하느님과 사람들 앞에서 깨끗한 양심을 유지[하십시오.] have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men. —사도 24:16. Barnes' Notes on the Bible And herein - In this, or for this purpose. Do I exercise myself - ἀσκῶ askō. I accustom or employ myself; I make it my constant aim. Paul often appeals to his conscientiousness as the leading habit of his life. Even before his conversion he endeavored to act according to the dictates of conscience. See Acts 26:9; compare Philippians 3:5-6. To have always a conscience ... - To do what is right, so that my conscience shall never reproach me. Void of offence - ἀπρόσκοπον aproskopon. That which is inoffensive, or which does not cause one to stumble or fall. He means that he endeavored to keep his conscience so enlightened and pure in regard to duty, and that he acted according to its dictates in such a way that his conduct should not be displeasing to God or injurious to man. To have such a conscience implies two things: (1) That it be enlightened or properly informed in regard to truth and duty; and, (2) That what is made known to be right should be honestly and faithfully performed. Without these two things no man can have a conscience that will be inoffensive and harmless. Toward God - In an honest endearour to discharge the duties of public and private worship, and to do constantly what he requires believing all that he has spoken; doing all that he requires; and offering to him the service which he approves. Toward men - In endeavoring to meet all the demands of justice and mercy; to advance their knowledge, happiness, and salvation; living so that I may look back on my life with the reflection that I have done all that I ought to have done, and all that I could do to promote the welfare of the whole human family. What a noble principle of conduct was this! How elevated and how pure! How unlike the conduct of those who live to gratify debasing sensual appetites, or for gold or honor; of those who pass their lives in such a manner as to offer the grossest offence to God and to do the most injury to man. The great and noble aim of Paul was to be pure; and no slander of his enemies, no trials, persecutions, perils, or pains of dying could take away the approving voice of conscience. Alike in his travels and in his persecutions; among friends and foes; when preaching in the synal gogue, the city, or the desert; or when defending himself before governors and kings, he had this testimony of a self-approving mind. Happy they who thus frame their lives. And happy will be the end of a life where this has been the grand object of the journey through this world. 반스의 성경 노트 그리고 여기 - 이 안에서, 또는 이 목적을 위해. 스스로 행사하라 - ἀσκῶ askō. 나는 나 자신을 훈련시키거나 고용한다; 나는 그것을 나의 끊임없는 목표로 삼는다. 바울은 종종 자신의 양심을 삶의 주요 습관으로 호소합니다. 회심하기 전에도 그는 양심의 지시에 따라 행동하려고 노력했습니다. 사도행전 26:9 참조; 빌립보서 3:5-6 비교. 언제나 무죄한 양심을 가지려면 ... - 옳은 일을 행하여 내 양심이 나를 책망하지 않도록 하라. 무죄에 해당하는 그리스 단어는 'ἀπρόσκοπον 아프로스코폰' 으로서. 불쾌하지 않은 것, 또는 걸려 넘어지거나 넘어지지 않는 것을 의미한다. 그는 의무와 관련하여 양심을 깨우치고 순수하게 유지하려고 노력했으며, 자신의 행동이 하나님을 불쾌하게 하거나 사람에게 해를 끼치지 않도록 양심의 지시에 따라 행동했음을 의미합니다. 이러한 양심을 갖는다는 것은 두 가지를 의미합니다: (1) 진리와 의무에 대해 깨달음을 얻거나 적절한 정보를 얻는 것, 그리고, (2) 옳다고 알려진 것은 정직하고 충실하게 수행해야 한다는 것입니다. 이 두 가지가 없다면 어떤 사람도 불쾌하지 않고 해를 끼치지 않는 양심을 가질 수 없습니다. 하나님을 향하여 - 공적 및 사적 예배의 의무를 다하고, 그분이 말씀하신 모든 것을 믿고 그분이 요구하시는 것을 끊임없이 행하며, 그분이 승인하시는 봉사를 드리기 위해 정직하게 애쓰는 것, 그리고 그분이 요구하시는 모든 것을 행하는 것. |