JKsam's word for this week.
[콩심은데 콩나고 팥심은데 팥난다.]
[사람이 무엇으로 심든지 그대로 거둔다.]
어휘와 문법(vocabuary & grammar)
콩 beans, 심다 plant or sow, 데 place, V+(으)ㄴ past form, 나다 sprout, ~고 and, 팥 red beans, 나다 +ㄴ다=> -(ㄴ/는)다 ending is a declarative sentence in its plain form that neutrally presents a factual statement, 사람 person, 무엇 what, ~으로 by, or with, ~든지 conective ending (whether), 그대로 as it is, 거두다 reap.
so it means
[Where you plant beans, bean will sprout(grow), where you plant red beans, red beans will sprout(grow)]
[and whatever a peson sows, he or she will reap from as it is]
Good evening friends, you know what? today is the result your previous choice and planting in the past. If you are not satisfied today's fruits, now it's the time to sow new seeds. it's a stupid things that expect differnt results without changing anything and doing samething as we did before. tonight let's think about my status and let's plant new seed for better tomorrow.
Have a wonderful week. 😊