전투 시스템과 대공레이더, 항법레이더, IR/EOTS, 방공 무기 등 개량을 실시할 예정이라고 합니다. MW-08과 RAM 등 외산 시스템을 국산화 장비로 교체할 것으로 보입니다.
독도함과 마라도함은 독도급의 1, 2번함이지만 센서와 무장에선 상당히 차이가 나네요. 마라도함과 공통화할 것으로 보이는데, CIWS나 대공미사일까지 바꿀지는 모르겠습니다. 항법레이더는 국산인데 신모델이 나왔나 보네요.
무장 | 독도함 | 마라도함 |
대공레이더1 | SMART-L | EL/M-2248 |
대공레이더2 | MW-08 | SPS-550K |
대수상레이더 | SPS-95K | SPS-95K |
CIWS | 골키퍼 * 2 | 팰렁스*2 |
SAM | RIM-116 RAM | K-VLS 4셀 ( 해궁 운영 ) |
Korean navy helicopter carrier slated for upgrades
Jr Ng
December 2, 2022
Dokdo-class vessels
The South Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has awarded a ₩180.8 billion (US$136 million) contract to local shipbuilder HJ Shipbuilding and Construction (HJSC) to refurbish the Republic of Korea Navy’s (RoKN’s) lead Dokdo-class helicopter carrier, ROKS Dokdo.
The company was formerly known as Hanjin Heavy Industries (HHI), which originally built the vessel, and is expected to complete work by 2027.
According to DAPA, Dokdo faces possible performance deterioration due to ageing components. The agency added that upgrades carried out by HJSC will centre on five main areas: the ship’s combat system, air surveillance radar, navigation radar, infrared detection and tracking equipment, and air defence weapons.
At the same time, several foreign systems originally installed aboard Dokdo will be replaced by domestically produced equipment.
Dokdo is one of the two 200 metre-long helicopter carriers operated by the RoKN. The type can accommodate up to 12 helicopters as well as embarking up to 700 fully equipped troops and 10 main battle tanks. It can also deploy up to two LSF-II landing craft air cushion (LCAC) vehicles from its well deck.
Dokdo was commissioned in 2007 and serves as command ship for wartime operations but can be deployed for humanitarian assistance and disaster response (HADR) missions, including evacuation of overseas Korean citizens in emergencies.
In contrast, its sister ship, ROKS Marado, was commissioned only recently in 2021 and has been equipped with significantly higher indigenous content. These include its LIG Nex1 SPS-550K three-dimensional air- and surface-surveillance radar, as opposed to Dokdo’s Thales MW08 surveillance radar.
Besides a similar domestically produced radar, Dokdo’s current air defence system – which centres on the Raytheon Mk 49 guided-missile launcher armed with the RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) – could be upgraded to LIG Nex1’s Korean Vertical Launching System (K-VLS) that can deploy the K-SAAM naval surface-to-air missile (SAM). However, this has not been confirmed by DAPA.
by Jr Ng
첫댓글 KDX-II는 OT-134A가 단종되어 골치아픈 모양이던데... ㅠ.ㅠ
작년 10월쯤 문제가 됐었네요. 이건 MLU하면서 체계를 싹 들어내지 않는 이상 해결될 수가 없겠습니다. ㅜㅜ
2024년 10월 24일 성능개량사업 설계 및 형상 확정 회의가 끝나서 작업에 돌입했네요. 울산급 배치III 호위함에 탑재된 국산 전투체계와 국산 AESA레이더, 국산 IRST로 교체하네요. 마라도함의 EL/M-2248과는 대공레이더가 또 달라지네요.
떼어낸 SMART-L은 무슨 용도로 재활용할 지 모르겠습니다.