Heavenly Fair lady, Sohn Kwonsanim
No matter how great the person is, she could be overlooked as casual as.
But when I look back in my life, God put so many awesome giants in faith around me.
When I meditate upon them one by one with visualizing each faces in front of me, they are not rich, nor smart nor vip, but humble and common in outside, but their lives are graceful, that they are such wonderful precious jewels of my life who impact deeply in me. God’s grace is so sufficient, I am overwhelmed.
Today, I am going to think about our church 90 years old Sohn Kwonsanim among them.
Once year all of her descendants from all over USA gather at our church
to celebrate grandma’s birthday. It is so wonderful heartful day to watch how everyone loves her and treat her so preciously.
Even before few years ago, she recited any one book of the Bible at every her birthday.
Well, first year when she joined with our church, she memorized whole Romans not even stopping, so fluently. That was
So shock for all of us that we couldn’t even close our opened mouth long time. Colossians, even some of Revelation, so on… Whenever I think about the special days, still I am shaking with awesome feeling.
When we visited her apt, another surprise was waiting for us.
Corner to corner of all over the wall was practically covered with her
Handwritten zigzagged Bible verses even to wall of bathroom.
Much tears flooded down from my eyes when I went to the bathroom when I faced the Bible versed walls. Ah Ha, that was the secret of
Her fragrant godly life. Reading and memorizing and meditating the Words and prays with the verses of the day. That is her typical daily picture.
Since she joined with our church, it is about 8 or 9 years, but I have never heard
Any negative words and complains and seen any frowning face. She puts always sweet smiles and encouraging and considerate words to anybody. All of her children and in-laws adore her and even grandchildren and grandinlaws seem to love her so dearly.
Lives around her life seems so happy and full of loves. What could be the secret of
This happy life?
She has no name, no money, no powerful spiritual gifts , no big ministry by name.
But one outstanding thing she has than any one is the passion for the God’s Words.
She eats and sleeps the Words of God day and night, now God’s Words lives in her.
Her heart becomes the holy of holies and her life produces fruits of Holy Spirit naturally. How remarkable evidence God’s Words’ transforming power from a common person into godly
Channel of heaven, as a walking temple of God.
One day I asked how’s her memorizing Words. Since 90 Years birthdays, her physical strength seems weakened. It was so hard to reciting the verses that she switched to read through the Bible. Besides eating and
Sleeping time she read and read and was able to finish read from Genesis to Revelation for 3 weeks. My!! My!! With old tied eyes.
It was so astonishing that I couldn’t close my dropped jaws.
I felt so ashamed that so called I am a God’s worker heavy in ministry. Compare to her people regard me as fervent Lord’s servant, but what kind of servant I am. I knelt down and repent deeply that
I need to bring myself before the God’s Words humbly and spend the
Time with the Lord in deep quality time. She challenged me to straight out the priority from busybody life to quieter and quality time with God. How much I let my precious Lord standing and waiting for me to come down and have time with Him to know and do His will. She made
Me think about what is the real successful and pleasing life before God. That is the life of spirit filled fruitful life with the fullness of gentleness and grace. Anyway, Isn’t it the final destination of the ministry is also in the presence of God’s kingdom?
Of course she is no match in the sense of doing works of God, but to whom God would reward more? Needless say, Son Kwonsanim would receive
Much reward if we go to God now. I worked so harder than anyone in the world, but I am behind… Heum. I am going to take same reward like her.
Well, my God I know is fare and responsible the lives who love and obey
His Words!!
My dear Sohn Kwonsanim
I am so blessed person because God put you, the giant of faith next to me.
Please live a healthy lone time next me and take care of me.
You are no common person. You are a outstanding giant of faith through
The sincere and beautiful common life. I want to be like you as sweet aroma.
I am so grateful to you being my secrete mentor of my life.
You are truly God’s delight who make my God joyful.
You are a wonderful heavenly fair lady.
I respect you. And love you so much.
I am going to live like you. I will bring heaven around me like you.
Dear Lord~~
Thank you so much to pour out your grateful heart when I meditate
my favorite giant of faith, Sohn Kwonsanim. All glory to you.
I will love your Words and meditate them day and night.
In your green pasture, with your spiritual food
I want my life fruitful as my beloved Kwonsanim.
As your goodness and mercy follows her all the days of her life,
I am going to be in the house of the Lord forever.
I praise you will keep your promise to Thy beloved children.
I pray in precious Jesus name.
Under the wings of His grace always,
Lee Hee Nyoung Samo
Gospel Presby Church (973-442-8242)