필리핀 카지노 감독기관 파코에서 이번 코로나 사태때문에 120억 페소를 정부에 제공한다는 신문의 기사입니다.
120억 페소면 우리돈으로 대략 2천8백억 입니다..
필리핀의 모든 카지노는 파코(PACCOR)의 관리를 받으며 수익금의 30%를 파코가 가져갑니다.
후덜덜 합니다.
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아마 여러분들의 돈도 일부 들어 있을겁니다.. ㅋ
PAGCOR releases P12-B cash dividends for gov't COVID-19 response fund

MANILA - The Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) on Monday released P12 billion cash dividends to help in the government's response to the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in the country.
PAGCOR turned over the check a day earlier than scheduled. The amount is composed of the agency's cash dividends. It is P5.67 billion higher than the P6.33 billion dividends that PAGCOR is required to remit.
PAGCOR Chairperson and CEO Andrea Domingo said that with the P12 billion remittance, the agency’s 2019 cash dividends was 44.74% higher than the required 50% annual net earnings of the agency.
PAGCOR has earlier donated total of P2.5 billion to the national government to help curb the transmission COVID-19 in the country.
Accredited Philippine offshore gaming operators also pledged to donate P150 million worth of personal protective equipment (PPEs) for the same cause, PAGCOR earlier said.
Included in the pledge are P90 million worth of three-ply surgical face masks, 20,000 personal protective equipment and 20,000 face shields and other medical supplies; while P60 million were allocated for "food supplies of low-income families."
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