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House of Deliverance and Healing (축사와 치유의 집)

친구 카페

등록된 친구카페가 없습니다
카페 게시글
New Acts(Place for Testimonies) NO MORE
You are my angel Dasom 추천 0 조회 585 16.12.27 04:49 댓글 43
게시글 본문내용
  • 16.12.27 16:03

    첫댓글 다솜 친구가 있어서 나는 무지 행복해요~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    나도 꿈에서 똑같이 친구보고
    술마시자 할거면 나랑 친구 관둬!!!!!! 라고 말하더이다~~~~~
    넘 재밋어요~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • 16.12.29 05:25

    나도 비슷한 꿈을 꾸었어요...
    술마시고 세상적인 사람들 모임에서
    주님이 여기는 잘못된 길이니 어서 나가라고 하셨어요

    우리 애들과 그곳을 빠져나오는데 터널같은 곳에서
    밑으로 뛰어내려야 하는데... 밑을 보니 세멘트 바닥에
    둥근 돌이 붙어있어 얼마나 위험한지~~

    그러나 죽고자하고 수잔을 안고 뛰어내리니 아찔했으나
    하나도 안 다치고
    지솔이도 우리를 뒤따라 뛰어내렸어요
    그리고 셋이서 길을 찾아갔는데
    아버지 집으로 천국으로 다손이랑 같이 가게되어
    행복하고 감사해요~~

    다솜이 이 메일을 우리 아이들한테도 보냈어요
    귀한 간증 나누어 주어 댕큐~~~~~~~~~~~

  • 16.12.27 16:10

    I'm so happy to go home with you my friend, Dasom!
    I LOVE YOU~~~~~~~~~~~~
    you are so beautiful

    I also said same to my friends in last dream. (I dream every night)
    exciting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • 작성자 16.12.28 11:38

    Hello friend! What a beautiful dream! I know that the drinking culture in Korea can't compare to here so what you did was very brave. Great job :)
    Let's go Home and be drunk in the Holy Spirit together. Homeward ho! I love you more!

  • 16.12.29 13:53

    Hey Dasom,

    “NO MORE. NO MORE DRINKING” that you sent out to your 418 friends
    was not just for them but also for me.
    The message was indeed for me
    from God through you.

    I have never recognized that having occasional drink is sin.
    I still do not fully understand that occasional drinking is sin.
    But it doesn’t matter if I understand or not/I agree or not.
    As God says it is a sin, it is a sin.
    I want to listen to God and stop immediately having occasional drink.
    When Zhibo and I got together with some of our good friends
    for dinner at their homes,
    we usually had a glass of wine together.

  • 16.12.28 03:40

    Since I came to HODAH,
    I have been recognizing a few things/activities/habits that I used to do as sins.
    and I have cut off those things, 때려첬어.
    I feel the difference. I feel freer.
    I still have many things to dump to be more intimate with Jesus.
    I want to cut off those.
    Occasional drinking was one of those to cut off,
    although I have not recognized.
    Thank you for leading me to see that.

  • 17.02.28 00:44

    You are asking me to go home together.
    How awesome is to hear that!
    How blessed I am to hear that!
    How many people will hear that in their lifetime?
    When I hear that, my heart beats in joy.
    I thank God for HODAH sisters and brothers
    as we are going home together.
    Thank you my dear friend, Dasom.

    I want to go home with you Dasom.

    Love you Jesus and want to love Jesus more.
    Thank you Jesus.

  • 작성자 16.12.28 11:44

    Thank you for your confession prayer buddy! I can feel how much you want Jesus. Your obedience and your pure heart amazes me. I felt like I'm reading your testimony here. I am proud to call you my extinct friend and I love to brag about you to 매미! Let's go Home, shall we? We are no longer homeless! I love you more than words can say!

  • 22.02.08 15:33

    A translation in Korean is in KM New Acts #5987. Be blessed. I put a link below.

  • 17.01.03 02:44

    I am so glad to go our beautiful home with you.

    We are very lucky and blessed to find a real precious treasure.

    I have meditated about your 3 days comma situation.

    When you had 3 days comma,
    you and yourself died with Jesus.

    When you woke up from your comma,
    you and yourself was revived with Jesus.

    After your resurrection, you have given your story of Jesus
    without you, already you dided, to me and us.

    I am very enjoyed your Jesus' story that you already died.

    When you obeyed God's voice,
    so many miracles and Jesus' storys pop up.

    I have been excited and will wait excitingly

  • 17.01.03 02:46

    for your Jesus' story.

    I am thankful that you are my heavenly sister and friend.

    God bless you. Love ya.

  • 작성자 17.01.04 04:22

    All of your replies are making me cry. Your family is making me cry these days. Thanks for never letting my tears run dry. Thanks for choosing Jesus. Thanks for your confession. You guys are now my new hometown. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you!

    Also, your English is amazing!

  • 17.01.04 02:50

    What a wonderful testimony. It is our testimony also. We already said no more to our previous life and going to our home together. I am thankful that you are friend of Joanne & Joseph and will always be around them when they seek for an advise. I am also thankful that we are going home together in a same HODAH train. Many many love to you all.

  • 작성자 17.01.04 04:14

    Amen! I'm much more honored to be their friend actually. I'm so grateful for their friendship and yours. I love saying let's go Home together. I love it even more that I can say it to you and you agree. Thanks for the amazing translation last night even though it was unexpected :) it was perfect. I love you my New Pillar!

  • 17.01.04 05:42

    My angel Dasooom~~~

    Holy Spirit is crazy about you~~~

    I know~
    I knew that~~
    I felt it every second~~~
    Because you & I are one body~~~

    Even flying~~~

    Thank you for being my real sister
    daughter & friend



    I'm glad with you going home~~~
    Love you my angel Dasooom~~~
    Thanks × 7000~~~

    Love love love love love love love~~~

  • 작성자 17.01.04 05:48

    I know I know I know
    I saw you 때려처
    The best mom in the world
    The only mom in the world
    That mom is my mom
    That mom is my real friend
    Good girl. Best girl. Extinct girl.
    I love you more!

  • 17.01.04 12:22

    Hi Dasom Nuna

    Its Joseph
    and I will never drink because I am your true friend and I would like to go to heaven with you.

    I love you ,Dasom Nuna.

  • 작성자 17.01.07 08:32

    You made me cry little bear! Thanks for being my true friend and keeping me company on our way back Home. I love you more <3

  • 17.01.04 12:29

    Hey Dee ❤it's your girl Joanne :)

    You know that I would give up anything for you and for Jesus and alcohol is honestly a very easy thing for me to 때려처. You are truly my blessed friend and sister and I love you so so much. I thank you always and thank the Holy Spirit inside you who is always there for me and shows that I am truly loved through interactions with you. Again, love you lots and God bless sweets ;) muah

  • 작성자 17.01.07 08:31

    Gurl I lubbbb you. I always tell my cicada how blessed I am for knowing you and having your family in my life. You are my favorite high school girlfriend :) thanks for being normal and beautiful. You are so so precious to me!

  • 17.01.06 15:23

    How powerful and great testimony is!

    Nobody can say that directly and easily
    "No More!!"
    "Not Any More"

    I'm so glad that your testimony makes a lot of people decide one thing now to dump it out including me.

    It's time to make a decision strongly to go home all together.

    We need to be more pure bride of Jesus by this action to throw all useless and wasteful worldly things out.

    It reminds me of this verses of Bible.

    "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the kingdom of the air

  • 17.01.06 15:28

    the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient....
    (Ephes 2:1-3)

    Now we are finally born again through drunken Holy Spirit.

    I'm so proud of you.

    Love and Bless ya so much
    my lovely angel, heavenly sister and sweet daughter.

  • 작성자 17.01.07 08:37

    Good boy! How are you so cute? Thanks for choosing Holy Spirit and being chosen by Him. Thanks for your confessions! Let's go Home to Daddy, daddy! Let's keep dying and being born again. Let's not look back. No more, no more, no more! I love you to the end of the world. I love you all the way to the back of your head.

  • 17.01.09 04:46

    Hello Dasom.
    I am now fully aware that I should not drink what so ever. Nothing can stop us from going closer to God.


    -Jeremiah Moon

  • 작성자 17.01.17 10:44

    I love you so much Jer Bear! On ward indeed! We are going Home free from alcohol :)

  • 17.01.11 03:04

    Hi Dasom. What a beautiful testimony .I was drink b4 but no more drink . I wish I'll go with u love you

  • 작성자 17.01.17 10:46

    Thanks for your confession Mr. Bear! No more, no more, no more! So simple but so powerful. Let's go Home. I love you more!

  • 17.01.12 06:20

    Dear my angel

    Thankyou so much to announce

    this great message to friends and brother and sister in Christ ~~

    Even they don't want to hear or they don't believe what you had to say..


    You did what you suppose to do for them with such a big Love

    Someday they will find out why you had to share for our Father's heart


    I just can see

    I just can feel

    how much you love them and you are waiting for them ~~~~~

    It is so honored you are my friend and my beautiful spritual daughter

    Can't wait to go together to see kingdom of Father

    Love you and proud of you 💖

  • 작성자 17.01.17 10:55

    Thanks mommy for not making us wait. Your decision is already made. I'm more proud of you! Thanks for being in Holy Spirit and making me feel safe that there is such a person and place in New Jersey. I love you so much! A million kisses and hugs!

  • 17.01.12 07:07

    hey Dasom this is Esther (: I understand the email very well. a lot of my friends in college also drink and they always ask me to join them or sometimes even try too pressure me, but I stand firm with Jesus Christ! I also tell my friends to stop drinking and to come back to the Lord! being drunk in the Holy Spirit is what gives me happiness! let's go home together ! (: love youuu

  • 작성자 17.01.17 11:03

    Good girl Esther! You are doing very well and your friends will see your Jesus. I'm happy to be going with you :) love you more!

  • 17.01.12 23:59

    My sweet Dasom,

    I love to hear your testimony over and over again. I miss you so much. I just want to run to you and hug you.

    Did you know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world ?
    How lovely you are before Jesus as His bride. I am so jealous.
    I know, I know, I know I am the bride of Jesus also.

    Thank you for reminding me of Home
    Thank you for telling me He is coming tonight.
    I am thankful you are with us at this moment. No words needed I love you Let's go Home together !!!

  • 작성자 17.01.17 11:08

    Sweet Caroline, how is it that you always say the most beautiful words? Because your soul, flesh, and spirit is so so so beautiful. Your reply made me laugh and cry at the same time. You summarized all my favorite quotes which tells me you are indeed going with me. To Home! I love you much much more!

  • 17.03.06 19:50

    When I was in college, I was a social drinker and used to enjoy drinking with my freinds for fun. After I became believer, I quit drinking alcohol including watching movies. No matter what meetings I have, no more ! It's natural to me as the first step to become a christian because even unbelievers don't drink alcohol.
    DK said, no more dringking and doing BaBo prayer that we should. To me, 바보 prayer is a struggle, but I will start.
    My angel Dasom, Let's go to Daddy !!!

  • 17.01.13 14:24

    Hi Dasom,

    This is Zhibo.
    Thank you for your testimony.
    I really appreciate your sharing.
    I want to pay attention to follow Jesus.
    I also want to take care of other people.
    I love you Dasom!!

  • 작성자 17.01.17 11:11

    Hello Zhibo! Thank you for throwing away all that alcohol from your home and for your heart that seeks our true Home! I love you so much!

  • OF COURSE!!! Yesss yess yess!

  • 작성자 17.01.17 13:55

    That's all I need!

  • NO MORE! You are my true companion! And i will be faithful to you as always ... I LOVE YOU MY LITTLE JESUS

  • 작성자 17.01.17 13:57

    I love you more 주님의 얼굴을 뵌 자 자매 LOL

  • 17.01.30 06:33

    Yes! Two thumbs up.

  • 작성자 17.01.31 11:24

    A million thumbs up to you dear friend!
    I love you and I know you know :)

  • 17.04.27 09:56

    때려친다 딸 아내 자리 다때려치고
    예수님 신부만한다!
    나를 지으신 이가 나의 남편이다
    천국이 나에게 임했어

    장작하라고 줬던 나무를 우상삼아 삼던 애굽에서 나와서

    장작이 불이타서 재만 남아 재가 훨훨 날라갔다

    난 이제 자유다
