one day max and ruby making delicious cake.
however max broke an egg.
so ruby make an errand max to buy egg.
max want marshmallows. then she draw it.
but a supermarket owner can't understand her picture.
then she get egg. when she arrive home she drop the flour and spilled milk. then ruby make an errand for max again. max drow marshmallows again and gi supermarket. but he can't understand again and she get milk and flour.
she start to go home and when she arrive home ruby draw max can't go inside home.
ruby almost make cake she think decorate.
max make an errand max to buy sugar,hearts,butter cream,roses. this time ruby draw marshmallows well. then supermarket owner understand her picture and she get them.
and grandmother come home and she be happy to see hers cake.
I think this story is funny 😁.
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