변경 사항이 많네요.. 아래는 변경 사항인데 영어입니다..;; (해석이 귀찮아서.. 죄송..^^;;)
changes deathdates for revolters from 1920 to 1935
added event flags to AI files to prevent liberal revolution from firing in 1914 for ENG, FRA, GER, RUS, AUS, ITA, ROM, SER, TUR. BEL
Changed triggers and affects of Bismarck social reforms to be in line with 1914 levels and not fire if players have better reforms
Changed date of campaign start for '36 USA so that elections happen later in '36
added rejection opitons to US and Mexico Guadalupe-Hidalgo events
added flag FrancoPrussianYes to events surrounding start and end of Franco-Prussian War
added conservative party to California party file
uniform colors for sprites for the Chinese revolters edited to provide greater contrast among units.
fixed erroneous cores in revolt entries for U22 (Turkey) and U23 (Azerbaijan)
added Texan to national cultures for CSA in 1861 Scenario
fixes triggers on Serbia asks for terms event in 1914.txt.
Missing POP in Campos 2463 in '14 scenario fixed.
Iwo Jima made full province rather than colony to fix problem with all Kanto being colony at start of GC.
further elaborated the peace treaties to end WWI to ensure all parties make peace in 1914.txt
Added Flag and Shield for Weimar Germany
Fixed erroneous TAG listings for U21 (Yugoslavia) party file.
Expanded out RGO Pops in FRA 1836 files
Adjusted POPs to add larger capitalist POPs to FRA
Adjusted POPs to add larger capitalist POPs to ENG
Replaced Paper Mill with Lumber Mill in FRA.inc
Replaced Small Arms with Fabric Factory in FRA.inc
Replaced 1 Machine Part Factory with glass factory in ENG inc.
Raised Plurality to 30 in Fra 1836
Raised Plurality to 25 in ENG 1836
Adjusted trigger on Louis Philippe Falls event, and added change ruling party command
fixed typo in date for tractors invention
Added event for BEL to transfer Congo and Arlon to GER if GER wins WWI includes fix to error in the hotfix noted on Paradox' Victoria main forum Victoria : Revolutions Moddable File Unofficial Hotfix #1 thread, post #28
Fixed erroneous trigger in invention 182 Late Interwar Fighters
End of liberal revolution event adjusted to reduce MIL of liberals
Edited AI USCA dissolution event to make it more likely union does not survive
Start date for ROM revolter entry set to 1 Jan 1836 to allow creation should RUS get early Tsar of All Slavs event
added file France_rhone_alpes.csv (w/o circumflex) to 1861 scenario to fix problem with 1861 scenario not loading for those who apply revolutions to pre-1.03C versions
corrected state culture for FRM, ANH and MEI from North german to South german
removes S German state culture for SAX as it only has N German pops
removed N german state culture for HED, HEK and NAS as they only have S German pops
new generic "free the slaves" event added to economic_events.txt for those nations that lack specific events that end slavery in their nations
Switched paper to furniture factory in setup for SWE 1836.inc and switched 1 fabric for furniture factory in USA 1836.inc
Errors in life rating change for oil provinces in events 21241-21248 fixed
Updated colonialLR.txt file in 1914 scenario
Updated province.csv with State Machine's life rating rework, with minor modifications in some areas for colonization and other gameplay purposes
AI tweaks for RUS later in game to encourage Siberian colonization
AI events to adjust colonial Life Ratings once colonized
첫댓글 자잘한 변경사항이 많네요 ㅇㅅㅇ; 거기다가 몇가지는 중요한 버그들에... 이걸 보자니, 빅토리아 혁명이 얼마나 대충 출시됐는지 새삼스럽게 느껴져집니다 -_-;;;
파일이 제대로 안올라왔네요 -_-; 확인부탁합니다
버그들이 많이 수정된거 같은데 비공식이라 어떨지..;;
에구.. 확인을 안하다보니.. 수정했습니다..