* 이번 회까지는 복수명사 및 관사 관련 문제입니다.
<1> 복수 명사 관련 문제
다음 중 문법에 맞는 문장에는 O, 틀린 문장에는 X 하시오.
(각 문장의 밑줄 친 명사에 주목. 우리 수업 카페의 ‘과제물(임시 시험)’ 게시판 25번 글 중 ‘5. 항상 복수로 쓰는 명사 vs. 항상 단수로 쓰는 명사’에서 언급된 furniture류의 명사와 아래 groceries, refreshments 등이 갖는 공통점과 차이점이 무엇인 지 생각도 해 볼 것. <= 이 부분은 답안지에 쓰지 않아도 되며, 답안지에는 아래 1-8번 문장에 대해 O, X 표시만 하면 됨.)
1. The groceries are in the car.
2. The grocery is in the car.
3. I bought a grocery.
4. I bought three groceries.
5. The refreshments were served in the yard.
6. The refreshment was served in the yard.
7. Today her husband will do the dish.
8. Today her husband will do the dishes.
<2> 관사 관련 문제
다음은 어느 책의 서두에 실린 감사의 글(Acknowledgements)의 일부이다. 각 빈 칸에 a/an/the/some/any 중 알맞은 표현을 넣으시오.(그 중 일부는 답으로 나타나지 않기도 한다.) 관사가 굳이 필요 없으면 X표 하시오.
This textbook is grounded in Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson's relevance theoretic approach to _____ communication and cognition, and I hope that it reflects at least some of _____ excitement I felt as _____ student during the development of their story. I owe special thanks to Deirdre Wilson for her support and encouragement over _____ years and for her comments on early drafts on this book. Of course, it represents my interpretation of relevance theory, and _____ errors it may contain are my responsibility alone.
Bob Borsley and Robyn Carston have also given me _____ great deal of help and encouragement which is not always acknowledged in _____ text, and I would like to take _____ opportunity of thanking them here. As is the case with many textbooks, _____ parts of this book have been tested out on _____ unsuspecting students, and the finished product owes _____ great deal to _____ patience and enthusiasm of at least three generations of Linguistics students at Southhampton university.
첫댓글 <1> 1. O 2. X 3. X 4.O 5. O 6. O 7. X 8. O <2> the, the, a, the, any, a, the, the, some, X, a, the
<1> 1.O 2.X 3.X 4.O 5.O 6.X 7.X 8.O <2> the, the, a, the, any, a, the, an, some, X, the, the
<1> 1. o 2. x 3. x 4. o 5. o 6. x 7. x 8. o <2> x / the / a / the / any / a / the / the / some / x / a / the
<1> 1. O 2. X 3. X 4. O 5. O 6. X 7. X 8. O <2> X, the, a, the, any, a, the, the, some, X, a, the
<1> 1x 2o 3x 4o 5o 6x 7x8o <2> x x the the some / a the an some x a x