[이미 끝나버린 일을 후회하기 보다는 하고 싶었던 일들을 하지못한 것을 후회하라]
어휘와 문법[Vocabulary and Grammar]
이미 already, 끝나다 finish, ~아/어 버리다 ending word(express speaker's feeling to the completed event / action), 끝나버리다 completely finished, 끝나버리다+ㄴ(past form, modify following noun), 일(working, something to do), 을 objective post position, 후회하다 regret, ~기(making noun), 후회하기 regretting, ~ 보다는 rather than, 하고 싶다 want to do, ~았던/었던 (when you recall somthing), 하지 못한 것(things that didn't do), ~라 ending word(when you order or direct)
so it means.
[Rather than regretting what's already been done, regret not doing what you wanted to do.]
friends, let's focus on current time not past, tomorrow will be better according to what we do today. Hav a wonderful week. ☺️