The title of those book are these books is "Max & Ruby: Bunny Cakes, Bunny Party, Bunny Monkey."
Ep. 1: One day, Max and Ruby makes make a cake for gramma Grandma. When they make a cake are making the cake, Max drop drops an egg. So he goes to the market and gets gets some eggs. While he puts is putting the eggs on the table, he drops the milk and flour. So Max goes to the market tp to gets get milk and flour again. When he comes to home brings comes home with the milk and flour, Ruby says that don't come to the house not to come into the house and he looks she make a cake in the window watches her make a cake through the window. When Ruby done to makes is done making the cake, she says that gets to get another decoration things thing. Finally, they see show the cake with gramma to Grandma.
Score: B