it can’t cope with a huge diversity of problems effectively and efficiently. Then expertise from each field will help a leader make a wiser decision.
Second, Honesty cannot be emphasized too strongly, which can bring people together in the face of crisis and attract consensus beyond factions and localism. On the other hand, honesty means that a president observe rule and law in dealing with national affairs. Then, though he or she made some mistakes in the course, people are willing to forgive them.
Third, a leader should have a vision for the future of people and nation. A leader’s perspective is closely geared to the wellbeing of people and national security. Nonetheless, the starting point is voters’ right decision on election days. Impartiality is above private interest.
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