Earthly Life and Spirit World (Part 1) - 020 by Rev. Sun Myung Moon [1] The Existence Of Human Beings On Earth And In The Spirit World 3) The Essence Of Human Life
1. Spirit Is The Essence Of Human Life
Just as an electron revolves around a proton, human beings are made to revolve around God. God can pursue the providence of restoration because man's mind, which is like an electron, naturally relates to God's mind, which is like a proton.
When we think like this, if one searches for the word of truth, even all by himself, he can come to feel the vibration of God's life and the harmony of God's love. Thus, the way to search God's life and love through the way of truth is the way to become valuable oneself.
As Saint Paul said, you can become the light of the world because you have the love of God within yourself.
The truth has a central core that is eternal and unchanging. Then how can we search for the truth, judging what is good and what is bad in this evil world? You have to become totally selfless and take the lowest position. The Bible says that whoever exalts himself will be humbled and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Man's essence is spirit. Therefore, when you go to the spiritual world you will realize more deeply that the essence of being human is to live for the sake of others.
Nevertheless, why does man deal with everything so selfishly? It's because mankind has a blood relationship with Satan, who is the angel that violated heavenly law. (2-137)
So it's important that we eat spiritual food. Do you know what spiritual food is? When you are hungry and you have to choose between spiritual food and physical, you have to think that spiritual food is more delicious than physical food. In order to stand on the side of God, you have to train yourself that spiritual food is tastier than physical food and that the taste of life centered on spiritual power is better than the taste of life centered on physical power.
Should the taste of the spiritual life be more delicious than the taste of the physical life? Shouldn't it be more delicious? (Should be more delicious.) No, physical life is! (Spiritual life!) I don't know anymore. (Laughter.) That's because everyone knows that. What is your response when asked, "What about you?" When you are hungry at lunchtime, you say, "Hey, it's lunchtime!," don't you? (Laughter.) Is there any time more serious than this?
Therefore, we come to the conclusion that, centered on oneself, we have to eat spiritual food, enjoy spiritual life, and revel in spiritual love rather than enjoying the taste of physical things like food, sleep, and sex. The spiritual taste should be better than all external tastes combined. However, you don't have that confidence. (Laughter.) This is not a laughing matter. This is the reality. (131-211) |