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(복수) 엘로힘 >>> Elohim (단수) 엘로하 >>> Eloah |
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몇해 전 우연히 '엘로하'를 네이버에서 검색했는데
(독) Eloah [eló:a] 성경(헤브라이의) 신(神)
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머지 우리가 알고 있는 엘로하라면 철자가 Eloha 여야 하는데 말이죠,,,
명칭 '엘로하(Eloha)' 에 대해 고찰해 봤습니다!
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אֱלוֹהַּ >>> ELOAH אֱ > E (L) ל > O וֹ > A הַּ > H
< 자료 > 다른 여러 포털에서 철저히 검색한 결과
1 >>> https://www.britannica.com/topic/Elohim (~ Yahweh ~ Judaism)
Elohim (Singular) Eloah
Elohim, (Hebrew: God), the God of Israel in the Old Testament. A plural of majesty, the term Elohim—though sometimes used for other deities, such as the Moabite god Chemosh, the Sidonian goddess Astarte, and also for other majestic beings such as angels, kings, judges (the Old Testament shofeṭim), and the Messiah—is usually employed in the Old Testament for the one and only God of Israel, whose personal name was revealed to Moses as YHWH, or Yahweh (q.v.). When referring to Yahweh, elohim very often is accompanied by the article ha-, to mean, in combination, “the God,” and sometimes with a further identification Elohim ḥayyim, meaning “the living God.”
Though Elohim is plural in form, it is understood in the singular sense. Thus, in Genesis the words, “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth,” Elohim is monotheistic in connotation, though its grammatical structure seems polytheistic. The Israelites probably borrowed the Canaanite plural noun Elohim and made it singular in meaning in their cultic practices and theological reflections.
2 >>> https://www.dictionary.com/browse/elohim
[ e-loh-him; Sephardic Hebrew e-law-heem; Ashkenazic Hebrew e-loh-him; in nonliturgical use by Orthodox Jews e-law-keem, e-loh-kim ]
God, especially as used in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament.
Hebrew ĕlōhīm, plural of ĕlōah God
3 >>> https://www.wordreference.com/definition/elohim
Elohim [ɛˈləʊhɪm/, /ˌɛləʊˈhiːm] 히브리어 'Elōhim에서 유래, 'Elōah God의 복수형