Today's story's title is "The Tall Short Pony." All of the ponies Among all the ponies, just one pony was the strongest, fastest and most hansome handsome names named Poo Boo. One day, Poo Boo was sang sang a his song. When he sang a song, one held was heared another horse heard his song and laughed because his song is was not real. Poo Boo was short shorter than another other ponies. Poo was illusion him Boo had an illusion about himself. Then**,** when he pass passed the castle, the king of the castle was call called him because the king suggested about needed the royal pony in the castle. Then Poo allowed Boo accepted, and he became the royal pony!
Score: B-
- 주인공 이름을 정확하게 써주세요! ('Boo'가 맞아요)
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('sang', 'passed', 'called'처럼 과거형으로 써요)
- 문장을 더 자연스럽게 만들어보세요! (더 명확하게 써주세요)
- Boo의 노래는 어떤 내용이었나요? (노래 가사를 써보세요)
- 왕은 왜 Boo를 왕실 조랑말로 원했나요? (이유를 설명해보면 좋겠어요)