Chambumo Gyeong - 380. DMZ peace park
At the annual conference of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace held in the conference room of the UN Economic and Social Council at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on August 18,2000, True Parents urged the UN to promote the construction of a peace park in the DMZ on the Korean Peninsula. They have stressed that the DMZ symbolizes the agonizing historical pain of the Korean people, and that building a peace park there could resolve conflict and tension and eventually help bring about unification on the Korean Peninsula.
12 Now I am doing everything I can to guide the UN. Especially I am trying to transform Panmunjom, the North and South Korea meeting house situated on the cease-fire line, into a base of peace.
The wealth of every nation in the world pours into Las Vegas. France, America and Germany all invest their national wealth to create special environments there. They build large casinos in order to boast of their cultural heritage. But they are locked in a competition that will lead its players to their ruin.
Therefore, we are going to take the opposite direction and build a foundation of culture that religions can be proud of. In that base of peace at Panmunjom, we will plant everything that we can be proud of within the realm of religious culture, whether the religious culture of England, America, France or Germany. At that location we must build a museum and palace that surpasses even the Louvre in Paris. (412-154, 2003/07/17) 13 The cease-fire line must be abolished. We must give the UN ownership of the DMZ, the buffer zone around the cease-fire line, and eventually abolish the line altogether. We must normalize North-South Korea relations by allowing the UN to step in between. When this happens, both Koreas can engage in direct exchanges and treat each other as one nation. The UN is the only organization that can make this possible. This is why we are purchasing land around the buffer zone, the border area, the mountainous area and the rivers, and passing the ownership to the UN. This gives hope to all Korean people. This has to be done quickly.
The UN's purpose is to create a world of peace. To eliminate war, we must abolish national boundaries. Borders are usually drawn along mountain ranges and rivers. We need to allow the UN to take ownership so that no countries can interfere. The problem is how to cross a national boundary freely. For this to happen, the very concept behind that boundary must be abolished. To do this, we must conduct marriage Blessings that go beyond boundaries. Cross-cultural marriages will bring about world peace instantly. The UN must guarantee this path. We have to open the border and allow people free entry. (327-188, 2000/07/30)
14 The UN and America must cooperate with each other to construct a palace for True Parents in Panmunjom at the center of a peace zone. Land mines were buried under the buffer zone at the cease-fire line. From now on, we must work together with North Korea to dispose of the mines quickly. The UN needs to help with this. The UN aided Korea in gaining independence, but it still has not resolved the problem of the cease-fire line. (563-245, 2007/05/21) |