(Fwd by Carmencita Karagdag)
Following the militant yet celebratory tradition of the inaugural People’s Forum held in 2004 in Davao City, Philippines, and the Second, held in 2009 in Bogota, Colombia, the Third People’s Forum will take place in Jeju Island, also called “An Island of Peace”, but site of a widely-contested U.S. naval base, signifying the East Asian pivot in the new U.S. geopolitical strategy and thus posing a challenge for mobilizing the larger faith community in confronting the Empire's renewed focus on Asia Pacific.
We thus invite you to accompany us and all members and partners of Peace for Life in this renewed effort to build, strengthen and expand international and interfaith solidarity for a new world of peace, justice and ecological wholeness; a new global order as well as national and local structures freed from all forms of hegemony.
Please find, attached, the Concept Paper and Draft Program for the 3rd People’s Forum. You may also visit our website to know more about PfL’s recent issues and work: www.peaceforlife.org.
You may kindly appreciate that, given the limited financial capability of PfL as a South-led organization, we expect participants to raise their own funds for travel. Limited travel subsidies may be available for participants from the South. A registration fee will also be charged to help cover the cost of accommodation and meals.
In view of necessary preparations for this international event, we request that you send us notice of your intent to participate no later than the 26th of August 2013. Attached is a Pre-Registration Form which you need to fill up and return to us for this purpose.
We will be sending you more information in the coming weeks along with details of the programme and other lined-up activities. Please send your questions, if any, to secretariat@peaceforlife.
Sincerely yours,
Carmencita Karagdag
People’s Forum on Peace for Life
879 EDSA Ave., Quezon City, PHILIPPINES
Affirming Life Together in the Face of Belligerent Empire
Please read the initial reminders carefully on the next page before completing the form. Deadline for submission is 23 August 2013. Completed forms should be sent to 3rdpeoplesforum@gmail.com.
1. First Name:
2. Last Name: |
3. Gender:
4. Age: |
5. Nationality:
6. Religion/Faith: |
7. Name of Organization: |
8. PfL Membership Status: (Pls. highlight your answer) a. I am an individual member b. My organization is a member c. I would like to become a member d. N/A |
9. Position in the Organization: |
10. Office Address:
11. Telephone (country code) + (area code) + (tel. no.):
12. Other Main Affiliations and Position, if any:
13. Mobile (country code) + (mobile no.) |
14. Primary email: 15. Alternate email: |
16. Skype ID:
17. I will attend the People’s Forum on Oct 25-27 and also: (Pls. highlight your answer/s)
a. Women-led Peace Pilgrimage to Jeju Island, Oct23-24 b. Solidarity Mission/Community Visits, Jeju Island, Oct24 c. PfL Madang Workshop at the WCC Assembly in Busan, Nov. 4 |
18. Subsidy Needs (Pls. highlight your answer)
19. City and Country of Origin:
20. Passport No. 21. Place of Issue: 22. Date of Issue: 23. Date of Expiry: |
24. Special Dietary/Accommodation/Other Needs and Concerns:
- The Secretariat