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친구 카페

카페 게시글
▣━[자유글올리기]▣ 스크랩 예수 그리스도(Christ)
tlguswk 추천 0 조회 41 10.04.28 17:56 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

Icon of Christ in a Greek Orthodox church

Icon of Christ in a Greek Orthodox church
Jesus of Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth라고도 함.
BC 6경 유대~AD 30경 예루살렘.
20세기 세계 인구의 1/3 이상이 믿는 종교인 그리스도교의 창시자.
십자가형 /예수의 십자가형
  예수의 행적과 메시지들은 〈신약성서〉에 기록되어 있다. 예수에 대한 초기 교회의 신앙에는 신학적 동기와 전제가 들어 있기 때문에 예수의 진정한 생애를 정확히 파악하기는 어렵다.
  예수에 대한 많은 자료에는 예수가 BC 7~6년경에 베들레헴 혹은 나사렛에서 태어난 것으로 추정한다. 예수의 탄생에 대해서는 동정녀 마리아의 탄생설이 유력한데, 예수는 육적인 아버지가 없고 성령의 능력으로 마리아가 잉태했다는 정통 그리스도교의 근본 교리이다. 예수의 가족으로는 어머니 마리아(미리암)와 목수인 아버지 요셉, 형제 야고보(야곱)·요셉·유다·시몬(구약 족장의 이름들) 등이 있는데, 그의 가족에 대해서는 〈마르코의 복음서〉 6장에 언급되어 있다.
  예수는 다가오는 하느님의 나라를 선포했고 백성들에게 회개하라고 가르쳤다. 예수의 설교 안에 있는 모든 이념과 이미지는 하느님 자신이 그의 통치를 이루기 위해 매우 가까이 있고 그 모습을 드러낸다는 하나의 사상으로 집약된다. 예수는 결국 정치적 반란자로서 로마 법에 따라 형을 선고받았고, 십자가에서 처형되었다.

  Christ is the English term for the Greek Χριστ?? (khristos) meaning "the anointed".[1] In the (Greek) Septuagint version of the Old Testament, khristos was used to translate the Hebrew ???????? (Ma??a?,) (messiah), meaning "[one who is] anointed." [2] In contrast to Christianity, the Jewish tradition understands The Messiah to be a human being ? without any overtone of deity or divinity.[3]

  Followers of Jesus became known as Christians because they believed that Jesus is the Messiah, or Christ. The majority of Jews reject this claim and are still waiting for the Messiah to come (see Jewish Messiah).

  The area of Christian theology focusing on the identity, life, teachings and works of Jesus, is known as Christology.



Further information: Chrism

  The spelling Christ in English was standardized in the 17th century, when, in the spirit of the Enlightenment, spellings of certain words were changed to fit their Greek or Latin origins. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, the word was usually spelled Crist, the i being pronounced either as /iː/ (see Help:pronunciation), preserved in the names of churches such as St Katherine Cree, or as a short /?/, preserved in the modern pronunciation of Christmas). The spelling "Christ" is attested from the 14th century.[4]

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  The term Christ appears in English and most European languages, owing to the Greek usage of khristos in the New Testament as a description for Jesus. In the Septuagint version of the Hebrew Bible, it was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew mashiach (messiah), meaning "[one who is] anointed". [5]

  Khristos in classical Greek usage could mean covered in oil, and is thus a literal translation of messiah. The Greek term is thought to derive from the Proto-Indo-European root of *ghrei- ("to rub"), which in Germanic languages, such as English, mutated into gris- and grim-. Hence the English words grisly, grim, grime, gizm and grease, are thought to be cognate with Christ, though these terms came to have a negative connotation, where the Greek word had a positive connotation. In French the Greek term mutated first to cre?me and then to cr?me, due to the loss of certain 's' usages in French, which was loaned into English as cream.

  The word was used by extension in Hellenic and Jewish contexts to refer to the office, role or status of the person, not to their actually being an oily person, as a strict reading of the etymology might imply.[citation needed] Indian ghee, from Sanskrit gh?t? ??? ("sprinkled") is another obvious cognate, and indeed, has a sacred role in Vedic and modern Hindu libation and anointment rituals.

 Christian View

   Some may refer to "Jesus" when emphasizing his human nature in an event in the New Testament, and refer to "Christ" in discussing his divine nature.

 In the New Testament

See also: Jesus and New Testament view on Jesus' life

  In the New Testament it says that the Messiah, long awaited, had come and describes this savior as the Christ (Greek το? Χριστο?, tou Christou, ? Χριστ??, ho Christos). The apostle Peter, in what has become a famous proclamation of faith among Christians since the first century, said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16).

 Christian Science

In the theology of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, the religion's founder, wrote in her book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, that:

  "The invisible Christ was imperceptible to the so-called personal senses, whereas Jesus appeared as a bodily existence. This dual personality of the unseen and the seen, the spiritual and material, the eternal Christ and the corporeal Jesus manifest in flesh, continued until the Master's ascension, when the human, material concept, or Jesus, disappeared, while the spiritual self, or Christ, continues to exist in the eternal order of divine Science, taking away the sins of the world, as the Christ has always done, even before the human Jesus was incarnate to mortal eyes."[6]

  Eddy wrote that while Jesus, as a material man, was not the exact ontological or quantitative equivalent to God, he thoroughly embodied the spiritual sonship of God's nature. In Christian Science, the Christ, or divine manifestation of God, continues forever to enlighten humanity and to destroy sickness, sin, and death.

 Esoteric Christian tradition

See also Second Coming and Esoteric Christianity


  For the Rosicrucians there is a distinction to be made between Jesus and the Christ.[7] Jesus is considered a high Initiate of the human life wave (which evolves under the cycle of rebirth) and of a singularly pure type of mind, vastly superior to the great majority of the present humanity.

They believe he was educated during his youth among the Essenes and thus prepared himself for the greatest honor ever bestowed upon a human being: to deliver his pure, passionless, highly evolved physical body and vital body (already attuned to the high vibrations of the 'Life Spirit'), in the moment of the Baptism, to the Christ being for His ministry in the physical world. Christ is described as the highest Spiritual Being of the life wave called Archangels and has completed His union ("the Son") with the second aspect of God.

 Gnostic Christ

See also: Sophia (wisdom) and New Thought

  The gnostics generally believed not in a Jesus who was a Divine Person with a human form, but in a spiritual Christ who dwelt in Jesus. Through the spiritual path of gnosticism, followers of these schools believed that they could experience the same knowledge, or gnosis. Gnosticism, a non-hierarchical interpretation of the Christian message, was declared heresy by the formal, hierarchical Christian church at the first Ecumenical Council, which occurred at Nicaea in 325 A.D., although condemnation of the belief existed well before.

 Rastas, Pharmakos, and Ancient Torah

  The use of olive oil in the preparation of the anointing oil is defined in Exodus 30:22-29 [?? ???]. Through the process of lipid-soluble herbal extraction prescribed by the ancient apothecary (Greek, pharmakos the ancient precursor of the word pharmacist) created an intoxicatingly fragrant ointment fit for kings and the High Priest. According to the Torah anything which comes into contact with the substance is made holy.

  Myrrh, cinnamon and a substance called "Kaneh Bos" are listed as the ingredients. The ambiguity of this final portent possibly arose in the mid 400ADs with the (mis)translation of the Torah into Greek. The Vulgate of Emperor Theodosius rendered the substance as "fragrant reed" and many interpreted it lexically of the genus calamus. Upon further inspection however, "Kaneh" is uniformly and accurately translated to mean "Hemp" in most semitic languages including Hebrew. (The active constituent of the hemp plant is Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and it is fat soluble, furthering the evidence of its implicit use in the secret anointing oil.) The second word "Bos" refers to the portion of the angiosperm producing fragrance (the unfertilized flower), hence the translation rendering "hemp buds".

  The cannabis correlation was confirm‎!ed in 1985 in a letter from Hebrew University in Jerusalem upon inquiry from the Polish etymologist and anthropologist Sula Benet (also known as Sara Benetowa). Etymologically the cognate of this predecessor to the modern English word "cannabis" was formerly believed to derive from the Greek language. The Christ of the Ancient Torah of The Most High, is none other than the sacrament of Jah Rastafari.

Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed,
on the surface of all the earth,
and every tree which has fruit yielding seed;

-Genesis 1:29


 Other Views

Matthew Fox sometimes speaks of "the Cosmic Christ."[citation needed]


 Islamic view

Main article: Islamic view of Jesus

   Muslims believe Jesus (Isa or ????) to be the Messiah (Massih) and as a prophet. Although they believe in the Virgin Birth, they do not consider Jesus to be "the son of God". Jesus was neither crucified nor dead but was raised to Heaven by God while still living.

  Islamic traditions narrate that he will return to earth near the day of judgement to restore justice and defeat al-Mas?? ad-Dajj?l (lit. "the false messiah", also known as the Antichrist) and the enemies of Islam.[8]

 Hindu View

In Hinduism, God is often described by both personifications (deities), which are manifestations of particular aspects of God's power, and incarnations (avatars) of God in mortal form, as in case of Siva or Vishnu. In these religions "the Christ" is akin to these personifications. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who coined the phrase 'Krsna Consciousness', held Jesus' teachings as non-different from the Hindu, Vedic scriptures, and others such as Paramahansa Yogananda often wrote about a "Christ Consciousness" interchangeably with "Krsna Consciousness."[citation needed]


  The use of "Χ," derived from Chi, the Greek alphabet initial, as an abbreviation for Christ (most commonly in the abbreviation "Χmas") is often misinterpreted as a modern secularization of the term. Thus understood, the centuries-old English word Χmas, is actually a shortened form of CHmas, which is, itself, a shortened form for Christmas. In fact, the use of "Χ" to represent the full word goes back to the earliest days of Greek Christianity.

 Slang usage

  The interjection "Christ!" is often used as a sign of surprise or anger, without a direct religious reference?that is, as an exclamation. Some Christians understand this usage to be in violation of the Commandment against taking the Lord's Name in vain, although the severity of the transgression varies among different groups of believers.

  The prohibition against using interjections was taken more seriously in the past, to the point where it was not only considered socially improper, but a sin against God. This led to the creation of many circumlocutions which allowed the speaker to express the emotion while avoiding the transgression. Common euphemisms that have arisen for this usage include "For crying out loud!" (US) and "Crikey" (UK, Aus.), used as an alternative by people reluctant to use "Christ". Beginning in the latter half of the 20th century, the prohibition against using the name of the Deity as an interjection has become much more relaxed.

 See also

메시아  [messiah]
('기름부음을 받은'이라는 뜻의 히브리어 mashia?에서 유래)
  이스라엘을 외국의 압제에서 구원하고 황금기의 영광을 되찾아주리라고 유대교에서 기대하는 왕.
  유대인은 메시아가 다윗의 자손 가운데에서 나오리라고 생각한다. 좀더 광범위하게 말하자면 '구원자'를 뜻하며, 형용사 메시아적(messianic)이라는 말은 넓은 의미에서 인류, 또는 세계가 종말에 더 나은 상태에 이를 것이라는 신념이나 이론들을 언급할 때 쓰인다(→ 종말론).
  〈구약성서〉는 종말론적 메시아에 관하여 말하지 않으며, 이상적인 왕이 다스리는 미래의 황금기에 관한 예언이 담겨져 있는 '메시아적' 구절들에서도 메시아라는 용어를 쓰지 않는다. 그러나 많은 학자들은 이스라엘의 메시아 신앙이 왕권과 관련된 믿음들에서 자라나왔다고 믿는다. 기름부음을 받은 왕은 어느 면으로도 신이 아니지만, '사람의 아들'이라고 불리기도 했으며, 메시아적 희망과 기능들이 그에게 부여되기도 했다. 그러나 역사상 왕들 개개인의 구체적인 삶과 존재가 갈수록 실망스러워지자 '메시아적' 왕에 대한 이념은 미래를 지향하게 되었다.
  로마가 통치하고 압제하던 시기에는 메시아 개인에 대한 기대가 점점 부각되었고, 여러 집단들이 각기 다른 내용과 강조점을 가지고 주장한 종말론적 개념들의 중심이 되었다. 그리스도교 교회가 메시아에 해당하는 그리스어 'christos'(그리스도)를 예수를 가리키는 말로 사용하면서 메시아라는 단어에 담겨 있던 민족주의적인 의미(예수는 이것을 분명히 거부했음)가 사라졌다. 그러나 성전파괴·유배·박해·고난 등이 오히려 유대인의 메시아 신앙을 강건하게 하여 메시아 신앙은 신학적으로 꾸준히 발전했고 메시아 운동들로 표현되었다. 거의 모든 세대에 걸쳐 메시아의 전조들이 있었고, 메시아로 자처하는 사람들이 나타났다. 대표적인 예가 17세기에 나타난 거짓 메시아 샤베타이 체비이다. 메시아에 대한 신앙과 열정적인 기대는 유대교의 교리로 확고히 굳어졌으며, 마이모니데스의 13개 신앙항목에도 포함된다. 유대교의 현대화 운동들은 개인적인 메시아를 내세우지 않고 궁극적으로 구원된 세계와 메시아적 미래에 대한 전통적인 신앙을 유지하려고 노력했다(→ 신앙 13조). 이슬람교에서는 비록 구원자-메시아 개념이 생겨날 수는 없었지만 흔히 'mahd?'(아랍어로 '올바로 인도된 자'라는 뜻)라고 부르는 종말론적 신앙 회복자 개념을 발전시켰으며, 또 시아파 신조에서는 'mahd?' 교리가 핵심적인 부분을 차지한다(→ 마디). 메시아적 성격을 지닌 종말론적 인물들은 성서 전승의 영향을 받지 않은 종교들에도 있다. 불교는 메시아적인 종교가 아닌데도 대승(大乘 Mah?y?na)불교에서는 미래의 부처 미륵(彌勒 Maitreya)이 하늘에서 내려와 신자들을 낙원으로 데리고 갈 것이라는 신앙이 생겨났다. 철저히 종말론을 지향하는 조로아스터교에서는 조로아스터가 죽은 뒤에 태어난 그의 아들이 장차 세상을 최종적으로 회복하고 죽은 자들을 부활시킬 것이라고 기대한다. 천년왕국적인 성격을 지닌 현대의 많은 운동들, 특히 미개한 사람들 사이에서 일어난 운동(예를 들면 멜라네시아의 화물숭배)들도 메시아적이라고 불려왔으나, 그들의 경우에는 반드시 하느님이 보낸, 또는 '기름부음을 받은' 개인 구원자에 대한 기대가 중심을 차지하지는 않는다. 따라서 그러한 운동에는 다른 명칭, 즉 천년왕국적·예언적·토착적 등을 붙이는 것이 더 적절하다(→ 천년지복설).