시작영어 150문장
whats your nationality?국적은 어디입니까?
have you ever been denied a visa to the united states?
미국 비자가 거절된 적이 있나요?
what is you country of origin?
귀하의 출신 국가가 어디입니까?
where are you from? 귀하의 출신 국가가 어디입니까?
what is your occupation?직업이 무엇입니까?
what do you do for a living?직업이 무엇입니까?
l,m a housewife.저는 주부입니다.
l,m an office worker.저는 회사원입니다.
l,m self-employed.저는 자영업자입니다.
do you have any company?동행자가 있습니까?
yes, l,m with my friend.저는 친구와 왔어요.
no, l travel by myself.아니요. 저는 혼자왔어요.
have you ever visited the united states before?
이전에 미국에 방문 적 있습니까?
no, this is my first time visiting.
아니요. 이번이 처음입니다.
yes, l have visited the united states previously.
예 저는 이전에 미국을 방문한 적 있습니다.
this is my second time visiting.
이번이 두 번째 방문입니다.
do you have family or friends in the United States?
미국 내에 가족이나,친구가 있나요?
do you have any relatives in the United States
미국 내에 친척이 있나요?
is this the line for visitor immigration
이곳이 방문객 입국 심사줄입니까?
can I go through immigration with my family
가족과 함께 입국심사 받을 수 있나요?
may I see your passport여권을 보여주세요.
here it is 여기 있습니다.here you are
please. turn to the camera 카메라를 쳐다보세요.
please. place your thumb on the fingerprint reader
지문 판독기에 엄지 손가락을 올려주세요.
what's the purpose of your visit
방문 목적이 무엇입니까?
why are you visiting방문 목적이 무엇입니까?
business or pleasure사업차입니까? 관광차입니까?
I'm here to travel여행왔어요.
I'm here for a vacation 휴가왔어요.
I'm on a business trip 출장하려왔어요
I'm here for The Layover경유하기 위해서입니다.
I'm visiting my friend친구 만나려 왔어요.
I'm here to visit my friend 친구 만나려 왔어요.
I'm here to study 공부하려왔어요.
I'm here to attend a conference
저는 회의 참석을 위해 여기 왔어요.
how long will you be staying
얼마 머물실 예정입니까?
how long are you gonna stay
얼마 머물실 예정입니까?
how long do you plan to stay얼마 머물실 예정입니까?
I'm here for five days
I'll be staying for five days
for five days
I'm here for five days
l'll be staying for five days
I'm here for five days
I'll be staying for five days
for a week1주일
I'm here for a week1주일
for about a month 약1달
I'm here for about a month 약1달
for about a month
I'm staying for two weeks and leaving on the 22nd
where will you be staying어디에 머무실 것입니까?
where are you gonna be staying
어디에 머무실 것입니까?
I'll be staying at Hilton Hotel
how much money are you carrying with you
지금 가지고 있는 돈은 얼마나 됩니까?
how much currency are you carrying
지금 가지고 있는 돈은 얼마나 됩니까?
I have twelve hundred dollars
1200달러 가지고 있어요.
have you ever been denied a visa to theUnited States
전에 미국에서 입국를 거절하 적이 있습니까?
what is your country of origin출신국가가 어디입니까?
where are you from 어디에서 왔습니까?
what's your nationality국적이 어떻게 됩니까?
I'm from South Korea 한국 사람입니다.
what is your occupation직업이 무엇입니까?
what do you do for a living직업이 무엇입니까?
I'm a housewife 주부입니다.
I'm retired so I don't have a job
나는 은퇴해서 직업이 없어요.
I'm an office worker 회사원입니다.
I'm self-employed자영업자입니다.
do you have any company동행자가 있습니까?
yes, I'm with my friend 친구와 왔어요.
no. I travel by myself저는 혼자 여행왔어요.
have you ever visited the United States before
이전에 미국에 방문한 적이 있습니까?
no.this is my first time visiting.처음 방문입니다.
yes. I have visited the U.S previously
전에 미국에 방문한 적이 있습니다.
this is my second time visiting. 두 번째 방문입니다.
do you have family or friends in the United States
미국에 가족이나 친구가 있나요?
do you have any relatives in the United States
미국에 친적이 있나요?
do you have anything to declare
신고할 물건이 있습니까?
I have nothing to declare신고할 물건이 없습니다.
do you have any weapons or illegal drugs in your possession?무기나 불법약물을 소지하고 계십니까?
no. I don't have. 아니요 없어요.
are you carrying any food plant oranimal products with you
음식,식물이나 동물관련 된 것을 가지고 오셨나요?
no, I'm not
have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime
범죄로 체포나 유죄판결을 받은 적이 있나요?
no, I have never been
do you have a return ticket귀국 티켓이 있습니까?
do you have a round-trip ticket
왕복 티켓이 있습니까?yes. I have.예 있습니다.
do you have any plans to travel to other countries
다른 나라에도 여행 계획이 있나요?
have a safe and enjoyable trip thank you
whats your nationality?국적은 어디입니까?
have you ever been denied a visa to the united states?
미국 비자가 거절된 적이 있나요?
what is you country of origin?
귀하의 출신 국가가 어디입니까?
where are you from? 귀하의 출신 국가가 어디입니까?
what is your occupation?직업이 무엇입니까?
what do you do for a living?직업이 무엇입니까?
l,m a housewife.저는 주부입니다.
l,m an office worker.저는 회사원입니다.
l,m self-employed.저는 자영업자입니다.
do you have any company?동행자가 있습니까?
yes, l,m with my friend.저는 친구와 왔어요.
no, l travel by myself.아니요. 저는 혼자왔어요.
have you ever visited the united states before?
이전에 미국에 방문 적 있습니까?
no, this is my first time visiting.
아니요. 이번이 처음입니다.
yes, l have visited the united states previously.
예 저는 이전에 미국을 방문한 적 있습니다.
this is my second time visiting.
이번이 두 번째 방문입니다.
do you have family or friends in the United States?
미국 내에 가족이나,친구가 있나요?
do you have any relatives in the United States
미국 내에 친척이 있나요?
what is the purpose of your visit?
what is the purpose of your trip?
why are you visition?왜 방문했나요?
l,ll be staying for five days.5일 동안 있을 거예요.
l,m here for tourism여행왔어요.
l,m here for a vacation 휴가 왔어요.
l,m here to travel.여행왔어요.
l,m here for the layover.저는 경유를 위해서 왔어요.
l,m on a business trip.출장 왔어요.
l,m here to visit my friend.친구 만나려 왔어요.
l,m visiting my friend. 친구 만나려 왔어요.
l,m here to study.공부하려 왔어요.
l,m here to study english.
l,m here for 3 days. 3일입니다.
l,m here for about week 약 1주일 있을 것입니다.
for 5 days 5일입니다.
where can l catch a taxi?
택시는 어디에서 탑니까?
can you call a taxi for me,please?
택시 좀 불러 주시겠습니까?
where is the check in counter?
탑승 수속 창구가 어디입니까?
where can l change my flight?
비행기 어디에서 갈아탑니까?
l missed my flight.비행기를 놓쳤어요.
can l take another flight?
다른 비행기를 탈 수 있나요?
l think l lost my baggage.
여권을 잃어버린 것 같습니다.
did you extend your passport?
여권을 연장했나요?
when is the next bus?
다음 버스는 언제 옵니까?
is there a parking lot here?여기 주차장 있나요?
is there a shuttle to the airport?
공항까지 가는 셔틀 있나요?
my phone,s battery died.
핸드폰 배터리가 다 떨어졌어요.
l need a taxi to the airport.
공항까지 택시가 필요해요.
time for dilly dallying has go지체할 시간이 이미 지났다.
don,t dilly dally우물쭈물하지 마willy nilly 싫든 좋든
we will all have to go to the meeeting willy nill
우리는 모든 회의에 가야 할 것이다. 싫든 좋든
that,ll cost an arm and a leg엄청나게 비싸다.
그거 하려면 엄청나게 비씬 대가를 치루게 될 거예요.
how come you,re late? 왜 늦었어요?
나 그 여자 거의 몰라l barely know her.
barely [bέǝrli] ɑd.간신히, 가까스로, 겨우, 거의 …없다.
⟨cf.⟩ scarcely, hardly.
She is barely sixteen. 그녀는 겨우 16세다
He barely escaped death. 그는 간신히 죽음을 모면했다.
have barely enough time for the train
열차에 간신히 탈 수 있는 시간밖에 없다.
cal l see your insurance card?보험카드를 보여주시겠어요?
under construction공사중인lid 뚜껑
they nare holding uo nthe lid.그들은 뚜껑을 들어올리고 있다.
l wasn,t thinking straight내 생각이 짧았어
please hand over the keys.열쇠 좀 넘겨 주세요.
can you point out issues?문제점을 지적할 수 있나요?
the store will shut down.가게가 폐쇄될거야
l want to make up with you.나는 당신과 화해하고 싶어요.
rinse off with warm water.따뜻한 물로 헹구세요.
she wil take over the commpany.그녀는 회사를 인수할거야
can you take out the dishes?접시 좀 꺼내 주시겠어요?
he is quick to catch on그는 이해가 빨라요.
they depend on each other.그들은 서로에게 의존해요.
may I see your boarding pass 탑승권을 보여 주시겠습니까?here you are
where is my seat제 자리는 어디에 있나요?
can I move to a window seat 창가쪽으로 옮길 수 있나요
can I move to an aisle seat통로쪽으로 바꿀수 있나요?
can I get by please
put your bag under your seat please
fasten your seat belt please
may I have a blanket
do you have sleep masks
what would you like to drink
what would you like to drink coffee to sale
coffee please coffee please
what would you like to have chicken or beef
I will have beef please
please I will have beef please
could I change my meal
can I take my dinner later
would like a glass of beer please
I would like a glass of beer please
can I have a can of beer please
may I go to the restroom now
do you have a duty-free catalog
I would like to buy two bottles of wine
can I pay with a credit card
yes you can pay in cash or with a credit card
can I pay in Korean one can
can I pay in Korean one
could you give me some medicine
what's the matter what's the matter
I am air sick I am air sick
yoriso I have a fever
I have a fever I have a fever
I have a fever
please open your window shades
yourself please return to your seat
please return to your seat
is may I see your passport
may I see your passport
your passport please your passport please
yogiso here you are
here you are here you are/here you are
what's the purpose of your visit
so I'm here for sightseeing
I'm here for sightseeing here for sightseeing
how long are you going to stay
how long are you going to stay
is I will stay for about two weeks
I will stay for about two weeks
when are you returning to Korea
I'm leaving on May 15th I'm leaving on May 15th
leaving on May 15th I'm leaving on May 15th
where are you going to stay
I am going to stay at my friend's house in LA
hey I am going to stay at the ABC Hotel
l am going to stay at the ABC Hotel
I am going to stay at the ABC Hotel
what do you do
I am a housewife
is this your first time visiting
know this is the second time visiting t
how much cash are you carrying
do you have any credit cards
oh please open this bag
please open this bag
what's in it what's in it
s indica do you have any other baggage
do you have any other baggage
where can I exchange money
foreign could you exchange this
could you exchange this
where is the baggage claim
where is the baggage claim
it's gay so it's on the first floor
it's on the first floor
where is the lost and found
my luggage is missing my luggage is missing
foreign my luggage is broken
my luggage is broken
do you have a baggage tag
I'd like to check in please
did you make a reservation d
here is my reservation information
here is my reservation information
may I see your ID please
I have a reservation under me young Kim
all right let me check all right let me check
your room number is 702. yes
here is your key here is your key
what time is check out
could you keep my valuables?귀중품 좀 보관해주시겠습니까?
could you bring my baggage up to my room?
제짐을 제방으로 가져다 주시겠습니까?
when do you serve breakfast
can I use Wi-Fi in the room
could you keep my valuables
could you bring my baggage up to my room
so could you keep my luggage
could you keep my luggage?제 짐을 좀 맡아주시겠습니까?
what floor is the swimming pool
I'd like to make a reservation 예약하고 싶습니다.
do you have a room for tonight?
오늘 밤에 잘 수 있는 방이 있습니까?
how many days will you be staying?
며칠 동안 묵으실 것입니까?
I'd like to stay for three nights3박을 하고 싶습니다.
how much is the room charge per night?
하루밤 숙박료는 얼마입니까?
I'd like a room with a nice view please
I'd like a room with a nice view please
전망이 좋은 방으로 부탁합니다.
I'd like to cancel my reservation. 예약을 취소하고 싶습니다.
I'd like to change oom please.다른 방으로 바꿔 주세요.
can I have more towels?수건 좀 주시겠습니까?
please give me a wake-up call at six 6시에 모닝콜 부탁합니다.
please give me a wake-up call at six Eagle TPL
this is for you this is for you
I left my key in the room
I'd like to leave a day early
I'd like to check out I'd like to check out
here's your receipt here's your receipt
now did you make a reservation
did you make a reservation
yes it's under me young Kim yes it's under me young Kim
I made a reservation at seven
Gayo how many in your party
how many in your party how many in your party
how many in your party
we are three we are three
would you like to sit inside or outside
I'd like to sit out on the Terrace
I'd like a window seat please
can I see the menu can I see the menu
Panini nail do you have a menu in English
do you have a menu in English?
are you ready to order are you ready to order
what is good here what is good here
I'll have steak and pasta
I'll have the same I'll have the saying
how would you like your steak
oh medium please
medium please medium please
medium please Style
what would you like to drink
sale just water please
just water please /anything else/that's all that's all
can I get a refill please
sorry but can I change my order sorry
but can I change my order
can I change my order
sorry but can I change my order
my order hasn't come out yet my order hasn't come out yet
this isn't my order this isn't my order
enjoy your meal enjoy your meal
would you care for dessert
Anil kintenil no thank you
no thank you
can I get some napkins
could I have a to-go box please
please could I have a to-go box
check please check please
may I help you may I help you
say I'm just looking around
I'm just looking around here
take your time take your time
how much is this how much is this
can I try this on can I try this on
um where is the fitting room
where is the fitting room
do you have this in medium
do you have any other colors
where can I find shoes
it doesn't fit me it doesn't fit me
do you have this in a larger size
can you show me another one
is this on sale is this on sale
I'll take this one I'll take this one
what size are you what size are you
I'm a size eight
I'll go check for you
let me grab that for you
I'm going to think about
all sale items are final
can I get a refund
can I get an exchange
how would you like to pay
um would you like a receipt
would you like a receipt
can I have the receipt
do you accept credit cards/all pay in installment
I'll pay an installment
I'll pay in cash all pay in cash
ier when do you close
when do you close /thank you and come again
please make sure to be on time. 꼭 제 시간에 와 주십시오.
do you want to grab something to eat?간단히 뭐 좀 먹을래?
why don,t you try eating a banana?바나나를 먹어보는게 어때
spontaneously.[spantéiniəsli] 자발적으로2.자연적으로3.자연스럽게
turn in 제출하다.
bread bin빵 상자
bin쓰레기 통.뚜껑 달린 상자.…을 휴지통에 버리다
trash bin쓰레기통ash bin쓰레기통, 재떨이, 재받이통
recycle bin휴지통 litter bin쓰레기통
rubbish bin쓰레기통(dustbin,쓰레기통)
orderly bin쓰레기통pig bin부엌 쓰레기통
pedal bin폐달식 휴지통
sin bin페널티 박스, 데이트용의 침대 달린 자동차
bookcase[búkkèis] n. 책장.책꽂이
l,d like to teach history at college for students.
나는 대학에서 학생들을 위해 역사를 가르치고 싶습니다.
handwriting[hǽndràitiŋ] n.필체.손으로 씀, 육필; 필적,서풍.필사물
can l pay with my credit card?
제가 카드로 지불해도 되나요?
l,d like to go economy class.나는 일반석으로 가고 싶습니다.
can l go standby? 대기로 갈 수 있나요?
l,d like to travel first class. 나는 일등석으로 가고 싶어요.
can l go business class?비지니스석
can l go economy class?일반석으로 갈 수 있나요?
can l go first class?일등석
can you put my name on the waiting list?
제 이름을 대기자 명단에 올려 줄 수 있나요?
rubbish [rʌ́biʃ] n.쓰레기, 폐물, 잡동사니.하찮은 것, 부질없는 생각, 어리석은 짓
a pile of rubbish 쓰레기〔잡동사니〕 더미.
hold up.들다2.수 있다3.지키다4.연기하다5.지내다
stand over옆에서 지켜보다.
hold up on~을 지연시키다
I'd like to go to economy class. / I'd like to travel first class. / Do you have the cheapest ticket? / Can I go to first class?
Can I pay with my credit card?제가 카드로 지불할 수 있나요?
Can I pay by cash?
Can I go standby?
Can you put my name on the waiting list?
I'm sorry, we're fully booked.
Do you want me to put your name on the waiting list? Sure, yes, please!
It'll take more than 2 hours. Then, let me think about it with my friends. // You can get a new job in Australia or in the United States.
Can you put this box on the table over there? / Can you put your bag in here? / Can you put your hands on your head? / Put your legs under the desk. / Put your legs on the floor.
How long is the waiting list? I think it will take around/over 30 minutes. Would you like to wait? Yes!
can l go standby 제가 대기로 갈 수 있습니까?
can l go first class?제가 일등석으로 갈수 있나요?
can l go economy class?
제가 일반석으로 갈 수 있나요?
can l go business class?
제가 비즈니스석으로 갈 수 있나요?
l,m sorry. we,re fully booked.예약이 끝났다.
can l put my name on the waiting list?
제 이름을 대기자 명단에 올려 주실 수 있나요?
do you want me to put your name on the waiting list?
you can get a job in australia or in the us.
can you put this box on the table over there?
너 이 상자를 저 테이블 위로 올려 줄 수 있겠니?
can you put your bag in here?
당신의 가방을 이 안에 넣어 주실 수 있나요?
can you put your hands on your head?
손을 머리 위로 올려 주시겠어요?
put your legs under the desk.
네 다리를 책상 밑으로 내려라.
how long is the waiting list?
대기자 명단이 얼마나 깁니까?
would you like to wait?
얼마나 기다려야합니까?
l,d like to make reservation to lundon.
런던으로 가는 예약을 하고 싶습니다.
l,d like to make reservation for round trip ticket to auckland
오클랜드로 왕복 예약을 하고 싶습니다.
l,d like to make an appointment with youngsoo next Monday.
나는 다음주 영수와 만날 약속을 하고 싶습니다.
l,d like to make money as soon as possible.
나는 최대한 빨리 돈을 벌고 싶습니다.
l,d like to make a cellphone call to bo-gum.
보검씨에게 전화하고 싶습니다.
l,d like to book a flight to auckland.
나는 오클랜드로 가는 항공권을 예약하고 싶습니다.
When are you going to~(언제 ~할 거야?)
What made you~(왜 ~했어?) / 패턴영어(76강)
When we're going to harvest our carrots ?
When are you going to~ 언제 ~할 거야?
When are you going to+동사원형
What made you~ 왜 ~했어?
What made you+동사원형
When are you going to start?
언제 출발할 거야?
when are you going to get married?
when are you going to go home?
언제 집에갈거야?
when are you going to move out?
언제 이사할 거야?
when are you going to visit me?
언제 방문할거야?
what made you decide so?
왜 그런 결정을 했어?
what made you say that?
왜 그런 말을 했어?
what made you dress up nicely?
왜 멋지게 차려 입었어.
what made you change your mind?
왜 마음을 바뀠어?
what made you come late?
왜 늦게 왔어?