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  • 카페앱 설치

친구 카페

카페 게시글
삶속의 은혜 나눔 스크랩 오성식 생활 영어 2(5~8권)
손용현 추천 0 조회 194 10.09.15 12:34 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용




{{오성식생활영어 5}}


d 511

a. How did you know about our company?

b. I have a relative who works here.

a. Really? Who?

b. Her name is Hyo-min Cho.


d 512

a. How much are you expecting to get paid?

b. At least a hundred dollars a week.

a. Are you in good health?

b. Just fine. There is nothing wrong with me.


d 513

a. How can we get in touch with you?

b. Just call me at home any time.

a. Okay. We will let you know within a

   week, either way we decide.


d 514

a. What made you decide on this type of


b. I like to work with people.

a. What made you pick this company?

b. You seem to treat your employees well.


d 515

a. What schools have you attended?

b. I went to Seoul Nat'l Univ.

a. What was your major?

b. Business administration.


d 516

a. We need you to fill out this application form.

b. Should I fill it out here, or at home?

a. You can fill it out here.

b. Thank you.


d 517

a. How long are you planning to stay with us?

b. Permanently, if possible.

a. Have you ever been fired from a job before?

b. No, never.

a. When can you start?

b. Whenever you need me.


d 518

a. Have you ever been unemployed?

b. No, never.

a. How was your attendance?

b. Very good. I am rarely sick.


d 519

a. How do you spend your free time?

b. I like to read books.

a. What kind of books do you like to read?

b. Mostly novels.


d 520

a. How fast can you type?

b. Sixty words a minute.

a. How about word processing?

b. I'm not very familiar with computers.

a. Do you have any other skills?

b. I have experience with a switchboard.


d 521

a. Do you have a car?

b. Yes.

a. Is it in good condition?

b. Yes. So far it hasn't had any problems.


d 522

a. Do you always wear glasses?

b. No, not always. Sometimes I wear contacts.

a. How is your health?

b. I almost never get sick.


d 523

a. How long does it take to get here from

   where you live?

b. About thirty minutes.

a. How many hours can you work per week?

b. I can work full time, forty hours a week.


d 524

a. Where are you from?

b. I'm from Seoul, Korea.

a. Do you have a green card?

b. Yes. Would you like to see it?

a. When did you come to the States?

b. Six years ago.


d 525

a. Are you willing to relocate?

b. Yes.

a. Good. We're thinking of moving you to Mexico.


d 526

a. When can you start?

b. Whenever you need me.

a. Are you a motivated worker?

b. Yes, very much so.


d 527

a. Do you have any special skills?

b. I'm good at operating computers.

a. Do you have any certificates?

b. Yes, I do.


d 528

a. Would you describe yourself as outgoing

   or more reserved?

b. I am very outgoing and active.

a. Would you say you have a lot of friends?

b. Yes, I know a lot of people, but have only

   a few true friends.


d 529

a. Do you have any openings for a typist?

b. Yes, we do. Here's an application form.

   You can fill it out over there.

a. Thank you.


d 530

a. Do you have employee benefits?

b. Yes, we do.

a. What kind do you have?

b. Health and dental insurance, sick days,

   and so on.


d 531

a. Any bonuses?

b. Only at Christmas.

a. How much is the bonus?

b. 20 % of your gross.


d 532

a. Do you have a written company policy

   that I may review?

b. We have an orientation for our new employees.

a. When will it be?

b. We'll let you know by mail.


d 533

a. Do you issue any personnel stocks?

b. Yes, we do. But not for the first three


a. How long is the training?

b. Also for three months.


d 534

a. When will I know your decision?

b. We'll notify you by mail.

a. So if I don't get anything, that means......

b. We will let you know either way.

a. Thank you. I'll be waiting.


d 535

a. We need a new secretary.

b. What should we do?

a. Let's put an ad in the paper.

b. Okay. That sounds like a good idea.


d 536

a. Do you think he is the right person for that task?

b. Yes. He can do the job beautifully. He has

   over ten years' experience.


d 537

a. I was hired on the spot.

b. You got lucky!

a. I know. I couldn't believe it myself.

b. When do you start?






d 538

a. What do you do for a living?

b. I'm with Hyundai Heavy Industries.

a. What position do you hold?

b. I'm in charge of the sales department.


d 539

a. What time do you have to be at work?

b. By nine o'clock.

a. Then what time do you get off?

b. Usually I'm off by about five o'clock.


d 540

a. Do you know Miss Chun-wha Lee?

b. Yes, the name rings a bell, but I can't

   place the face.

a. She is in charge of overseas marketing.


d 541

a. What's your occupation?

b. I'm a lawyer.

a. Do you work for yourself or a firm?

b. I have my own office in Soch'o-dong.


d 542

a. What do you do , if I may ask?

b. I'm unemployed at the moment.

a. What do you do for the time being?

b. For the time being I'm busy job-hunting.


d 543

a. Who do you work for?

b. I work for KBS.

a. Really? How do they treat you?

b. Great, I'm very happy with them.


d 544

a. My father is a blue collar worker.

b. What does he do?

a. He works for Ford.


d 545

a. What's the starting salary where you work?

b. It's not much.

a. Oh, yeah? I thought your company paid well.

b. That's what everybody thinks.


d 546

a. My professor runs a restaurant on the


b. Oh, I didn't know that. What's it called?

a. It's called Namgang.

b. What is it? It sounds Chinese.

a. That's right. It's a Chinese restaurant.

b. How does he manage both school and the restaurant?


d 547

a. He's always thinking about his business.

b. What does he do?

a. He's in the import!-export business.


d 548

a. Let's share the money fifty-fifty.

b. I think that's more than I want to share.

a. Yes, but I know all the ins and outs of the business.

b. You've got a point there.


d 549

a. My business cost me a great fortune.

b. You are on your way up, aren't you?

a. Yes, but it took years of hard work.

b. I guess you need money to make money.


d 550

a. What has your husband been up to lately?

b. He's just spinning his wheels.

a. How do you manage to eat?

b. We have a lot saved up.


d 551

a. The company went broke.

b. No! What's going to happen?

a. We have to file for bankruptcy.

b. How are you going to support your family?


d 552

a. These days life isn't easy for those in the oil business.

b. When do you think it will get better?

a. I don't have the slightest idea.

b. So what is going to happen to our economy?

a. It will be the same for a few years.


d 553

a. He's got more than enough money.

b. That is because he was born with a silver

   spoon(in his mouth).

a. How does he use it?

b. He invents a lot of it, and gives some to charity.


d 554

a. He lives from hand to mouth.

b. Why does he have to live like that?

a. Because he doesn't have a dime to his


b. What a tough life!


d 555

a. He's got money coming out his ears.

b. What does he do for a living?

a. I don't have the slightest idea.






d 556

a. How many hours of work a day?

b. Oh, an average of eight.

a. That's not bad.

b. I know, but I'm pooped by day's end.


d 557

a. I got paid yesterday.

b. Did you get a raise?

a. Yes, finally after five years of hard work.

b. It's about time.


d 558

a. I hope you will like it here.

b. Oh, I'm sure I will.

a. Sometimes we get as busy as a bee.

b. That's always better than being bored.


d 559

a. Mr. Park is here to see you.

b. Let him in.

a. Okay, anything else?

b. Yes, bring us something to drink.


d 560

a. Have I kept you waiting for a long time?

b. No, not at all, sir.

a. Good. How long have you been waiting?

b. Just a few minutes.


d 561

a. I'm sorry, but he's out at the moment.

b. What time will he be back?

a. Probably sometime this afternoon.

b. Thank you. I'll get back to him then.


d 562

a. You're just what I'm looking for.

b. Thank you. What can I do?

a. Actually, I have a lot of things for you.

b. Well, let's get the ball rolling.


d 563

a. I'm out of my mind?

b. Why? What's going on?

a. I've got a million things to do.

b. Why are you so far behind in your work?


d 564

a. Would you help me with this?

b. I'm sorry, my hands are tied up at the moment.

a. How about later?

b. I can't. I'm up to my ears in work.


d 565

a. He's working like a horse.

b. What makes him work so hard?

a. He has to meet a deadline.

b. He looks like he'll make it.


d 566

a. Do you think you can finish this by noon?

b. There's no way I can finish this by noon.

a. Why not?

b. I was told to run some errands.


d 567

a. I'm so busy at work. I don't even have

   time to eat.

b. Why are you so busy?

a. I'm in a situation that doesn't allow me to even blink.

b. That's not work. That's slavery.


d 568

a. I have to work my tail off.

b. I'm beginning to see what you mean.

a. See, now you know where I'm coming from.

b. I thought I was busy till I saw you.


d 569

a. So, do you think it's getting better?

b. It's shaping up.

a. Good! I sure hope so.

   Keep up the good work!


d 570

a. So how is it working out?

b. Your guess is just as good as mine.

a. That bad?

b. I've sent off all the letters.

a. Did it work?

b. I don't know yet.


d 571

a. I'm not good at typing.

b. Oh, come on. Typing is easy once you get

   the hang of it.

a. I hope I get better soon.

b. Just keep practicing.


d 572

a. Mr. Park, would you sign this?

b. What is it?

a. It's a demand for longer coffee breaks.

b. How could I not sign it?


d 573

a. I need to look at everything first.

b. Then would you put your signature here?

a. Sure. How soon do you need this?

b. I need it A. S. A. P. (as soon as possible)

a. I understand. I'll try my best.


d 574

a. Did you figure out how much it will cost me?

b. Not yet. I didn't have time.

a. How long do you think it will take?

b. I'll do it as soon as I find some time.


d 575

a. What are you working on?

b. The company operations.

a. Be sure to make two copies of everything.

b. Alright. I'm not done yet though.


d 576

a. I will get him to accept our offer.

b. Tell me what your trick is.

a. There's no trick. I just know how to talk

   to people.

b. True. You sure are good at that.

a. You think so, too?


d 577

a. You don't think that I deserve a raise by now?

b. I'll give you a raise as of January first.

a. Are you serious? Thank you.

b. Just keep up your good performance.


d 578

a. I had a busy day. I feel like a wet noodle.

b. Are you on second shift?

a. Yes, that is why I'm so tired.

b. The afternoon shift always has lots of work to do.


d 579

a. This has been a long day.

b. It's a boring job, isn't it?

a. Everyone is always goofing around at


b. That is probably why you're not paid that



d 580

a. I had words with my boss.

b. And?

a. He never makes any sense.

b. I know what you mean, I tried to talk to

   him before and didn't have much luck.


d 581

a. What seems to be the problem?

b. Nothing. I'm just trying to stay out of


a. Did you have an argument with your


b. Yes, I'm in hot water with him again.


d 582

a. How did he become a department head so


b. I'm not sure.

a. It doesn't make any sense. It's so


b. Aren't you happy with your present



d 583

a. Are you here for business or pleasure?

b. Both.

a. It must be nice doing two things at the

   same time.


d 584

a. Aren't you sick of your job?

b. Yes, I'm sick and tired of it.

a. I know. Doing the same old thing can get

   to you.

b. I've got to find something else.


d 585

a. I'm afraid Tony's days are numbered.

   I got the news straight from the horse's


b. Really? Finally it's going to happen.

a. You sound happy about it.

b. I am in a way. I never liked him that



d 586

a. How far do you commute?

b. Sixty miles each way.

a. Wow, what time do you leave home?

b. At six in the morning.


d 587

a. I'm finished.

b. Are you already?

a. Yes, I'm taking the rest of the day off.

b. Have a nice afternoon.


d 588

a. What time do you punch in?

b. We don't have a time clock.

a. What do you have, then?

b. We just sign in.


d 589

a. May I leave a little earlier than usual


b. Sure. Why don't you take the afternoon


a. Oh, thank you.

b. Have a nice afternoon.


d 590

a. Where is Mr. Kim?

b. He called in sick.

a. What is wrong with him?

b. He said he caught a cold.


d 591

a. Speaking of vacation, when is yours?

b. Sometimes next month.

a. How long is it?

b. Two weeks, but I'm only going to take



d 592

a. When is your pay day?

b. It's just around the corner.

a. How much do you get?

b. Not enough to feed my face.


d 593

a. How old are you?

b. I'm old enough to be your mother.

a. You look like a minor.

b. Do I really look that young?


d 594

a. I got twenty dollars for nothing.

b. How did you do that?

a. I made a bet with John.

b. You mean you bet on the Super Bowl?






d 595

a. How many doors do you live from here?

b. Three.

a. Come on over whenever you can.

b. Okay. Thank you for your invitation.


d 596

a. We had a fire at our house.

b. Is everything okay?

a. No. The house was partly damaged.

b. Oh, that's too bad. At least you're safe.


d 597

a. Do you like fish?

b. Yes, I love fish.

a. What's your favorite?

b. My favorite fish is salmon.


d 598

a. Would you like some coffee?

b. Not at this time of night.

a. Why?

b. Because coffee keeps me awake.


d 599

a. I need to renew my driver's license soon.

b. Then why don't you renew it today?

a. I can't I have an appointment.

b. All you have to do is apply.


d 600

a. There's something wrong with my car.

b. What's wrong with it?

a. I don't know. I think I better take it in to have it looked at.


d 601

a. Are you going to eat all that?

b. Yes. Why not?

a. That is a lot for a small girl like you.

b. But I want to be bigger.


d 602

a. I expected something like that would happen.

b. How did you know that?

a. I remember how bad it was before.

b. That's right. I remember, too.


d 603

a. My sister tried out to be an actress yesterday.

b. How did she do?

a. She was a hit.

b. So, do you think she will make it?

a. I hope so.

b. She will. She's so talented.


d 604

a. My sister had twins.

b. Really?

a. Yes. But I can't tell them apart.

b. Is that right? How confusing!


d 605

a. What have you got in your hand?

b. Nothing.

a. Come on, show me.

b. Show you what?


d 606

a. How did he get so rich so fast?

b. I think he got it from his father's fortune.

a. Really? No wonder.

b. Some people have all the luck.

a. Yeah, no kidding.






d 607

a. You got a telegram from Anna.

b. What does it say?

a. "IT'S A BOY"

b. We'll have to send her our



d 608

a. Bad news.

b. What?



b. We'd better go at once.


d 609



b. How did she know?

a. I thought you told her.

b. Are you sure you didn't?


d 610

a. Let me read it to you;




b. Gee, I wonder who it's from.


d 611


b. Wow, I'm surprised he remembered.

a. Maybe he still likes you.

b. Don't get any ideas.


d 612

a. What should I write?

b. How about just writing, "MERRY


a. I think that will work.






d 613

a. I want to go back to school but I think

   I'm too old.

b. No one is too old to learn.

a. You think so?


d 614

a. Who told you that?

b. You know, bad news travels quickly.

a. No kidding. I can't believe it.

b. It's true though.


d 615

a. Didn't you know that?

b. No, I had no idea.

a. Like they say, money talks.

b. I don't think money is that important.


d 616

a. I wish I were rich.

b. Money is not everything in life.

a. Yes, but still I wish I had lots of money.

b. What would you do with it all?


d 617

a. I feel so old these days.

b. You are as old as you feel.

a. What are you talking about?

b. You know what I mean.


d 618

a. My mother believes in thrift, so I always

   get in trouble with her.

b. I guess every little makes a nickle.

a. Yes, but sometimes she is too much.


d 619

a. Don't worry about it. Money comes and goes.

b. What am I gonna do now?

a. You know what they say, "Easy come easy go."

b. I guess you're right.


d 620

a. You can do it.

b. That's easier said than done.

a. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

b. I hope where there is a will, there is a way.


d 621

a. Talking to you is like talking to a wall.

b. I'm listening. Go ahead.

a. Then why don't you answer me?

b. I know what you want me to say.

a. I just want you to answer my question.

b. I need time to think.


d 622

a. Talk is cheap.

b. Don't give me that.

a. Then when are you gonna get it done?


d 623

a. Do you have some money I can borrow?

b. Yes, but people say lending money breaks

   up friendship.

a. That's just an old saying.

b. When can you pay me back?


d 624

a. I wish I had lots of money.

b. I know what you mean.

a. All things yield to money in this world.

b. That's right. Money opens doors.

a. But there is one thing you can't do with money.

b. What is that?


d 625

a. Easy come, easy go.

b. Not always. Money makes money.

a. That's true, but money will come and go, too.

b. I guess you can never win in this world.


d 626

a. Don't worry too much. Everything will work out.

b. Yes, but how can I not worry?

a. Just remember that tomorrow is another day.

b. That's easier said than done.


d 627

a. Don't look back at what is already gone.

b. I'm trying not to, but it's hard.

a. You know fortune knocks three times at

   everyone's door.

b. So I have one more chance.

a. Right! Just don't miss the next one.





{{오성식생활영어 6}}


Dialogue 628

a. How long will you be gone this time?

b. About two weeks or so.

a. Then give me a call when you get back.

b. Okay. I'll do that.


Dialogue 629

a. Have a nice trip.Give me a call if you can

b. Maybe I'll send a postcard.

a. Be careful and take it easy.

b. I will. I'll call you when I get back.


Dialogue 630

a. Who else is going with you?

b. My English teacher, Miss Brown.

a. Are you sure?

b. Yes, I have no reason to lie.


Dialogue 631

a. Would you like to come along with us?

b. How soon are you guys leaving?

a. In a couple of days.

b. How much do you think it will cost me?


Dialogue 632

a. I hear you're leaving the day after tomorrow.

b. Yes, I am. Who told you?

a. Mr. Smith. Will you be back soon?

b. I am not sure, but I'll try.


Dialogue 633

a. Let's hurry,  otherwise we  will miss our flight.

b. All right. I'm ready.

a. We've got to be there by 5:30.

b. We'll make it, I'm sure.


Dialogue 634

a. Where are you going next week?

b. I am going to Europe on a business trip.

a. Will you drop me a line if you can?

b. Sure, if I have time.


Dialogue 635

a. Mr. Park is going to Africa this fall.

b. I tell you, he's been everywhere.

a. I know. I want to travel around the world like him. 


Dialogue 636

a. I hope  you keep in  touch with me  after   

   you go back to your country.

b. No matter where I am I'll keep in touch with you.

a. I'll miss you a lot.

b. I'll miss you, too. I'll write you by Christmas.


Dialogue 637

a. What is the best way to see Hong Kong?

b. You can buy a tourist's map over there.

a. Do you know Hong Kong well?

b. Sure. I wouldn't mind showing you



Dialogue 638

a. Please recommend some interesting  places 

   to go.

b. What kind of places did you have in


a. I'd like to see historic spots such as

   palaces, temples and museums.


Dialogue 639

a. May I help you, sir?

b. Yes. I'm trying to find Washington


a. This is it!

b. Thank you for your help.


Dialogue 640

a. How long have you been in Korea?

b. I just got here today.

a. Have you tried any Korean food yet?

b. Not yet, but I'd love to try all kinds of

   Korean dishes while I'm here.


Dialogue 641

a. What brings you to Korea?

b. I'm here on business.

a. How long will you stay?

b. Only for about two weeks.

a. I hope you make the most of it.


Dialogue 642

a. How was your trip to Korea?

b. I had a wonderful time there.

a. What impressed you the most?

b. People were so kind and courteous.


Dialogue 643

a. What is your nationality?

b. I am Mexican-American.

a. How many languages do you speak?

b. Only two; Spanish and English.

a. What do you mean by only two? Does  

   that mean you want to learn Korean?


Dialogue 644

a. Would you like to take a picture with the

   view of the National Museum?

b. Sure, that's a great idea.

a. Ready? Say "Cheese".


Dialogue 645

a. Can you say this in Korean?

b. Poshintang.

a. Wow, how did you learn that?

b. I studied Korean a little before I came.


Dialogue 646

a. I'd like  to reserve a  seat on a  flight to    

   Seoul this Wednesday.

b. Would you like first class or coach?

a. First class, please.

b. What is your last name, sir?

a. My last name is Kang.

b. And your first name?

a. Hyun-kuk.


Dialogue 647

a. I didn't expect to see you back so soon.

b. What do you mean?

a. Nothing. How long were you gone?

b. It's been about two weeks.






Dialogue 648

a. Are there any vacancies?

b. Yes, there are. How many are there in

   your party, sir?

a. Two adults and three children.


Dialogue 649

a. I'd like a room, please.

b. For how many people?

a. Just myself.

b. A single bed with shower, okay, sir?


Dialogue 650

a. I need a wake up call at six in the


b. What is your room number, sir?

a. 504.

b. Okay, sir. You are all set.


Dialogue 651

a. I'd like to make a reservation for next


b. Will you be staying for the whole week?

a. Yes, until next Saturday.

b. We'll give you our special weekly rate of



Dialogue 652

a. Seoul Garden Hotel, May I help you?

b. Do you have a room and what is the


a. Yes, we do have rooms and the cheapest

   rate we have for a double will be $95 per

   day, sir.


Dialogue 653

a. I'd like to find out the rate for two people

   for December 25th and 26th.

b. We have a holiday special. We give 20%


a. Wonderful, then I'd like to make a



Dialogue 654

a. Is there a room with a view of the


b. Yes, there is. For how many people, sir?

a. Two people. Do you have two singles?

b. Let me check and see what we have



Dialogue 655

a. My last name is Kim. I believe you have

   a reservation for my wife and me.

b. I see we have you down for three nights.

a. Then how much do I owe you?


Dialogue 656

a. I phoned in a reservation for two.

b. What is your last name, sir?

a. My last name is Shin.

b. Would you fill in this registration form,



Dialogue 657

a. Can I cash my traveler's checks at the

   front desk?

b. Not at this time of the day, I'm sorry.

a. Then how about tomorrow morning?

b. Yes, you may do so at the cashier's



Dialogue 658

a. What kind of room would you like?

b. What do you mean?

a. We have Korean style rooms.

b. How are they different?

a. There are no beds in the room. Instead

   you sleep on the floor.


Dialogue 659

a. Front desk. Can I help you?

b. Yes. There is a problem with my room.

   Can you send someone up?

a. I'll have someone up there soon.


Dialogue 660

a. My key, please. Room 1008.

b. Sir, you have a phone message.

a. Oh, thank you.

b. Have a good night, sir.


Dialogue 661

a. Are the rooms next to each other?

b. Yes, sir. As you requested. I'm sure you

   will find everything satisfactory.

a. Thank you. I hope so.

b. If you need anything just give us a call.


Dialogue 662

a. Can you tell me what the room is like?

b. This leaflet tells you about various hotel

   services. Let's   go have  a look   at the      


a. Thank you.

b. Please follow me.


Dialogue 663

a. Do you have laundry service here?

b. Yes, what do you need done?

a. I have something to be cleaned and


b. I will take it to dry cleaning for you,



Dialogue 664

a. Hello. Would you connect me  to the front 


b. Front desk. May I help you?

a. Yes, please. My room number is 405 and

   my bathroom drain doesn't work.


Dialogue 665

a. Something must be wrong with the

   heating system.

b. Did you check the thermostat?

a. Yes, I already did.

b. I'm sorry. We will be right up.


Dialogue 666

a. Hello. This is the front desk calling. We'd

   like to know when you are checking out.

b. In about ten minutes. Please send up a

   bellboy for me, would you?

a. Sure thing, sir. He will be right up.


Dialogue 667

a. Do you have laundry facilities here?

b. No, we don't. But we have a dry cleaning


a. Can you have them starch this shirt by

   tomorrow morning?

b. We'll take care of it for you, sir.


Dialogue 668

a. I'm locked out. Could you give me a


b. Sure. What's your room number?

a. 1213.


Dialogue 669

a. Can I pay with traveler's checks?

b. Yes, you can. You need some ID though.

a. What kind of ID do you want to see?

b. Do you have a passport, sir?


Dialogue 670

a. I'd like my suits pressed, please.

b. It will take two days, sir.

a. Oh no, I need it by this afternoon. Is there

   any way I can have it done sooner?


Dialogue 671

a. Do you take American Express?

b. Yes, sir. We honor all credit cards.

a. How about personal checks?

b. I'm sorry but we can't accept checks.

a. In that case I guess I have no choice but

   to pay with American Express.







Dialogue 672

a. How would you like your hair cut?

b. I want to cut it short.

a. How short?

b. To about mid ear.


Dialogue 673

a. I want to change my hair style.

b. Why don't you go see a famous hair


a. Do you know anywhere worth going?

b. Not really.


Dialogue 674

a. How would you like your hair cut?

b. Trim the sides and taper it in the back,


a. Okay. No problem.

b. Don't cut it too short.


Dialogue 675

a. What kind of style would you like?

b. I need something different.

a. Do you have anything special in mind?

b. I brought a picture. Can you cut it like



Dialogue 676

a. I want to keep long hair, so just trim it.

b. Why don't you get it cut short?

a. Do you think it will look good?

b. Sure. Here, look through this book.


Dialogue 677

a. I want to get a shampoo.

b. Okay. Please have a seat.

a. Well, I was thinking of getting a perm as


b. Okay. Let's give you a shampoo first.


Dialogue 678

a. I'd like a manicure.

b. Sure. Let's remove the old polish first.

a. What colors do you have?

b. All of these here. Take your pick.


Dialogue 679

a. Your hair is very thick.

b. Would you thin it out?

a. Sure, but don't you like thick hair?


Dialogue 680

a. Your hair is very dry. You need a hair


b. How much is it for a hair treatment and

   a cut.

a. Thirty dollars.

b. How about a perm?

a. For everything? That would be about a


b. Not bad. Let's do it all.







Dialogue 681

a. Who am I supposed to see about this?

b. Mr. Shin is in charge of such matters.

a. Thank you. Where is his office?

b. It's right around the corner.


Dialogue 682

a. Fill this paper out, please.

b. Can I fill this out at home and bring it


a. Sure. Don't forget to sign the bottom.

b. I won't. Thank you for your help.


Dialogue 683

a. You must submit an application.

b. I already did.

a. Then have a seat and wait until your

   name is called.


Dialogue 684

a. Is this your current address?

b. Yes, it is.

a. Then please sign here and list your

   permanent address as well.


Dialogue 685

a. Is this the place to apply for a driver's


b. Yes, it is.

a. What time do you close?

b. We close at 5:30.


Dialogue 686

a. Is this the line?

b. No. You need to take a number and have

   a seat.

a. Oh, I didn't know that. Thank you.

b. You're welcome.


Dialogue 687

a. How much is airmail to Korea?

b. For a regular size letter?

a. Yes. It's very light.

b. That will be fifty cents for airmail.


Dialogue 688

a. I'd like to send this letter by registered


b. Where to?

a. To New York. How long will it take?

b. It will take one or two days.


Dialogue 689

a. How much is the postage on this?

b. It will be $2.25.

a. What if I send it by express mail?

b. Then it would cost you $20.00.


Dialogue 690

a. I'd like to cash this check, please.

b. Okay. Please endorse it on the back. How

   would you like it?

a. Give it to me in large bills.


Dialogue 691

a. Where can I exchange American dollars to


b. Over at the next counter.

a. Thank you. Over there?

b. Yes. She will help you.


Dialogue 692

a. What's the exchange rate?

b. As of today it's 900 won to the dollar.

a. Okay. Then I would like to change $500.

b. First, may I see your passport?






Dialogue 693

a. May I help you, sir?

b. Yes, I'm looking for a tennis racket.

a. What about this one?

b. Do you have anything lighter?


Dialogue 694

a. Oh, this looks good. How much is it?

b. Thirty-five dollars.

a. Okay. I'll take it.

b. Would you like this gift wrapped?


Dialogue 695

a. Can I help you find anything, sir?

b. No, I'm just looking around.

a. Take your time and ask if you need any



Dialogue 696

a. What size do you wear?

b. I need a 61/2 or 7.

a. Here you are.

b. I don't really like that color.


Dialogue 697

a. Have you been waited on?

b. No, not yet.

a. What are you looking for?

b. A gift for newly-weds.


Dialogue 698

a. I'm looking for an evening dress.

b. We have just the one for you.

a. Oh no, that's too loud.

b. Why don't you try it on?


Dialogue 699

a. Will this be cash or charge, ma'am?

b. Charge.

a. I'm sorry, we don't take American


b. Then how about Visa?

a. Fine. We take both Visa and Master Card.


Dialogue 700

a. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid they're out of

   stock right now.

b. Already?

a. Yes, they sell like hot cakes.

b. Will you have some more in soon?


Dialogue 701

a. Is this on sale also?

b. No, not that one. This one is, though.

   It's a real good buy.

a. I don't know. Let me take a look at it.


Dialogue 702

a. Can I see that dress in the window?

b. That's a size 10. Don't you need a

   smaller size? Would you like to try this

   on? It's a size 4.


Dialogue 703

a. It's too tight. Don't you have anything a

   little larger?

b. What size is that now?

a. It's a 5-6.


Dialogue 704

a. This is too dressy. Do you have anything


b. Something more casual?

a. Yes, something I can wear to school.

b. How do you like this one?


Dialogue 705

a. What kind of material is this?

b. It's four season wool.

a. Isn't it hard to wash?

b. I don't think so. Let me go and ask.


Dialogue 706

a. Which jacket do you think this would go with?

b. How about black?

a. Black? Do you think that would be alright?

b. Yes, black goes with anything.


Dialogue 707

a. Show me that necklace, please.

b. This one, ma'am?

a. Yes. Can I try it on?

b. Sure. Let me help you.

a. How does it look?

b. Beautiful! Let me get you a mirror.


Dialogue 708

a. I'd like to exchange this blouse for a bigger size.

b. What size do you need?

a. A 12.

b. Size 12 is out of stock right now.


Dialogue 709

a. What is this made of?

b. 100% silk.

a. Pure silk or polyester silk?

b. It's 100% pure silk, ma'am.


Dialogue 710

a. May I help you?

b. No thanks. I'm just browsing.

a. Let me know if you see anything you want to try on.

b. Okay. Thanks.


Dialogue 711

a. How much is that in dollars?

b. One dollar is equal to 900 won, so......

a. What's the difference in price between this and that?

b. This one's $30 and that one's $25.


Dialogue 712

a. Do you give discounts?

b. No, we don't.

a. That's too expensive.

b. Actually it is very reasonable.


Dialogue 713

a. Can you come down on the price?

b. How much?

a. Twenty dollars.

b. Oh no. Thirty-five is my last offer.

a. Come on, I'm a poor student.


Dialogue 714

a. May I get a refund on this, please?

b. Do you have a receipt with you?

a. I am sorry I lost it.

b. Do you remember how much you paid for it?


Dialogue 715

a. What a steal! You made a real good buy on that.

b. Do you think so?

a. Oh, yes. I wish I would have gotten one.

b. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you wanted one, too.


Dialogue 716

a. How much did you pay for this?

b. I paid two hundred dollars. I guess I really got ripped off.

a. What a rip off! Where did you get it?

b. From a street vendor.






Dialogue 717

a. How does it taste?

b. Mmm, it's delicious. How is yours?

a. Mine is terrible.

b. Oh, no. Why don't you send it back?


Dialogue 718

a. How would you like your steak done, sir?

b. I'd like mine medium.

a. And you, ma'am.

b. I'll have mine well-done.


Dialogue 719

a. Would you please get me a cup of coffee?

b. Same here.

a. Did you enjoy your dinner?

b. Yes, very much. Thank you.


Dialogue 720

a. Do you have a table for ten?

b. Yes, we sure do. Please follow me.

a. Thank you. What can you serve us quickly?

b. I'll have your waitress recommend something that won't take long.


Dialogue 721

a. What do you recommend?

b. Anything on the menu, sir.

a. What is your special of the day?

b. Today's special is seafood.


Dialogue 722

a. What is this like?

b. Lots of people order it. It's very good.

a. How do you cook it?

b. We steam it with all different seasonings.


Dialogue 723

a. What would you like to drink, sir?

b. Coffee will be fine.

a. Do you take cream with your coffee?

b. No, I like it black.


Dialogue 724

a. What would you like to have for dessert?

b. What do you have?

a. We have vanilla ice cream and all kinds of pies.

b. I'll have apple pie.


Dialogue 725

a. May I have a cup of tea with a slice of lemon?

b. Sure, what kind of tea would you like?

a. Do you have regular tea?

b. Yes, Lipton tea.

a. That will be fine.

b. I'll bring it right away.


Dialogue 726

a. Are you ready to order, sir?

b. I need some more time.

a. Would you like to have a cocktail?

b. Please, Gin and Tonic.


Dialogue 727

a. Would you like anything else?

b. I'd like a refill on my coffee.

a. How about some appetizers?

b. We're fine for now.


Dialogue 728

a. What would you like to have for lunch?

b. Just a snack.

a. Don't you want to eat something more substantial?

b. No, I just want a quick bite to eat.


Dialogue 729

a. I'm hungry. How about you?

b. Me, too. Let's go get something to eat.

a. Would you like to try Korean food?

b. Sure, anything is fine with me.


Dialogue 730

a. Would you like to have a slice of bread?

b. No, thank you. I'm full now.

a. What did you eat?

b. I had a Korean dish called Pulgogi.


Dialogue 731

a. Would you like to have some dessert?

b. Sure. What do you have?

a. Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

b. Oh! I'd love some.


Dialogue 732

a. This is the best fish I've eaten in a long time.

b. Yes, I agree with you. It doesn't smell fishy.

a. How did you cook it?

b. I put lots of ginger and garlic on it.


Dialogue 733

a. How is it?

b. It doesn't taste as good as it looks.

a. Let me taste it. Oh, this makes my stomach turn.

b. I wonder what it is.


Dialogue 734

a. I'm afraid this bread might be stale.

b. How old is it?

a. It's about two weeks old.

b. Maybe we'd better taste it first.


Dialogue 735

a. Do you like sweets?

b. Yes, I have a sweet tooth.

a. I like sweets, too, but whenever I eat chocolate my face breaks out.


Dialogue 736

a. Do you like coffee?

b. I'm not a coffee drinker.

a. How about some tea?

b. Anything with caffeine in it keeps me up.


Dialogue 737

a. Do you like strong coffee?

b. No, I like it weak.

a. What do you take in it?

b. I like mine with sugar.


Dialogue 738

a. I'd like the tab, please.

b. You can pay at the counter.

a. Oh, okay. Thank you.

b. Please don't forget your jacket, sir.


Dialogue 739

a. Would this be one check or separate?

b. One check, please.

a. Are you ready to order?

b. Yes, we'd like some wine first.


Dialogue 740

a. Waitress, where do I pay the bill?

b. I can take care of it for you whenever you're ready.

a. Thank you. Do you take American Express?


Dialogue 741

a. I'd like to place a take-out-order, please.

b. What would you like?

a. Two hamburgers and fries.

b. Anything to drink?


Dialogue 742

a. Would you like a doggy bag for this, sir?

b. Yes, please.

a. Do you care for dessert?

b. I'll pass, thank you.


Dialogue 743

a. Would you please pass me the salt?

b. Oh, I'm sorry. Here you go.

a. Thank you.

b. You're welcome.





{{오성식생활영어 7}}


d 744

a. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Johnson, please?

b. May I ask who's calling?

a. This is Hyundai Motors.

b. One moment, please.


d 745

a. Hello. Is Andy there?

b. Yes, this is he.

a. What are your plans for today?

b. I'm just going to watch TV, I guess.


d 746

a. Any messages?

b. Yes. Mr. Lee wants you to call him back.

a. Will you get hold of him and put him on in my office?


d 747

a. Can I speak to Mr. Park, please?

b. I'm sorry, but he's out to lunch. Can I take a message?

a. That's all right. I'll try later again.


d 748

a. Is James in?

b. Yes, he is. Hold on, please.

c. This is James.

a. Hi! This is Hee-Kyung.


d 749

a. Is there anyone there by the name of Kim?

b. Yes, we have two Kims. Which one would you like to talk to?

a. Either one will do.


d 750

a. May I speak to the person in charge?

b. I'm sorry, he's tied up at the moment.

   Can I have him call you back?

a. Yes, please do.

b. I'll have him get back to you as soon as he comes back.


d 751

a. Could you ring Mr. Rowley's room?

b. One second, please. I'll transfer your call.

a. Thank you.


d 752

a. Operator. May I help you?

b. Yes. Can I have the telephone number of Elizabeth Buck?

a. Just a moment, please. We have two listings under that name.


d 753

a. Hello. Is Mr. Jones there?                

b. May I ask who is calling?

a. This is David Lee with the IBM.

b. One moment, please. I'll transfer your call.


d 754

a. May I speak to your boss, please?

b. Please hold on for a few seconds. Mr.

   brown, you have a call on line two.

c. Ask him what the call is concerning.


d 755

a. What number are you dialing, Miss?

b. I'm trying to get hold of Mrs. Song.

a. May I ask what this is about?

b. It's concerning a job with your company.


d 756

a. Hello. Is Mr. Kim there, Please?

b. I'll see if he's in at the moment.

a. Thank you.

b. He's on another line right now. Would

   you like to hold or try again later?

a. I'll try later, thank you.


d 757

a. Who wants to speak with me?

b. Mr. Kim. Would you like to speak with him, sir?

a. Tell him I'm tied up at the moment and

   I'll get back to him later.

b. Excuse me, Mr. Kim, he's tied up at the

   moment, but he'll get back to you as

   soon as he can.

c. Please tell him I will be out for a few

   hours but that I'll call again.


d 758

a. He's tied up at a meeting right now. May

   I take a message?

b. I'll give my name and the number where

   I can be reached. Would you ask him to

   call me back as soon as possible?

a. sure.


d 759

a. Good morning, Jane. Did anyone call?

b. Oh, yes. Mr. White called. He'd like you

   to call him at this number as soon as possible.

a. Are there any other messages besides that?


d 760

a. Did anyone call me while I was out, Allen?

b. James Delano called.

a. Do you have his offices number?

b. I'm sorry, but he never gave me his new number.


d 761

a. Helen, can you ring Mr. Peterson at his

   office again? I've tried fifteen times now

   and it's continuously busy.

b. I'll keep calling till I get him. sir.


d 762

a. What did Mr. Benson call about?

b. He said it was urgent, sir. And that he

   didn't want to discuss it over the phone

   with me.

a. Would you look up his new home number for me?

b. I'm not sure if he left his new number with us.

a. Then I guess we'll just have to wait until

   he decides to call us back.


d 763

a. Hello.

b. Hello, is Miss Baker in?

a. Sorry, but we don't know where she is.


d 764

a. Is Mr. Kim in, please?

b. I'm sorry he's off this afternoon. May I

   take a message for him?

a. No, that's all right. I'll call again later.


d 765

a. Is Mr. Kim available?

b. I'm sorry, but there's no one here by that


a. He works in the overseas sales department

b. I'm sorry, he's no longer with us.


d 766

a. Where is he?

b. He's on leave now.

a. Where has he gone to?

b. He went to Nepal for a vacation.


d 767

a. What time do you expect him back?

b. He should be back in two hours or so.

a. I'd like to leave a message for him. Please

   tell him that Mr. Kenis called from Columbia.

b. I'll leave the message right in the middle

   of his desk.


d 768

a. He's on break right now.

b. Would you ask him to call me, please?

a. I'll tell him, sir, but he's not expected to

   be in for at least another hour or so.

b. Just tell him I called.

a. Sure thing.


d 769

a. Where can I reach him?

b. Probably in the Business Department.   


d 770  

(a=caller, b=operator, o=overseas operator)

a. I'd like to make a collect call to the

   United States. Could you please get me

   the overseas operator?

b. Hold on a second while I transfer your call.

o. This is the international operator. May I help you.


d 771

a. This is Mr. Simpson on the line.

b. Mr. Simpson, this is Dr. Lee at the

   children's hospital. Your son is gonna be fine.

a. Thank you for all your help, doctor.

b. I'll connect you with the operator who

   will give you an extension to his room.


d 772

a. I'd like to make a long distance call.

b. Is this person to person or collect?

a. Collect. The number is 722-9748.

b. Please wait.


d 773

a. This is Sung-hyo, Cho. I'd like to make a

   collect call to a Mr. Peterson at 631-7799.

a. Okay. Please wait while I put you through

b. Thank you.


d 774

a. This phone bill is outrageous! How many

   calls did you make?

b. Only five, but they were to London.

a. Don't you know that oversea phone calls

   are very expensive?


d 775

a. Is Mr. Walter there?

b. I think you have the wrong number.

a. This is 549-5489. Right?

b. Yes, it is.

a. This is Suk-won Sa.

b. I'm sorry I couldn't recognize your voice.

   Do you have a cold or something?

a. No, I just sound different on the phone.


d 776

a. Can you ring me at the house tonight?

b. What times?

a. You'd better call me after nine just to

   make sure I'm home.

b. Make sure you're going to be there just in case I have any news.


d 777

a. Hello, Peter.

b. I was about to call you.

a. Why? What's up?

b. I've got good news. Our stock rose two points.

a. You should have called me earlier.


d 778

a. Excuse me, sir. May I use your phone?

b. This is a private line, but there is a

   public phone right over there.

a. Thank you. Do you have change for a dollar?

b. No, I don't. Go ahead and use our phone.


d 779

a. I won't be home. Call me at the office.

b. What time do you think you'll be there?

a. Around eight thirty in the evening.

b. All right. I'll call you then.


d 780

a. What's the plan for next year?

b. I'm sorry, but I can't discuss such

   information over the phone.

a. Is there any way we can see each other

   later to talk about it in private?

b. All right. Let's meet in the lobby at six.


d 781

a. Why were you on the phone for so long time?

b. I wasn't on the phone. It was my sister.

a. You mean your sister was on the phone

   for all that time?


d 782

a. He's asleep now. Can he call you tomorrow morning?

b. It's extremely urgent. It's in regards to

   his trip tomorrow.






d 783

a. What is your full name, please?

b. My name is Seung-eun Jung.

a. When and where were you born?

b. I was born on Oct. 9, 1969 in Seoul.


d 784

a. Do you have any relatives in the States?

b. Yes, my aunt and uncle.

a. What does your uncle do for a living?

b. He is a doctor.


d 785

a. How long are you planning to stay?

b. About two months.

a. Who will pay for your travel expense?

b. My parents.


d 786

a. What are you doing now?                

b. I'm a student.

a. What is your major?

b. English Education.


d 787

a. Have you ever applied for a visa before?

b. No, this is the first time.

a. What's the purpose of your visit?

b. I want to visit my relatives in the States.


d 788

a. What type of business are you in?

b. I own a small company.

a. Can you describe it in more detail?

b. Yes. I import! and export small toys.


d 789

a. Have you ever been to the US?

b. No. This will be the first time.

a. Are you going to travel alone?

b. Yes.


d 790

a. Why do you want to study in the US?

b. To better my education.

a. Where in the US do you want to study?

b. Michigan State University.


d 791

a. Who is your sponsor?

b. My sponser's name is Chon-jik Lee.

a. What is your relationship?

b. He's my father's friend. He has lived in

   Los Angeles for about twenty years.

a. Okay. Please wait in the lobby.


d 792

a. Where do you work?

b. I work for Samsung Trading Company.

a. What is your position there?

b. I'm a sales manager.


d 793

a. Where are you going to live?

b. I am going to live in Chicago.

a. What are you going to do there?

b. I'd like to run a Korean restaurant.


d 794

a. Who invited you to the US?

b. My daughter invited me.

a. Is this your first visit?

b. No, I've been there twice.


d 795

a. How long are you going to be there?

b. Just for two weeks.

a. Who are you going to stay with?

b. My uncle.


d 796

a. What is your uncle's name?

b. His name is Sung-woo Park.

a. What does he do in the States?

b. He's computer specialist.


d 797

a. How many times have you been to the States?

a. I've been there many times.

b. Why are you going there this time?

a. Because my daughter is having a baby.

b. When is the baby due?

a. Sometimes this month.






d 798

a. I'd like to apply for a scholarship.

b. OK. Please fill out this application.

a. Is there a good chance of getting one?

b. It's very competitive.


d 799

a. How much is it per credit?

b. About a hundred fifty dollars.

a. It's gone up from last semester

b. Yes, everything keeps going up.


d 800

a. Do you only carry new books?

b. No, we also carry used books.

a. Do you have English 101, used?

b. No, we're all out. You should have come sooner.


d 801

a. What university are you attending?

b. I'm attending Harvard.

a. Was it hard to get into that school?

b. Yes, you have to be in the top quarter of your class.


d 802

a. I need some information about universities in the U. S.

b. What is your major?

a. Business Administration.

b. Here is a list of the top ten schools in that field.


d 803

a. What are the entrance requirements?

b. Here is a list of requirements. Be sure

   you meet all of these requirements before applying.


d 804

a. How do I apply to a university?

b. First, list your schools of choice.

a. And then what?

b. Then write a letter of intent to admissions


d 805

a. When is the application deadline?

b. For fall term, it's June 1st.

a. When will I know if I've been accepted?

b. We'll notify you by registered mail on or before July 1st.


d 806

a. When does fall semester begin?

b. Around August 29th.

a. How long does it last?

b. Until after Christmas break, around January 15th.


d 807

a. When is late registration?

b. It's held two weeks before classes begin.

a. Can I still register for E101?

b. Yes, if it's not filled.


d 808

a. How do I qualify for a student loan?

b. You must meet the following requirements.

a. And if I don't?

b. Then you must pay for your courses in advance.


d 809

a. Where can I get the class schedule?

b. There are copies in the student lounge.

a. Do we need health insurance?

b. Yes, you must have proof of insurance prior to enrollment.


d 810

a. How much is tuition?

b. It depends on your major.

a. Do you have a scholarship program?

b. Yes. Please refer to your student handbook.


d 811

a. Where do I buy books?

b. There's a bookstore down in the International Bldg.

a. Are they expensive?

b. You can purchase used books very cheap.


d 812

a. When is tuition due?

b. At least 50% must be paid before the beginning of the first class.

a. How about the rest?

b. You'll be given a payment schedule.


d 813

a. Is there a dorm on campus?

b. Yes, there's one for undergraduates on campus.

a. What about a graduate student?

a. We have two options for them.


d 814

a. Is the dorm co-ed?

b. You may choose your facility.

a. Are the students together?

b. The first two floors are female, and the top two are male.


d 815

a. What is the room like?

b. A bed, a desk, a small refrigerator, and a sofa.

a. Can we cook?

b. You may use an electric hot plate. No gas

   is allowed.


d 816

a. Where is the book for E408?

b. New or used?

a. Used, please.

b. It's in the 3rd aisle, 2nd shelf, right hand side.


d 817

a. I'd like to subscribe to Time magazine.

b. You may order it through the mail.

a. How do I do that?

b. Fill out this application form and send a

   check or money order for $24.95 for a one year subscription.


d 818

a. Where is "Modern Architecture"?

b. It's on back order.

a. When will it be in?

b. Hopefully this week.


d 819

a. How many credits do I need to graduate with a B. A.?

b. You need sixty credit hours.

a. What percentage of that is English?

b. At least 50%.


d 820

a. What if I take too heavy a load?

b. Then you should drop a class before midterm.

a. What will my grade be?

b. At that time you'll receive an "I" for incomplete.


d 821

a. I'd like to take an independent course.

   What should I do?

b. First you should talk to your academic

   adviser. And then make a schedule with

   the professor you want to work with.


d 822

a. How did you do on your test?           

b. Terrible.

a. Me, too. I stayed up all night studying,


b. You, too?


d 823

a. Is this test going to be essay or multiple choice?

b. It'll be both.

a. What percentage is this test toward our final grade?

b. 30%.


d 824

a. Midterms are coming up.

b. Have you been studying all along?

a. Not really. I'll have to cram for this term.


d 825

a. I'd better hit the books.

b. Why?

a. We have a final exam coming up.

b. When is it?


d 826

a. I'm burning the candle at both ends.

b. What do you mean?

a. Well, I have to study and hold down a part time job.


d 827

a. What did we do in class yesterday?

b. Where were you?

a. I was sick at home.

b. We did a pop quiz.

a. Was it difficult?

b. No, easy as pie!


d 828

a. Instead of a final exam, there will be a term paper.

b. When is it due?

a. The week of June 5th, but no later than June 10th.


d 829

a. How many pages do we have to write?

b. It has to be eight pages, typewritten,

   double spaced.


d 830

a. This is a research project.

b. How many resources should we list?

a. You need to list at least four sources, on

   being a survey list.


d 831

a. Who is your course instructor?

b. Dr. Johnson.

a. Is he a tough grader?

b. As far as I know, yes.


d 832

a. Does he give a lot of homework?

b. No, he's easy going.

a. Why did you take that course, then?

b. Because he teaches students how to think.


d 833

a. Mr. Park is at UCLA as an exchange professor.

b. How long will he be there?

a. For two years.

b. I can take his course then.


d 834

a. Can I see you sometime tomorrow afternoon in your office?

b. Sure, about what?

a. I want to ask specific question about the



d 835

a. Check with my secretary for an appointment.

b. What times are available?

a. I really don't know. You'd better check with Ms. Jones.


d 836

a. What did I get on my term paper?

b. If you want to find out your grade, come

   to my office during office hours.

a. What are the hours?

b. Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 11:30.


d 837

a. Please be well prepared for this subject.

b. What do we need to do?

a. I encourage you to ask as many questions as possible.


d 838

a. What is your homework policy?

b. You must turn in your homework on time to get a grade.


d 839

a. This is the syllabus for English 808.

b. How will we be graded?

a. As you can see on page two:your final

   grade will be based on your homework,

   two papers, four quizzes, and a final exam.


d 840

a. When are these due?

b. In two weeks.

a. Is there a fine if not returned on time?

b. Yes, there is. Five cents per day, per book


d 841

a. How many books can I check out at a time?

b. You can take out four.

a. How about reference books?

b. They cannot leave the library.


d 842

a. Do you have any video tapes available?

b. Yes, we do. What are you looking for?

a. I need some material on air pollution.

b. We have a documentary titled "The air

   we breathe, how to preserve it".


d 843

a. May I copy this entire book?

b. No, you won't be able to.

a. Why not?

b. Because it has a copyright, so it's illegal to do so.


d 844

a. I need to copy this chapter, please.

b. Sure. Can you come back in thirty minutes?

a. No problem. How much will that be?

b. It'll be twenty cents per page.


d 845

a. Do you have legal size paper?

b. Yes, we do.

a. Great! May I have six copies of this document?

b. Sure. Just a moment, please.


d 846

a. My name is not on the list of graduation candidates.

b. What is your name and student number?


d 847

a. Would you send me an application for a Ph. D. program?

b. When would you like to begin?

a. Fall term.

b. All your paperwork must be in six months prior to beginning.


d 848

a. I need my transcripts, please.

b. Why? Are you transferring?

a. Yes, I'm moving to Arizona.

b. Give me the name of the school and we'll  mail them.


d 849

a. What do you call this English?

b. An eraser.

a. How do you spell it?

b. E-R-A-S-E-R.


d 850

a. He's a real turkey!

b. What does that mean?

a. It means he's not very smart.

b. I agree. Did you see what he wore yesterday?


d 851

a. What does AFKN stand for?

b. It stands for American Forces Korea Network.

a. I thought it stood for American Forces Korean Network.


d 852

a. Which college are you attending?

b. UCLA.

a. What year are you in?

b. Freshman.


d 853

a. I graduated in 1990.

b. What school did you go to?

a. Ohio State University.

b. You mean we went to the same school?


d 854

a. Which school did you go to?

b. I went to Pioneer High.

a. Where is it?

b. It's in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


d 855

a. I almost got kicked out of school last semester.

b. Why? What did you do?

a. You mean what didn't I do?

b. Was it because of your grades?


d 856

a. What is your brother doing these days?

b. He's studying for his college entrance exam.

a. I guess he's busy preparing for the big day.

b. He doesn't even sleep these days.


d 857

a. Do you have a job?

b. Yes, I have a part time job.

a. Where do you work?

b. I work at the mall.

a. What do you do there?

b. I'm a manager of a shoe store.


d 858

a. How much is three plus five?

b. Eight.

a. How much is twenty divided by four?

b. Five.


d 859

a. How is your daughter doing in school?  

b. She's at the top of her class.

a. You must be very proud of her.

b. Yes, I am.


d 860

a. The football game will be held in the

   main stadium next Saturday.

b. Would you like to go with me?

a. I'd be glad to. But do you know the school rooter song?

b. Not really, but I'll try and sing it.





d 861

a. I love you very much, but...

b. But what?

a. But I can't marry you.

b. Why not? You're the very reason I live for.

a. I know, but you're a foreigner.


d 862

a. Are you single?

b. I guess you could say that.

a. Go home to your wife.


d 863

a. I've fallen in love with you.

b. But you do that with every girl you meet.

a. This is different. You're very special to me.

b. You say that to every girl.


d 864

a. Is this your first blind date?

b. Yes. And you?

a. I went on a lot of blind dates when I was

   a freshman in college but haven't since then.


d 865

a. I really enjoyed your company.

b. Me, too. I enjoyed time spent with you very much.

a. I would like to see you again.

b. Just feel free to call me.


d 866

a. We're so different, but seem to get along well anyway.

b. Yeah, I enjoy talking with you, even about our differences.


d 867

a. How old is your mother?

b. She is in her 40s.

a. Really? She doesn't look her age.

b. She takes good care of herself.


d 868

a. Who is she? She's a knockout!

b. She's my girlfriend.

a. Where did you meet her?

b. At school.


d 869

a. Who is he?

b. He's my brother.

a. What a body!

b. Yeah. He's well built, isn't he?


d 870

a. Do you think Amy is cute?

b. Not really. she is rather plain looking.

a. Yes, but she is very photogenic.

b. Is this Amy in this picture?

a. Yep, I told you she takes good pictures.


d 871

a. When I saw you for the first time your

   appearance was very impressive.

b. Thank you.

a. But what happened to you?

b. I have been very sick.


d 872

a. I saw your brother yesterday at the store.

b. Did you? What do you think about him?

a. He looks just like your father.

b. Would you like to meet him?


d 873

a. I saw your friend dancing at a show last night.

b. Really? How did you like it?

a. She gave a great performance.


d 874

a. Do you think I have too much make-up on?

b. Not really. A little is okay but some

   people look like they have plastic faces.

   Whenever I kiss someone with too much lipstick on I get it all over me.


d 875

a. My face breaks out too much.

b. Have you tried some medicine?

a. Yes, everything I can get my hands on.

b. Maybe you had better go and see a doctor


d 876

a. Will you go out with me tonight?

b. Sorry, but I already have other plans for this evening.

a. You always say that.


d 877

a. Sorry for being late.                     

b. I was worried you wouldn't show up.

a. I almost forgot our date.

b. Obviously you have more important things on your mind.


d 878

a. How is your boyfriend?

b. He is fun to be with.

a. Is he romantic all the time?

b. Sometimes. But he is always funny.


d 879

a. I love you with all my heart.

b. Why? We barely know each other.

a. But you will love me someday.

b. You're drunk.


d 880

a. What do you think about love at first

   sight? Do you think it's true love?

b. I think you're still in puberty.

a. Why do you have to be so difficult?


d 881

a. I can't wait to see you.

b. I miss you, too.

a. I sent you roses. Did you get them?

b. Yes, they were beautiful.


d 882

a. Do you know that you have such smooth skin?

b. Do you think so?

a. Yes, it feels like silk.

b. No one has ever told me that before.


d 883

a. Do you think all men are alike?

b. Yes, they all try to spoil precious love.

a. How can you say that?

b. They all want one thing from women.


d 884

a. I wonder if Joe has made it with Jane.

b. I don't think so.

a. Why not?

b. Because Joe is not that kind of guy.


d 885

a. I get the feeling that my boyfriend doesn't

   like me anymore.

b. Do you think he is tired of you already?

a. I don't know. He is never home when I call.


d 886

a. I'll never go out with that guy again.

b. Why? What did he do?

a. I saw him with someone else last night.

b. What a creep!


d 887

a. My brother is always chasing girls.

b. Why? He must not be happy with his girlfriend.

a. I think he is trying to make her jealous.

b. Men are awful.


d 888

a. When are you planning to get married?

b. Sometime next year.

a. You haven't set the date yet?

b. Maybe sometime in February.


d 889

a. How long have you been married?

b. I have been married for three years.

a. Are you happy with your marriage?

b. Yes, very much so.


d 890

a. They're expecting their first child.

b. How long has she been pregnant?

a. About eight months now.

b. Then she should be due soon.


d 891

a. You are too good for me.

b. You mean I'm not good enough for you.

a. No, I don't deserve you.

b. Why are you saying all this?


d 892

a. It's not that I'm tired of you, but...

b. What? You mean you lost interest in me?

a. No, I just think we aren't made for each other.

b. But...


d 893

a. I broke up with my boyfriend yesterday.

b. Was he upset?

a. No, not at all.

b. He must not have cared much for you.


d 894

a. You are my best friend.

b. You, too. You're the only one I can turn to.

a. I really enjoy talking with you.

b. What are friends for?


d 895

a. Are you on speaking terms with your boyfriend again?

b. Yes, I care for him too much.

a. He's really something to you.

b. No doubt about it.


d 896

a. I'm happy just to be in your presence.    

b. I feel the same way.


d 897

a. I envy you for having such a beautiful girl.

b. Thank you. Where is your girlfriend?

a. You mean the girl with glasses on?

b. Yes, isn't she your girlfriend?

a. No, she's my sister's friend.

b. I'm sorry. I thought you had someone.


d 898

a. I was so excited to see him again.

b. You must still like him.

a. I think so. I still have feelings for him.

b. Sounds great.


d 899

a. Would you like to dance with me?

b. No, thank you.

a. Why? Don't you like to dance?

b. It's not that I don't like to dance.


d 900

a. Did you know that Jim is gay?

b. How do you know that?

a. He told me the truth.

b. No way! I'm all confused now.


d 901

a. I had an argument with my girlfriend yesterday.

b. Did you make up?

a. I can't. She deserves cold eyes for a while

b. Why? What did you guys argue about?


d 902

a. We didn't get to the restaurant until late.

b. Where did you go?

a. To a romantic place by the ocean.

b. You're so lucky.

a. I know. He's so special.

b. I envy you.






d 903

a. Can I take a picture of you?

b. Thank you, but not now. I look terrible.

a. Oh no, you look fine.

b. I don't even have my make-up on.


d 904

a. I was so tired yesterday, I fell asleep.

b. Why were you so tired?

a. I worked all day.

b. How many hours did you works?


d 905

a. Freeze!

b. What is this?

a. Don't move.

b. Don't shoot.


d 906

a. May I keep this picture?

b. Sure, you can have it.

a. Thank you. This will help me remember you.


d 907

a. I want a roll of film, please.

b. How many exposures?

a. Either 24 or 36 will be fine.

b. Here you go. That will be four dollars.


d 908

a. I would like to get this film developed.

b. Would you like one hour service or regular service?

a. What is the different in price?

b. One hour service is about 30% more expensive.


d 909

a. What time do you go to bed at night?

b. Usually about 11 p.m.

a. What time do you get up?

b. Oh, around 6 a.m.


d 910

a. Do you mind staying up with me?

b. No, not at all, I had a nightmare last

   night, so I couldn't sleep, either.

a. For some reason I can't sleep deeply at night.


d 911

a. Are you still sleepy?

b. Yes, I feel half asleep right now.

a. What did you do last night?

b. I was up all night studying for my exam.


d 912

a. I got a ticket for speeding.

b. How fast were you going?

a. I don't remember, but they said I was going over seventy.


d 913

a. Detectives are still working on the murder case.

b. Do they have any leads?

a. No, they don't even have any witnesses.


d 914

a. He was guilty but we can't prove it.

b. Then what are you going to do?

a. We've hired a private investigator to help

   us find more substantial evidence.





{{오성식생활영어 8}}


d 915

a. Does my hair look alright?

b. Not really. You need to brush it.

a. How do I look now?

b. That's much better.


d 916

a. How many people does your car hold?

b. Five people, including the driver.

a. Then can you give me a ride?

b. Where are you going?


d 917

a. My brother is home on leave from the army.

b. When did he come?

a. He's been home for three days already.

b. Really?How come I don't see him around?


d 918

a. Jill, your shirt is inside out.

b. Don't you know? It's a new fashion.

a. What kind of fashion is that?

b. It's inside out look.


d 919

a. Is there any mail for me?

b. Not that I know of.

a. Didn't you check the mail box?

b. I did this morning.


d 920

a. I had a fight with my wife last night.

b. Was that all the noise about?

a. Did you hear us?

b. Of course. It was rather loud.


d 921

a. My children are causing me to have gray hair.

   They have been running me down.

b. How?

a. They don't listen to me and quite often talk back to me.


d 922

a. My aunt died and left two children.

b. Sorry to hear that. Who's going to take care of them?

a. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking about taking in one of them.

b. That sounds like a good idea.


d 923

a. How often do you go visit your grandparents?

b. Just once in a blue moon.

a. Where do they live?

b. Very far from here.


d 924

a. Do you have a furnished apartment?

b. No, we don't.

a. What's the rent for a regular apartment?

b. For a three bed room apartment, it will be $450 a month.


d 925

a. What's the problem here?

b. It's just one of those things.

a. Why are you hesitating to tell me?

b. Trust me, it's nothing to worry about.


d 926

a. I want to get a Volvo.

b. That car would cost you a fortune.

a. I know, but I still want to get it.

b. Where are you going to get the money?


d 927

a. Who ate all that food?

b. We did.

a. You guys cleaned out everything on the table?

b. Yeah, we sure did. We were very hungry.

a. Now who's going to do the dishes?

b. We are. Don't worry about it.


d 928

a. Are you through with your newspaper?

b. Not yet. Why? Do you want to read it?

a. Yes, whenever you're done with it.

b. I'm almost finished.

a. Can you give me a section?


d 929

a. The book he wrote made him famous.

b. What was the book about?

a. It was one of those "How to" books.

b. Does he have lots of readers?






d 930

a. I am exhausted.

b. What did you do?

a. I have been working day and night.

b. Why did you work so many hours?


d 931

a. I feel so weak.

b. Maybe you're coming down with a cold.

a. I think so. I'm having chills, too.

b. Do you think you have a fever?


d 932

a. The mosquitoes are eating me alive.

b. I know. I itch all over.

a. We have to buy some repellent.

b. Either that or buy a screen.


d 933

a. I'm on a diet.

b. Why do you need to go on a diet?

a. I have to lose five pounds.

b. I think you look pretty good as you are.


d 934

a. I'm dog tired of working all the time.

b. How many hours do you work per week?

a. Sixty hours.

b. Do you ever get a day off?


d 935

a. You sound like you have a cold.

b. Can you tell?

a. Yes, you look worn out.

b. I still have a slight fever.


d 936

a. I have a terrible headache.

b. You must be coming down with the flu.

a. My head feels so heavy.

b. You should get some rest.

a. As soon as I finish this.

b. You must want to get sick.


d 937

a. I must be losing my mind.

b. That's because you're always thinking too hard.

a. That's not it. I think I'm sick.

b. You'd better go and see a doctor.


d 938

a. I'm feeling off today.

b. Why? What happened?

a. I've got a pain in my back now.

b. Is it that time of the month?


d 939

a. I've got the runs.

b. What did you eat yesterday?

a. We went out to a Chinese restaurant.

b. Do you think it was the food or what?


d 940

a. My ankle is killing me.

b. What did you do?

a. I tripped over something.


d 941

a. My baby has a runny nose and a temperature.

b. You'd better take her to a doctor.

a. I felt dizzy and almost fainted, too.

b. Do you want me to call a doctor for you?

a. I'd better call my husband first.

b. That's a good idea. Have him take both

   of you to the hospital.


d 942

a. I cut myself cooking.

b. Did you get hurt badly?

a. Yes, it's pretty deep.

b. Why don't you go to the hospital?


d 943

a. I've got something in my eyes.

b. Let me see.

a. Can you see what it is?

b. No. Try to cry and wash it out.


d 944

a. I got hit by a car.

b. When? You look fine to me.

a. Two days ago.

b. No way!

a. Really, I'm bruised all over.

b. You're lucky to be alive.






d 945

a. Excuse me, is this the reception desk?

b. Yes. May I help you?

a. Yes. I've come to see Dr. Johns.

b. Have you ever seen him before?


d 946

a. Do I have to be hospitalized?

b. Yes, you should be admitted right away.

a. I don't have insurance.

b. Not even group insurance?


d 947

a. How did my X-ray turn out?

b. It's still being processed.

a. How long will it take?

b. Can you wait a few more minutes?


d 948

a. How bad is your chest?

b. Really bad.

a. How long has it been hurting?

b. About a week.


d 949

a. How is your appetite?

b. I throw up as soon as I eat.

a. Have you had any fever?

b. No, but my stomach feels strange.


d 950

a. Please remove your shirt so I can listen to your chest.

b. I've had shortness of breath.

a. Is there something that's causing you stress?


d 951

a. Do you take any medicine these days?

b. No.

a. Do you have any allergies?

b. Not that I know of.


d 952

a. Is your throat sore?

b. Yes, very much.

a. We need to send it off for some tests.

b. How long will it take?


d 953

a. Make a tight fist, please.

b. How many blood tests do you have to do?

a. About five.

b. Oh, no.

a. Press your arm until the bleeding stops.

b. Do you have a band-aid?


d 954

a. You're still running a fever. Have you taken any medicine?

b. Just aspirin.

a. You need to get more sleep.


d 955

a. We'll need to check your urine specimen for your pregnancy test.

b. How long will it take to know?

a. About two days.

b. Should I call here?

a. No. We will call you with the result.


d 956

a. Does your stomach feel okay?

b. Not really.

a. Where does it hurt?

b. Right in the middle.


d 957

a. I can't stop coughing.

b. Did you take any cough medicine?

a. Yes, but it doesn't seem to help.

b. Then you need to go see a doctor.


d 958

a. How do you feel today?

b. I feel much better than yesterday.

a. You look better, too.

b. Thank you.


d 959

a. I had a high fever this morning.

b. What was your temperature?

a. It was pretty high.

b. Do you feel chilly?


d 960

a. Do I have to get an operation?

b. Yes, as soon as possible.

a. I won't die, will I?

b. You have a 50-50 chance.


d 961

a. I get heartburn a lot.

b. Do you eat regularly?

a. Not really.

b. Then what are your eating habits?


d 962

a. What seems to be the trouble?

b. I hope a pain in my abdomen.

a. Do you have any idea, why?

b. I don't know. My stomach has always been a problem.

a. You should get a check-up.


d 963

a. I think I ate something that didn't agree with me.

b. What did you eat?

a. I had a spicy dish called Kimchichike.

b. Do you have diarrhea?


d 964

a. Do you know what is good for constipation?

b. Not really. How bad is it?

a. It's so bad I can't start it.

b. Then why don't you go see a doctor?


d 965

a. Do you know how to prevent seasickness?

b. They sell medicine for motion sickness at the drugstore.

a. We'll have to get some before we go.


d 966

a. I sprained my ankle.

b. How did you do it?

a. I slipped and fell down the stairs.

b. You shouldn't drink so much.


d 967

a. I got 3rd degree burns.

b. How?

a. From hot cooking oil.

b. Oh no. I hope you won't get a scar.


d 968

a. My leg is swollen.

b. Maybe it's broken.

a. I don't know but it's all black and blue.

b. Go and have it X-rayed.


d 969

a. I'm afraid my eyesight is failing.

b. Maybe you need glasses.

a. I hope not. I don't look like myself with

   glasses on. Maybe I'll get contacts.


d 970

a. My nose is stuffed up so I have difficulty breathing.

b. Have you taken anything for it?

a. No. I was just going to wait it out.


d 971

a. I'm having trouble passing urine.

b. How does it feel?

a. It hurts a lot.

b. What's its color?


d 972

a. When I brush my teeth, my gums bleed.

b. Do you have a toothache?

a. Yes, it hurts when I eat.

b. You should make an appointment with your dentist.


d 973

a. Would you please call a doctor?

b. What happened to him?

a. He's unconscious from shock.

b. Oh, I don't believe this.


d 974

a. Please take me to the hospital.

b. I already called an ambulance.

a. It feels like this is the end.

b. Be conscious! They'll be right here.


d 975

a. I had an operation on my head.

b. How did that happen?

a. I had a car accident.

b. How long were you in the hospital?


d 976

a. I was sick in bed.

b. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better now.

a. Yes, but, I need to take better care of myself.


d 977

a. I am too sick to get out of bed.

b. I hope it's nothing serious.

a. I don't know what is wrong with me these days.

b. You should see a doctor.


d 978

a. I have a bad headache.

b. Do you have a fever, too?

a. No, just really a bad headache.

b. Then take two aspirins and get some rest.


d 979

a. Do I need a prescription for cold medicine?

b. No. We have many different kinds of cold medicine on the shelf.

a. Which one do you recommend?


d 980

a. How often do I take this?

b. Take it three times a day.

a. When should I take it?

b. Thirty minutes after eating.






d 981

a. Would you like a drink?

b. Yes, please.

a. What would you like?

b. I want a dry martini.


d 982

a. Cheers!

b. Here's to you!

a. Here's to you, too.

b. Bottoms up!


d 983

a. Let me pour you a drink.

b. Oh, no. I've had enough.

a. Come on, one more shot.

b. No, thanks. I'll never get home if I do.


d 984

a. How about a drink tonight, Mr. Shin?

b. Is it your treat?

a. Yep. I will buy you a drink.

b. I was just kidding.


d 985

a. Is there a single's bar around here?

b. Yes. There is one with excellent music.

a. Is it your hangout?

b. No, but once in a while I like to go there.


d 986

a. Let's split the bill.

b. That's okay. It's my treat.

a. Oh, no, I can't let you do that.

b. Come on, let me buy it this time.


d 987

a. Do you like to drink?

b. No, I'm not too crazy about booze.

a. How about just a glass of wine?

b. Okay, that will be all right.


d 988

a. I never get drunk.

b. But you must drink often.

a. Yes. I enjoy drinking very much.

b. Let's go together sometime.


d 989

a. It seems you have a hangover.

b. Can you tell?

a. Yes. You don't look like yourself at all.

b. I know. I feel terrible.


d 990

a. Mmm, this beer hits the spot.

b. I know there is nothing like a cold beer on a hot day.

a. No better way to relax.


d 991

a. May I take your order here?

b. Sure. I'll have a shot of whisky.

a. How about you, sir?

b. I'd like a martini.


d 992

a. I'm afraid this beer is not cold.

b. Would you like me to replace it with a cold one?

a. Would you, please? I can't drink warm beer.

b. No problem, sir. Sorry for the trouble.


d 993

a. Are you okay to drive?

b. Oh, Yes. I'm as sober as I can be.

a. Then do you mind driving me home?

   Because I'm too drunk to drive.


d 994

a. I think I'm getting drunk.

b. Did you drive today?

a. Yes. But I think I'd better take a cab home.

b. I think that's a safe idea.


d 995

a. I got pretty boozed up last night.

b. Did you really? I didn't know that.

a. My stomach is very upset right now.

b. Do you feel like throwing up?


d 996

a. Are you here alone?

b. Yes, I am. Are you?

a. Yes. I just moved here from London.

b. I see, you must be very lonely.


d 997

a. Would you like to dance?

b. No thanks. Maybe some other time.

a. What kind of music do you like?

b. I like fast music.


d 998

a. I love this song. Let's dance.

b. I don't know how to dance.

a. Don't worry. I'll teach you.

b. You just want to embarrass me, don't you?


d 999

a. Who is that fine looking chick?

b. Which one?

a. Right there. She's a great dancer.

b. Why don't you go ask her to dance?


d 1000

a. Are you here alone?

b. No. I'm with my friends.

a. Where are they?

b. They are dancing out there.


d 1001

a. Let's dance.

b. Do you want to enter the dance contest?

a. Sure. But I don't have a partner.

b. Well, Why don't you ask him?

a. I can't. I don't even know who he is.

b. Go on, be brave and ask him.





d 1002

a. What's showing at the theater?

b. A horror movie.

a. Do you like horror movies?

b. No. They give me nightmares.


d 1003

a. Did you watch the soccer game?

b. Yes. It was great.

a. What was the score?

b. It was tied.


d 1004

a. How much is it to get in?

b. I'm not sure.

a. Any idea?

b. About two dollars at the most per person.


d 1005

a. What time does the show begin?

b. It starts at 7:00 p.m.

a. When is the last show?

b. This one is the last show this evening.


d 1006

a. Let's see what's playing.

b. Okay. I'll get the paper.

a. There doesn't seem to be much that the

   whole family can enjoy.


d 1007

a. What's at the movies?

b. I am not sure.

a. Do you want to call and find out?

b. Why don't we just rent a video tape?


d 1008

a. They're all sold out.

b. Then what are we going to do?

a. Let's make reservation for tomorrow evening.

b. Let's just see something else.


d 1009

a. Excuse me. Is this seat taken?

b. Yes, it is.

a. Oh, I'm sorry.

b. Those seats in front are empty.


d 1010

a. Would you mind moving over?

b. Of course not. How many people are coming?

a. Two more.

b. Why don't we trade seats instead?

a. Oh, you don't have to do that.

b. It's really no problem.


d 1011

a. Did you see "Amadeus"?

b. No, not yet.

a. I tell you that movie will blow your mind.

b. Is that right?


d 1012

a. Can you follow what's happening?

b. So far.

a. I don't know what's wrong with me. It

   doesn't seem to have a plot.


d 1013

a. Would you like to go to a movie or a concert?

b. I like to go to the movies.

a. Do you have any movies in mind?

b. Yes. There is one I don't want to miss.


d 1014

a. Did you enjoy the movie?

b. No. I think it was trash.

a. I know what you mean.

b. What a waste of money!


d 1015

a. Where are you going?

b. I'm taking my children to see a cartoon.

a. Where is it showing?

b. At the Seoul Theater.


d 1016

a. Would you like to get some snacks?

b. Sure, if you want.

a. What would you like?

b. How about some popcorn?

a. Anything to drink?

b. I'll have a Coke.


d 1017

a. What is the score?

b. It's two to five.

a. Who is winning?

b. We're winning by three points.


d 1018

a. Who's your favorite team?

b. The OB Bears.

a. Who's your favorite player?

b. Kim, Kwang-soo.


d 1019

a. Who won the game?

b. It ended in a tie.

a. Are they going to go into overtime?

b. I don't know.


d 1020

a. Do you know how to swim?

b. Of course. I can swim across this river.

a. You're got to be kidding me.

b. No. Everyone in my country swims.


d 1021

a. I think watching a live game is much more thrilling.

b. I don't think so. Watching TV is better.

   We can watch instant replays, too.


d 1022

a. Where can I go play tennis around here?

b. There is a court near your office.

a. I need a partner to play with.

b. Are you good?

a. No. I'm terrible but I'm taking lessons now.

b. You'll have to learn from me.






d 1023

a. Hey, where are you going?

b. What do you mean?

a. Can't you see the sign? It's one way!

b. Oh, no. I am sorry I didn't see it.


d 1024

a. You can't go in there.

b. Why not?

a. Can't you read it?

b. Oh, Authorized Personnel Only!


d 1025

a. You can't smoke in this area, sir.

b. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see the sign.

a. It's right here.

b. No Smoking.


d 1026

a. You can't turn here.

b. What do you mean I can't turn here?

a. You see that sign: No Right Turn.

b. Oh! Thanks for telling me.


d 1027

a. Can I park here?

b. No. I don't think so.

a. There is no sign which says parking is illegal.

b. There it is: Tow-away Zone.


d 1028

a. Slow down. Can't you see the sign?

b. Where?

a. There. "Yield"

b. I didn't see it.


d 1029

a. Stop when you see a rest area.

b. Why? Do you have to go?

a. Yes, really bad.

b. How bad?

a. Really really bad.

b. Number one or two?


d 1030

a. I'd like to stop here for a minute.

b. Why?

a. There is a garage sale.

b. Okay. Let's stop and see what they have.

