HaiYan Online Korean Language 1-on-1 Tutoring~
*12 Years of Professional Korean Language Teaching!
1-on-1 tutoring
[Receive the most professional Korean language tutoring anytime, anywhere!]
*10 hours of self-learning Korean~
One on one WeChat /ZOOM video teaching
[global/full time]:
B Class TOPIK Exam Level Use
[연세한국어] Textbook
~Textbook features: Korean thinking and grammar are not only suitable for practicing oral English, but also for future exams TOPIK
*Entry level~Level 1:
125 yuan/hour
1200 yuan/10 hours, 2350 yuan/20 hours,
Special price of 3300 yuan/30 hours,
Super special price~5690 yuan/60 hours,
Limited edition special price~10799 yuan/120 hours
(The remaining course packages for levels 1 to 4 can also be used.)
$21/1 hour
$200/10 hours, $392/20 hours,
Special price of $550/30 hours,
Super special price~$949/60 hours,
Limited edition special~$1800/120 hours
(The remaining course packages for levels 1 to 4 can also be used.)
*TOPIK Level 6:
175 yuan/hour
1700 yuan/10 hours, 3350 yuan/20 hours,
Special price of 4900 yuan/30 hours,
Super special price~8399 yuan/60 hours
Limited edition special~13199 yuan/120 hours
(The remaining course packages for levels 1 to 6 can also be used.)
$30/1 hour
$283/10 hours, $559/20 hours,
Special price $817/30 hours,
Super special price~$1401/60 hours,
Limited edition special~~$202/120 hours
(The remaining course packages for levels 1 to 4 can also be used.)
*(KRW/RMB) can also be settled~
* For 1-on-2 or other courses, please consult separately.
*To learn about discount packages at various levels, please add
WeChat : 44748308
WhatsApp:+86 18310976170
E-mail: 44748308@qq.com
Facebook: 44748308@qq.com