Она обожа́ет игра́ть в те́ннис.
She is fond of playing tennis.
1. обожа́ть verb, imperfective
Rarely used word (top 7,000)
adore, worship
Мир те́сен.
The world is small.
2. те́сный adjective
Somewhat often used word (top 4,000)
tight, close
Я поду́мал: "Ух ты, как те́сен мир!"
I thought, "Wow, what a small world!"
3. поду́мать verb, perfective
Daily used word (top 200)
to think a little, for a while, to consider, reflect, ponder
Дай мне вре́мя поду́мать.
Give me time to think.
4. вре́мя noun, neuter, inanimate
Daily used word (top 100)
time, times, tense, weather
Времена́ тяжёлые.
The times are hard.
5. тяжёлый adjective
Often used word (top 400)
heavy, hard, difficult, serious, severe, grave, oppressive, painful, sad