러시아의 심각한 뇌물관행 타파 노력
- 국가반부패위원회는 매년 러시아에서는 3천억불의 뇌물수수가 이뤄지고 있으며, 이들 자금은 대부분 공공 자금,
국가 자산과 천연자원산업 내에서 순환하고 있다고 지적함
- 그러나 일각에서는 사법당국이 교사나 교통경찰이 받는 사소한 뇌물에 대한 조사에 치중하는 경향이 있어 위와 같은
대규모의 뇌물 수수의 경우 대부분 조사가 이뤄지지 않음을 우려함
- 야당을 포함한 일부 의원들은 부패 타파를 위해 힘을 보탤 것으로 알려졌으며, 국가반부패 위원장인 Kirill Kabanov는
연방법률위원회 부의장인 Alexander Savenkov의 지지를 받고 있음
- 부패 사실이 충분히 드러나지 않는 점에 대해 불만이 팽배하며, 공개사례가 점차 감소하고 있는 상황임
- 내무부 통계에 따르면 러시아 뇌물의 평균액은 3십만 루블(1만불)임, 이것은 2011-12년 회부된 재판의 60%의 사례에서
평균 뇌물액수가 1천 루블(30불)에서 1만 루블(300불)이라는 대법원의 통계와는 완전히 다른 수치임
- 부패 관리들의 경우 보통 후원자와 변호사들로부터 보호를 받고 있어 처벌을 회피하고 있음
- 몇몇 전문가들은 로비활동에 관한 법안의 부재가 반부패노력에서 중요한 이슈이므로, 차후 법률 도입의 중요한 첫걸음
이 될 수 있음을 밝힘
- 과거 로비 활동을 허가하고자 하는 몇 차례의 시도가 무산되었으며, 푸틴 대통령은 로비활동이 예산 표결 중에는 금지
되어야 한다고 말한바 있음
[원문] The corruption market in Russia is estimated at $300 billion a year, with most of this money circulating in the public finance, state property and natural resource industries, according to estimates released Monday by the National Anti-Corruption Committee, an opposition-minded think tank.
But experts worried that the majority of those cases are not investigated, since law enforcement officials are more willing to go after small bribes given to teachers or traffic police. "Corruption is a business, and for some of the bureaucracy it is a part of their state service," Kirill Kabanov, head of the National-Anti Corruption Committee, said during a press conference. In an indication that some lawmakers and the opposition might join forces in the fight against corruption, Kabanov was supported by Alexander Savenkov, a deputy head of the Federation Council's legal committee. "There is a general dissatisfaction regarding the [insufficient] exposure of corruption facts," said Savenkov, who was a first deputy justice minister before becoming a senator. Savenkov said the number of exposed corruption cases is decreasing. He added that the average level of a bribe in Russia accounts to 300,000 rubles ($10,000), according to Interior Ministry statistics. The number sharply contrasts with the statistics of the Supreme Court, which has said that in 60 percent of court cases bribes ranged from 1,000 rubles ($30) to 10,000 rubles ($300) in 2011-12. Prosecutor General Yury Chaika said in 2008 that most bribes in Russia were received by teachers, doctors and police officers. Savenkov said that corrupt officials usually have a group of supporters and lawyers who help him escape justice. Kabanov said that Russian corruption differs sharply from that in the West. "Corruption exists because of the number of additional services that the bureaucracy imposes on society," Kabanov said. Some experts also believe that the absence of lobbying legislation is among the key issues in anti-corruption efforts. "It will be a useful step toward introducing the rule of law," said Viktor Zubarev, a State Duma Deputy representing United Russia. Several earlier attempts to pass lobbying legislation failed. Zubarev, a deputy head of the Delovaya Rossia business lobby, said he hoped a lobbying bill would be passed by the current Duma, whose term expires in 2016. In 2009, President Vladimir Putin said lobbying should be prevented during budget votes.
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