The Way For Students - 118 Chapter 3 - Youth And Completion Section 1. Youth 5) How To Become A Great Person ① To Be an Important Person - 3
Yet even though you might be very good at seeing, listening, watching, speaking and thinking, if you fall short in actual performance, you will ultimately lose everything. Therefore you should not retreat, but advance in every field.
Even though you have passed a tough training course, if you retreat you will be a loser. You must overcome all obstacles.
You can be chosen and officially approved as a central figure when you become a person who can overcome and digest problems on your own, having the foundation of victoriously overcoming many difficulties and taking responsibility for all kinds of problems.
That is why you are in the process of training in an environment where you can learn, listen, speak, and think new things.
Observing the way in which people receive stimuli through their five senses, and furthermore, centering on various problems caused by their actions, in whatever way these actions are influenced by some cause outside of themselves, whether that influence is on a grand scale or very minor, whether in just one aspect or in many aspects, and whether flat or multidimensional-by looking at such problems, we may decide whether a person is important and responsible or not.
Already, in order to become an important person, they must have gone through many types of training and discipline. As a leader, they do not just represent themselves; rather they must stand for the sake of others, as you surely know by now. (67-177) |