고위직 비밀정보부, 설코, 오픽 투자 조직은 그림자정부로써 말할수없는 부패 소굴로 암약했다
How SES, SERCO & OPIC Do the Dirty Work of the Shadow Government By Americans For Innovation Apr 23, 2018 - 10:05:08 PM | |
These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, bureaucrats and otherwise self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working Americans via SES, OPIC, Lockheed Martin, Crown Agents, Serco, USAID in pursuit of the seven deadly sins.
미국의 혁신 그룹은 리더 기술 Leader사의 소셜부문의 혁명적 발명특허 11 개의 주장 중 11 개 모든 것에 대해 자신의 특허를 침해했다는 것을 입증한 후에도 미국 대법원이 Leader Technologies의 이 혁신적인 발명을 보호해주지 못했는데, 이런 황당한 모순행위에 대한 이유를 이해하기 위해 2012 년에 조사를 시작했습니다.
우리가 발견한 사실은 행성의 거의 모든 기관에 스며 들어있는 조직적인 죄와 부패가 형성하고 있는 난관이 있다는 것입니다. 리더사 대 페북 Leader v. Facebook 특허분쟁의 재판을 보는 것 외에도 Facebook을 보호하기 위해 비밀의 조직이 돌아가는 것이 있는데, 그들은 잘 정돈된 선례를 무시하고 심사 위원 스스로가 Facebook의 재무 이익을 상당 부분 공유했다는 구조적 비리행각입니다.
판사는 맹세한 행동 규범에 따라 그러한 부도덕하고 불법적인 활동을 하지 못하게 명시 적으로 금지되어 있습니다. 그들은 소송 당사자의 "1 주"라도 배우자가 보유하는 것이 금지되어 있습니다만 실제로 그것을 지키지 않은 것입니다.
Apr. 20, 2018-Americans for Innovation began this investigation in 2012 to try and understand why the U.S. Supreme Court failed to protect Leader Technologies' revolutionary invention of social networking-even after Leader proved that Facebook infringed their patent on 11 of 11 claims.
What we have discovered is a labyrinth of organized sin and corruption that permeates practically every institution on our planet. Besides watching the Leader v. Facebook court ignore well-settled precedent to protect Facebook, the judges themselves held volumes of Facebook financial interests.
Judges are expressly prohibited by their sworn Code of Conduct from engaging in such immoral and illegal activity. They are prohibited from holding "even one share" by a spouse in a litigant.
우리의 재판관, 정치인 및 관료들이 현재 뮤추얼 펀드를 공유한 뒤에 대기업 소송 당사자들에 재정적 지주를 숨기고 게임을 하는 것은 부패한 음란행위입니다. 이런 범죄 행위는 공개 청문회 또는 토론없이 9/11 테러 6 개월 전과 리더 사의 소셜 네트워킹 발명에 대한 도둑질과 같은 2001 년 3 월 사법 회의 이후에 본격적으로 시작되었습니다. 우리는 그것을 대형 뮤츄얼펀드 사기사건 The Great Mutual Fund Scam이라고 부릅니다.
Leader v. Facebook 특허분쟁에 관여한 부패한 재판관과 사무원이 Facebook의 금전적 이해 관계로 인한 실격 사유를 결정하지 못했습니다. 그들은 2012 년에 페이스 북의 상장 공모에서 각자 큰 재물을 얻었는데, 이는 오프쇼어 계좌의 범위조차 모른 채 있습니다. 그 판사들은 또한 페이스 북의 항소 변호사인 Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP와의 친밀한 관계를 공개하지 않았다.
The games that our judges, politicians and bureaucrats are currently playing by hiding their financial holdings in large corporate litigants behind conspiring mutual funds is just obscene. This corrupt practice began in earnest after a Judicial Conference in March 2001-six months before 9/11 & the theft of Leader's social networking invention-without public hearing or debate. We call it The Great Mutual Fund Scam.
Here are the corrupt judges and clerk in Leader v. Facebook who each failed to disqualify himself/herself due to his/her substantial holdings in Facebook financial interests. Each person gained great wealth from the Facebook initial public offering in 2012, this is without even knowing the extent of their offshore accounts. They also failed to disclose their intimate relationships with Facebook's appeal attorney Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP:
리더 기술사 Leader Technologies에 대한 이런 불의가 발생한 일은 작은 표면적 긁힘으로부터 이제는 불도저 및 덤프 트럭에 비유할 거대 부패비리 사건으로 이어졌습니다. 우리는 전세계의 부패 전투원들과 협력해 왔습니다. 우리는 일부 사람들이 범죄 사실을 부르고 있다는 기소할 수있는 증거로 이 범죄를 세심하게 문서화하기 위해 노력했습니다. 그것은 변호사, 판사, 정치인 및 언론이 다가오는 기소를 가속화하는 데 도움이 되는 연구 도구로 의도되었습니다.
세상의 정직한 시민들은 이 부패한 사람들을 성공시키지 못하게 합니다. [주 : 1 년 전에 우리는 법무장관이되기 전에 세션스 Jeff Sessions 상원 의원에게 이 범죄사실 Crimeline 사본을 보냈습니다.]
Leader Technologies의 주주들은 현재 트럼프 Trump 대통령에게 연방 정부와 불량 실리콘 밸리 기술 커뮤니티가 소셜 네트워킹 발명을 18 년간 절도한 것에 대해 배상금을 불하도록 요청하고 있습니다. 그들은 백악관에서 "Miller Act Notices"를 제출했으며, 도둑질로 인한 끔찍한 문제들에 대해 윈 윈 (Win-Win) 수정본을 제안했습니다 Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S..
Our initial scratching at the surface of this injustice to Leader Technologies has now given way to bulldozers and dump trucks. We have teamed up with corruption fighters from around the globe. We have worked to meticulously document these crimes with indictable evidence that some are calling the Crimeline. It was intended as a research tool for lawyers, judges, politicians and the media to help speed up the coming prosecutions.
Honest citizens of the world cannot allow these corruptocrats to succeed. [Note: Over a year ago we sent a copy of this Crimeline to then Senator Jeff Sessions before he became Attorney General.]
Leader Technologies' shareholders are currently asking President Trump to pay them for the 18-year theft of their social networking invention by the federal government and our rogue Silicon Valley technology community. They have filed "Miller Act Notices" at the White House and have proposed a remarkable Win-Win fix for the horrific problems that this theft has caused. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S.
Leader Technologies의 소셜 네트워킹 발명과 어떤 연관이 있습니까? 이 부패한 사람들은 미국 공화당의 인수를 가속화할 것이라는 것을 알고 있었기 때문에 그것을 훔쳤습니다. 그들은 그것에 대해 옳은 것처럼 보입니다. 리더십 테크놀로지가 소스코드 디버깅을 끝내면 "소셜 네트워킹"은 2004 년 초 IBM 이클립스 파운데이션 (IBM 자회사)을 통해 피닉스처럼 거의 밤늦게 나타났다. 2004 IBM EclipseCon 2004 년 2 월 2 일부터 5 일까지 (2004 년 2 월 4 일부터 페이스 북 시작 First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 )
우리가 리더 대 페이스 북 특허분쟁의 부패 혐의에 대한 즉각적인 증거를 입증하자마자, 우리는 렌즈 조리개를 넓혀서 이 사람들의 선택이 왜 그렇게 부패했는지 알아보았습니다.
요약하면 다음과 같은 거대비밀 조직에 중점을 두었습니다.
What is the connection with Leader Technologies' social networking invention? These corruptocrats stole it because they knew it would speed up their takeover of the U.S. Republic. They appear to have been right about that. "Social networking" appeared almost overnight like a Phoenix via the IBM Eclipse Foundation in early 2004 once Leader Technologies had finished debugging their source code. See First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 (Facebook started Feb. 4, 2004).
Once we proved the immediate evidence of the Leader v. Facebook corruption, we widened our lens aperture to look at who and what was behind these peoples' choices to be so corrupt.
In summary, the following organizations came into focus:
1. 고위 공직자 비밀정보부 (SES)
2. 해외 민간 투자 회사 (OPIC),
3. 설코,
5. 영국왕실 크라운 에이전트 및
6. 록히드 마틴.
우리는 록히드 (Lockheed)와 USAID에 대해 조금은 알고 있지만 SES, OPIC, Serco 또는 Crown Agents에 대해서는 아무 것도 알지 못했습니다. 이들 조직이 수억 달러의 미국 세금을 지구를 중심으로 이동하는 곳으로 빼돌린 행위를 감안할 때, 왜 그들이 시민 의식에 존재하지 않은지를 고려하면 주류언론 MSM은 침묵을 지키고 있으며 자신의 업무와 마찬가지로 책임을 지지않습니다. 이제 우리는 범죄자들의 이 비웃는 소리가 깊은 정부, 그림자 정부를 위한 나치 브라운 셔츠의 후계자라는 것을 압니다. 그들은 내일 중단될 수 있고 세상은 개선 될 것입니다. 전쟁은 멈추고 인간 창조성의 새로운 시대가 열릴 것입니다.
We knew a little about Lockheed and USAID, but nothing about SES, OPIC, Serco or the Crown Agents. Considering that these organizations move hundreds of billions of dollars of American tax money around the planet, why are they not in our civic consciousness?The MSM has been silent and has clearly failed to hold them accountable, as is their job. Now we know that this gaggle of criminals are the successors of Nazi Brown Shirts for the Deep State shadow government. They could cease tomorrow and the world would only improve, wars would stop, and a new era of human creativity will be unleashed.
세스 고위공직자 정보부와 오픽 해외투자사는 반헌법적 비밀정부를 형성하는데, 아주 최악이다. 이들은 다른 정부부처의 도움을 받아서 세스 조직의 반역열차를 돌리고 있다 SES & OPIC CONSTITUTES AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL SECRET GOVERNMENT, BUT IT'S WORSE. OTHER GOVERNMENTS HELP DRIVE THE SES SEDITION BUS.
고위 공직자 정보부 (SES)에는 미국 정부의 모든 기관에 8,000 명이 넘는 오바마 대통령 임명 연방 고위직 공무원이 포함되어 있습니다. 그들은 대통령에 의해 해임될 수 없다고 공개적으로 말하고 있습니다. 즉, 그들은 우리 공화국에 대한 책임을 지지않으며 그들 자신만을 위한 법을 가지고 있음을 의미합니다. 우리의 이전 게시물 오바마가 그들을 고용 한 것을 보십시오. 트럼프는 그들을 해고할 수 없습니다. 그래서 그들은 그런 오만한 말을 하는데, 30 일 전에 50 만 건의 조회가 발생하여 바이러스 성을 띠게되었습니다. 그 이야기는 끝났다.
The Senior Executive Services (SES) includes over 8,000 Obama stay-behind senior federal employees in all agencies of the U.S. government. They openly state that they cannot be fired by the President, which means they are not accountable to our Republic and have a law unto themselves. See our previous post Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say. It went viral 30 days ago with an estimated 500,000 views. The story is out.
전 FBI 국장 코미 James B. Comey의 책 제목 높은 충성 A Higher Loyalty은 그들의 권력을 표현합니다 : 높은 충성을 자기 조직에 한다고라. 분명히 코미 (Comey)는 세계 주의적 의제를 가지기로 결정한다면 미국에 봉사하겠다는 맹세에는 대통령등 이나라 지도자를 포함하지 않을 것이라고 생각한다. 록히드 마틴 (Lockheed Martin)과 런던에 본사를 둔 HSBC와의 관계는 분명히 그가 미국의 주권에 대항하여 이 쿠테타를 이끌고 있음을 보여줍니다. 코미가 현재의 책을 갖고서 로드쇼까지 하는 오만함은 그의 도덕적인 특성을 보여준다.
이것들의 점을 연결하면, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) 및 Right Media, Anonymous, 실제 Q 및 KimDotCom과 같은 그룹의 다른 연구원들을 연결하는 것은 고위공직자 정보부 SES가 자금 조달에 자금을 지원하는 주요 기관을 밝히는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 우리는 위더피플 의회의 감독을 받습니다.
Former FBI Director James B. Comey's book title speaks volumes: A Higher Loyalty. Evidently Mr. Comey believes his oath to serve America does not include its leaders if he decides to have a globalist agenda. His associations with Lockheed Martin and London-based HSBC clearly show that he leads this coup against American sovereignty. The arrogance of his current book road show speaks volumes about his moral character.
Connecting the dots, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) and other researchers from groups like The Right Media, Anonymous, the real Q and KimDotCom among them have helped uncovered primary institutions through which the SES funds its sedition-totally outside of We The People Congressional oversight.
해외 민간 투자 회사 (OPIC)는 1971 년 1 월 19 일 1961 년 외국인 지원법 개정안에 따라 설립되었습니다. 이 법안은 이전에 OPIC의 반역행위 활동과 밀접하게 연관된 미국 국제 개발처 (USAID)를 구성했습니다.
OPIC은 실제로 유일한 주주가 미국 국무부인 정부투자법인입니다. SES는 OPIC의 임원 및 리더십을 제공하는 공생관계입니다.
여기 미국의 스캔들이 있습니다. 뒤얽힌 법조계를 통해, 연방 정부기관이 아닌 회사로서의 OPIC은 국무장관 만이 "소유"합니다. OPIC는 대통령이 해고할 수 없다고 공개적으로 밝히는 SES 직원이 있습니다. 따라서 직접적인 추론으로 대통령이 국무장관을 임명하더라도 그들에 대한 유일한 주주가 될 수 없으니 말이 안됩니다.
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was formed on January 19, 1971 in an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Act had previously formed the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which is closely aligned with OPIC's seditious activity.
OPIC is actually a corporation whose sole shareholder is the U.S. Secretary of State. The SES provides the executive staffing and leadership for OPIC.
Herein is the scandalous scamming of America. Through convoluted legal gobbledygook, OPIC as a company and not a federal agency per se is solely "owned" by the Secretary of State. OPIC is staffed by the SES who state openly that they cannot be fired by the President; therefore, by direct inference don't work for him- even though the President appoints the Secretary of State, their sole shareholder.
이것이 더 이상 비틀어 질 수없는 것처럼, 국무 장관은 SES 정보부 회원이며 우리는 국민 The People을 위해 일하는 대통령에 의해 그들을 기술적으로 해고할 수가 없습니다. 이것은 우리가 사람들에게 SES 나 OPIC에 대한 통제권을 가지고 있지 않다는 것을 의미합니다. 이러한 법률과 규정을 작성한 (그리고 FOIA 투명성으로부터 이들 단체를 보호하는) 변호사는 이 반역적인 말장난에 맞서야합니다.
렉스틸러슨 Rex Tillerson 전 국무장관은 최근 본인이 SES 책임자로써 장관직을 그만 뒀지만, 해고된 것은 의심 스럽습니다. 법무장관 세션스 Jefferson B. Sessions (SES도 마찬가지)이 고집스럽게 매달려있는 모습을 보면서 거의 대통령에게 SES 고용 보호에 도전할 것을 요청합니다.
As if this couldn't get more twisted, the Secretary of State is an SES member and technically cannot be fired by the President, who works for We The People. This likely means that We The People have no control over SES or OPIC- even though we fund them both. The lawyers who wrote these laws and regulations (and then protect these entities from FOIA transparency) should be shot for this treasonous word play.
While Rex Tillerson recently left his position as Secretary of State, being SES himself, we doubt he was fired. Just look at how Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions-also SES-is stubbornly hanging on, almost begging the President to challenge his SES employment protections.
OPIC is run by the SES according to the Plum Books from 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. The 2016 Plum Books state clearly on p. 218. Since the documents intentionally fail to define the phrase "independent regulatory commission" it could mean anything if challenged and must be assumed to mean all SES members. Whether narrowly or broadly defined, thousands of federal employees fall into this insulation from Presidential authority:
4-The SES Plum book claims that the President cannot fire them. S. Prt. 114-26. (Dec. 01, 2016). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 114th Congress, 2d Session, p. 218 (PDF p. 228). GPO.
OPIC의 2017 연간 경영 보고서는 SES가 내린 모든 결정에 대해 232 억 달러 (26조원) 의 이익을 제공했다고 밝혔습니다.
결론 : SES-OPIC은 SES가 1978 년에 설립된 이래로 불량 조직입니다.
OPIC's 2017 Annual Management Report says they have provided $23.2 billlion in benefits-all decisions made by the SES.
Conclusion: SES-OPIC is a rogue outfit ever since the SES was formed in 1978.
The more our investigators dove into the seditious SES-OPIC labyrinth, the deeper it went, and the more convoluted it became.
Serco는 여왕에게 충성을 맹세한 두 명의 영국 기사단이 이끌고있다. 그들은 Rupert Soames 경과 Roy Gardener 경이 있습니다.
미국 : 당신의 영국 군주를 만나십시오. 뭐 이런 황당한 개같은 일이...
Serco is led by two British knights who pledge loyalty to the Queen. There are Sir Rupert Soames and Sir Roy Gardener.
"Serco는 들어 본 적이없는 미국 최대의 회사입니다." 왜인가?
미국 특허청을 운영하는 회사와 미국의 58 개 이상의 항공교통 관제시스템이 대중 인식에서 왜곡되고 배제되어있는 이유는 무엇입니까?
Serco Group PLC는 직원이 10,000 명이고 연간 매출액이 59 억 달러 인 영국 회사입니다. Serco는 미국 특허 및 상표 국을 운영합니다!
미국 특허청이 외국 도움 없이는 스스로를 운영 할 능력이 없다고 말하는 것입니까?
미국 발명가들은주의를 기울인다 : 당신은 망했다.
"Serco is the biggest company in America that you have never heard of." Why?
Why is a company that operates the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and over 58 air traffic control system in the U.S. so obscured from the public consciousness?!
Serco Group PLC is a British company with 10,000 employees and annual revenue of $5.9 billion. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office!
Do you mean to tell me that the U.S. Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?! American inventors take note: You're screwed.
다음으로 우리는 Serco Group PLC를 보유하고 있습니다. Serco는 직원이 10,000 명인 영국 회사입니다. Serco는 미국 특허 및 상표국을 운영합니다! 미국 특허청이 외국 도움 없이는 스스로 운영 할 수 없다고 말씀 하시겠습니까?
우리는 이것을 믿을 수는 없지만 여기 설코의 2015 년 보도 자료는 오바마 대통령과의 거래를 발표한 것입니다. 이것만으로도 당신의 피가 끓게 되겠지만, 훨씬 더 심해집니다.
Serco는 미국 육군, 해군, SPAWAR, 정보 기관, 공군, 해안 경비대, 해병대, 미국 국경 순찰대, 운송 및 상무부와 11 건의 계약을 맺고 있습니다.
Serco는 58 개의 미국 항공교통 관제탑을 운영 중입니다! 뭐 이런 개같은 일이라니...
Next we have Serco Group PLC. Serco is a British company with 10,000 employees. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office! Do you mean to tell me that the US Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?
We could not believe this either, but here is Serco's 2015 press release announcing its deal with Obama.. No reasonable person can view this as anything but sedition. This alone should get your blood boiling, but it gets much, much worse.
Serco has 11 contracts with the U.S. Army, Navy, SPAWAR, Intelligence, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, US Border Patrol as well as the Transportation and Commerce Departments.
Serco operates 58 U.S. air traffic control towers!
Serco has major contracts with the FCC, FTC, FAA, DOJ, DOS, DHS, ERO, ICE, GSA, prisons, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp and even run U.S. military boot camps.
Serco runs major public works in Chicago, Colorado, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Georgia.
이런 개같은 일이 버젖이 벌어지니 미국이 무슨 독립국인가?
In short, we have ceded great swaths of U.S. infrastructure to this foreign control. Many of the Serco contracts are the most lucrative imaginable. They are "Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity" contracts, meaning they are blank checks for the SES.
What? Are not American companies worthy of such honey pot contracts?
More likely, these contracts reveal that America's corporate borders were overrun long ago? Ask yourself: Why are we giving our sovereignty to the United Kingdom? That is a longer answer that is superbly answered in the just released AIM article: EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN'S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD.
Serco's American subsidiary, SI International, was founded and funded on Oct. 14, 1998by Chicago bankers with Frontenac Company principals formerly with Booz Allen and Bain & Company (Mitt Romney). SI International's officers included S. Bradford Antlewho, according to his Bloomberg biography, was still working for Lockheed Martin where he was leading Lockheed Martin's Washington Technical Operations with 1,700 employees. Other officers came from the U.S. Intelligence supplier CACI, Inc. and Gen. R. Thomas Marsh came from MITRE Corp who is SES.
On Dec. 28, 2008, Serco Group PLC (UK) bought SI International and renamed it Serco, Inc. aka Serco Services, Inc. and appointed S. Bradford Antle its President.
While Brad Antle was triple-timing employment among SI International, Serco and Lockheed Martin, former FBI Director James B. Comey was General Counsel at Lockheed Martin (2005-2010).
Now comes the very sad reality that both Antle and Comey sold out America to the British Crown via Lockeheed Martin and Serco.
AFI investigators have discovered hard proof of sedition by Lockheed Martin, Antle and Comey.
On Nov. 10, 1998, AWE Management Limited was incorporated in the United Kingdom by two lawyers who had one share each. This is a standard way lawyers start companies without involving the founders in order to handle the formation paperwork which gets amended later.
On Dec. 13, 1999, Serco Limited facilitated the updating of the stock to the real owners British Nuclear Fuels (50,000 A shares - Golden Shares controlled by the Crown), Lockheed Martin (50,000 B shares) and Serco (49,998 C shares).
Remember, just a year earlier on Oct. 14, 1998 Lockheed's director S. Bradford Antle has just started Serco's US predecessor SI International in Chicago.
Serco and Lockheed Martin hold 2/3rd of the shares in AWE Management Limited (UK). AWE stands for Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE runs Britain's nuclear programs for weapons grade materials. The other 1/3rd of AWE shares are held by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL). Most importantly, the Queen holds a "Golden Share" in AWE and its uranium mining mega supplier Rio Tinto Plc giving her ultimate control. Her Golden Share gives her absolute control.
Here is the Queen's "Golden Share" in Rio Tinto Plc as inauspiciously recorded by hand at Companies House (London, UK) on Dec. 31, 1999, p. 8. Note: When attorneys handwrite disclosures in this day and age, it is generally an intentional act in order to prevent search engines from being able to read the document.
To make this circumstance even more unscrupulously confusing, the AWE Limited (UK) annual report on Dec. 31, 2016 actually says in very slimy lawyerly parsing that "The directors consider Lockheed Martin Corporation, a company registered in the USA, as the ultimate parent undertaking and controlling entity." They did not even mention the Queen's Golden Share that ultimately controls anything having to do with uranium and atomic weapons production in the UK. The Queen via Rio Tinto actually sells them the uranium ore to produce the nuclear fuel. So, did the AWE directors check with the Queen before making this statement.
If we are to believe the AWE directors, Lockheed Martin controls the British nuclear program.
If we are to believe British Companies House filings, the Queen controls the nuclear program by way of her Golden Shares.
Something is horribly wrong with this picture, especially when one adds the Uranium One, Clinton, Putin, Mueller fiasco into the mix. It appears more and more likely that Putin and the Crown were jockeying over control of global uranium mining rights (Rio Tinto vs. Rosatom). Bill and Hillary Clinton knew this, so they played the American card since the Queen's ore is enriched in the U.S. in Eunice, New Mexico.
The Queen holds a Golden Share (100% control) of Rio Tinto, that operates numerous mines in Canada. In this scenario, the Uranium One deal appears to have been Bill & Hillary and The Clinton Foundation injecting themselves in the middle to get a piece of the financial action. The Kazakhstan "deal" was probably a sham, a cover, just leverage. Mueller was used as a goat to show the quality of the Eunice, NM processing of the Queen's (READ: Frank Giustra) ore.
If the former is true, then British sovereignty over its national security has been ceded to Lockheed Martin.
If the latter is true, then America's national security has been traded away by Lockheed Martin who is managing multiple sets of national interests and is, therefore, sometimes acting against the United States in its dealing with the United Kingdom.
Who are the common threads here? Former FBI Director James B. Comey and former Lockheed Martin director of Technical Operations in Washington, D.C. S. Bradford Antle.
It is important here to note a longer Serco thread that reaches back almost a century. Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a UK division of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). In 1985, General Electric purchased RCA. Two years later in 1987, the UK managers of RCA bought the RCA UK operations and changed the name to Serco in 1988.
These events within Serco (UK) occurred right when S. Bradford Antle worked for General Electric (and probably facilitated the sale, with the plan to eventually work for Lockheed, former SI International, then have Serco UK buy in to the US classified business via SI International). These sorts of devious convolutions have come to be expected by our researchers.
So more likely, the Queen controls the nuclear activities of both Lockheed Martin and Serco in Britain. This control then walks back to the U.S. via URENCO LIMITED (UK).
URENCO manages the U.S. nuclear enrichment plant in Eunice, NM. Curiously, in their 2018 annual report, URENCO disguises their British 1/3rd ownership by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) and says instead that "Enrichment Investment Limited" (EIL) is the holder. Further investigation shows that EIL is a mere shell front for British Nuclear Fuels Limited. Why the deception?
Lockheed's influence over critical national security organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, including AWE, Serco, SES and OPIC is evident. However, these alliances fold back on each other, it appears that Lockheed Martin sold the American Republic down the river a long time ago.
We have two more groups to discuss, then we'll swing back around to SES and OPIC.
See American Intelligence Media's new article laying out the history of the Crown Agents.
We won't repeat this superb research here. EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN'S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD. This article includes links to actual contracts that USAID pays to Crown Agents.
Even our week-long review of government contracts shows that the U.S. government pays billions of dollars a year to Crown Agents USA Washington DC-which is a vassal of the Queen of England. Why do we not hire Americans for this work. This is another example of the corporate borders having been dropped long ago.
Hidden inside OPIC are many dozens of contracts with billions of dollars awarded to Citibank. This tie to Wall Street is evident, especially considering that Citigroup was the first merged bank formed after Bill Clinton and Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (with Facebook's Sheryl K. Sandberg in tow) abolished Glass-Steagal on Nov. 12, 1999.
In addition, OPIC funds hundreds, if not thousands, of USAID projects that involve financing sent through the Crown Agents as the prime contractor or supplier to a prime contractor.
For example, OPIC provided $100 million in funds and an "Impact Award" to Helios Investment Partners LLC-a creation of the Crown Agents Ltd headquartered in London. The Crown Agent's has only one shareholder - the Crown Agents Foundation.
On Jul. 19, 1995, the Crown Agents were "privatized" meaning they became a stock company with a board of directors. The issuance of stock amounts and rights was in the complete control of the Crown's Secretary of State, and he or she was bound by The Crown Agents Act of 1995. Here is proof that while privatization may sound like the Queen gave up control, she did not.
The Crown simply channeled its authority through the Crown's Secretary of State who controlled the Crown Agents "privatized" successor board of directors. Therefore, the Crown has 100% control of its subsidiary in the US named Crown Agents USA Washington DC.
We should note that OPIC is similarly organized as a corporation with the U.S. Secretary of State as its sole shareholder. Also, seven days before Crown Agents was privatized, on Jul. 12, 1995, IBM purchased Lotus Corporation whose collaboration software, Lotus Notes, was planned by the illegal "public-private" Highlands Forum. and the DoD Director of Net Assessment-an SES member since 1978 Andrew W. Marshall-to be the platform to be used by the Deep State shadow government to control and spy on Internet communications.
At this same time, Leader Technologies' subsequent founder, Michael McKibben, was being told by AT&T Bell Labs engineers with whom he was working to create AT&T AccessPlus 3.0 for Windows 95 that Lotus Notes probably could not be made to scale in larger Internet transaction volumes.
The collusion among SES, OPIC and the Crown Agents is evident.
In conclusion, we have tried to introduce the primary caves in this labyrinth of global corruption.
These caves lead us back to the beginning of our investigation-into the people and organizations who stole Leader Technologies' social networking invention to promote their globalist One World agenda.
The rogue C.I.A. (headquartered in CERN, Switzerland), in collusion with Lockheed Martin, appear to be the intelligence arm of this globalist corporate takeover..
The American Republic can survive this, we believe.
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our listing ship of state. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
Keep up the good work. We're praying for you and your family.
Leader's late 1990's breakthrough in digital scalability gave these corruptocrats a platform to unify their communications globally-on a large scale not previously possible with IBM and Microsoft platforms. Leader's founder Michael McKibben knew that because he had previously rebuilt AT&T's email system AT&T AccessPlus 3.0. He knew exactly what IBM's and Microsoft's collaboration shortcomings were because AT&T Bell Labs engineers had told him after they had abandoned their failed alliance with IBM-Lotus called "Network Notes." He knew they could not scale to the transaction volumes needed for the emerging Internet. Problem-solver McKibben very intentionally set out to create a whole new paradigm. See The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.
Once they had their "ah hah" moment in Dec. 1999, McKibben sought legal advice to protect the invention. He was eventually referred to the federal government's top intellectual property lawyer, James P. Chandler, III. Little did McKibben know that Chandler was chief among the world's corruptocrats. Chandler, who was already conspiring with the C.I.A., NSA, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Silicon Valley, knew that Leader's invention would finally enable them to implement their dream to spy on everyone.
As wolves in sheep's clothing, they offered the "social" services and email free of charge, replete with slippery legalese that gave them rights to all user data forever. This power has utterly corrupted them. Property and privacy were abolished in their pursuit of the seven deadly sins... in the name of "national security," of course.
What they did not plan on was that Leader's invention could not be controlled so precisely. Social users figured out ways to beat their censors and spread the truth using the very tools with which they are trying to enslave us.
고위직 비밀정보부, 설코, 오픽 투자 조직은 그림자정부로써 말할수없는 부패 소굴로 암약했다
How SES, SERCO & OPIC Do the Dirty Work of the Shadow Government By Americans For Innovation Apr 23, 2018 - 10:05:08 PM | |
These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, bureaucrats and otherwise self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working Americans via SES, OPIC, Lockheed Martin, Crown Agents, Serco, USAID in pursuit of the seven deadly sins.
미국의 혁신 그룹은 리더 기술 Leader사의 소셜부문의 혁명적 발명특허 11 개의 주장 중 11 개 모든 것에 대해 자신의 특허를 침해했다는 것을 입증한 후에도 미국 대법원이 Leader Technologies의 이 혁신적인 발명을 보호해주지 못했는데, 이런 황당한 모순행위에 대한 이유를 이해하기 위해 2012 년에 조사를 시작했습니다.
우리가 발견한 사실은 행성의 거의 모든 기관에 스며 들어있는 조직적인 죄와 부패가 형성하고 있는 난관이 있다는 것입니다. 리더사 대 페북 Leader v. Facebook 특허분쟁의 재판을 보는 것 외에도 Facebook을 보호하기 위해 비밀의 조직이 돌아가는 것이 있는데, 그들은 잘 정돈된 선례를 무시하고 심사 위원 스스로가 Facebook의 재무 이익을 상당 부분 공유했다는 구조적 비리행각입니다.
판사는 맹세한 행동 규범에 따라 그러한 부도덕하고 불법적인 활동을 하지 못하게 명시 적으로 금지되어 있습니다. 그들은 소송 당사자의 "1 주"라도 배우자가 보유하는 것이 금지되어 있습니다만 실제로 그것을 지키지 않은 것입니다.
Apr. 20, 2018-Americans for Innovation began this investigation in 2012 to try and understand why the U.S. Supreme Court failed to protect Leader Technologies' revolutionary invention of social networking-even after Leader proved that Facebook infringed their patent on 11 of 11 claims.
What we have discovered is a labyrinth of organized sin and corruption that permeates practically every institution on our planet. Besides watching the Leader v. Facebook court ignore well-settled precedent to protect Facebook, the judges themselves held volumes of Facebook financial interests.
Judges are expressly prohibited by their sworn Code of Conduct from engaging in such immoral and illegal activity. They are prohibited from holding "even one share" by a spouse in a litigant.
우리의 재판관, 정치인 및 관료들이 현재 뮤추얼 펀드를 공유한 뒤에 대기업 소송 당사자들에 재정적 지주를 숨기고 게임을 하는 것은 부패한 음란행위입니다. 이런 범죄 행위는 공개 청문회 또는 토론없이 9/11 테러 6 개월 전과 리더 사의 소셜 네트워킹 발명에 대한 도둑질과 같은 2001 년 3 월 사법 회의 이후에 본격적으로 시작되었습니다. 우리는 그것을 대형 뮤츄얼펀드 사기사건 The Great Mutual Fund Scam이라고 부릅니다.
Leader v. Facebook 특허분쟁에 관여한 부패한 재판관과 사무원이 Facebook의 금전적 이해 관계로 인한 실격 사유를 결정하지 못했습니다. 그들은 2012 년에 페이스 북의 상장 공모에서 각자 큰 재물을 얻었는데, 이는 오프쇼어 계좌의 범위조차 모른 채 있습니다. 그 판사들은 또한 페이스 북의 항소 변호사인 Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP와의 친밀한 관계를 공개하지 않았다.
The games that our judges, politicians and bureaucrats are currently playing by hiding their financial holdings in large corporate litigants behind conspiring mutual funds is just obscene. This corrupt practice began in earnest after a Judicial Conference in March 2001-six months before 9/11 & the theft of Leader's social networking invention-without public hearing or debate. We call it The Great Mutual Fund Scam.
Here are the corrupt judges and clerk in Leader v. Facebook who each failed to disqualify himself/herself due to his/her substantial holdings in Facebook financial interests. Each person gained great wealth from the Facebook initial public offering in 2012, this is without even knowing the extent of their offshore accounts. They also failed to disclose their intimate relationships with Facebook's appeal attorney Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP:
리더 기술사 Leader Technologies에 대한 이런 불의가 발생한 일은 작은 표면적 긁힘으로부터 이제는 불도저 및 덤프 트럭에 비유할 거대 부패비리 사건으로 이어졌습니다. 우리는 전세계의 부패 전투원들과 협력해 왔습니다. 우리는 일부 사람들이 범죄 사실을 부르고 있다는 기소할 수있는 증거로 이 범죄를 세심하게 문서화하기 위해 노력했습니다. 그것은 변호사, 판사, 정치인 및 언론이 다가오는 기소를 가속화하는 데 도움이 되는 연구 도구로 의도되었습니다.
세상의 정직한 시민들은 이 부패한 사람들을 성공시키지 못하게 합니다. [주 : 1 년 전에 우리는 법무장관이되기 전에 세션스 Jeff Sessions 상원 의원에게 이 범죄사실 Crimeline 사본을 보냈습니다.]
Leader Technologies의 주주들은 현재 트럼프 Trump 대통령에게 연방 정부와 불량 실리콘 밸리 기술 커뮤니티가 소셜 네트워킹 발명을 18 년간 절도한 것에 대해 배상금을 불하도록 요청하고 있습니다. 그들은 백악관에서 "Miller Act Notices"를 제출했으며, 도둑질로 인한 끔찍한 문제들에 대해 윈 윈 (Win-Win) 수정본을 제안했습니다 Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S..
Our initial scratching at the surface of this injustice to Leader Technologies has now given way to bulldozers and dump trucks. We have teamed up with corruption fighters from around the globe. We have worked to meticulously document these crimes with indictable evidence that some are calling the Crimeline. It was intended as a research tool for lawyers, judges, politicians and the media to help speed up the coming prosecutions.
Honest citizens of the world cannot allow these corruptocrats to succeed. [Note: Over a year ago we sent a copy of this Crimeline to then Senator Jeff Sessions before he became Attorney General.]
Leader Technologies' shareholders are currently asking President Trump to pay them for the 18-year theft of their social networking invention by the federal government and our rogue Silicon Valley technology community. They have filed "Miller Act Notices" at the White House and have proposed a remarkable Win-Win fix for the horrific problems that this theft has caused. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S.
Leader Technologies의 소셜 네트워킹 발명과 어떤 연관이 있습니까? 이 부패한 사람들은 미국 공화당의 인수를 가속화할 것이라는 것을 알고 있었기 때문에 그것을 훔쳤습니다. 그들은 그것에 대해 옳은 것처럼 보입니다. 리더십 테크놀로지가 소스코드 디버깅을 끝내면 "소셜 네트워킹"은 2004 년 초 IBM 이클립스 파운데이션 (IBM 자회사)을 통해 피닉스처럼 거의 밤늦게 나타났다. 2004 IBM EclipseCon 2004 년 2 월 2 일부터 5 일까지 (2004 년 2 월 4 일부터 페이스 북 시작 First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 )
우리가 리더 대 페이스 북 특허분쟁의 부패 혐의에 대한 즉각적인 증거를 입증하자마자, 우리는 렌즈 조리개를 넓혀서 이 사람들의 선택이 왜 그렇게 부패했는지 알아보았습니다.
요약하면 다음과 같은 거대비밀 조직에 중점을 두었습니다.
What is the connection with Leader Technologies' social networking invention? These corruptocrats stole it because they knew it would speed up their takeover of the U.S. Republic. They appear to have been right about that. "Social networking" appeared almost overnight like a Phoenix via the IBM Eclipse Foundation in early 2004 once Leader Technologies had finished debugging their source code. See First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 (Facebook started Feb. 4, 2004).
Once we proved the immediate evidence of the Leader v. Facebook corruption, we widened our lens aperture to look at who and what was behind these peoples' choices to be so corrupt.
In summary, the following organizations came into focus:
1. 고위 공직자 비밀정보부 (SES)
2. 해외 민간 투자 회사 (OPIC),
3. 설코,
5. 영국왕실 크라운 에이전트 및
6. 록히드 마틴.
우리는 록히드 (Lockheed)와 USAID에 대해 조금은 알고 있지만 SES, OPIC, Serco 또는 Crown Agents에 대해서는 아무 것도 알지 못했습니다. 이들 조직이 수억 달러의 미국 세금을 지구를 중심으로 이동하는 곳으로 빼돌린 행위를 감안할 때, 왜 그들이 시민 의식에 존재하지 않은지를 고려하면 주류언론 MSM은 침묵을 지키고 있으며 자신의 업무와 마찬가지로 책임을 지지않습니다. 이제 우리는 범죄자들의 이 비웃는 소리가 깊은 정부, 그림자 정부를 위한 나치 브라운 셔츠의 후계자라는 것을 압니다. 그들은 내일 중단될 수 있고 세상은 개선 될 것입니다. 전쟁은 멈추고 인간 창조성의 새로운 시대가 열릴 것입니다.
We knew a little about Lockheed and USAID, but nothing about SES, OPIC, Serco or the Crown Agents. Considering that these organizations move hundreds of billions of dollars of American tax money around the planet, why are they not in our civic consciousness?The MSM has been silent and has clearly failed to hold them accountable, as is their job. Now we know that this gaggle of criminals are the successors of Nazi Brown Shirts for the Deep State shadow government. They could cease tomorrow and the world would only improve, wars would stop, and a new era of human creativity will be unleashed.
세스 고위공직자 정보부와 오픽 해외투자사는 반헌법적 비밀정부를 형성하는데, 아주 최악이다. 이들은 다른 정부부처의 도움을 받아서 세스 조직의 반역열차를 돌리고 있다 SES & OPIC CONSTITUTES AN UNCONSTITUTIONAL SECRET GOVERNMENT, BUT IT'S WORSE. OTHER GOVERNMENTS HELP DRIVE THE SES SEDITION BUS.
고위 공직자 정보부 (SES)에는 미국 정부의 모든 기관에 8,000 명이 넘는 오바마 대통령 임명 연방 고위직 공무원이 포함되어 있습니다. 그들은 대통령에 의해 해임될 수 없다고 공개적으로 말하고 있습니다. 즉, 그들은 우리 공화국에 대한 책임을 지지않으며 그들 자신만을 위한 법을 가지고 있음을 의미합니다. 우리의 이전 게시물 오바마가 그들을 고용 한 것을 보십시오. 트럼프는 그들을 해고할 수 없습니다. 그래서 그들은 그런 오만한 말을 하는데, 30 일 전에 50 만 건의 조회가 발생하여 바이러스 성을 띠게되었습니다. 그 이야기는 끝났다.
The Senior Executive Services (SES) includes over 8,000 Obama stay-behind senior federal employees in all agencies of the U.S. government. They openly state that they cannot be fired by the President, which means they are not accountable to our Republic and have a law unto themselves. See our previous post Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say. It went viral 30 days ago with an estimated 500,000 views. The story is out.
전 FBI 국장 코미 James B. Comey의 책 제목 높은 충성 A Higher Loyalty은 그들의 권력을 표현합니다 : 높은 충성을 자기 조직에 한다고라. 분명히 코미 (Comey)는 세계 주의적 의제를 가지기로 결정한다면 미국에 봉사하겠다는 맹세에는 대통령등 이나라 지도자를 포함하지 않을 것이라고 생각한다. 록히드 마틴 (Lockheed Martin)과 런던에 본사를 둔 HSBC와의 관계는 분명히 그가 미국의 주권에 대항하여 이 쿠테타를 이끌고 있음을 보여줍니다. 코미가 현재의 책을 갖고서 로드쇼까지 하는 오만함은 그의 도덕적인 특성을 보여준다.
이것들의 점을 연결하면, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) 및 Right Media, Anonymous, 실제 Q 및 KimDotCom과 같은 그룹의 다른 연구원들을 연결하는 것은 고위공직자 정보부 SES가 자금 조달에 자금을 지원하는 주요 기관을 밝히는 데 도움이 되었습니다. 우리는 위더피플 의회의 감독을 받습니다.
Former FBI Director James B. Comey's book title speaks volumes: A Higher Loyalty. Evidently Mr. Comey believes his oath to serve America does not include its leaders if he decides to have a globalist agenda. His associations with Lockheed Martin and London-based HSBC clearly show that he leads this coup against American sovereignty. The arrogance of his current book road show speaks volumes about his moral character.
Connecting the dots, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) and other researchers from groups like The Right Media, Anonymous, the real Q and KimDotCom among them have helped uncovered primary institutions through which the SES funds its sedition-totally outside of We The People Congressional oversight.
해외 민간 투자 회사 (OPIC)는 1971 년 1 월 19 일 1961 년 외국인 지원법 개정안에 따라 설립되었습니다. 이 법안은 이전에 OPIC의 반역행위 활동과 밀접하게 연관된 미국 국제 개발처 (USAID)를 구성했습니다.
OPIC은 실제로 유일한 주주가 미국 국무부인 정부투자법인입니다. SES는 OPIC의 임원 및 리더십을 제공하는 공생관계입니다.
여기 미국의 스캔들이 있습니다. 뒤얽힌 법조계를 통해, 연방 정부기관이 아닌 회사로서의 OPIC은 국무장관 만이 "소유"합니다. OPIC는 대통령이 해고할 수 없다고 공개적으로 밝히는 SES 직원이 있습니다. 따라서 직접적인 추론으로 대통령이 국무장관을 임명하더라도 그들에 대한 유일한 주주가 될 수 없으니 말이 안됩니다.
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was formed on January 19, 1971 in an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Act had previously formed the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which is closely aligned with OPIC's seditious activity.
OPIC is actually a corporation whose sole shareholder is the U.S. Secretary of State. The SES provides the executive staffing and leadership for OPIC.
Herein is the scandalous scamming of America. Through convoluted legal gobbledygook, OPIC as a company and not a federal agency per se is solely "owned" by the Secretary of State. OPIC is staffed by the SES who state openly that they cannot be fired by the President; therefore, by direct inference don't work for him- even though the President appoints the Secretary of State, their sole shareholder.
이것이 더 이상 비틀어 질 수없는 것처럼, 국무 장관은 SES 정보부 회원이며 우리는 국민 The People을 위해 일하는 대통령에 의해 그들을 기술적으로 해고할 수가 없습니다. 이것은 우리가 사람들에게 SES 나 OPIC에 대한 통제권을 가지고 있지 않다는 것을 의미합니다. 이러한 법률과 규정을 작성한 (그리고 FOIA 투명성으로부터 이들 단체를 보호하는) 변호사는 이 반역적인 말장난에 맞서야합니다.
렉스틸러슨 Rex Tillerson 전 국무장관은 최근 본인이 SES 책임자로써 장관직을 그만 뒀지만, 해고된 것은 의심 스럽습니다. 법무장관 세션스 Jefferson B. Sessions (SES도 마찬가지)이 고집스럽게 매달려있는 모습을 보면서 거의 대통령에게 SES 고용 보호에 도전할 것을 요청합니다.
As if this couldn't get more twisted, the Secretary of State is an SES member and technically cannot be fired by the President, who works for We The People. This likely means that We The People have no control over SES or OPIC- even though we fund them both. The lawyers who wrote these laws and regulations (and then protect these entities from FOIA transparency) should be shot for this treasonous word play.
While Rex Tillerson recently left his position as Secretary of State, being SES himself, we doubt he was fired. Just look at how Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions-also SES-is stubbornly hanging on, almost begging the President to challenge his SES employment protections.
OPIC is run by the SES according to the Plum Books from 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. The 2016 Plum Books state clearly on p. 218. Since the documents intentionally fail to define the phrase "independent regulatory commission" it could mean anything if challenged and must be assumed to mean all SES members. Whether narrowly or broadly defined, thousands of federal employees fall into this insulation from Presidential authority:
4-The SES Plum book claims that the President cannot fire them. S. Prt. 114-26. (Dec. 01, 2016). Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. U.S. Senate, 114th Congress, 2d Session, p. 218 (PDF p. 228). GPO.
OPIC의 2017 연간 경영 보고서는 SES가 내린 모든 결정에 대해 232 억 달러 (26조원) 의 이익을 제공했다고 밝혔습니다.
결론 : SES-OPIC은 SES가 1978 년에 설립된 이래로 불량 조직입니다.
OPIC's 2017 Annual Management Report says they have provided $23.2 billlion in benefits-all decisions made by the SES.
Conclusion: SES-OPIC is a rogue outfit ever since the SES was formed in 1978.
The more our investigators dove into the seditious SES-OPIC labyrinth, the deeper it went, and the more convoluted it became.
Serco는 여왕에게 충성을 맹세한 두 명의 영국 기사단이 이끌고있다. 그들은 Rupert Soames 경과 Roy Gardener 경이 있습니다.
미국 : 당신의 영국 군주를 만나십시오. 뭐 이런 황당한 개같은 일이...
Serco is led by two British knights who pledge loyalty to the Queen. There are Sir Rupert Soames and Sir Roy Gardener.
"Serco는 들어 본 적이없는 미국 최대의 회사입니다." 왜인가?
미국 특허청을 운영하는 회사와 미국의 58 개 이상의 항공교통 관제시스템이 대중 인식에서 왜곡되고 배제되어있는 이유는 무엇입니까?
Serco Group PLC는 직원이 10,000 명이고 연간 매출액이 59 억 달러 인 영국 회사입니다. Serco는 미국 특허 및 상표 국을 운영합니다!
미국 특허청이 외국 도움 없이는 스스로를 운영 할 능력이 없다고 말하는 것입니까?
미국 발명가들은주의를 기울인다 : 당신은 망했다.
"Serco is the biggest company in America that you have never heard of." Why?
Why is a company that operates the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and over 58 air traffic control system in the U.S. so obscured from the public consciousness?!
Serco Group PLC is a British company with 10,000 employees and annual revenue of $5.9 billion. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office!
Do you mean to tell me that the U.S. Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?! American inventors take note: You're screwed.
다음으로 우리는 Serco Group PLC를 보유하고 있습니다. Serco는 직원이 10,000 명인 영국 회사입니다. Serco는 미국 특허 및 상표국을 운영합니다! 미국 특허청이 외국 도움 없이는 스스로 운영 할 수 없다고 말씀 하시겠습니까?
우리는 이것을 믿을 수는 없지만 여기 설코의 2015 년 보도 자료는 오바마 대통령과의 거래를 발표한 것입니다. 이것만으로도 당신의 피가 끓게 되겠지만, 훨씬 더 심해집니다.
Serco는 미국 육군, 해군, SPAWAR, 정보 기관, 공군, 해안 경비대, 해병대, 미국 국경 순찰대, 운송 및 상무부와 11 건의 계약을 맺고 있습니다.
Serco는 58 개의 미국 항공교통 관제탑을 운영 중입니다! 뭐 이런 개같은 일이라니...
Next we have Serco Group PLC. Serco is a British company with 10,000 employees. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office! Do you mean to tell me that the US Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?
We could not believe this either, but here is Serco's 2015 press release announcing its deal with Obama.. No reasonable person can view this as anything but sedition. This alone should get your blood boiling, but it gets much, much worse.
Serco has 11 contracts with the U.S. Army, Navy, SPAWAR, Intelligence, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, US Border Patrol as well as the Transportation and Commerce Departments.
Serco operates 58 U.S. air traffic control towers!
Serco has major contracts with the FCC, FTC, FAA, DOJ, DOS, DHS, ERO, ICE, GSA, prisons, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp and even run U.S. military boot camps.
Serco runs major public works in Chicago, Colorado, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Georgia.
이런 개같은 일이 버젖이 벌어지니 미국이 무슨 독립국인가?
In short, we have ceded great swaths of U.S. infrastructure to this foreign control. Many of the Serco contracts are the most lucrative imaginable. They are "Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity" contracts, meaning they are blank checks for the SES.
What? Are not American companies worthy of such honey pot contracts?
More likely, these contracts reveal that America's corporate borders were overrun long ago? Ask yourself: Why are we giving our sovereignty to the United Kingdom? That is a longer answer that is superbly answered in the just released AIM article: EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN'S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD.
Serco's American subsidiary, SI International, was founded and funded on Oct. 14, 1998by Chicago bankers with Frontenac Company principals formerly with Booz Allen and Bain & Company (Mitt Romney). SI International's officers included S. Bradford Antlewho, according to his Bloomberg biography, was still working for Lockheed Martin where he was leading Lockheed Martin's Washington Technical Operations with 1,700 employees. Other officers came from the U.S. Intelligence supplier CACI, Inc. and Gen. R. Thomas Marsh came from MITRE Corp who is SES.
On Dec. 28, 2008, Serco Group PLC (UK) bought SI International and renamed it Serco, Inc. aka Serco Services, Inc. and appointed S. Bradford Antle its President.
While Brad Antle was triple-timing employment among SI International, Serco and Lockheed Martin, former FBI Director James B. Comey was General Counsel at Lockheed Martin (2005-2010).
Now comes the very sad reality that both Antle and Comey sold out America to the British Crown via Lockeheed Martin and Serco.
AFI investigators have discovered hard proof of sedition by Lockheed Martin, Antle and Comey.
On Nov. 10, 1998, AWE Management Limited was incorporated in the United Kingdom by two lawyers who had one share each. This is a standard way lawyers start companies without involving the founders in order to handle the formation paperwork which gets amended later.
On Dec. 13, 1999, Serco Limited facilitated the updating of the stock to the real owners British Nuclear Fuels (50,000 A shares - Golden Shares controlled by the Crown), Lockheed Martin (50,000 B shares) and Serco (49,998 C shares).
Remember, just a year earlier on Oct. 14, 1998 Lockheed's director S. Bradford Antle has just started Serco's US predecessor SI International in Chicago.
Serco and Lockheed Martin hold 2/3rd of the shares in AWE Management Limited (UK). AWE stands for Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE runs Britain's nuclear programs for weapons grade materials. The other 1/3rd of AWE shares are held by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL). Most importantly, the Queen holds a "Golden Share" in AWE and its uranium mining mega supplier Rio Tinto Plc giving her ultimate control. Her Golden Share gives her absolute control.
Here is the Queen's "Golden Share" in Rio Tinto Plc as inauspiciously recorded by hand at Companies House (London, UK) on Dec. 31, 1999, p. 8. Note: When attorneys handwrite disclosures in this day and age, it is generally an intentional act in order to prevent search engines from being able to read the document.
To make this circumstance even more unscrupulously confusing, the AWE Limited (UK) annual report on Dec. 31, 2016 actually says in very slimy lawyerly parsing that "The directors consider Lockheed Martin Corporation, a company registered in the USA, as the ultimate parent undertaking and controlling entity." They did not even mention the Queen's Golden Share that ultimately controls anything having to do with uranium and atomic weapons production in the UK. The Queen via Rio Tinto actually sells them the uranium ore to produce the nuclear fuel. So, did the AWE directors check with the Queen before making this statement.
If we are to believe the AWE directors, Lockheed Martin controls the British nuclear program.
If we are to believe British Companies House filings, the Queen controls the nuclear program by way of her Golden Shares.
Something is horribly wrong with this picture, especially when one adds the Uranium One, Clinton, Putin, Mueller fiasco into the mix. It appears more and more likely that Putin and the Crown were jockeying over control of global uranium mining rights (Rio Tinto vs. Rosatom). Bill and Hillary Clinton knew this, so they played the American card since the Queen's ore is enriched in the U.S. in Eunice, New Mexico.
The Queen holds a Golden Share (100% control) of Rio Tinto, that operates numerous mines in Canada. In this scenario, the Uranium One deal appears to have been Bill & Hillary and The Clinton Foundation injecting themselves in the middle to get a piece of the financial action. The Kazakhstan "deal" was probably a sham, a cover, just leverage. Mueller was used as a goat to show the quality of the Eunice, NM processing of the Queen's (READ: Frank Giustra) ore.
If the former is true, then British sovereignty over its national security has been ceded to Lockheed Martin.
If the latter is true, then America's national security has been traded away by Lockheed Martin who is managing multiple sets of national interests and is, therefore, sometimes acting against the United States in its dealing with the United Kingdom.
Who are the common threads here? Former FBI Director James B. Comey and former Lockheed Martin director of Technical Operations in Washington, D.C. S. Bradford Antle.
It is important here to note a longer Serco thread that reaches back almost a century. Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a UK division of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). In 1985, General Electric purchased RCA. Two years later in 1987, the UK managers of RCA bought the RCA UK operations and changed the name to Serco in 1988.
These events within Serco (UK) occurred right when S. Bradford Antle worked for General Electric (and probably facilitated the sale, with the plan to eventually work for Lockheed, former SI International, then have Serco UK buy in to the US classified business via SI International). These sorts of devious convolutions have come to be expected by our researchers.
So more likely, the Queen controls the nuclear activities of both Lockheed Martin and Serco in Britain. This control then walks back to the U.S. via URENCO LIMITED (UK).
URENCO manages the U.S. nuclear enrichment plant in Eunice, NM. Curiously, in their 2018 annual report, URENCO disguises their British 1/3rd ownership by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) and says instead that "Enrichment Investment Limited" (EIL) is the holder. Further investigation shows that EIL is a mere shell front for British Nuclear Fuels Limited. Why the deception?
Lockheed's influence over critical national security organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, including AWE, Serco, SES and OPIC is evident. However, these alliances fold back on each other, it appears that Lockheed Martin sold the American Republic down the river a long time ago.
We have two more groups to discuss, then we'll swing back around to SES and OPIC.
See American Intelligence Media's new article laying out the history of the Crown Agents.
We won't repeat this superb research here. EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN'S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD. This article includes links to actual contracts that USAID pays to Crown Agents.
Even our week-long review of government contracts shows that the U.S. government pays billions of dollars a year to Crown Agents USA Washington DC-which is a vassal of the Queen of England. Why do we not hire Americans for this work. This is another example of the corporate borders having been dropped long ago.
Hidden inside OPIC are many dozens of contracts with billions of dollars awarded to Citibank. This tie to Wall Street is evident, especially considering that Citigroup was the first merged bank formed after Bill Clinton and Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (with Facebook's Sheryl K. Sandberg in tow) abolished Glass-Steagal on Nov. 12, 1999.
In addition, OPIC funds hundreds, if not thousands, of USAID projects that involve financing sent through the Crown Agents as the prime contractor or supplier to a prime contractor.
For example, OPIC provided $100 million in funds and an "Impact Award" to Helios Investment Partners LLC-a creation of the Crown Agents Ltd headquartered in London. The Crown Agent's has only one shareholder - the Crown Agents Foundation.
On Jul. 19, 1995, the Crown Agents were "privatized" meaning they became a stock company with a board of directors. The issuance of stock amounts and rights was in the complete control of the Crown's Secretary of State, and he or she was bound by The Crown Agents Act of 1995. Here is proof that while privatization may sound like the Queen gave up control, she did not.
The Crown simply channeled its authority through the Crown's Secretary of State who controlled the Crown Agents "privatized" successor board of directors. Therefore, the Crown has 100% control of its subsidiary in the US named Crown Agents USA Washington DC.
We should note that OPIC is similarly organized as a corporation with the U.S. Secretary of State as its sole shareholder. Also, seven days before Crown Agents was privatized, on Jul. 12, 1995, IBM purchased Lotus Corporation whose collaboration software, Lotus Notes, was planned by the illegal "public-private" Highlands Forum. and the DoD Director of Net Assessment-an SES member since 1978 Andrew W. Marshall-to be the platform to be used by the Deep State shadow government to control and spy on Internet communications.
At this same time, Leader Technologies' subsequent founder, Michael McKibben, was being told by AT&T Bell Labs engineers with whom he was working to create AT&T AccessPlus 3.0 for Windows 95 that Lotus Notes probably could not be made to scale in larger Internet transaction volumes.
The collusion among SES, OPIC and the Crown Agents is evident.
In conclusion, we have tried to introduce the primary caves in this labyrinth of global corruption.
These caves lead us back to the beginning of our investigation-into the people and organizations who stole Leader Technologies' social networking invention to promote their globalist One World agenda.
The rogue C.I.A. (headquartered in CERN, Switzerland), in collusion with Lockheed Martin, appear to be the intelligence arm of this globalist corporate takeover..
The American Republic can survive this, we believe.
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our listing ship of state. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
Keep up the good work. We're praying for you and your family.
Leader's late 1990's breakthrough in digital scalability gave these corruptocrats a platform to unify their communications globally-on a large scale not previously possible with IBM and Microsoft platforms. Leader's founder Michael McKibben knew that because he had previously rebuilt AT&T's email system AT&T AccessPlus 3.0. He knew exactly what IBM's and Microsoft's collaboration shortcomings were because AT&T Bell Labs engineers had told him after they had abandoned their failed alliance with IBM-Lotus called "Network Notes." He knew they could not scale to the transaction volumes needed for the emerging Internet. Problem-solver McKibben very intentionally set out to create a whole new paradigm. See The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.
Once they had their "ah hah" moment in Dec. 1999, McKibben sought legal advice to protect the invention. He was eventually referred to the federal government's top intellectual property lawyer, James P. Chandler, III. Little did McKibben know that Chandler was chief among the world's corruptocrats. Chandler, who was already conspiring with the C.I.A., NSA, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Silicon Valley, knew that Leader's invention would finally enable them to implement their dream to spy on everyone.
As wolves in sheep's clothing, they offered the "social" services and email free of charge, replete with slippery legalese that gave them rights to all user data forever. This power has utterly corrupted them. Property and privacy were abolished in their pursuit of the seven deadly sins... in the name of "national security," of course.
What they did not plan on was that Leader's invention could not be controlled so precisely. Social users figured out ways to beat their censors and spread the truth using the very tools with which they are trying to enslave us.