장미 이름 | 마리아 테레지아-Mariatheresia- 탄타우-독일 |
육종가,국가,연도 | Hans Jürgen Evers, 탄타우, 독일, 2003 |
향기 | 미향 |
꽃잎수, 색깔, 크기 | 120장, 라이트 핑크, 더블, 로제트, 중륜, 키 90cm |
개화성 | 연속개화, 둥근 덤불형 관목 |
내한성, 내병성 | 내한성(6b~9b) |
특징 | 연한 핑크색의 완벽하게 둥근 로제트 모양의 얕은 컵모양의 꽃. 절화로도 사용. 바로네스의 자매 장미. 18세기 합스부르크제국의 유일한 여성 통치자의 이름을 따서 명명. |
Of a relatively small size, Mariatheresia’s generous petal count and classic form make her a standout among pink roses. She features a perfectly round shapes and opens into a fully quartered and virtually flat rosette. Named for the only female ruler of the Habsburg Empire in the 18th century, this rose is the sister of Baronesse.
Color: Pink
Secondary Color: Light Pink
Bloom Form: Fully Quartered Rosette
Bloom Size (6 day period): Starts at 1.3 and opens to 4.3 inches
Head Size: Small
Petal Count: 120
Fragrance Intensity: 0 of 5
Fragrance: Not applicable
Vase Life: 10 Days
Origin: Germany
Length: 30-50 cm
Side Shoots: No
Bloom Opening Habit: 100%
Year Launched: 2005
Substitute: Sabrina, Bridal Piano, Mayra's Bridal Pink
Awards: SAF Red Ribbon
Pantone Color:
Light pink Floribunda.
Bred by Hans Jürgen Evers (1940-2007) (Germany, 1997).
Introduced in Germany by Rosen-Tantau/Tantau Roses in 2003 as 'Mariatheresia'.
Light pink. Mild fragrance. Very double, cluster-flowered, old-fashioned, quartered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Arching, bushy. Glossy, dark green foliage.
Height of 28" to 35" (70 to 90 cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Can be used for beds and borders. Heat tolerant.