These days, the use of mobile phones in various places such as schools, homes and offices is a common thing. The present era is of Smartphones where the devices use is not restricted to calling or texting. These smart devices are being used for many purposes such as playing games, clicking pictures, recording videos, making presentations, social media interaction, and many more. It appears as is the devices have become a means to make life better. However, it may not be the case, and it is the reason why many companies and employers have opted to ban mobile phones at workplaces.
1. What is the effect of Smartphones on users?
2. What is a healthy Work-Life balance?
3. Are Smartphones affecting Work-Life balance? , and if so, how?
4. What is the effect of smartphones on the world of work?
5. Do you think mobile phones should be banned at workplaces? , and if so, why or why not?
오늘 모임 처음 참여 했지만, 다들 친절히 맞아 주셔서 뜻깊은 자리 였습니다. 오늘 방장님께서 지시 하신데로, 쑥스럽지만 처음으로 과제 준비 해봤어요. 미숙하지만, 부족한점 있으시다면 건의 해주시기 바랍니다. 바로 수정 할께요^^,
Have a good week!
첫댓글 토픽 업로드 감사합니다. 폰에 대해서 할 얘기 정말 많은데, 기대해봐야겠습니다.
빠른 업로드 감사드려요. 부족한거 없습니다.^^ 다음에 뵈요 ㅋ
토픽 업데이트 감사합니다...ㅋㅋ