The Flower Ornament Scripture Volume 10,
Book 5. Flower Store Sea of Worlds-Three
十, 華藏世界의 規模(二) 화장장엄세계의 규모를 밝히다.(2)
十香水海에 따른 百香水海
5, 金剛輪莊嚴底香水海에 따른 十香水海
(5) 금강륜장엄저향수해에 따른 10향수해
諸佛子야 彼金剛輪莊嚴底香水海外에 次有香水海하니
名化現蓮華處요 世界種은 名國土平正이며
"여러 불자들이여, 저 금강바퀴로 밑을 장엄한 향수해 밖에 다음 향수해가 있으니
이름은 화현련화처(化現蓮華處)이고 세계종의 이름은 국토평정(國土平正)이다.
Disciples of the Buddha, beyond the seabed adorned with Vajra Wheels Fragrant Sea is the next fragrant sea, called Place of Transformationally Marking Appeat Lotus Blossoms. The name of the world-seed is Country that is Flat and Square. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
beyond the seabed adorned with Vajra Wheels Fragrant Sea: 금강바퀴로 밑을 장엄한 향수해
Place of Transformationally Marking Appeat Lotus Blossoms: 화현련화처(化現蓮華處)
Country that is Flat and Square: 국토평정(國土平正)
"Beyond the sea of fragrant water Diamond Orb Adorned Floor is another sea of fragrant water, called Realm of Magical Production of Lotus Blossoms, with a world system called Equality and Justice in the Land. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名摩尼光이요 世界種은 名徧法界無迷惑이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 마니광(摩尼光)이고 세계종의
이름은 변법계무미혹(遍法界無迷惑)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Mani Rays. The world-seed is called Pervading the Dharma Realm without Confused Delusion. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Mani Rays:마니광(摩尼光)
Pervading the Dharma Realm without Confused Delusion: 변법계무미혹(遍法界無迷惑)
Next to that is a sea of fragrant water called Crystal Light, with a world system called No Confusion throughout the Universe. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary
次有香水海하니 名衆妙香日摩尼요 世界種은 名普現十方이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 중묘향일마니(衆妙香日摩尼)이고
세계종의 이름은 보현시방(普現十方)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Multiple Gems Sunlight Mani. The world-seed is called Everywhere Appearing in the Ten Directions. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Multiple Gems Sunlight Mani: 중묘향일마니(衆妙香日摩尼)
Everywhere Appearing in the Ten Directions: Everywhere Appearing in the Ten Directions
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Sun Crystal of Many Wonderful Scents, with a world system called Appearing in All Quarters. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名恒納寶流요 世界種은 名普行佛言音이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 항납보류(恒納寶流)이고
세계종의 이름은 보행불언음(普行佛言音)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Eternally Taking in Precious Currents. The world-seed is called Universally Practicing the Buddhas’ Words and Sounds. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Eternally Taking in Precious Currents: 항납보류(恒納寶流)
Universally Practicing the Buddhas’ Words and Sounds: 보행불언음(普行佛言音)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Eternally Admitting Jewel Rivers, with a world system called Sounds of Buddha's Speech Carried Out Everywhere. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名無邊深妙音이요 世界種은 名無邊方差別이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 무변심묘음(無邊心妙音)이고
세계종의 이름은 무변방차별(無邊方差別)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Boundlessly Profound, Wondrous Sound. The world-sees is called Differentiations of Boundless Directions.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Boundlessly Profound, Wondrous Sound: 무변심묘음(無邊心妙音)
Differentiations of Boundless Directions: 무변방차별(無邊方差別)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Boundless Deep Wondrous Sound, with a world system called Boundless Distinctions in Location. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名堅實積聚요 世界種은 名無量處差別이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 견실적취(堅實積聚)이고
세계종의 이름은 무량처차별(無量處差別)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Durable Accumulation. The world-seed is called Differentiations of Limitless Places.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Durable Accumulation: 견실적취(堅實積聚)
Differentiations of Limitless Places: 무량처차별(無量處差別)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Solid mass, with a world system called Distinctions in Innumerable Places. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名淸淨梵音이요 世界種은 名普淸淨莊嚴이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 청정범음(淸淨梵音)이고
세계종의 이름은 보청정장엄(普淸淨莊嚴)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Pure Brahma Sounds. The world-seed is called Universally clear Ornamentations.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Pure Brahma Sounds: 청정범음(淸淨梵音)
Universally clear Ornamentations: 보청정장엄(普淸淨莊嚴)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Pure Sound, with a world system called Everywhere Pure Adornments. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名栴檀欄楯音聲藏이요 世界種은 名逈出幢이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 전단란순음성장(栴檀欄楯音聲藏)이고
세계종의 이름은 형출당(逈出幢)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Treasury of The Sounds of Chandana Railings. The world-seed is called Exceptional Banner.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Treasury of The Sounds of Chandana Railings:전단란순음성장(栴檀欄楯音聲藏)
Exceptional Banner:형출당(逈出幢)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Sandalwood Balustrade Treasury of Sound, with a world system called Egregious Banner. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名妙香寶王光莊嚴이요 世界種은 名普現光明力이니라
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 묘향보왕광장엄(妙香寶王光莊嚴)이고
세계종의 이름은 보현광명력(普現光明力)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Bright Adornment of Wondrous Fragrance Jewel King. The world-seed is called Power of Universally Revealing Brightness.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Bright Adornment of Wondrous Fragrance Jewel King: 묘향보왕광장엄(妙香寶王光莊嚴)
Power of Universally Revealing Brightness: 보현광명력(普現光明力)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Adornment of Light of Diamonds of Wonderful Fragrance, with a world system called Power of Light Appearing Everywhere." <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
6, 蓮華因陀羅網香水海에 따른 十香水海
(6) 연화인다라망향수해에 따른 10향수해
諸佛子야 彼蓮華因陀羅網香水海外에 次有香水海하니
名銀蓮華妙莊嚴이요 世界種은 名普徧行이며
"여러 불자들이여, 저 연화인다라망(蓮華因陀羅網)향수해 밖에 다음 향수해가 있으니
이름은 은련화묘장엄(銀蓮華妙莊嚴)이고 세계종의 이름은 보변행(普遍行)이다.
Disciples of the Buddha, beyond the Indra’s Net of Lotus Flowers Fragrant Sea is the next fragrant sea, called Wondrous Adornments of Silver Lotus Flowers. The name of the world-seed is Universally Pervasive Practice. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
beyond the Indra’s Net of Lotus Flowers Fragrant Sea: 연화인다라망(蓮華因陀羅網)향수해 밖에
Wondrous Adornments of Silver Lotus Flowers: 은련화묘장엄(銀蓮華妙莊嚴)
Universally Pervasive Practice: 보변행(普遍行)
"Beyond the Lotus Blossom Indra Net sea of fragrant water is another sea of fragrant water, called beautiful Ornaments of Silver Lotus Flowers, with a world system called Universal Action.
<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名毘瑠璃竹密焰雲이요 世界種은 名普出十方音이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 비유리죽밀염운(毘琉璃竹密焰雲)이고
세계종의 이름은 보출시방음(普出十方音)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Dense Flaming Clouds of Vaidurya Bamboo. The name of the world-seed is Universally Emitting Sounds in the Ten Directions. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Dense Flaming Clouds of Vaidurya Bamboo: 비유리죽밀염운(毘琉璃竹密焰雲)
Universally Emitting Sounds in the Ten Directions: 보출시방음(普出十方音)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Cloud of Intense Radiance of Lapis Lazuli Bamboo, with a world system called Everywhere Producing the Sounds of All Quarters.
<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名十方光焰聚요 世界種은 名恒出變化分布十方이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 시방광염취(十方光焰聚)이고
세계종의 이름은 항출변화분포시방(恒出變化分布十方)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Accumulation of Blazing Light of the Ten Directions. The name of the world-seed is Constantly Producing Transformations that Spread Out in the Ten Directions. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Accumulation of Blazing Light of the Ten Directions: 시방광염취(十方光焰聚)
Constantly Producing Transformations that Spread Out in the Ten Directions: 항출변화분포시방(恒出變化分布十方)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Mass of Light Flames of the Ten Directions, with a world system called Always Producing Metamorphic Displays Distributed Throughout the Ten Directions.
<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名出現眞金摩尼幢이요 世界種은 名金剛幢相이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 출현진금마니당(出現眞金摩尼幢)이고
세계종의 이름은 금강당상(金剛幢相)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Banner that Manifests True Gold Mani. The name of the world-seed is Characteristics of Vajra Banners. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Banner that Manifests True Gold Mani: 출현진금마니당(出現眞金摩尼幢)
Characteristics of Vajra Banners: 금강당상(金剛幢相)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Gold-Producing Crystal Banner, with a world system called Form of Diamond Banners. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名平等大莊嚴이요 世界種은 名法界勇猛旋이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 평등대장엄(平等大莊嚴)이고
세계종의 이름은 법계용맹선(法界勇猛旋)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Even and Smooth, Great Ornaments. The name of the world-seed is Courageous Revolution of the Dharma Realm.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Even and Smooth, Great Ornaments: 평등대장엄(平等大莊嚴)
Courageous Revolution of the Dharma Realm: 법계용맹선(法界勇猛旋)
next is a sea of fragrant water called Great Equal Adornments, with a world system called Circle of Bravery.<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名寶華叢無盡光이요 世界種은 名無邊淨光明이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 보화총무진광(寶華叢無盡光)이고
세계종의 이름은 무변정광명(無變淨光明)이다.
The next fragrant sea is called Inexhaustible Light of Clusters of Gemlike Flowers. The name of the world-seed is Boundless Pure Light. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Inexhaustible Light of Clusters of Gemlike Flowers: 보화총무진광(寶華叢無盡光)
Boundless Pure Light: 무변정광명(無變淨光明)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Endless Light of Jewel Flower Groves, with a world system called Boundless Pure Light. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名妙金幢이요 世界種은 名演說微密處며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 묘금당(妙金幢)이고 세계종의 이름은
The name of the next fragrant sea is Wonderful Gold Banner. The name of the world-seed is Describing Mysterious and Secret Places. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Wonderful Gold Banner: 묘금당(妙金幢)
Describing Mysterious and Secret Places: 연설미밀처(演說微密處)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Gold Banner, with a world system called Expounding Mysteries. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名光影徧照요 世界種은 名普莊嚴이며
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 광영변조(光影遍照)
세계종의 이름은 보장엄(普匠嚴)이다.
The name of the next fragrant sea is Pervasively Luminous Reflections of Light. The name of the world-seed is Universally Adorning. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Pervasively Luminous Reflections of Light: 광영변조(光影遍照)
Universally Adorning: 보장엄(普匠嚴)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Light Beams Shining Everywhere, with a world system called Everywhere Adorned. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
次有香水海하니 名寂音이요 世界種은 名現前垂布라
다음에 향수해가 있으니 이름은 적음(寂音)이고
세계종의 이름은 현전수포(現前垂布)이다.
The name of the next fragrant sea is Sounds of Tranquility . The name of the world-seed is Manifesting in view in Draping Array. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Sounds of Tranquility: 적음(寂音)
Manifesting in view in Draping Array: 현전수포(現前垂布)
Next is a sea of fragrant water called Tranquil Sound, with a world system called Appearing Hanging Down." <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
如是等不可說佛刹微塵數香水海에 其最近輪圍山香水海는
名密焰雲幢이요 世界種은 名一切光莊嚴이니
以一切如來道場衆會音으로 爲體어든
이와 같이 말할 수 없는 불찰미진수 향수해가 있는데 윤위산(輪圍山)과
가장 가까운 향수해는 이름이 밀염운당(密焰雲幢)이고 세계종의 이름은
일체광장엄(日切光莊嚴)인데 온갖 여래의 도량에 모인 대중의 음성으로
체성을 삼았다.
And so, in this way, there are fragrant seas to the number of fine motes of dust in inexpressible Buddha kshetras. The name of the fragrant sea nearest to the Wheel-Ring Mountains is Banner of Dense Flaming Clouds. The name of the world-seed is Adorned with All Kinds of Light. It takes the sounds of the Assemblies in all Thus Come One's Way Places as its substance. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
And so, in this way: 이와 같이
there are fragrant seas to the number of fine motes of dust : 미진수 향수해가 있는데
in inexpressible Buddha kshetras: 말할 수 없는 불찰
The name of the fragrant sea nearest to the Wheel-Ring Mountains :윤위산(輪圍山)과 가장 가까운 향수해는
is Banner of Dense Flaming Clouds: 이름이 밀염운당(密焰雲幢)이고
The name of the world-seed is: 세계종의 이름은
Adorned with All Kinds of Light: 일체광장엄(日切光莊嚴)인데
It takes as its substance : 체성을 삼았다
the sounds of the Assemblies in all Thus Come One's Way Places: 온갖 여래의 도량에 모인 대중의 음성
"There are as many such seas as atoms in unspeakably many buddha-fields. The one closest to the surrounding mountains is called Intense Flame Cloud Banner; its world system, called Array of All Lights, is composed of the sounds of the beings assembled at the enlightenment sites of all Buddhas. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
於此最下方에 有世界하니
名淨眼莊嚴이요 佛號는 金剛月徧照十方이시며
여기에서 가장 아랫쪽에 세계가 있으니 이름은 정안장엄(淨眼藏嚴)이고
부처님 명호는 금강월변조시방(金剛月遍照十方)이시다.
At its lowest extremity is a world named Ornamented with Pure Eyes. The name of the Buddha is Vajra Moon Pervasively Illuming the Ten Directions. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Ornamented with Pure Eyes: 정안장엄(淨眼藏嚴)
Vajra Moon Pervasively Illuming the Ten Directions: 금강월변조시방(金剛月遍照十方)
At the bottom of this system is a world called Pure Eye Adornment; its Buddha is called Diamond Moon Illumining the Ten Directions. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
此上에 過十佛刹微塵數世界하야 與金剛幢世界로 齊等하야
有世界하니 名蓮華德이요 佛號는 大精進善覺慧시며
이 위로 불찰미진수 세계를 지나서 금강당(金剛幢)세계와 가지런한 세계가 있으니
이름은 연화덕(蓮華幢)이고 부처님 명호는 대정진선각혜(大精進善覺慧)이시다.
Above this and passing through worlds equal in number to fine motes of dust in Buddha kshetras and going through ten levels, on the same level as the Vajra Banner World, is a world named Lotus Flower Virtue. The name of the Buddha is Great Vigor of Wholesome and Enlightened Wisdom. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Lotus Flower Virtue: 연화덕(蓮華幢)
Great Vigor of Wholesome and Enlightened Wisdom: 대정진선각혜(大精進善覺慧)
Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in ten buddha-fields, parallel to the world Diamond Banner, is a world called Qualities of Lotus Blossoms, with a Buddha called Greatly Energetic Well-Aware Mind. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
此上에 與娑婆世界로 齊等하야 有世界하니 名金剛密莊嚴이요
佛號는 娑羅王幢이시며
이 위에 사바세계와 가지런한 세계가 있으니 이름은 금강밀장엄(金剛密莊嚴)이고
부처님 명호는 사라왕당(裟羅王幢)이시다.
Above this, on the same level as the Saha world, is a world called Profusely Adorned with Vajra. The name of the Buddha is Sala King Banner.<Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
the Saha world: 사바세계
Profusely Adorned with Vajra: 금강밀장엄(金剛密莊嚴)
Sala King Banner: 사라왕당(裟羅王幢)
Above this, parallel to the world Endurance, is a world called Dense Arrays of Diamonds, with a Buddha called Sala King Banner. <Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
此上에 過七佛刹微塵數世界하야 有世界하니 名淨海莊嚴이요
佛號는 威德絶倫無能制伏이시니라
이 위에 불찰미진수 세계를 지나서 세계가 있으니 이름은 정해장엄(淨海莊嚴)이고
부처님 명호는 위덕절륜무능제복(威德絶輪無能制伏)이시니라"
Above this, passing through worlds equal in number to fine motes of dust in Buddha kshetras and going through seven levels, is a world called Adorned with Pure Seas. The name of the Buddha is Unparalleled Awesome Virtue that is Invincible. <Translated into English by B.T.T.S.>
Adorned with Pure Seas: 정해장엄(淨海莊嚴)
Unparalleled Awesome Virtue that is Invincible: 위덕절륜무능제복(威德絶輪無能制伏)
Above this, past as many worlds as atoms in seven buddha-fields, is a world called Pure Ocean Adornments, with a Buddha called Incomparable Virtue which None Can Conquer."
<Translated into English by Thomas Cleary>
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