Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [1/ 11~15] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ Conceptual Artwork Criticism: Korean news cartoon review [111] Australia's ruling party declared victory in federal elections (2019.5.19.) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review
Korean News Cartoon Review [111] Cartoon art work designed by Louis Choi Chul-joo, an abstract artist of modern art, as a dangerous conceptual art of realistic abstraction
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a desire conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.
Cartoon news as a treacherous concept of modern realistic abstraction [1] News cartoon review & Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept
Korean news cartoon review [111] Australia's ruling party declared victory in federal elections (2019.5.19.) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review
. Australia's ruling party declared victory in federal elections.
. Le parti au pouvoir en Australie a remporté les élections fédérales.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p34-12-Australia's ruling party, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p34, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
Cartoon news as a treacherous concept of modern realistic abstraction [1] News cartoon review & Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Korean news cartoon review [111] Australia's ruling party declared victory in federal elections (2019.5.19.) / Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ▶federal elections_ élections fédérales, ▶2019 Australia election: Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the leader of Australia's ruling party, to congratulate him on his "miracle victory"._ 2019 Élection en Australie : Le premier ministre Scott Morrison, chef du parti au pouvoir en Australie, pour le féliciter de sa « victoire miracle » [Sources: www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-48305001] ■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i). ■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
Conceptual Abstract Art Design 11
Conceptual Abstract Art Design Artwork 11
Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [11] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ 아트문화뉴스 만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [2] 과유생급: 메르스의 과잉 대응이 환자를 살릴 수 있다 (2018.9.11.)
- 만화평론가로서 최철주는 현대미술 팝아트 작품과 웹툰에서 한국 만화 뉴스를 그리는 만화가이다. As a cartoon critic, Choi Chul-joo is a cartoonist who draws Korean cartoon news in contemporary art works and webtoons.
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [2] 과유생급: 메르스의 과잉 대응이 환자를 살릴 수 있다 (2018.9.11.)
최철주 만평 [2] 과유생급過猶省及: 정도가 지나침은 살핌에 미치게 하기 해서 메르스의 대응 정도가 지나치는 것은 환자에게 살핌이 미쳐서 회생할 수 있다 즉 메르스의 과잉 대응이 환자를 살릴 수 있다.
- 메르스의 과잉 대응이 환자를 살릴 수 있다.
- Excessive MERS response can save patients.
- Une réaction excessive du MERS peut sauver les patients.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p7-1-Excessive MERS response can save patients, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p7, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
[Additional writings and Paintings]
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [2] 과유생급: 메르스의 과잉 대응이 환자를 살릴 수 있다 (2018.9.11.)/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ▶ 과유생급 過猶省及 : 정도가 지나침은 살핌에 미치게 하다 ▶ 메르스 : 중동 호흡기 증후군(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome). *국무총리 · Prime Minister · Premier ministre. *공항 ·The airport · L'aéroport. *병원 ·Hospital.
Conceptual Abstract Art Design 12
Conceptual Abstract Art Design Artwork 12
Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [12] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ 아트문화뉴스 만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [3] 고단진미: 상한 달걀의 음식은 맛있지만 배탈난다 (2018.9.12.)
- 만화평론가로서 최철주는 현대미술 팝아트 작품과 웹툰에서 한국 만화 뉴스를 그리는 만화가이다. As a cartoon critic, Choi Chul-joo is a cartoonist who draws Korean cartoon news in contemporary art works and webtoons.
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [3] 고단진미: 상한 달걀의 음식은 맛있지만 배탈난다 (2018.9.12.)
최철주 만평 [3] 고단진미 膏毈珍味: 살찌고 곯은 알로 요리한 맛있는 음식 즉 상한 달걀의 음식은 맛있지만 배탈난다는 의미다.
- 상한 달걀의 음식은 맛있지만 배탈난다.
- The bad egg food is delicious, but we are upset with the stomach.
- La mauvaise nourriture pour oeufs est bonne, mais nous sommes bouleversés par l’estomac.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p4-9-The bad egg food is delicious, but we are upset with the stomach, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p4-7, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
[Additional writings and Paintings]
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [3] 고단진미 膏毈珍味: 살찌고 곯은 알로 요리한 맛있는 음식 즉 상한 달걀의 음식은 맛있지만 배탈난다는 의미다. (2018.9.12.)/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ▶살모넬라균 : salmonella.
Conceptual Abstract Art Design 13
Conceptual Abstract Art Design Artwork 13
Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [13] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ 아트문화뉴스 만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon 만화가 최철주 만평 [4] 도행역시·度行繹是: 법도를 옳게 풀어서 행할 법 즉 계획된 법을 행하고 풀어내서 시행한다. (2018.9.13.)
- 만화평론가로서 최철주는 현대미술 팝아트 작품과 웹툰에서 한국 만화 뉴스를 그리는 만화가이다. As a cartoon critic, Choi Chul-joo is a cartoonist who draws Korean cartoon news in contemporary art works and webtoons.
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.
만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [4] 도행역시: 계획된 법을 행하고 풀어내서 시행한다 (2018.9.13.)
최철주 만평 [4] 도행역시·度行繹是: 법도를 옳게 풀어서 행할 법 즉 계획된 법을 행하고 풀어내서 시행한다
_ 계획된 법을 행하고 풀어내서 시행한다.
_ To interpret and enforce the planned law.
_ Interpréter et appliquer la loi prévue.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p5-4-To interpret and enforce the planned law, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p5, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [4] 도행역시: 계획된 법을 행하고 풀어내서 시행한다 (2018.9.13.)/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ▷度(법도 도) ▷行(갈 행: 행하다) ▷繹(풀어낼 역: 행하다) ▷是(옳을 시: 바르게 하다)
Conceptual Abstract Art Design 14
Conceptual Abstract Art Design Artwork 14
Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [14] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ 아트문화뉴스 만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon 만화가 최철주 만평 [5] 폭풍전야·暴風煎埜: 사나운 바람에 마음을 졸이는 도시의 외곽지대 즉 폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대. (2018.9.14.)
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image.
만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [5] 폭풍전야: 폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대 (2018.9.14.)
최철주 만평 [5] 폭풍전야·暴風煎埜: 사나운 바람에 마음을 졸이는 도시의 외곽지대 즉 폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대
_ 폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대.
_ The stormy eastern part of the United States is a concern.
_ Les orages dans l'est des États-Unis sont préoccupants.
▶폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대/ 싹쓸바람 열대저기압은 기압이 내려가면서 풍속은 커진다.
그것은 뇌우가 되면서 지구의 자전에 의한 회전력과 만난 것이 허리케인이다.
18세기 유럽인이 아메리카 동부 지역에 정착하면서 미국의 역사가 시작된다.허리케인의 진입로는 미국 남동부 지역이다. 이 지역 뉴올리언스의 재즈와 내슈빌의 종교음악은 최고의 감성을 갖고 있다.
그러나 허리케인은 낮엔 거리의 재즈 공연과 밤엔 카페의 재즈 음악을 한동안 못 보게 할 것이다.
▶The stormy eastern part of the United States is a concern./ Tropical cyclone pressure decreases and wind speed increases.It is a hurricane that met the rotation force of the Earth's rotation when it became a thunderstorm.
American history begins when Europeans in the 18th century settle down in the eastern part of America.The approach to a hurricane is in the southeastern part of the United States. This area, Jazz in New Orleans and religious music in Nashville, have the artistic sensitivity.
However, the hurricane will keep you away from street jazz performances by day and cafe jazz music for a while.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p100-6-1-1-The stormy eastern part of the United States is a concern, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formul: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p100-6-1, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [5] 폭풍전야: 폭풍에 마음을 졸이는 미국 동부 지대 (2018.9.14.)/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons.▶暴風(폭풍): 사나운 바람 ▷煎(전) 달일 전: 마음을 졸이다 ▷埜(야) 들 야: 도시의 외곽지대
Conceptual Abstract Art Design 15
Conceptual Abstract Art Design Artwork 15
Conceptual Abstract Painter Choi Chul-joo Abstract Art Design [15] Abstracts the concept of events that occurred in a review of cartoonist Choi Chul-joo's Korean news cartoons as objects, and abstracts the concept of desire into a real image by using the image of the event as the concept of desire. Thus, abstract art design conceals the concept of desire of abstract objects related to news and designs it as a real image by sculpting the other person's desire in the shade of reversible light./ 아트문화뉴스 만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon 만화가 최철주 만평 [6] 언행일치·鄢涬一致: 나라의 기운을 당겨서 즉 한 나라의 기운으로 서로 어긋나지 않는다 (2018.9.15.)
- 만화평론가로서 최철주는 현대미술 팝아트 작품과 웹툰에서 한국 만화 뉴스를 그리는 만화가이다. As a cartoon critic, Choi Chul-joo is a cartoonist who draws Korean cartoon news in contemporary art works and webtoons.
Conceptual semantic structure Abstraction of modern art converts images of the desires of others designed as pop art sketches into abstraction through cartoon criticism. This abstractly illuminates the desire to reconstruct the external phenomena of socio-cultural objects of contemporary art into photographs of events and to express the specific validity of others through the objective perspective of images, the subject of desire. This effect is an easy example of modern art abstraction by abstracting the desires of others into cartoons from the objects in which the event occurred, and interpreting cartoon analysis as a cultural form of modern art to evaluate the value of life. It's a treacherous conceptual art called realistic abstraction, the cartoon news of modern realistic abstraction.
- Conceptual artist, contemporary artist, abstract painter, media artist, pop artist, cartoonist & cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo cartoonist, pop artist, contemporary art work, pop artist who draws webtoon news, contemporary artist, concept artist, cartoon critic Choi Chul-joo.
- Choi Chul-joo, contemporary cartoon art historical painting & contemporary concept image installation artist's work
Abstract painting as a treacherous conceptual art refers to abstract painting as a realistic structure in art. Since the conceptual meanings present in the place of the realistic shape can be divided into cartoon review images, the abstraction is drawn through a reversible shade of light that interprets another person's abstract desire as a cartoon review image as an image
만평 / 한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [6] 언행일치: 나라의 기운으로 서로 어긋나지 않는다 (2018.9.15.)
최철주 만평 [6] 언행일치·鄢涬一致: 나라의 기운을 당겨서 즉 한 나라의 기운으로 서로 어긋나지 않는다
_ 한 나라의 기운으로 서로 어긋나지 않는다.
_ The energy of a country does not conflict with each other.
_ L’énergie d’un pays n’est pas en conflit les uns avec les autres.
Abstraction concept art works of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept: Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p33-4-1-The energy of a country does not conflict with each other, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
■ Choi Chul-joo's Concept of Desire Formula: The image of desire, which applies Choi Chul-joo's desire formula D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i to 'morning glory', connects the concept of desire with the background of 'morning glory' as an image to create a landscape by floating morning glory in the sky. In addition, in <morning glory>, the desire formula "D(I...I')d=I(D...D')i" is substituted, the connection effect between the concept of desire and the "morning glory" as desire image shades the concept of desire in the reversible shadow structure by setting the object as the concept of desire image of women by the "morning glory". In other words, the image of desire (I) is the structure of desire (D) because desire (D) is repeated (I...I') in several images (D...D'), and the image of art behavior or desire image(I) appears as the concept of desire(i).
■ Choi Chul-joo's Desire The design process of abstract concepts: 1. The concept of desire is abstracted from the perspective of an image to the outside of reality, and the image of reality as an object of abstraction is designed as the correlation between reality and reality. This is the design process 1 of Choi Chul-joo's concept of abstraction of desire. This does not presuppose a causal relationship with the real world, but rather results in an abstract concept of desire as a correlation with reality to escape the misunderstanding that transfers from an abstract concept to a real structure. 2. The scope of showing the concept of desire is created and located by omitting the actual size of the abstract concept as a shade of the concept of desire originating from the actual image. In addition, Choi Chul-joo's conceptual process 2 follows the process of decorating an object with a color of universal reality suitable for custom in order to have aesthetic value suitable for its position as a single image. This creates an abstraction that contrasts with the past and desire, in which the aesthetic structure hidden by realistic colors is divided by clouds and obscured by shaded light, obscuring the abstract concept in the actual image. 3. The subject who painted abstraction realizes the reality that symbolizes the concept of desire, and the unconscious realizes abstract desire as a conscious phenomenon of image. Desire is an abstract image realized as a conscious phenomenon of an image, and the unconscious structure is process 3 of designing an abstract art concept of desire that repeatedly designs desire that combines line and color in thoughts but is not conscious of unconscious behavior. 4. The unconsciously abstracted concept of desire is a piece of reality in which the object of reality is not seen as a reversible shade of light, concealing reality as a shadow and showing another real image as a video. This is the process 4 of designing an abstract concept of desire formed by combining the space of desire into a reversible light structure through the conscious movement of planar monochromatic painting carved into reality.
[Additional writings and Paintings]
Artist background image of Contemporary Abstract Artist Louis Choi Chul-joo's Artwork with Other's Desire Abstract Concept : Louis Chul-joo Choi, morning glory p33-4, a hand-painted picture on a computer, 2022
한국 뉴스 만화평론 Review of Korean News Cartoon [6] 언행일치·鄢涬一致: 나라의 기운을 당겨서 즉 한 나라의 기운으로 서로 어긋나지 않는다 (2018.9.15.)/ Reporter Choi Chul-joo’s Cartoon Review / Comics critic & cartoonist Choi Chul-joo, current affairs cartoon review, pop art cartoon news, cartoon review, and conceptual cartoon review. / Choi Chul-joo, a current affairs critic, was a reporter at the Ministry of Culture of the News Busan Internet Newspaper. He is a cultural design critic and abstract artist who paints Current affairs cartoon cartoons News and abstract paintings in contemporary :art works and webtoons. ▷鄢(언) 고울 이름 언: 나라 이름, ▷涬(행) 기운 행: 기운을 당기다, ▶一致(일치): 서로 어긋나지 않음 ■ Object rendering of the concept of desire is 1. a pop art image that renders unconscious desire as an existential reality by dividing the same concept of desire as the event image into unconscious and real images as an object. Therefore, the subject who speaks linguistic meaning actually represents abstraction, the truth value of the concept of desire, which is an expressive aesthetic structure that specifies the viewing effect of colloquial language and event video broadcasting as an act of speech enunciation that depends on the news. 2. As the truth value of the concept of desire in visual images is an open system, and numerous visual images are transmitted to others through a pluralistic visual system. Abstract images, which are the true values of the concept of desire, attract attention because they have universality as real images expressed by the desires of others. In other words, the object exposed to the abstract desires of others functions as a desire to exchange the same aesthetic image as the concept of desire of others through the diachronic function of pop art applied as a work of art. 3. The truth value of the concept of desire in a linguistic sense in which the abstract image of the concept of desire and reality are the same, represents the structure of desire, and the reality of the abstract concept of desire is a real image, which is the causal structure of desire, and creates a structure of desire by forming a semantic relationship with contradictory desire. Like Kant, this is a dual structure up to modern art, and it encompasses mythical objects in the same structure as humans, and the antinomic desire structure as a single structure. 4. an object of the concept of desire rendered in abstraction: The object rendering of the concept of desire renders the object as an event image, which is the same rational object as the linguistic meaning of the desire structure through the gaze of the rational subject, is recognized as a real image that the subject cannot see. Additionally, other objects of desire are continuously represented by real images that attempt to fill the deficiency of desire. The pond, which reflects present desire as an object to abstract desire, presents a desire structure as a reality, which is an object to abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, free from the imperfect abstraction that lacks desire that is subjugated to social visibility that has been concealed and deviated from lack through real images. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through real images of abstract desires, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire and become the objects of real images. In addition, object rendering of other desires is continuously expressed as a real image trying to fill the deficiency of desire. The rendering of an object that reflects the present desire as an object of abstract desire presents the structure of desire as reality, which is the object of abstract desire, but it returns the cause of desire as a real image to an object as an event image, away from the imperfect abstract lacking desire. In other words, the structure of deficiency and divided desire is hidden through the real image of abstract desire, and contradictory desires subordinate to deviated social visibility become the cause of desire, resulting in abstraction as a real image.