The title of this story is "The Tall, Short Pony."
There lived a pony named Boo. One day, Boo wanted to see the world and showed shared his song. After a while, he saw the wild horses, but every one of them was taller than Boo. Then, he changed the lyrics in his song. And He saw the hyenas**,** but they thought Boo was not short**,** so Boo was confusing confused. Boo saw the princess drop the her doll**,** so he save the her saved her doll. The king gave him a reward to hear his song. The king praised the Boo because his song was liked like riddles. Finally, he can could be the royal pony. I think this book is interesting because Boo's song was very funny.
Score: B
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('shared', 'saved', 'could'처럼 과거형으로 써요)
- 'And'로 문장을 시작하지 말아요! (새로운 문장으로 시작하세요)
- Boo의 노래는 어떤 내용이었나요? (가사를 써보세요)
- 하이에나들은 왜 Boo가 작지 않다고 생각했나요? (이유를 설명해보세요)
- 왕이 Boo를 칭찬한 이유를 더 자세히 써보면 좋겠어요! (어떤 점이 좋았나요?)