벨기에 브뤼셀 자유대학 사빈 코스탈리올라 박사가 이끄는 연구진은 갑상선의 발생과정을 연구
쥐의 갑상선 기능을 재확립 할수 있다는 사실을 입증
인간에게도 적용될 수있다면, 3000명당 한명 꼴로 나타나는 선천성 갑상선 저하증 어린이에게 도움 될것으로보인다.
방사선 치료후 기능없어진 사람이나, 절재한 분들도 ?
코스탈리올라 박사가 이끄는 연구진은 esc 유전자를 조작 두개의 단백을을 발현,~
~생략~ecs를 배양접시에 넣고 갑상선 자극호르몬의 존재하에서 배양하자 esc들은 갑상선 세포로 분화
연구는 여기서 끝이아니라 이제부터 시작이었다.포가 기능발휘하려면, 먼저 3차원 형태로 조직화
되어야 하기때문이다 ~생략~
그런데 놀랍게도 연구진이 쥐의 esc로 부터 만들어낸 갑상선 세포들은 자발적으로 소포의 모양을 형성하는 것으로 나타났다.
이주머니들은 요오드를 포획하며 갑상선 호르몬을 합성 하는 것으로 확인되었다.
우리가 tfc를 만들수 있으라라고는 우리도 기대하지않았다고 말했다
연구진의 다음 과제는 tfc들이 살아있는 마우스 체내에서 기능을 발휘할것인지 알아보고
갑상선 기능 저하증을 치료할수있는 가능성을 지녔는지 평가하는것이었다.
연구진은 이를위해 방사성 요오드를 쥐의 체내에 주입하였다.
방사성 요오드는 쥐의 갑상선의 축적되어 갑상선 조직을 파괴하였다
4주후 쥐의 갑상선 저하증에 걸리자, 연구진은 esc에서 유래한 tfc를 쥐에게 이식하였다.
그결과 9마리중 8마리의 쥐가 완전히 회복되어 갑상선 호르몬 수치가 정상으로 회복되었다.
이 연구의 궁극적 과제는 인간에게 적용하는것이다.
최근 실시한 ~생략
일본 도쿄대 야마나카 신야 박사의 연구성과로 큰기대를 걸고있다.
야마나카 박사는 성체 피부세포를 역분화시켜 유도만능줄기세포ipsc로 만든다음 다양한 종류의 세포로 분화시킬수 있슴을
ㅇ입증한바 있다. 갑상선 저하증 환자의 피부세포에서 유래하는 ipsc를 이용하여, 이번 연구 결과가 인간에게도 적용 될수있는지를
검증할 계획이라고 연구의 공동저자로 이름을 올린 프란체스코안토니카 박사는 말했다.
아직 사람한테 적용못하는건 암발생 위험 때문인거 같은데 잘은 모르겠고요..
빠른시일내에 이런기술 나와서 나도좀 방사성요오드 먹고 날라간
내갑상선 다시 찾고싶음 ㅜㅜ
다른분들도 그렇겠죠,,
A series of achievements have stoked excitement about the potential of regenerative medicine, which aims to tackle diseases by replacing or regenerating damaged cells, tissues and organs. A paper in Nature today1 reports another step towards this goal: the generation of working thyroid cells from stem cells.
Sabine Costagliola, a molecular embryologist at the Free University of Brussels, and her team study the development of the thyroid gland, which regulates how the body uses energy and affects sensitivity to other hormones. Their research shows that thyroid function can be re-established even after the gland has been destroyed — at least in mice. If the same technique could be applied to humans, it would help the roughly 1 in 3,000 babies born with deficient thyroid activity, or hypothyroidism, which can result in stunted physical and mental development.
The thyroid is the latest in a growing list of body parts that can now be ‘fixed’ in mice, with the potential to treat diseases from diabetes to Parkinson’s (see 'We can rebuild him'). “Progress has been very rapid over the past decade,” says Charles ffrench-Constant, director of the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, UK. “In recent years we’ve seen a number of very important studies in which mouse stem cells have been converted to a desired cell type that has then been shown to be functional in vivo, and to confer benefits in mouse models of human diseases.”
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Costagliola and her colleagues first genetically engineered embryonic stem cells to express two proteins — NKX2-1 and PAX8 — that are expressed together only in the thyroid. When these cells were grown in Petri dishes in the presence of thyroid-stimulating hormone, they turned into thyroid cells.
Thyroid cells, however, have to be organized into a particular three-dimensional shape before they can work. They need to form small, spherical follicles containing a cavity in which iodide — a component of some hormones produced in the thyroid gland — can be concentrated before being absorbed and used for hormone synthesis.
Remarkably, the stem-cell-derived thyroid cells spontaneously grouped into follicles similar to those in an intact thyroid gland. And Costagliola and her colleagues found that the follicles were able to trap iodide and synthesize thyroid hormones. “When started the project, our hope was to get some cells that could be used to study thyroid physiology,” says Costagliola. “We never expected to get thyroid follicles.”
I for successThe next step was to see how these follicles would function in live mice, and to assess their potential to correct hypothyroidism. This condition was induced in mice with an injection of radioactive iodine that accumulated in their thyroid glands, causing the tissue to wither away. Four weeks later, once hypothyroidism had been established, the mice received a graft of stem-cell-derived thyroid follicles. Out of nine mice treated in this way, eight showed complete rescue — their thyroid hormones returned to normal levels.
As with much recent work in regenerative medicine, the next challenge is to translate this to humans, says ffrench-Constant. This prospect has been made easier in recent years by research that was recognized this week with a Nobel prize: the demonstration by Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University in Japan that adult skin cells can be reprogrammed to form stem cells capable of differentiating into a wide range of cell types (see 'Cell rewind wins medicine Nobel').
Francesco Antonica, a molecular embryologist in Costagliola's lab and a co-author of the latest paper, says that the team plans to use such induced pluripotent stem cells, derived from patients with hypothyroidism, to try to replicate the mouse results in humans
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