The Way For Students - 122 Chapter 3 - Youth And Completion Section 1. Youth 5) How To Become A Great Person ⑤ We Must be Tough and Unchanging
We put our Unification Church members into the Satanic world. If we were to speak about wood, what kind of wood are you made of? [Beech] Beech is not that strong. Uujubel Jujube? [Oak] Oak? [Yes.] Okay -- oak. Everybody knows the oak tree. You don't know what kind of a tree jujube is.
A tree must not bend. Even if it does bend, it must not break. It must be tough. It must be tough and strong. Are you Unification Church members tough! [Yes!] Because we must go into this world, we must become tough. So! Looking at this, is Rev. Moon a tough person or a so-so person? [Tough person] How much tough? [Like an oak tree] (Father laughs)
We must be as tough as raw rubber, and hard as oak. Then you must be as resilient as steel. Are you as hard as steel! [A strong person] You should be like that. Then when the winter wind blows, when it turns to summer, or the spring rains come, through all this you must be unchanging. Are you still changing, or have you remained unchanged? How about stainless steel? Do you like iron or do you like stainless steel? [Stainless steel] What is the reason for that? Because it does not change. (100-194)
If the Republic of Korea is the country to which the Lord will come, Korea must grasp hold of all the countries of the world, and must not shake. It should become such a harbor. In order to do that, how firmly it must be established! It needs cement, gravel, sand, and iron reinforcement bars.
In order to construct a seaport, first of all, before pouring the concrete, you must weave a very strong structure with iron rods. What does an iron rod symbolize! It means a person. Out of all the different types of people, an iron rod means a strong person. We need strong persons whom nobody can bend and no one can pierce.
Centered on faithful persons of constancy, chastity and indomitable spirit, we must weave such faithful people together. In this way, let us construct a facility to save this world all at once at the push of a button. We have such an historical mission.
If our Unification Church plans to take on this incredible mission, then, in making the concrete, what kind of position will you take? Will you be an iron rod? Will you be the sand? Will you be the gravel? What do you want to be? Think about this. You must be an iron bar.
Have you become an iron bar already? Even if you didn't become an iron rod, you should at least become a small pebble. If you didn't become gravel, you should even become sand. If you cannot become sand, then you should become water to be poured out for the sake of the others. Water can be absorbed into everything. You must know about that. (31-146) |