아하.. 이렇게 불안정성 검사를 확진할 수 있겠구나!!
prone instability test
- step1 : 환자 엎드려 통증이 있는 요추분절을 압박
- step2 : 환자는 다리를 바닥에서 들어올림. step2에서 통증이 줄어들면 positive
요추는 hypermobility가 많음.
1. 어느 분절, 어느쪽 후관절에서 불안정성이 있는지, 통증이 있는지를 찾아야 함.
2. hyopmobile한 고관절, 천장관절, T-L연접부 세가지를 동시에 찾아야
3. 여기서 급한 문제는 요추의 불안정성
4. 급하지는 않지만 매우 중요한 문제는 천장관절, 고관절, T-L junction 기능부전
요추 측굴시 척추체 회전이 일어나는 "짝 움직임"을 이해하고
아래 요추 과운동성 진단 검사를 보아야.
요추근육을 이완하고 스프링 검사를 시행하면 요추는 앞으로 밀림
palpation technique자료
1. 요추의 회전검사 Test for Rotation (Transverse Vertebral Pressure)
The lumbar test for rotation (also called transverse vertebral pressure) is used in the local assessment of segments to
assess the mobility and. in particular, the presence of hypermobility in axial rotation.
- 요추 회전검사는 요추의 국소적 운동성을 평가하기 위해 시행. 특히 축성회전에서 과운동성의 존재를 알기위해
One thumb pad stabilizes the inferior spinous process from the side. The superior spinous process is pushed in
the opposite direction ( Fig. 1 0.59). resulting in rotation. The test is concluded with the assessment of end feel. All
spinous processes are tested on one side first, followed by the other side. This test is the most important for segmental
hypermobility as axial instability is also the primary form of segmental instabilities.
- 하나의 엄지손가락으로 하부극돌기를 고정. 상부극돌기의 횡돌기를 눌러 회전을 일으킴. 이 검사는 end feel로 결론을 내림.
- 모든 검사는 한쪽을 시행하고 이어서 반대쪽을 시행함.
- 이 검사는 축성 불안정성인 국소적 불안정성을 찾는데 가장 중요한 검사임.
Is it possible to move the superior spinous process, and what type of end feel does it have? Does pain appear during this test and can this then be used to locate to the painful segment?
- 상부극돌기가 움직이는가? 어떤 형태의 끝느낌이 느껴지는가?
- 이 검사를 시행하는 동안 통증이 있는가? 그리고 통증 분절의 위치를 결정했는가?
T10-T 12: Slight rotation is expected here. The end feel is firm-elastic. A lack of rotational mobility is to be classified as restricted range of motion.
흉추 10, 11, 12번 : 약간 회전있음. 끝느낌은 firm-elastic. 회전 움직임 부족은 rom제한으로 분류함.
T12-L5: No rotation should be possible here. A hard-elastic end feel is to be evaluated as normal. Rotational movement is to be interpreted as hypermobility.
흉추 12~요추5 ; 이 분절에서는 회전이 없어야 함. hard elastic 끝느낌이 관찰될때 정상으로 봄. 회전 움직임은 과운동성으로 진단함.
L5-S1 : Due to the different position of the joint facets, some rotation is possible in this segment. The end feel is
firm-elastic. Loss of mobility represents hypo-mobility in the segment.
요추 5-천추1 : 이 분절에서는 약간의 회전이 가능함. 끝느낌은 firm-elastic. 움직임을 잃으면 저운동성으로 평가함
2. 요추의 후전 분절 joint play
Posteroanterior Segmental Joint Play
The posteroanterior push applied to a vertebra is one of the most common manual therapy techniques. It can be applied either to the spinous process or to the transverse process. Two segments always move when the therapist pushes the vertebra anteriorly ( Fig. 1 0.60). The pressure on the spinous process results in the ZAj superior to the spinous process opening up and the capsule is placed under tension. The inferior ZAj surfaces are compressed.
- 요추 극돌기 또는 횡돌기 후전방 누름 검사는 가장 흔히 시행되는 테크닉.
- 극돌기를 압박하면 후관절 상부에서 극돌기를 열어, 후관절낭은 긴장상태에 놓임. 후관절하부면은 압박상태에 놓임.
The assessment of segmental mobility, especially the presence of hypermobility, and pain provocation.
- 분절 움직임 검사는 특히 과운동성의 존재와 통증악화를 찾는 것임.
The therapist pays attention to the range of motion, the quality of the end feel, and the aggravation of pain.
- 치료사는 rom에 중점을 두고, 끝느낌의 질과 악화되는 통증에 주의를 두어야 함.
The medial edge of the hand is usually placed perpendicular to the lordosis when pressure is applied to the spinous
process ( Fig. 1 0.61). The L5 spinous process can be reached locally using a thumb (see Fig. 1 0.47).
The vertebra is expected to move a certain distance when posteroanterior pressure is applied to it. Healthy segments
do not react to pressure, and the assessment of end feel is not sensitive. Some experience is required to allocate the yielding of a vertebra to pressure to a pathological condition in the neutral prone position. When the patient supports themselves on their elbows and adopts end range lumbar extension, a hard-elastic end feel is classified as normal.
- 후전방 압박이 적용될때, 척추는 약간 앞으로 밀리는 것이 정상임.
- 건강한 분절은 압력에 반응하지 않고 끝느낌의 검사에 민감하지 않음.
3. 요추굴곡신전 움직임 동안 촉진
Palpation during Flexion and Extension Movements
This test addresses a variety of ways to palpate in side-lying. The patient is placed in neutral side-lying in preparation
for these tests. Generally, the lumbar spine requires some padding; it is advantageous when the pelvis and legs are lying on a slippery surface.
The therapist pays attention to the interspinous spaces, for example, by palpating the interspinous spaces from inferior
to superior (i.e., L5/S1 first, followed by L4/L5) as they open up during hip flexion and close during hip extension. When two neighboring vertebrae move simultaneously and no opening of the interspinous space can be detected, this is classified as hypo-mobility.
This technique is suitable for finding the resting position of a segment. In this case the spinous process is positioned so that the interspinous space is neither fully opened nor fully closed. The resting position is most often found at approximately
70° flexion for L5/Sl and approximately 90° for L3/L4.
4. 요추 전후방 분절 joint play
The segment to be tested is located and placed in its resting position using the previously described technique. Both of the neighboring spinous processes are located posteriorly using the finger pads and are stabilized by applying slight posteroanterior pressure. The fingertips on the inferior spinous process extend into the interspinous space ( Fig. 1 0.63).
- 옆으로 눞히고 극돌기 사이공간을 늘려주는 테크닉.
- 손가락을 아래 극돌기에 두고 극돌기 사이를 늘림.
The therapist's forearms stabilize the trunk and pelvis. Their hip comes into contact with the patient's knee joint. A straight movement is then made several times by alternately pushing the legs posteriorly and pulling the inferiorly placed spinous process and the pelvis anteriorly.
- 치료사의 상지는 골반과 몸통을 고정. 치료사의 고관절은 환자의 무릎에 댐.
- straight 움직임이 다음에 몇번 시행됨. 다리를 뒤로 밀고 아래로 당기면서 극돌기와 골반이 움직이면서...
The position of the neighboring spinous process at the interspinous space is then palpated during the pull and the push. Can a distinct step be found here? The segments L5/S 1 , L4/L5, and L3/L4 are assessed. It is possible to limit the translation movement to one segment by positioning the vertebral column. This is achieved by pushing the uppermost shoulder posteriorly until this movement reaches the segment directly superior to the segment to be tested. The segment is now locked in a coupled position.
- 극돌기사이 공간에서 이웃하는 극돌기의 위치는 당기고 미는 동안 촉진함.
- 몇백한 스텝이 여기서 발견되는가? 요추5-천추1, 요추4-5, 3-4 분절이 측정됨.
- 척주 자리잡음에 의해서 하나의 분절이 전방이동은 제한될 수 있음. 이는 요추분절이 움직임에 도달할때까지 어깨위쪽을 밀어 검사함.
- 분절은 짝 위치에서 잠김.
Approximately 1 mm of translation movement from maximal posterior to maximal anterior is classified as normal. The L5/S1 segment is expected to be somewhat firmer due to the stabilizing function of the iliolumbar ligaments.
- 대략 1mm 전방이동이 일어나면 정상.
- 요추 5번-천골1번 분절은 장요인대의 안정화기능때문에 다소 단단함.
5. 요추 짝움직임을 통한 국소분절 움직임 검사
local Segmental Mobility Using Coupled Movements
The best option to assess the presence of hypo mobility in one segment is to evaluate how a segment moves using coupled movements. This can be used to test all segments of the functional lumbar spine (T10/T11 to L5/S1).
- 하나의 분절에서 저운동성 존재를 측정하는 가장 좋은 선택은 짝움직임을 이용한 분절움직임을 어떻게 측정하는가임.
- 이는 기능적 요추의 모든 분절에서 사용될 수 있음.
To use a coupled movement in lordotic side-lying by sliding the uppermost shoulder backward. A finger tip is used
to palpate the interspinous spaces during this, starting with Tl0/Tl1.
- 요추전만 옆으로 누운 자세에서 짝움직임을 사용하는 법. 어깨상단을 뒤로 밀면서..
- 손가락 끝은 극돌기 사이를 촉진함.
The coupled movement results in rotation with a palpable displacement of the spinous processes in relation to each other. The therapist observes whether the rotation causes the development or the increase of an interspinous step at
the segment being assessed.
- 짝 움직임은 극돌기의 촉진가능한 위치이동과 함께 회전을 야기함.
- 치료사는 회전이 어떻게 일어나는지를 각 진단 스텝에서 관찰해야...
• The patient lies in neutral side-lying with a slight lordosis. Sufficient padding is placed under the lumbar spine so that slight lateral flexion is present. The index or middle finger of one hand is placed over an interspinous space. The fingertip extends past the interspinous space, and the finger pad stabilizes the inferior spinous process ( Figs. 1 0.64 and 1 0.65).
- 환자는 약간 요추 전만시켜 옆 중립자세로 누음.
- 약간 측굴이 존재함.
- 한쪽 손의 2, 3, 4지 손가락을 이용하여 극돌기 사이 공간, 횡돌기에 댐.
- 손끝은 극돌기 사이 공간이 늘어나는 것을 관찰함. 아래 극돌기는 고정...
• The other hand is used to push the uppermost shoulder posteriorly and introduces the coupled movement. The
example shown in the figures demonstrates rotation to the left with lateral flexion to the right in an extended
lumbar spine ( Fig. 1 0.66).
- 반대 손으로 어깨 상부를 뒤로 밀고 짝 움직임을 관찰함.
• As soon as the inferior process starts moving beneath the finger pad, the therapist stops moving the shoulder
and assesses whether a step has developed between the spinous processes.
- 아래 극돌기가 손가락 아래로 움직임을 시작하자마자, 치료사는 어깨 움직임을 멈추고 극돌기사이의 움직임을 관찰함.
• The shoulder is then rotated back to neutral, a more inferior segment is sought, and the test is repeated.
- 어깨는 뒤와 중립으로 회전하고 검사를 반복함...
The development of a step between two neighboring spinous processes at the end of the rotation is a sign of normal mobility. The superior spinous process usually rotates before the inferior spinous process. Experienced therapists
can attempt to conduct the segmental mobility assessment in the sitting SP. Coupling is stronger in the weight-bearing position than in an SP without loading.
This position, however, makes it considerably more difficult to feel how the structures move. Tension in the paravertebral
muscles impedes the clear palpation of the interspinous spaces. It is also possible to assess how the vertebrae move in a coupled movement with flexion.
6. 다열근 트레이닝
Training the Multifidus
According to current physical therapy concepts, the multifidus, in combination with the transversus abdomens and the thoracolumbar fascia, plays a decisive role in the stabilization of lumbar segments and the SI joint.
- 최신치료 개념에 의하면, 다열근은 복횡근, 흉요근막과 함께 요추와 천장관절의 결정적인 안정성을 담당함.
Treatment may therefore aim to recruit and train the multifidus. It makes sense to initially stimulate only the lumbar multifidus without stimulating the lateral-lying large sections of the erector spinae. Muscles can only be consciously contracted when the person is able to perceive the contraction. Tactile feedback regarding the degree of contraction is helpful.
- 치료는 다열근 동원과 트레이닝일 수 있음.
- 옆으로 누운자세에서 척추기립근 활성없이 요추 다열근 자극을 할 수 있음.
- 근육은 환자가 근수축을 인지할때 의식적으로 수축할 수 있음.
- 다열근 수축정도에 관한 촉각 피드백이 도움이 됨.
The muscle belly can be palpated paravertebrally from its origin on the posterior aspect of the sacrum (Chapter 9,
p. 225) to approximately the level of L3 when it is slightly tensed and the lumbar lordosis is increased (Fig. 1 0.67). It measures one to two finger-widths, depending on how well trained it is. Its contours can be visually differentiated
from the neighboring longissimus and iliocostalis in slender people.
- 다열근 근복은 천골의 후면위 기시부로부터 요추 3번 척주옆에서 약간 긴장할때 그리고 요추전만이 약간 증가할때 촉진할 수 있음.
- 손가락 한두개 폭에서 다열근 트레이닝이 잘되는지 알 수 있음.
- 마른사람에게서 다열근의 윤곽은 최장근, 장늑근 근처에서 시각적으로 잘 구분할 수 있음.
To comprehend the real dimensions of the multifidus, the significantly larger lateral tract of the erector spinae (iliocostalis and longissimus) can be made palpable for comparison. The head and, when necessary, a small section of the upper body, is raised so that the compact consistency of the tense back extensors can be palpated from medial to lateral until the soft tissue next to the back extensors is palpated.
The therapist can see the actual width of the back extensors by placing the thumb and index finger on either side of the muscles at the approximate level of L3 ( Fig. 1 0.68).
- 다열근의 진정한 수치를 평가하기위해, 척추기립근 외측 트랙이 비교를 위해 평가할 수 있어야 함.
- 머리와 상체의 작은 단면은 긴장된 등근육의 단단한 점조도가 내측에서 외측으로 촉진될 수 있음.
- 치료사는 요추 3번에서 손가락으로 다열근 촉진이 가능함.
1. lateral translation 과운동성 검사
2. anteroposterior translation 과운동성 검 사
3. 열린 자세에서 side bending position 과운동성 검사 1.
4. 열린 자세에서 side bending position 과운동성 검사 2.
5. 엎드려 backward bent하는 동안 요추 극돌기, 횡돌기를 압박하는 과운동성 검사
6. 엎드려 backward bent하는 동안 극돌기를 좌측-우측으로 이동 "과운동성 검사"
주의) 엎드린 상태에서 허리를 backward bent 뒤로 신전하면 척추기립근의 근육긴장때문에 극돌기, 횡돌기 촉진은 어려워짐.
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