Chambumo Gyeong - 307. North America
True Father departed from Japan on February 12,1965, stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii, and arrived at San Francisco International Airport the following day. During the next 43 days until March 29, Father created 55 holy grounds while traveling through the 48 contiguous states. Then on March 31 Father arrived in Washington, DC, where he remained for three months, devising a detailed strategy for the establishment and expansion of the mission foundation across the regions of the United States and in 12 mission countries. Father also spoke at length to the participants of a 21-day workshop there. Then on June 25 he visited former US president Dwight D. Eisenhower at his home in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and spoke with him on matters of importance. 30 I thought that foreigners did not cry very often, but after visiting America, I learned that they cry a great deal. The American members heard that I was arriving, but they were unaware of my arrival time, so they waited all day at the airport. They were tired and anxious from waiting, and when I finally landed and made it to the arrival gate some people were laughing and some were crying. Although we have different cultures and historical backgrounds, once we become Unificationists, our tears and our smiles become just the same. The American members showed their teeth when smiling and shed tears, just as Koreans do. (019-304, 1968/03/10) 31 I toured 48 American states in 43 days. I had to travel at least 700 kilometers each day by car. In San Francisco, I established two holy grounds called the Twin Peaks. One is Mother's holy ground and the other is Father's. In total, I established 55 holy grounds in America. Today there is no one protecting these holy grounds. The Unification Church is not developing because no one is taking care of the holy grounds.
I held conferences in both the eastern and western parts of the country during the same week, one conference every three days. We drove across the Rocky Mountains in one week. America has patriots, but they need to learn from me. They are not able to break my record. We also surmounted many difficulties. Instead of sleeping in hotels, I slept in the car and on sandy beaches if we could find any. Sometimes I would awaken in the middle of the night and stick my head out of my sleeping bag. The stars would shine brightly as if to say, "Did you have a good rest?" They would also say, "Good morning!" and "Good night!" I also had many dreams during that time. (580-116, 2007/11/10) 32 As I traveled around the 48 states, I had only bread and bacon with me. For a meal, I had one piece of each. I would have one slice of bread with bacon and kimchi. Young people can eat three pieces each for a meal, and it still would not be enough. But with us, each person could get only one piece each.
I have many stories to tell. Some nights, if it was already after midnight, because I rise at five in the morning we would not get a hotel room for just a few hours of sleep. Instead, we would sleep in the car on the side of the road as if the car had broken down. All I need is a short nap on the side of the road. Since we were four people and it cost $80 per person for the hotel rooms, that meant we saved $320. With that much money, we could eat and live for a week! That's how we cut expenses. And no matter how difficult it was, we had to travel 700 kilometers per day. One day we even traveled 1,300 kilometers. This is how we were able to traverse 48 states in 43 days. (322-089, 2000/05/14) 33 When I went to America, I looked around at the American culture that had taken root on the basis of democracy and thought, "This place is the central headquarters that will have command over the entire world. A new world culture will rise up and use this place as its stepping-stone." I then prayed about this point. Why are we proud of the Empire State Building in New York? It might be a source of pride in this present society, but in the new world we are creating, it will not stand as a tower or even a signpost. The world centered on the culture of a new blessed land that God is hoping to create is on a level much greater than that of the Empire State Building. (016-165, 1966/03/13) 34 No matter how good they say life in America is, from the viewpoint of God's original heart, America is not promoting true happiness and is not becoming a symbol of honor and glory. God feels great pain when He sees all of America entering a pit of sadness and grief. I once prayed at the Empire State Building in New York. They say it is the world's tallest building and a part of America's splendid culture. But I thought, "Building, how many people are here in this sinful city of New York who are trying to form a connection to heaven with you at the center? They too will have to pay indemnity!"
No matter how much I searched, I could not find people in New York who could connect with God's original heart, form a blood relationship with True Parents, and become their true sons and daughters. Out of all the people in New York, I could not find even a single such person, nor any such person throughout all of America. Before there were Americans, God was America's owner. Even before there were Native Americans, God was the owner of America. Therefore, the people God loves the most will become the owners of America. (020-128, 1968/05/01) 35 The United States today stands in the same position as the Roman Empire of 2,000 years ago. America, which we can call the 20lh-century Rome, should not be proud only of its own culture, as the Romans were of theirs. America should not become a nation that just makes efforts to dominate other nations. God's blessing is absolutely public. This blessing is not just for a single individual, family, nation or even the world. God's blessing is for the entire universe. All of you Americans here today must understand clearly how many hardships God experienced and how much He suffered so He could prepare to give this land such a huge blessing. An incredible teaching must be born in this land, an incredible teaching that exists for the entire world. One world family must be established here. (015-067, 1965/02/13) 36 I love Korea. However, my mission is greater than Korea. It reaches out to the world. My prayers and interests surpass Korea and focus on the whole world. Likewise, American brothers and sisters should not have an interest only in America or pray just for America. It is not just for the American people that you must bear the cross. You must not shed tears just for America. If you are going to shed tears, you must shed them for the sake of the world. You all must shed blood and tears for the sake of the entire world. You must stand in the position of loving America because you love the world. (015-075, 1965/02/13) 37 When I came to America in 1965, I told former President Eisenhower to set three major conditions. I asked him what he was going to do to resolve historical, religious and ideological conflicts. It was originally decided that my visiting time would be just five minutes, but 20 or more minutes passed before we finished. When I said I had to be going, he was sad to part with me and led me to the second floor where he showed me his living quarters. He gave me a personal keepsake, one he said he would never forget. He also spoke proudly about his experiences with Churchill and Stalin.
Our Unification Church must make America the number one landing field. When a young man from the Unification Church appears and says something to the world, humanity must agree and say, "That is true." (016-242, 1966/06/19) 38 When I met former President Eisenhower in 1965,1 discussed the issue of America's participation in the Korean War. I told him that the democratic world must stand in a position to be able to launch a military operation to counter communism. I explained that, even if the democratic world wins over the communist world, the communist world would then use Islam to continue its attack. The left wing, which is on Satan's side, has unified religion and the communist world, representing the internal and external aspects respectively. However, the right wing, which is on God's side, has been unable to unite Christianity and the democratic world. God has been planning and preparing a people to send to America for 6,000 years. Since America must defend heaven, we cannot hold hands with or align ourselves with the Cain world.
America stands in a leading role throughout the democratic world. American citizens must understand that God gave America boundless blessings for 200 years. He took things from Satan's world and gave them to America. God gave America the strength needed to surpass Satan's world, and helped America gain a larger population than that of its enemies. Because God knew that materialism would become a problem, He gave America blessings that would help the country overcome materialism. America is responsible for the strength of the right side, and no matter what occurs she must defend God and Christianity until the very end. (054-050, 1972/03/10) |