battle_config.xml A new file which exposes some new stuff – specifically the range at which skirmishers start to retreat from enemy units, how long you need to take the plaza for in siege battles and a new ratio of attackers to defenders in the plaza that’ll count the plaza as captured. As well as this the file controls how the game controls movement up ladders and towers and along corridors.
config_ai_battle.xml This includes the ‘grand tactical analyser’ which is how the game tracks the distinct phases of each battle and when it will look to split or merge its formations and attempt to flank. It also includes the range at which melee units will look to engage (by infantry, missile, cavalry in both the open and in settlements, the time it will factor in to brace when consider adopting a bracing formation and a retreat analyser for the cavalry for them to know when they will retreat and charge again and how far back they will go. There’s also a heck of a lot of conditionals for how the AI responds in settlement and river crossing battles. Far too many for me to dig into now, but plenty to keep the community busy.
descr_banners_new.xml A new file so lots to look at here – this controls the various banners (faction, crusade, royal, unit, experience) used in the game. As well as textures, translucency and so forth it allows you to set the ‘flutter’ of the banner, which allows fixed, solid standards.
descr_battlefield_roads.xml Another new file, this controls how roads are drawn across the battlemap, their width, tapering and fall-off. Different road types can be defined in different climates.
descr_campaign_db_ai.xml This exposes some of the decision making processes that the AI factions go through at a strategic level in terms of who to attack, who to keep peace with and who to ally with. There’s a set default behaviour which can then be overriden in a variety of special cases. These are determined by different faction_ai_labels which are associated to a faction in the descr_strat file.
descr_campaign_db.xml A new and pretty extensive file – this includes the modifiers by which we can tune the campaign equations such as religion and agent success. There’s also an auto-resolve section which looks promising.
descr_climates.txt There are now 12 total climates in the game – 2 of which are unused and should be available for us to modify and apply.
descr_cultures.txt Hardcoded limit of a maximum of 7 cultures.
descr_effects.txt Effects now includes a ‘shockwave’ effect which is what shakes the camera when you’re close to that event.
descr_events.txt Events can now be included in both this file and the campaign script file – with a new event that allows us to trigger a script off an event happen and increment other events at the same time. A lot of the stuff in there for M2 should be very useful for us in adding new campaign dynamics and storylines and I can tell you as a scripter that I am very excited by it all!
descr_faction_standings.txt This includes a trigger system that completely controls which actions have an impact on each faction’s international reputation. Among many other new things there’s a demeanour event – which calls back into your faction standing your behaviour in diplomacy. Act like an arse in your negotiations and you can bet other factions will hear about it!
descr_formation_ai.txt This looks very familiar to the Rome file. However a programmer did give me a list of the 18 coded purpose flags and 20 unit types used which I should be able to get clearance to release.
descr_geography_new.db This file now regenerates from its associated text file – which is going to make things a lot easier. The coding looks very similar to Rome and includes all the terrain textures used on the battlemap. One new aspect is the addition of macro, micro and vertical textures which are part of the improvement we’ve seen in M2 battlefields. This file also controls the blood, mud, dirt, flame and snow overlay textures used by the game on the models.
descr_missions.txt This is a similar file to the Rome descr_senate but far more extensive. It’s possible to add new variants on existing missions or blank the file completely for mods that don’t use them.
descr_models_strat.txt Pretty much unchanged from Rome – the campaign map models are simple .cas and .tga files which we should have no trouble making or converting our existing Rome pieces.
descr_religions.txt This replaces descr_beliefs.txt. There doesn’t appear to be anything that prevents adding new religions but this has to be tested. The code expects certain religions such as catholic, islam and heretic to be there otherwise some game concepts such as crusades and jihads won’t work properly.
descr_settlement_mechanics.xml This includes the ability to modify the impact of squalor, distance from capital and population thresholds for the different city levels.
descr_sm_factions.txt Apparently, there are now 31 faction slots available to be used (one must be slave). It’s perfectly possible to add new factions and there’s is a list of files as long as my finger that need to be adjusted as a result. But it can be done!
descr_sm_resources.txt Hardcoded limit of 26.
descr_strat.txt One thing to highlight here that I know many of you have been concerned about. There’s a line: show_date_as_turns which can be easily commented out...
descr_pathfinding.db This is regenerated from its associated text file. NB every time you want the file to regenerate you have to increment the version number at the top or it won’t. This file controls how the AI works out which routes to take on the battlemap. This file includes the variables which set the gradient for impassible terrain (set by infantry, cavalry, elephant and different siege types) and the movement penalty for steep terrain.
descr_vegetation.db Unfortunately, descr_vegetation.db is now a file which appears is not regenerated from the text file if it is deleted. We’ll have to see how far we can get with direct file overwrites and hex editing.
export_descr_ancillaries.txt and export_descr_character_traits.txt A lot of new conditions in there – I’ve seen the docudemon files but alas not had a chance to go through them with a fine toothcomb. There’s also more attributes that can be affected (82 to be specific) – again we should be able to get a complete list. Just a few highlights, traits can now be decremented as well as incremented without the use of an anti-trait. An I_WorldWideAncillaryExists conditional is in place to ensure that only one of certain ancillaries will ever exist at any one time and there’s a new PaybackID condition which fires on the completion of a mission
export_descr_buildings.txt edb now controls the initial number of units available to be recruited from different buildings, the refresh rate and the unit max in a similar manner to mercenaries. You can also control what buildings do when the settlement is converted from city to castle and vice versa. Some hidden resources are now used in descr_missions.txt, to prefer guild and crusade/jihad targets _and_ - which I know some people will find most exciting – allow brigands and pirates to be completely switched off in certain provinces via a script command!
Perhaps most interestingly, there’s a new event_counter condition that can be used – referencing events in descr_events and in the campaign script. This should allow complete control over when and how certain troops become available to be recruited.
In terms of hardcoded limits – 64 for hidden resources as before, now up to 10 buildings in a chain (consecutively, without needing to branch) and I’m told that there doesn’t appear to be any limit on the number of complexes – however I’m taking this with a pinch of salt personally. We better test it first.
export_descr_guilds.txt Everything to do with the likelihood of being offered guilds is controlled through here – operating a similar trigger system to eda. There doesn’t appear to be a hardcoded limit on the number of guilds.
export_descr_sounds_soldier_voice.txt & other sound files There may not be anything preventing us from adding new accents in (for those people who want to add linguistically correct voices for all factions) but it looks like it would be a lot of work.
export_descr_unit.txt Looks like there are just over 400 units in the edu file – nothing definite as to whether they might have bumped up the hardcoded limit in there. What you will see that’s new are accents as well as voice types, a line for both primary and secondary banners and different model references for units with upgraded armour! We’ve also finally discovered what that final variable in the stat_pri line is: ‘Skeleton compensation factor’ – apparently the lower the better.
_enums.txt files Watch out, it looks like these may now be required. We’ll have to test it.
weather_db.xml Here you can create new weather cycles. The cycles are a series of weather states where you can define the skydome texture, cloud textures, cloud movement, rain, fog and lighting. It’s even possible to set up custom states just for historical battles which can then be applied through the Battle Editor.
첫댓글 얼쿠 .. ;;
허허^^:;;;; 이걸 언제 해석한데요 ㅎㅎ
해석 다 했다... 미국에서 왔는데요...이것 완전히 고등학교 4 문제 또는 책 과 같은 것 같습니다.
...나도 초딩때 미쿡물좀 먹을껄...
그런데 이 파일들은 어디에 있는건가요? 수정을 해보려 했으나 어디에 있는지 원;;
음, 유닛 에디터를 할려고 export_descr_unit 파일을 찾았지만 없더군요. 제작진들이 빠뜨렸나? -_-;
데이터가 전부 팩파일로 압축된거 같아요. 로마때거로 풀리는지 모르겠지만...