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겨울엔시원한호빵 추천 0 조회 1,619 15.12.11 12:07 댓글 6
게시글 본문내용

대도시의 인구 과밀과 지구온난화로 말미암아 미래형 수중 도시(floating city) 프로젝트들이 속속 발표되고 있다.

환경 및 에너지 문제에 직면하고 기존 도시와 달리 수중 도시는 친환경 시스템으로 구축된다.

마치 공상영화에서만 나올법한 이야기 같이 들리지만 머지않아 수중 도시는 우리의 현실로 다가올 전망이다.

인류를 구할수 있는 미래 수중 도시(플로팅 시티) 톱7을 소개한다.

Prefab self-sustaining floating

As the world’s most populous nation, China has serious concerns about overcrowding in its cities. Chinese construction firm CCCC commissioned AT Design Office to create an attractive floating city solution that took the form of a sprawling buoyant landmass made from prefabricated hexagonal modules. The self-sufficient island is designed to be zero-carbon, energy efficient, and would include vertical farms and fish hatcheries to produce its own food.

Noah's Ark

Serbian designers Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic took home an honorable mention in the 2012 eVolo Skyscraper Competition for their design of Noah’s Ark, a self-sustaining floating city designed for a post-apocalyptic world. Powered by renewable energy such as solar and tidal, the structure comprises multiple ring-shaped landmasses with agricultural fields that terrace into a water-collecting center.


X SEA TY is a lush floating city designed by X-TU that cleans the air with carbon-absorbing technologies. Its hive-inspired buildings would be built from porous concrete overlaid with living walls covered with photosynthetic algae. Those algae systems would produce biofuel energy to power the self-sufficient floating city.

Harvest City 

When Haiti was hit by the devastating 2010 earthquake, architect E. Kevin Schopfer and Tangram 3DS developed an innovative floating city design to bolster the country’s recovery. The collection of artificial islands, called Harvest City, envisioned a new Haiti made up of tethered floating modules. The center of the floating city would be dedicated to urban functions like office space, education, and light industry, while the outer areas comprised agricultural lands.

The Liypad

Vincent Callebaut’s Lilypad is perhaps the most beautiful floating city proposal we’ve ever seen. Created in the shape of a water lily, each of these zero-emission floating communities could house approximately 50,000 people in its mixed-terrain landscape. The self-sufficient Lilypad is powered with renewable energy and is envisioned as the future home for climate change refugees.

Green Float

Before Shimizu Corporation created its incredible designs for a seabed-powered underwater city, the Japanese firm had unveiled plans for Green Float?a self-sufficient floating ecotopia. Designed to house 1 million people, the floating city comprises a series of connected modular islands. A 1,000-meter-tall mixed-use eco-skyscraper is located at the center of each island and houses a vertical farm, as well as residential, commercial, and office spaces.

Silt Lake City

A student architecture team proposed Silt Lake City; a floating “hydropolis” with a focus on flood control in the Nile Valley. Located on Lake Nasser, one of the largest man-made lakes in the world, the competition-winning project proposes dividing the water body into floating modular cities that could “ride” the tides during flood season. The cities would include agriculture, residences, businesses, and energy generators.

Read more: 7 Futuristic floating cities that could save humanity 7 Futuristic floating cities that could save humanity ? Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building 


  • 15.12.11 12:10

    첫댓글 지진은요......?

  • 15.12.11 12:11

    아싫어 ㅡㅡ

  • 15.12.11 12:21

    난절대 못살아... 물넘나 무서운것..

  • 15.12.11 12:22

    일단 심해공포증이라 안돼...
    그덕에 큰 참치같은거만 봐도 심해가 떠올라서 아류도 무섭고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ아오

  • 15.12.11 12:32

    나는 넘나 살고싶다..ㅜㅜ 둥둥

  • 15.12.11 14:34

    인류는 구원될수도 있겠지만 자연은 더욱 파괴되겠지.....ㅅㅂ
