구글에서 매니 사진을 찾다가 그의 인생에 대한 글이 있어서 번역해보았습니다 ^^ 매니 대단하네요. 원문이 너무 길기때문에 쓸데없는내용은 간략하고 중요한것만 번역했습니다.
Manuel Aristides Onelcida Ramirez was born on May 30, 1972 in Santo Domingo, capital the Dominican Republic and baseball player factory. Manny was breast-fed until he was almost 4 because milk in his neighborhood was either harmful or nonexistent.
매니 라미레즈는 5월 30일, 1972년도에 도미니칸 민주국의 수도에서 태어났따.
Manny grew up in poverty, living with his mother on the sixth floor of an apartment complex with no elevators. His father had a job fixing roofs in summer heat, seeing colleagues die from work-related toxins and dangerous working conditions.
매니는 빈곤한 환경속에서 살았다. 그는 그의 엄마와 6층아파트에서 (엘레베이터가없는) 살았고, 그의 아빠는 지붕고치는직업으로 일했다....
Manny grew up playing baseball on the streets of Santa Domingo. When he was young, his grandmother returned from a trip to New York with his first glove and baseball uniform. ''It was a Dodgers uniform,'' he said. ''Number 30. That's still my favorite number.'' Manny later made deliveries to buy another baseball uniform.
매니는 어렸을때 산타 도미닝고(수도) 길거리에서 야구를하며 자랐으며, 그의 할머니는 뉴욕에 갔다오시면서 그에게 다져스 유니폼과 글로브를 선물로 주셨다. 그리고 백남버가 30번이였는데 30번은 아직도 그의 favorite 남버라고한다.
In 1983, when Manny was 11, his parents left the kids with grandparents and came to the US because Dad wanted to start anew. They moved to New York's Washington Heights, a heavily Dominican neighborhood in upper Manhattan.
1983년에, 매니가 11살이였을때 그의 부모님은 그를 할아버지 할머니와 놔두고 미국으로 새로운 출발을 하기위해 떠났고.. 부모님은 뉴욕지역, 도미니칸이 많이사는 구역으로 떠났다.
Manny and his sisters joined his parents in Washington Heights in 1985. His mother worked for $200 a week in a sewing factory, and his father drove a cab. The kids worked in department stores to contribute to the rent. But they still slept four to a bed.
매니와 그의 남매들은 2년뒤에 부모가 있는곳으로 떠났고 그의 어머니는 바늘질공장에서 1주일에 20만원을 벌고, 그의 아빠는 택시기사를했다. 그리고 매니와 남매들은 백화점에서 렌트값을 내기위해 일었다. 그리고 그들은 4명이서 하나의 침대를썼다....(오오;;;;;)
He grew up on 170th St. and Amsterdam Ave. and continued to play baseball in the streets. New York was a far cry from his native Santo Domingo, but baseball was still the same. ''All my friends and I were so into baseball, it probably kept us out of trouble," Manny says. "Washington Heights is kind of hard, but if you don't mess with anybody, they don't mess around with you.''
그는 180번지, 암스트로담길거리에서 자랐으며 길거리에서 야구를했다. 뉴욕은 그가 자라던 산타 도밍고와는 달랐지만, 야구는 언제나 같았다. "나의 친구들과 나는 야구에 너무 빠져있었섭니다.' 라고 라미레즈는 말했다.
Manny attended George Washington High School in New York. He was not a good student. He lived among Hispanics in high school, and every class had a translator, so despite four years of high school in the US, Manny learned only a small amount of English. If he could change one thing about his childhood, Manny would later say, he would have learned better English. He never graduated from high school.
매니는 조지워싱턴 고등학교를 뉴욕에서 다녔고, 그는 좋은학생이 아니였다.. 그는 히스페닉계(중남미) 아이들과 어울렸고, 모든반은 통역사가있었다. 그는 4년동안 고등학교에 다녔지만, 영어는 조금밖에 배우질못했다. 매니가 말하길.. 만약 그가 자신의 어렸을때생활을 바꾸고싶다면, 영어를 조금더 배웠을것이라고 한다. 그는 고등학교에서 졸업하지못했다..
But Manny was a star on the high school baseball team. The team wore old uniforms and couldn't take batting practice because they couldn't afford to lose the baseballs. But that didn't stop Manny. He was a natural hitter who hit the ball hard, rarely struck out, and stole bases almost every time he got on. Manny was surprisingly fast, possessing 6.5-second speed in the 60 yard dash.
하지만 매니는 고등학교에서 스타였따. 그의 야구팀은 낡은 유니폼을 입어야했고 배팅 연습도 제대로 하지 못했다(돈이없음으로).. 하지만 그것들은 매니를 막을수없었다. 그는 천재적인 타자였으며, 삼진은 거의 당하지않았다. 그리고! (여기가관 ㅡ.,ㅡㅡ.,ㅡ;;;) 그는 언제나 도루를했다... 매니는 굉장히 빨랐으며 60야드를 6.5초안에 뛸수있었다. (사실일까? -_-? 지금의 매니는 매우 느린걸로 알고있는데? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
60야드=55미터. (빠르네 ~ )
Manny led George Washington High School to three straight Manhattan Division championships (1988-1990) and to the Division finals in 1991. In his junior year, Manny belted a home run measured at over 400 feet in a game played in Central Park vs. Park West High School. As a senior vs. Brandeis High School, he walloped two home runs, each travelling over 430 feet.
매니는 3년연속으로 조지워싱턴 고등학교를 디비젼쳄피언쉽으로 이끌었고, 1991년엔 디비젼파이널까지 이끌었다. 그가 11학년때(고2) 매니는 400피트가 넘는 홈런을 쳐버렸다.. (오오..무서운거) 그가 12학년(고3)때에는 2번이나 430피트가 넘는 (컥;) 홈런을 때려버렸당..
Manny's baseball coach, Steve Mandl, remembers him as a hard worker who woke up at the crack of dawn to run through the streets of Washington Heights with a tire tied around his waist. ''I was so into baseball when I was young,'' Manny says. ''You ain't going to believe it, man. I used to wake up very early in the morning, 5:30, and go run in the snow and then go to school. Oh, man. I was so into it."
매니의 야구코치는 매니가 엄청난 노력을 했다고 기억한다. 그는 새벽에 일어나 자동차바퀴를 그의 허리에 매고 달렸다고 한다. " 나는 내가 어릴때 야구에 엄청나게 빠져있었죠." 매니가 말했따. " 믿을 수 없을정도로.. 나는 5시 반에 언제나 일어나 학교가기전에 언제나 달렸죠.. 엄청나게 빠져있었습니다."
Manny, determined and shy, was never late for a practice or game but wouldn't show up for a team picture. "He played for me for four years and he's only in one of the pictures," Mandl said. Mandl also remembers Manny's short attention span. "When he was in school, there was always some kind of problem. Nobody wanted to address it. He was so hyper. He'd get right up and walk away in the middle of a sentence."
매니는 언제나 확고했고 부끄럼을 많이탔고, 그리고 연습에 한번도 빠진적이 없었습니다. 하지만 팀전체 사진엔 나타나지않았습니다. " 그는 4년동안 야구팀에있었지만 팀전체사진 찍는날엔 겨우 1번나타났습니다." 그의 코치가 말했다. "매니가 학교에있었을땐 언제나 무슨 문제가있었습니다. 아무도 말하고싶어하지않는.. 그는 무척 호들감 (ㅡ.,ㅡ;)스러웠쬬. 그는 말하는도중 일어나 나가기도 했습니다.":
Manny's final high school numbers were phenomenal: batting average of .630, slugging percentage of 1.455, and a home run every 5.7 at bats. He received All-City honors in 1989, '90 and '91 and was named New York City Public Schools "High School Player of the Year". He was nearly spoiled by his family because he was a nice kid who was a baseball star, so he never had to worry about cleaning his room or other chores.
매니의 고등학교 기록은 경이적이다. 타율 0.630(4년합쳐서..컥.. 엄청난괴물) .. 장타율 1.445(어떻게 이런숫자가 나올수있죠? ;;) 홈런을 5.7 타석마다 한방씩 날렸다공.. 그는 1989년에 상을받았고, 91년에는 "고등학교 선수상" 을 받았따. 그는 야구스타였기때문에 그의 방을 치우지 않아도되었고 그외의 잡일을 하지 않아도되었다.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Manny also played summer ball in the Youth Service League. "Anyone who knows him knows he's a good kid," says Mel Zitter, his old summer league coach. "Manny has often been thought of as stupid. I do not believe this to be the case. I look at Manny as an intelligent person who just does not have a complicated mind. While sometimes having a horrible memory and, at times, not the greatest concentration in the world, he is not at all stupid. Above all else, he has a good heart, means well, and does not have a mean bone in his body."
매니는 여름에 어린이 서비스 리그라는 곳에서 뛰었다. "모두가 그가 착하다는걸 알죠." 멜 지터, 그의 코치가 말했다. " 매니가 멍청하다고 착각되기도했죠. 하지만 나는 절대로 그 말을 믿지않습니다. 나는 그가 아주 똑똑하다고 봅니다. 그는 그의 머리가 복잡하게 얽혀있는걸 싫어하죠. 그는 집중력이 아주 뛰어나고, 절대로 멍청하지않습니다. 더 중요한건 그는 착하고 이기적이거나 교활하지 않다는거죠. "
In June 1991, Manny was selected by the Cleveland Indians in the first round (13th overall) of the Major League Baseball amateur draft, the same draft that produced Cliff Floyd, Shawn Green, and Pokey Reese. Former Indians scouting director Mickey White, one of the decision-makers who chose to draft Ramirez, saw in Manny a player who loved baseball.
그리고 1991년 6월에는, 매니는 클리브렌드 인디언스에 1라운드 13번째 지명으로 메이저리그 아마추어 드레프트에 통과했다. 그 해는 클리프 포이드 , 숀그린, 그리고 포키 리즈가 드레프트에 통과한 해이기도했다. 전에 클리브렌드 인디언스에서 스카우팅 디렉터로 일했던 미키 와잇은, 매니를 뽑았던 사람중 하나였따. 그는 매니가 야구를 진정으로 사랑한다고 보았다.
Manny immediately made an impression, leading the Appalachian League in total bases (146), home runs (19), RBI (63), and slugging percentage (.679). Managers voted him the league's MVP and top prospect. "It's been nice to see him play every day," Burlington manager Dave Keller said. Baseball America named Manny its Short-Season Player of the Year.
매니는 즉각으로 그의 실력을 선보였다. 그는 아팔라치안 리그에서 토탈 베이스 (146), 홈런(19) 타점(63) 장타율 (0.679)로 1위를했고, 매니저들은 그를 MVP로 선정+ 최고유망주 로 선정했다.
In 1992, Manny was promoted to Single-A Kinston and was named the most exciting player in the Carolina League even though a hand injury limited him to just 81 games. One of the youngest players in the league at 19 years old, he batted .278 with 18 doubles, 13 home runs, and 63 RBI.
1992년에 매니는 싱글 A로 진급했고 그는 최고로 익사이팅한 (?) 선수로 선정되었다 ( 부상으로 81경기만 뛰었음에도 불구하고). 그는 19살로 거의 제일 어렸지만 0.278의 타율에 18 2우라, 13 홈런, 그리고 63 타점을 때렸다.
A year later, Manny was promoted to AA Canton-Akron, where he lead the Eastern League with his .340 batting average. Manny then made a quick stop in AAA Charlotte. He played only 40 games there but made enough of an impression on manager Charlie Manuel that he predicted greatness for the young slugger.
1년뒤 매니 라미레즈는 더블에이로 올라갔고 그의 0.340 타율은 1위를먹었다. 그리고 트리플에이에서 40경기를 뛰었지만 그것은 감독 찰리 메뉴얼로 하게끔 그가 훌륭한 슬러거가 될 수 있다고 믿게 하였다.
Manny was called up to the Cleveland Indians on September 1, 1993. Also called up was fellow Dominican Julian Tavarez, a player who would remain one of his close friends.
매니는 9우러 1일 1993년에 빅리그로 승격했다.......
On September 2, 1993, Manny made his major league debut, going 0 for 4 in Minnesota. The next night, in his second major league game, Manny cranked three extra-base hits (two homers and a ground-rule double) in front of his family and friends against his hometown Yankees. His first big league hit is a double off Melido Perez and his first homer is also off Perez.
그는 9월 2일 데뷰게임에서 4타수 0안타로 부진했지만 그다음날 3 장타( 2홈런, 1 2루타) 를 치며 그의 가족을 감동시켰다...
At the end of the season, Manny was named 1993 Minor League Player of the Year by Baseball America. Manny now had his sights set on the majors.
시즌이 끝날때쯤에 매니는 1993년도 최고의 마이너리거로 뽑혔으며 그는 본격적으로 빅리거가 되었다.
The Indians originally announced that they would start the 1994 season with Manny in AAA and consequently didn't let him play much in Spring Training. But after hitting .444 in the spring, the Indians reconsidered, finally proclaiming Manny the team's starting right fielder. Manny and Carlos Delgado entered the 1994 season as the leading candidates for Rookie of the Year.
인디안스는 원래 매니를 1994년도에 트리플A에서 뛰게할려고햇지만 그의 경이적인 0.444 타율을 보며 마음을 바꿔버렸다.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
A hard worker, Manny would wake up early, swim, ride the bike, and lift weights, then go back to bed until early afternoon. He then would eat lunch and arrive at the ballpark at 2:00 for early hitting, two hours before he's required to be in uniform.
그는 언제나 노력을했다. 매니는 아침에 일찍일어나 수영을하고 ,자전거를 타고, 웨이트 트레이닝을하고, 다시 이른오후까지 잠을잤다. 그리고 일어나 밥을먹고 볼파크에 언제나 2시까지 갔다.
His first year in the majors was a success. He hit .269 with 17 homers and 60 RBIs in the strike-shortened season. Manny ultimately ended up finishing second in the Rookie of the Year voting to Bob Hamelin (can you believe that?).
그는 첫해에 0.269, 17홈런, 그리고 60타점을 올리며( 모든 경기를 다 뛰지않았음에도 ) 활약했고.. 신인왕에는 2위로 밀려 (밥 헤밀턴에) 아쉽게도 떨어졌다.
In 1995, Manny's career took off. He hit .308 with 31 home runs and 107 RBIs. Over the next few years, Manny continued to hit. He hit with power. He hit line drives. He hit consistently. He hit to the opposite field. He hit when he's behind in the count. He hit fastballs and breaking balls and knuckleballs. Year after year, he put up great numbers and developed reputation as an RBI machine.
그리고 1995년은 매니가 본격적으로 활약하기 시작했다 .그는 0.308 타율에 31홈런, 그리고 107 타점을 떄려버렸다. (오메 무서운거) 그리고 매년 그는 많은 안타를 쳐냈다.. 그는 라인드라이브도 쳐냈다. 필드 반대방향으로도 쳐냈고, 불리한 볼카운트에서도 안타를때렸다. 그는 패스트볼 브레이킹볼 그리고 너클볼까지 쳤따. 한해 한해가 지나며 그는 RBI 머신이라는 명성까지 얻었다.
Manny doesn't study pitchers. He doesn't even know most of their names. He doesn't listen to scouting reports or ask teammates what somebody is throwing or pay attention in the on-deck circle. He figures pitchers should worry about him, not the other way around.
매니는 투수를 분석하지않는다. 그는 그들의 이름조차 다 알지못한다 ( ㅡ.,ㅡ) 그는 스카우팅 리포트같은것도 듣지 않는다. 컥...
"I don't like too many things in my head," he says. "I don't care who is pitching. All I need to see is the ball. My mind is always clean. Empty, empty, empty." Ask him how many home runs he had three years ago or how many RBI he had two years ago, and he says he has no idea, adding he doesn't play for numbers. Manny's approach to the game is one baseball people refer to as no-brain/no-headaches. Both his swing and his attitude are free of tension.
"나는 내 머릿속이 복잡한게 싫어요 " 그가 말했다 (지극히 매니다운말 .. ㅋㅋㅋ) " 나는 누가 던지던 상관없어요. 내가 필요한건 공을 보는거죠. 나의 마음은 언제나 깨끗하죠. 텅 텅 텅 텅 벼버린.. " 그에게 니 홈런 몇개쳤냐? 라고 물어봐라.. 그에게 니 타점 몇점이나 올렸냐? 라고 물어봐라.. 그는 대답할것이다 " 나도 몰라!!!!" 라고.. ㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 한마디 더 추가할것이다. " 나는 기록을 위해 야구를 하는게 아니다. " 라고.. 매니는 게임에 임할때 그런식을 임한다..
Manny was the heart and soul of the fearsome Cleveland offense of the late 1990's, and offense that propelled the Indians into the post-season every year from 1995 to 1999. But as the legend of his hitting grew, stories about his mental lapses, lackadaisical fielding, and baserunning mistakes began to circulate. He would make easy fly balls an adventure, or get picked off by a mile, or lose count of balls and strikes when he was at the plate. Usually, his errors in judgment were harmless and compensated healthily by his bat, by hit after hit after hit, by the extra practice and workouts.
매니의 클리브렌드시절 (1995-1999) 때에는 클리브렌드의 타선은 완전 광적이였따. 그의 신화는 계속되어갔고, 그의 정신적인 문제또한 말이많았다. 그의 수비는 집중력을 잃은듯했고, 가끔가다 볼카울트를 까먹어 (ㅡ.,ㅡ) 문제가 되기도했다.
But the Indians thought it might be a mental problem. They ordered psychological testing on Manny to discover the root of his problems but found nothing out of the ordinary. Dr. Charles Maher said Manny's problem was shyness, not ADD. After a series of concentration excercises meant to help him focus, Manny thanked Maher by giving him his team Most Valuable Player trophy.
인디안스는 그가 정신적 문제가 있을지도 모른다고했고 그들은 정신과 의사를 불러 매니를 테스트했다. 닥터는 매니가 아무런 문제가 없다고했다. ㅋㅋㅋ
Manny was popular with his teammates. He often engaged in horseplay with them before games. He revered his teammates, especially the Alomars; he respected and listened to Vizquel. He has heroes such as outfielder Raul Mondesi. He apparently doesn't understand that he probably is just as good as, if not better than, nearly every player in either league.
그는 그의 팀매이트들 사이에서 매우 인기가좋았다. 그는 Vizquel를 존경하며 언제나 그의말을 들었다. 그리고 그는 라울 몬데시를 거의 숭배하다시피했다. 그는 명백하게도 그가 메이저리그에서 어느누구보다 뛰어나다는걸 모르나보다.
He had photos over locker, not of himself, but of teammates, coaches, and team personnel.
그의 라커에 붙여져있는 사진들은 그 자신이 아닌 팀메이트, 코치사진일 뿐이다.
He was legendary for ''borrowing'' items out of other players' lockers, and used to show up at batting practice wearing the uniform pants of other club personnel, including the extra-large pair belonging to Dan Williams, the team's former bullpen coach. He'd show up to spring training with bright orange hair. And he would train by riding a girls pink bicycle around the park.
그는 전설적인 "물건빌리는" 사람이였따 (컥;) 그는 다른팀메이트들의 라커에서 배팅연습 옷을 빌려입기도했다. 그는 스프링 트레이닝때 오렌지 색깔로 머리를 염색하고 나오기도했고, 여자아이의 핑크색 자전거를 빌려타고 훈련하기도했다. (ㅡ.,ㅡ;;;;)
Insecure about his accent and afraid to sound stupid in English, Manny didn't do many television or radio interviews or make appearances for the club during his eight years in Cleveland. Cleveland's Plain Dealer wrote that "reading Ramirez is like trying to read tea leaves," and Sports Illustrated wrote he is "tougher to read than Sanskrit." The Indians were content to have Manny simply show up and swing the bat.
그의 스페니쉬 엑센트는 그가 영어로 말할때 좀 멍청하게 보였고, 그는 이것을 두려워했다. 매니는 슈퍼스타임에도 불구하고 라디오나 텔레비젼에 나오질않닸다. 클리블엔드기자는 "라미레즈를 읽는건 차잎을 읽는것과 같다. 라고했다."
Immediately after the end of the 2000 season, there was talk that Manny would join the Rockies, Mariners, Red Sox, Mets, or his hometown Yankees. Jeff Moorad, Manny's agent, shopped him around, but in the end it was only the Indians and Red Sox who left offers on the table.
2000년도 시즌이 끝날때즈음에는 매니가 록키스, 마리너스, 레드삭스, 메츠 아니면 그의 홈타운 양키에 갈거라는 말들이있었다.
On December 12, 2000, after two days of agonizing indecisiveness, conversations with Boston players, guidance from close friend Victor Mata, and encouragement from his mother, Manny signed a $160 million, eight year contract to play with the Boston Red Sox. His signing came just hours after Texas signed shortstop Alex Rodriguez to a record-shattering 10-year, $252 million deal.
12월 12일 2000년에 그는 보스턴 레드삭스에 150 밀리언달러 (8년계약) 으로 입단하기로 확정되었다. 그리고 그의 계약은 알렉스 로드리게즈가 252만불로 10년계약을 한 뒤 몇시간 지나지않아 끝났다.
And Boston is happy to have him. Red Sox GM Dan Duquette said he envisions Ramirez and Garciaparra forming ''arguably the strongest 3-4 [lineup] combination in Red Sox history.''
보스턴은 그와 계약하게되어 매우 행복한듯했다. 레드삭스 단장은 매니와 노마가 레드삭스의 역사상 가장 강력한 3-4번타자가 될것이라고했다.
The Red Sox know there are no Gold Gloves or baserunning awards in Ramirez's future, but that's not what they're asking for. They know they have one of the game's best hitters, who should put up the numbers well into the next decade. They believe Manny will be a big piece of the puzzle in their quest for a World Series championship.
보스턴 레드삭스는 그가 골든글로브상( 수비를 잘하면 주어지는 상) 이나 도루상같은걸 받는걸 기대하지 않는다고했다. 그의 임무는 치는것. 그게 중요한것이다.
People wondered what a humble man like Manny would do with all of the money. It was easily more than he would ever need. The $160 million child lives in a $700-a-month apartment, flies coach, and has been driving a 1996 Chevy Impala for years. Even now, Manny Ramirez shops for the lowest price when buying car rims, airplane tickets, even flowers for his mother. And the enormous, sparkling rock that Manny sports in his left earlobe is a spectacularly cheap fake. "Bought it in a mall," Ramirez says, without a trace of shame. "Forty dollars."
매니는 왜 겸손한 매니가 그렇게 많은 돈을 요구했느지 모른다고했다. 그는 70만원짜리 월세 아파트에서 살았고, 1996년도산 셰비 임팔라를 몇년동안 타고다녔다. 그리고 매니는 가장싼가격을 위해 쇼핑을하고, 비행기티켓을 한다. 심지어 그의 엄마를 위한 꽃까지..
Manny doesn't need change. He has no maid, no valet, no gardener, no driver. and no money-soaked ego, either. Asked to go shopping in South Florida's ritzy Bal Harbour, Ramirez laughs and declines, saying, "I'm not first-class. I'm not Alex Rodriguez."
매니는 변화할 필요가없다. 그는 가정부도 없고, 화원을 가꾸는 화원사도 없으며, 기사도 없고, 돈을 험난하게 쓰지도않는다. 매니는 말한다 "나는 1등급이 아니죠. 나는 에이로드가 아니라구요." ◀이눔아 그래도 너는 메이저리그 전체 2번째로 많이 받는놈이야.. 뷁!!!
Manny celebrated his monster contract by vacationing in the Bahamas ... because the hotel-sponsored trip was free. He didn't gamble so much as a cent. "I'm a simple man," Ramirez says in Spanish, "of simple tastes."
매니는 그의 엄청난 계약을 축하하기위해 바하마로 떠났다. (미국에 있는 유명한 섬 여행지) .. 왜냐면... -_- 호텔이 스폰서하는 그 여행은 ' 꽁짜" 였기때문이다. -_-;; " 나는 심플한 사람입니다..ㅋㅋ"
어이고 짠돌이~
One of Ramirez's sisters handles his finances, everything from paying his bills to signing his checks, which allows him to remove the clutter from his life and compress his world so much that it becomes scarcely bigger than that baseball.
라미레즈의 누나중한명의 그의 돈을 관리한다..
He reported to spring training early and insisted on staying in the same hotel as the minor leaguers to reduce expenses and distractions.
그는 스프링 트레이닝때 일직 도착해 마이너리거들이 묵는 갑싼호텔에서 묵길원했다. 이유는 값이 싸기때문이고 또 집중할 수 잇기 대문이니까.
Manny fit in just fine, getting to know his new teammates and Red Sox personnel. When he was inspecting the Sox clubhouse, he could be seen with his arm around a Sox clubhouse attendant, saying, ''Hey, you and me are going to be friends.'' And Manny, who had not picked up a bat all winter, showed everyone that he was worth every penny.
매니는 레드삭스 클럽하우스에 처음갔을때 레드삭스 선수들의 어께에 팔을 두르고 "너와 나는 친구가될꺼야" 라고 하였다. ㅡ.,ㅡ; 매니는 겨울내내 훈련을 했다.(자기가 그 돈 값어치를 한다는걸 보여주기위해)
On April 6, 2001, on the first pitch he saw as a member of the Boston Red Sox, Manny homered over the Green Monster. His first year in Boston was a resounding success. He finished the season with a .306 average, 41 homers, and 106 RBIs.
4월 6일, 레드삭스 일원으로써의 첫타석에서 그는 홈런을 치며.. 시즌을 0.306타율, 41 홈런, 그리고 106타점으로 끝마쳤다.
In October 2001, Manny married local restaurant hostess Juliana Monterio in a private ceremony. He has, for the most part, kept his wife and his son (Manny Jr.) out of the public eye. Manny continues to be a frugal man who takes care of his family and his body. He neither drinks nor smokes, and says he prefers to stay at home at night, watching sports or music videos on TV. If he goes out to eat, it's often for sushi.
그리고 2001년에는 매니는 레스토랑 호스트리스 줄리아나 몬타리오와 결혼했다.. ㅠ_ㅠ.. 그는 그의 아들 매니 주니어(ㅋㅋ) 까지 낳았따.. 매니는 술을 마시지도 담배를 피지도않는다. 그가 말하길 자기는 집에서 티비보고(스포츠) 비디오보는게 낫다고.. 그리고 밖에나가서 생선초밥을 사먹는다고.
첫댓글 님 수고하셨네요~ ^^ 매니에 대해 많은걸 알게되었습니당~
에공 고생하셨네요^^ 덕분에 좋은 글 읽게 되네요. 저두 매니 무지 좋아하걸랑요. 감사 꾸벅~
수고하셧어요... 잘읽엇습니다.. 내사랑 매니 홧팅~`~^^
수거했어요 한번더 매니의 진면목을 알게된 계기가 된것 같네요....
참 재밌네요... 고생 많이 하셨음
근데 예전 울 찌라시들은..매니가 김선우 앞에서 루이비똥에 가서 한 진열장을 깡그리사 기를 죽였단 기사를 썼었죠...음..
매니 넘 좋아...^^ 귀여워서 꼭 깨물어 주고 싶어염^^ㅎㅎㅎ
매니 담배하는 것 같은데...씹는 담배...그거 피우는 담배보다 훨 안좋은 건데...^^
매니가 더 좋아졌어요... 이사람 역시 뭔가 다른면이 있군요...근데 믿을수 없는 도루의 압박 ^^;
와~~~님 너무 잘봤어요...하나하나 꼼꼼히 다 읽었다는..메니는 싸인도 약간 대충해요..ㅋㅋㅋ 싸인볼에 있는 싸인이 다다른듯..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^____________^ 메니 화이팅!