The title of this book is "The tall Tall, Short Pony." Boo thought he was the most handsome, the strongest, the fastest, and the tallest pony. He wanted to see the world and show him himself to other others, so he left home. He made a song about himself. After a while, horses laughed because everyone is was taller than him. He leaved left and he started to sing. Hyenas gigled giggled because he is was tall then taller than heynas hyenas. He was counfusing confused. While he was tring trying to decied decide, the princess sobbed. He saved her doll. The king rewarded him. And Boo decided to live at the castle. And Then the truth came to him. When he was next to shorter things**,** he looked tall**;** when he was near taller things**,** he looked stort short. I want to see Boo because he is the most handsome, the strongest, the fastest pony.
Score: B
- 철자를 정확하게 써주세요! ('giggled', 'trying', 'confused'가 맞아요)
- 시제를 맞춰주세요! ('was', 'left'처럼 과거형으로 써요)
- 'And'로 문장을 시작하지 말아요! (새로운 문장으로 시작하세요)
- Boo의 노래는 어떤 내용이었나요? (노래 가사를 써보세요)
- 왕은 Boo에게 어떤 보상을 주었나요? (자세히 설명해보면 좋겠어요)