미스터리한 "폐렴발병이" 미국을 포함한 여러국가로 확산 그들은 다시한번
질병게임을 하는가? 빌게이츠는 작년에 또 전염병에 대한 연습을 열었다.
폐렴이 강타한 국가는 현재 미국과 중국이다.
폐렴경보를 울린 국가는 덴마크, 스웨덴, 네덜란드, 베트남, 타이완,
영국, 네팔, 스위스, 인도, 태국, 싱가폴, 인도네시아 등이다.
Mysterious “Pneumonia Outbreak” has spread to multiple countries including the United States
Are they going to play the illness game once again? The 2020 film ‘Songbird’ warned us of a 2023 outbreak
Impeccable timing once again for the main-in ballot virus
One year before COVID Bill Gates & others held Event 201, an exercise about a Coronavirus pandemic. Last year Bill Gates held another called Catastrophic Contagion about a Virus affecting primarily Children
Now look at China and the ‘virus’ affecting children That is, if there even is a virus (germ theory is nonsense)
Diseases are symptoms of toxicity within the cells. ‘Viruses' are manufactured within our own bodies as a protection mechanism against toxicity. When we are overly toxic our body creates a natural detoxification process called a 'Flu', a 'Cold' or a 'Pneumonia' to rid the body of these deadly toxins
I believe this mystery illness is likely being caused by 5G— just like the covid hoax