McCarty-to-Suns on horizon
By Steve Bulpett/ Celtics Notebook
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - The Celtics were very close last night to a trade involving Walter McCarty [news], according to multiple sources.
The Celts were said to be awaiting a final word from Phoenix, which will return a second-round pick to Boston if the transaction is completed.
Director of basketball operations Danny Ainge had no comment on the matter, but McCarty confirmed he had heard from the club that the deal had gone well beyond the preliminary stage.
It's a move Waltah would welcome after more than seven years in Green. With younger players filtering into the Celtics rotation, McCarty has been getting squeezed for playing time - a difficult situation for a player who turns 31 next week. He'd played just 18 minutes in the three games heading into last night's meeting with the Bobcats and then didn't make it off the bench.
"I'm very excited if it does happen,'' McCarty said before last night's 97-92 Celtics win over Charlotte. "The Suns are a team that's playing really well right now, and it would be a chance to win. I'm very excited. I think it's close and I just hope it follows through. I don't want to get too anxious and be disappointed if it doesn't happen.
"I've been here for a long time and there's been nothing but good things for me. But I do think it's time to maybe get a change of scenery. I've been very happy with the Celtics organization from the top to the bottom and I've really enjoyed working with the people in the Boston community. Those people will be friends for life.''
By moving McCarty, the Celtics would get out of the $1.5 million player option for next season (though there is reason to question whether he'd exercise it) and get a little roster flexibility. There is also said to be a feeling in management that McCarty deserves a better opportunity, and he would no doubt be a good fit in the Suns' running system.
While Gary Payton is starting and playing well, Ainge may be facing a similar situation with his veteran point guard. Payton has been an exemplary soldier but would like to be moved west to be closer to his family. His mother has been diagnosed with cancer and will start chemotherapy soon. Payton would also like a better opportunity to chase a championship.
Sources say Ainge is looking to see what Payton can bring from other clubs but won't give him away. It's possible that a first-round pick would be enough to pry The Glove loose.
The issue for the Celts would then be leaving the position in the hands of explosive but inconsistent Marcus Banks [news] and rookie Delonte West. Ainge and Rivers are encouraged by the pair, and giving them more minutes would have to help their development. But it could do damage to the short-term goals of a team that can still make the postseason and reap some valuable lessons found only in that environment.
Gillooly battles
The Celtics family and members of the Boston media are rooting hard for longtime Herald (from the Record days) scribe Eddie Gillooly as he fights lung cancer.
Gillooly is resting at home and makes the trips in to Mass. General for treatment.
``Eddie's a great friend and he's a battler,'' said Celt broadcaster Tommy Heinsohn, who was the coach on some of the teams Gillooly covered. ``Eddie's as good as they come. He was a fair guy as a reporter and he worked hard. I know he's going to work at this
피닉스 2라운드 픽으로 보스턴 맥카티를 데려오는 딜이 마무리 단계라고요,.
피닉스 승부를 거는 것인가요? 벤치도 상당히 보강을 해버리네요.
이로써 달려라 5형제에다가 짐잭슨-스티븐헌터-맥카티의 8인로테이션에 가끔씩
보스쿨이 몸빵, 발보사, @가 백업 포가를 해주는 시스템이 되겠네요
몇년도 2라운드인지는 모르겠는데, 싸게 얻은 것같습니다.
6-10의 맥카티는 3점이 좋고 작년에는 24분정도 뛰며 7.9점 3.1리바운드를 기록했는데
올해는 출장시간이 12분으로 줄었습니다. 기록도 반으로 줄었고요.
샐러리는 내년까지 1.4Mil정도를 받습니다. 올 시즌 후 플레이어 옵션 걸려있고요.
생각보다는 저렴한 롤플레이어죠.
첫댓글 요즘 콜란젤로... 올인모드 돌입입니다....--;
맥카티 까졍..
근데 재미있는건 오는 28일 선즈 대 보스턴전이 맥카티의 bobblehead night 이라는것.. 뭔짓이야??? 이게..
피닉스에 맥카티까지 오면 시애틀을 제치고 리그최고의 3점팀이 될수도 있을듯... 맥카티라면 헌터와 함께 후보로서 출장시간을 배분받겠네요. 이번에 온 짐잭슨과 함께 벤치에서 큰도움이 될듯...
피닉스 이번시즌 승부를 걸었군요.
2 라운드 픽으로 맥카티를 잡는다,,,데니 에인지가 또 뻘짓을 하는 것이 아닌가>????잘하면 피어스도 1라운드 픽으로 팔것다,,ㅡㅡ;;...피닉스 그냥 글로브도 데려오지,,내쉬의 백업이 생기면 완벽한 팀이 되는데,,
그렇죠? 2라운드 2장도 아니고..페이튼도 1라운드픽 1장으로 낚을 수 있을 것같다는 기대를 해봅니다. 에인지...픽모으기 짱..
글로브는 ESPN루머를보니 매버릭스, 포틀, 소닉스.. 이 세팀 중 한팀이 될거라더군요..
꼬릿말보고 웃어보긴 오랜만이네요. 픽모으기 짱ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
데니 에인지...왕바보
답답하죠...옛날에 조존슨,조셉포르테,켄드릭 브라운 뽑았을 때도 그렇고 올해는 알제퍼슨 빼고 알렌하고 그..백인 선수 누구죠? 암튼 두명은 약간 과대평가된 듯하니..아쉽죠. 언젠가 한번 또 1라운드픽만 3개가지고 드래프트할 날이 올 것같습니다.
-_-2라운드는 -_- ㅋㅋ 좀 그다지 와닿지 않는데 -_- ㅋㅋㅋ 에인지 드래프트픽 몹고 -_- 드래프트 이상하게 하기로 ㅋㅋㅋ 소문났죠 ㅋㅋ
매카티가 겨우 2라운드 픽 정도의 가치 밖에 되지 않는가...
이로서 보스턴 동부4강멤버는 피어스 혼자남았네요 ;;;
달려라 5형제.ㅋㅋㅋ
대니 에인지였기에 가능한 딜...
맥카티 한때 센터-포워드로도 명시되었던 선숩니다.. 피닉스에서 좀더 파이팅넘치는 플레이를 한다면 팀에 괜찮은 보탬이 될거 같네요..
에인지 ㅆㅂㄴ-_-+
피닉스 만세!!!!ㅎㅎ
역시 에인지는 뻘짓을 잘하는군..
얼마 전까지 참 딱했던 오형제인데... 그나마 문제였던 백업진을 알차게 채워버렸으니 올해 한건 해보겠다는 것 같네요. 에인지 또 다른 팀한테 이쁜 짓 한번 했구나...? -_-
매카티.. 피닉스에 꽤나 어울릴만한 선수.. 3점슛도 던질줄 알고..
보스턴 요즘들어 픽모으기 재미들었나요;; 선즈 2라운드픽이라니....
보스턴의 터줏대감 롤플레이어들이 점점 팀을 떠나는군요. 작년 에릭 윌리엄스, 토니 배티에 이어 이번엔 맥카티까지...