Someday a man came to me for left ventricular hypertropy. He was
accompanied by his wife who looked as if she had been sick for
a long time. When I judged the ventricular hypertropy got normal,
I persuaded her to treat something in her. She answered to me
as if she had been waited for my advice. "I want to get your
prescription though if not your persuasion but I am sorry not to
get it right now because I am scheduled to get a surgery in a
couple of days for herniated disk."
A surgery for herniatede disk? I was embarrassed a little at her
surgery schedule. I persuaded her not to get the surgery because
the purpose of herniation surgery is to control the pain, not to
recover vertebral function to normal. She knows it very well.
She asked me what she should do but surgery. I explained that
the herbal prescription would treat any kind of herniation including
prolapsed disk. She finally agreed with me after understanding the
pathology of disk and cancelled the surgery.
She had other symptoms of hyperthyroidism and renal failure.
Her intelligency of understanding the pathology has her regain
her happiness to stop taking hormons and surgery.
1. Personal Information(043885)
Lee 0 0, Female, 51 years old
Address : Dongdaemoongu, Seoul, S Korea
2. Chief Complaints
Sever pain from herniated disk, particularily it has been worsened
for about six months ago. surgery scheduled in a couple of days).
Hyperthyroidism since three years ago. She has been taking a
few chemical drug and hormons. She thougt the hyperthyroidism
came from estrogen hormons. I can not confirm her statement
but I am sure that the estrogen hormon will increase the humidity,
which will worsen the herniation.
Usual dizzess and migraine
3. Other Symptoms and Signs
I checked her kidney and suspected renal failure. She brought
examination report after then, the report say "Disease in kideny"
She has been taking estrogen hormon since 5 years ago but
she has still menopausal disorders.
Paled face
Bells palsy at 28 years old
Reddish eye
Incontinence due to the hormon for hyperthyroidism
She takes 6 kinds of chemical drugs for above symptoms.
Pulse : Float. strong, tensed, a little (big and slow)
Tongue : Dark reddish, no mosses and teeth marks
Abdomen : Pain on the upper over all
4. Diagnosis
Liver weak
Digestive organs strong
Heart small
Lung weak
Kidney weak
5. Pathology
Strong digestive organs produce lots of humidity. To get rid of this
humidity, other organs should be accelerated. The hyperthyroidism
is one of this acceleration and renal failure is a symptoms of
humidity. Herniated disk is lack of circulation on waist due to the
over-allocation of Ki and blood to weakened organs.
Furthermore six chemical drugs have been weakened the liver.
6. Prescription
To get rid of humidity
To irrigate
To release liver
To get liver and heart cool
To improve circulation
The most important thing is to stop taking the chemical drugs
I adviced her to stop estrogen hormon, antiphlogisitic, anodyne
and other tablets for maginal circulatioon right now and thyroid
hormom graudually.
7. Results
1st Prescription
To get rid of humidity and to get cool are main.
I adviced her to decrease thyroid hormon by half and to
stop taking other chemical drugs.
1st Result
The pain on the back waist is bearable.
Decreased pain on the upper abdomen.
Decreased pain on cva drumming
2nd Prescription
Added for circulation and purifying.
2nd Result
She said " The pain on my back waist has decreased by
60-70 % and remains only 30 %. Now I can work at home."
The pain on abdomen remains at the center of the upper abdomen.
The thyroid hormon decreased to a fourth but no troubles.
3rd Prescription
Increased for irrigation.
3rd Result
The pain on back waist remain still but no problem to work.
She stopped the thyroid hormon but no relative symptoms at all.
She recently noticed that she had not felt migraine since long ago.
4th Prescription
Same as the 3rd nut increased for irrigation a little.
4차th Result
The examination at hospital says good. The doctor was surprised
at the recovery and prescribed a half of thyroid hormon. But she had
already stopped it as you know. I wonder why the physician can
not think about what happened to her who has been taking the
thyroid hormon for 5 years.
The back waist appeals sometimes to her but not to be attentive.
No cva drumming pain. This means that renal failure get
to eb normal as its best condition.
5th Prescription
Increased for circulation
5th Result
All of symptoms are get back to normal. Her face looks very
bright. She and her husband thanked to me.
6th Prescription
She came back to her best condition as she was in 5 years ago.
The blood pressure gets lowered to 110/70, so I finalized my
prescription for her liver and heart.
8. Eplogue
The couple brought their daughter later for skin trouble.
They said that the complexity of various diseases were
originally so simple and escaped from the serious status
easily. Hyperthroidism, herniated disk and renal failure
are so simple diseases to them from now on.