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어제 링크했던 기사에
경제부양책에 대해 얘기한다고 적혀있는데
정말 처음부터 끝까지 경제 부양책 얘기만 하고
MCO 관련 내용은 하나도 없네요
끊임없이 어디에 몇링깃 지원한다는 얘기가 나오는데
저희 교민에게 의미 있는 내용은 거의 없고
제가 판단하기에 그나마 조금이라도 연관있을것 같은 내용은
다음의 세가지 입니다
(1) 연말까지 대중 교통 한달 이용시 30링깃 패스 적용
the Government will introduce the MY30 Program where users only pay RM30 a month to enjoy unlimited travel passes for public transport under the infrastructure of the Klang Valley. This initiative is open to all citizens and will be effective from June 15 to the end of 2020.
지하철이 있는 KL 이면 몰라도
대중교통이 불편한 Penang 은 그리 실속이 없어보입니다
(2) 연말까지 낮동안 통신사 1기가 무료서비스
Therefore, the Government in collaboration with telecommunications companies will provide free 1 gigabyte internet service to all users from 8am to 6pm daily to access educational websites and video conferencing applications. This free internet service will be available until December 31, 2020.
밤에는 주로 집에서 와이파이 이용하고
낮에는 통신사에서 주는 데이터 이용하는게
나름 편리했는데 연말까지 연장한다고 합니다
(3) 자동차 살때 취득세 면제 (국산차) 혹은 50% 감면 (외제차)
the Government has agreed to provide a 100 percent sales tax exemption on the sale of domestic passenger cars, and 50 percent for imported passenger cars for the period from 15 June 2020 to 31 December 2020.
취득세가 얼마인지는 잘은 모르는데
혹시 차사실 계획 있는분은 연말까지라고 하니
그전에 사시면 조금이나마 감면될거 같습니다
주말에 출근 안하기 위해
MCO 관련 내용을 함께 얘기할줄 알았는데 아니네요
함께 이야기하지 않은 이유는
같이 발표하면 경제부양책의 내용이
상대적으로 희석될 가능성이 있기 때문이거나
며칠 더 상황을 지켜보고 결정하기 위해서
가 아닐까 싶습니다
오늘 총리 담화 내용의 행간을 읽어보면
이렇게 정부가 경기 부양을 위해 노력하고 있으니
MCO 더 연장해도 참고 버티라는 의도가
다분히 담겨있지 않나 싶고
MCO 연장은 이미 결정되었을 가능성도 있을것 같습니다
아무튼 오늘 별 얘기 없었으니
MCO 관련 내용 발표는
빨라도 일요일 오후
늦으면 화요일 오전에 하지 않을까 싶습니다
아래는 영어 번역본 함께 남기고
말레이 어 원문 역시 링크합니다
이에 덧붙여..
오늘 보건국장 질의 응답 시간에 나온 얘기
저희와 밀접한 연관 있을것 같아 올립니다
Question: Will the international border door open if the CPP is terminated?
(MCO 끝나면 국경이 열릴까요?)
DG Answer: If the CPPB is terminated, we will enter the recovery phase and more sectors will be opened such as the economy and education.
If there is an increase in cases in one particular locality or group, we will apply Act 342 to control the infection through actions of half the CPP as tightened or administratively.
Before opening the international border we need to take into account the # COVID19 index of the world. Perhaps we can open the international doors to countries that have declared green zones.
(국경을 열기전 코로나 19 의 지수를 고려해야 할것입니다. 아마도 우리는 그린존이라고 규정된 나라들에 대해 국경을 열수 있을것입니다)
Another thing to look at is the screening and quarantine of foreign visitors before being allowed to enter the country.
These two possibilities are only the MoH proposals that need to be studied before the international doors open.
한국이 최근 일시적으로 확진자수가 증가하긴 했지만
MCO 종료 1~2주 전부터 한자리수 확진자가 유지된다면
MCO 종료 후 한국인 입국이 가능할수도 있음을 시사한
보건국장 발언이 아닌가 싶습니다
JUNE 5, 2020 (Fri)
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Warmth and Peace,
1. How are you all? I hope the brothers are healthy and have already celebrated Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Gawai Day and Kaamatan Festival with thanksgiving although this celebration is a bit different. Today is 13 Syawal and some may have finished fasting six. If you haven't started, there's still time.
2. For the past 2 weeks, I have been having quarantine at home for being classified as a close contact of a government official who has been positively COVID-19. What happened was not expected. But this is the nature of the virus we are dealing with. We do not know when and where we may be at risk for this virus.
3. However, thank God my decision making and all other close contacts are negative. I think the reason for this is that social incarceration is practiced in all the meetings and meetings I attend. This shows how important it is for us to practice social exclusion to prevent ourselves from being infected with this virus. So, my advice to brothers is to avoid social incarceration wherever they may be. It may be the last protector or protector of the COVID-19 infection.
4. We have been through the COVID-19 crisis for almost 3 months. Front-line personnel and security forces worked day and night without leave or rest during the weekends. Thankfully, with the measures taken by the government and all of your disciplines, the spread of COVID-19 in our country has been able to contain over 80 percent of cases fully recovered. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the frontline staff for their sacrifices and commitment.
5. I would also like to thank all Malaysians who continue to adhere to the SOP in carrying out their daily activities throughout the CPP and the Conditional CPP. If we can continue to comply with the SOP and the COVID-19 case remains under control, I believe the sectors that are currently prohibited will be opened faster.
My dear brothers and sisters,
6. Signing the Royal Order, His Highness His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in conjunction with the opening of the third term of the 14th Parliament, He has promised the Cabinet to carry out all trusts honestly and responsibly and never neglect the well-being of the people. In keeping with Your Majesty's command, I often remind the Cabinet to remain committed and sincere in carrying out the duties and responsibilities entrusted to it.
7. Especially in the face of challenging economic situations at this time. As a result of the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world economy is now facing the worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to two figures in the United States, India, Canada, Spain and China. Trade conflicts and political unrest in some countries worsen the situation. This in turn has a negative impact on the world economy.
8. According to the IMF's forecast in April 2020, global economic growth is at 3 percent negative. For the first time since the recession in the 1930s, developed and developing countries have experienced economic contraction.
9. I want to be honest with my brothers and sisters about our country's economic position. Like the rest of the world, Malaysia is facing some pretty tough challenges. Malaysia's unemployment rate stands at 3.9 percent or about 610,000 people in March 2020. According to the Malaysian Department of Statistics's estimate on May 14, 2020, the unemployment rate is expected to increase to 5.5 percent or more than 860,000 unemployed for the whole of 2020. Given the situation Challenging this, the Malaysian economy is expected to contract in the second quarter of this year following efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak that is still ongoing globally and locally.
10. To address the current economic situation and ease the burden on the people, the Government has introduced economic stimulus packages, including RM260 billion PRIHATIN and PKSHATIN packages.
11. Following that, on May 4, the Government approved the opening of several sectors to ensure the country's economic viability.
12. As of June 2, 2020, the Department of Statistics found that approximately 12.7 million or 83.5 percent of workers had begun employment compared to 10.2 million or 67.2 percent on May 17, 2020.
13. Thankfully, the economic stimulus packages implemented by the government have saved over 2.4 million jobs, reduced the cash flow burden of nearly 11 million people and supported more than 300 thousand companies. Implementation of PRIHATIN Package is still ongoing.
14. Although economic sectors have been opened, we are grateful that the COVID-19 outbreak remains in control. To date there has been no sudden increase or spike in COVID-19 positive cases. This is because employers, traders, employees and customers on business premises generally comply with the SOP guidelines and guidelines.
15. Many premises make it easy for customers to simply scan the QR code without having to register the name and phone number in the book. I also see people patiently lining up before entering premises such as supermarkets and eateries and practicing social incarceration. This is the "New Normal" that all of us need to practice. Continue this practice with great discipline.
My dear brothers and sisters,
16. As I have previously shared, the Government's strategy in addressing the COVID-19 challenge is comprised of 6 approaches or known as “6R” namely Resolve, Resilience, Restart, Recovery, Empowerment (Revitalize) and Reorganize.
17. We will enter the fourth stage of recovery or recovery.
18. So today, taking advantage of Friday's Friday morning leaders, I am pleased to announce that the Government will introduce a NATIONAL ECONOMIC RETURN PLAN or a short-term fundraiser with the theme "Together Generating Economy".
19. Under the ECONOMY, the Government has identified 3 key areas:
First: Empowering People;
Second: Propel businesses; and
Third: Stimulate the economy
20. In total, there are 40 initiatives worth RM35 billion under the Fund. Of these, RM10 billion is a direct fiscal injection from the Government.
My dear brothers and sisters,
21. I know many sisters who are concerned about the risk of losing their jobs and their source of income as many sectors and economic activities have been affected during the CPP period. I understand that the economy will take some time to recover and there are people in the community who still need help throughout the economic recovery period.
22. To address the challenges of rising unemployment and ensuring employment retention, the Government will allocate nearly RM9 billion which will benefit 3 million workers through several initiatives.
23. First, Expansion of the RM5 billion Wage Subsidy Program. Since its introduction in the PRIHATIN PRIHATIN Package and the PKSHATIN ADDITIONAL packages, the wage subsidy program has been well received by both employees and employers. This 3-month program has saved over 2.2 million jobs. To assist the company in the transition period of economic reopening, the Government will extend this wage subsidy for another three months. As the economy is gradually opening up, the wage subsidy is set at RM600 per month for up to 200 workers per company.
24. For employees of the tourism sector and sectors listed in economic activity prohibited during the CPPB period, and who have been required to take unpaid leave, employers may apply for a wage subsidy provided that the worker receives direct subsidized payments.
25. Second, the RM1.5 billion Employment Incentive Program is RM1.5 billion. To encourage employer recruitment, the Government will introduce the Employment Incentive Program where companies will be given financial incentives to provide employment to the unemployed and youth. It is estimated that 300,000 job seekers will benefit from two incentives:
First: Incentives for hiring under 40 year olds at RM800 per employee; and
Second: Incentives for employing unemployed people 40 years and over and the disabled for RM1,000 a month.
These incentives will be given for 6 months.
26. To assist and encourage the unemployed to improve their skills, training allowances of up to RM4,000 can be claimed from SOCSO by unemployed persons, even if they are not contributors under the Employment Insurance Scheme.
27. To address the issue of youth unemployment and increase the employability of graduates, the Government will also provide incentives to employers who provide apprenticeships to school leavers and graduates at a rate of RM600 per month.
28. The next initiative is that the Government will allocate RM2 billion for skills development programs for the unemployed and the youth. This will benefit more than 200 thousand people.
29. For the youth, this includes training and placement programs, implementation of short courses at selected institutions and training subsidies.
30. Further, for the unemployed, the Government will implement skills upgrading programs in key industries such as electrical and electronics as well as information and communication technologies and encourage the continuation of learning through short-term courses and training subsidies.
31. The Government will also formulate policies to support the economic growth of gigs and the welfare of workers in this sector. As the Government is concerned with the social security and welfare of this group, RM75 million will be allocated for the following measures:
First: A grant of RM50 million in match funding will be provided for the gig economy platform to contribute to its employees under the SOCSO Occupational Disaster Scheme and the EPF i-Remuneration Scheme; and
Second: A RM25 million allocation to MDEC for the Global Online Workforce (GLOW) program aimed at guiding Malaysians to generate income online through international customers.
32. To coordinate and monitor the implementation of all of the above initiatives, the Government will establish a National Working Committee. The Committee will be chaired by the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Human Resources with representatives from the private and public sectors.
My dear brothers and sisters,
33. In line with the Government's recommendations that encourage employers, especially the SME industry to implement the concept of work from home, tax incentives as well as employment insurance protection will be provided. For example, income tax exemption of up to RM5,000 for employees who receive benefits in the form of a cell phone, laptop or tablet from their employer.
34. In order to increase parents' confidence to send their children back to the nursery, the Government will grant a grant to the operators to comply with and implement the SOP. In addition, e-Vouchers will be provided for online childcare services as well as individual income tax incentives for fees paid to the nursery and children's education park for up to RM3,000. This measure will be regulated by the Ministry of Women Development and Social Welfare and the IRB.
35. I understand the need for brothers and sisters who use public transport to go to work and do other activities. To ease the burden of transportation costs, the Government will introduce the MY30 Program where users only pay RM30 a month to enjoy unlimited travel passes for public transport under the infrastructure of the Klang Valley. This initiative is open to all citizens and will be effective from June 15 to the end of 2020. I would like to remind my sisters to abide by the SOP and to practice social incarceration while using public transport.
36. The government is also concerned about the welfare and well-being of target groups such as the disabled and single mothers. In this regard, over 300,000 people with disabilities and single mothers listed under the Social Welfare Department are eligible to receive RM300 one-off assistance to reduce their burden. This payment InshaAllah will be disbursed before Hari Raya Aidiladha. The government will also provide grants to related non-governmental organizations.
37. I would also like to take this opportunity to announce the “GLC Community Generator” initiative. The purpose of the program is to encourage the GLC to elevate a community and make efforts to develop the socio-economic capabilities of the community.
38. In addition, the PEKA B40 scheme will be strengthened with an additional allocation of RM50 million to finance health screening and medical equipment facilities.
39. With the new norm, it is important for us to ensure the survival of our daily lives, especially in terms of employment and education for children. Therefore, the Government in collaboration with telecommunications companies will provide free 1 gigabyte internet service to all users from 8am to 6pm daily to access educational websites and video conferencing applications. This free internet service will be available until December 31, 2020. In addition, all users will have unlimited access to the Government's website and the COVID-19 Government application, in particular mySejah.
40. During the CPP period, all types of businesses faced various challenges. The two-month economic downturn has caused businesses to face cash flow issues including paying staff salaries and premises rentals.
41. After the economy reopened, the Government also received feedback from the business sector on reducing customer demand, as well as traders' inability to use digital technology to generate online sales. Accordingly, the Government will assist every business, whether large or small, through a number of steps.
42. In an effort to encourage micro enterprises and SMEs to move to digital or online services, the Government with the private sector will finance the venture through a matching grant of RM140 million. This provision will be used for training sessions, vendor subsidies and sales assistance. This initiative will be spearheaded by MDEC with selected e-commerce platforms.
43. The government in collaboration with private companies will be running a “Shop Malaysia Online” campaign to encourage people to shop online, where promotional codes and various discount vouchers will be provided through e-commerce platforms. To begin with, the Government will allocate RM70 million which will be matched to the same amount by the e-commerce platform.
44. For SMEs and mid- tier companies, the Government will continue to grant grants and loans totaling RM700 million to enable more companies to subscribe to or use digitalization services. This includes:
First: RM100 million SME Digital Matching Grants to be provided in collaboration with telecommunications companies;
Second: RM500 million under SME Technology Transformation Fund as a simple loan; and
Third: RM100 million Smart Automation Grants, where each eligible company receives a grant of up to RM1 million.
45. In an effort to assist the sustainability of SMEs involved in the targeted interest sector, the banking sector will offer an additional RM2 billion through the SME SME Financing Scheme. This financing can be applied from mid-June 2020 with a limit of up to RM500,000 per SME.
46. To help the tourism sector, the RM1 billion PANAJAN Tourism Financing Scheme will be offered to fund SME transformation initiatives in the tourism sector to stay competitive in the new era of customization. Details of these funds will be announced by Bank Negara Malaysia in July 2020.
47. In the case of micro enterprises, the Government will establish Micro Funding funding with the cooperation of Bank Simpanan Nasional and TEKUN Nasional for financing of RM400 million of which RM50 million will be dedicated to women entrepreneurs.
48. In an effort to strengthen Bumiputera involvement and ensure sustainability in business and entrepreneurship, a grant of RM200 million will be offered through the National Entrepreneur Corporation Berhad (PUNB). In addition, RM300 million will be channeled to MARA where Bumputera entrepreneurs including affected skill institutes can obtain funding for working capital.
49. In addition, to assist SMEs with cash flow, beginning in July, SME Bank through the SME-GO Scheme will provide financing to 16,000 qualified Grade 2 and G3 contractors who have received projects under PRIHATIN. For the convenience of the contractor, no collateral or deposit is required.
50. Governments call on government-linked companies, corporate bodies and financial institutions to expedite payments to their suppliers. Several GLCs and corporate bodies such as Axiata, TNB, Telekom Malaysia and Petronas have done so.
51. Since the implementation of the CPP has disrupted business activities and led to cash flow problems, the Government will provide tax incentives in various forms including tax deductions related to expenses for operating in new habits such as PPE purchases and screening test costs. In addition, the Government will also provide remission of penalties for late payment of tax as well as extend the period of renovation and renovation of the premises. In addition, the Accelerated Capital Allowance and a special 30% tax deduction for rent reduction will be extended.
52. The Government appreciates the efforts of the Social Enterprise in balancing business goals and social responsibility. I was informed that during the CPP period, although some Social Enterprises were difficult to operate, they continued to raise funds to help the target community, especially the marginalized. The Government will provide matching grants through the RM10 million Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Center (MaGIC) to successfully raise donations to implement social projects to address issues faced by the target community using innovative methods.
53. In the Government's efforts to assist 900,000 small and medium enterprises and local entrepreneurs, several tax measures and incentives will be implemented:
First: To encourage the establishment of new SME entities, the Government has agreed to provide income tax rebates of up to RM20,000 per year for the first three years of assessment subject to the conditions stipulated. This income tax rebate is awarded to new companies established and operating between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2021; and
Second: To encourage SMEs to increase their competitiveness in doing business through merger and acquisition schemes or mergers & acquisitions, the Government has agreed to grant stamp duty exemption on mergers or acquisitions related to transactions completed between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021.
My dear brothers and sisters,
54. In general, COVID-19 has changed the way the economy operates. In order to continue to make our country a major investment destination, it is important for us to tell the world that our economy remains competitive and open to business. Malaysia is currently ranked 12th in the world in business and 3rd place in Asia Pacific. In this regard, the PENANT will announce several investment packages and programs, tax exemption incentives and inclusive financing facilities.
55. To drive the country's economic recovery through the digitalization of business, the Government will set up a RM1.2 billion National Generator Fund with an allocation of RM600 million from the government and RM600 million from domestic and international investors. The fund will be used to foster innovation and develop local venture capital talent. Among the international investors interested in joining are SK Group, Hanwha Asset Management, KB Investment Co Ltd, Provident Growth, 500 Startups and The Hive.
56. To complement the digitization effort, the Government will allocate RM100 million to set up the National Technology and Innovation Sandbox, which will be spearheaded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation by relaxing some regulations to test new technologies. For example, testing the delivery of online purchases through drones and the use of self-driving vehicles.
57. To further promote digitalization in the Government service delivery system towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Government will provide more services online or e-counter. These include implementing the stamp-cutting process, reviewing and claiming Unclaimed Money starting October 1, 2020 and e-interview sessions for Government scholarship applications. In this regard, I urge more agencies and Ministries to accelerate digitalization and automation efforts.
58. To encourage the people to support local products and services, the Government will also continue the “Buy Malaysia” campaign. Among the initiatives to be implemented include encouraging a network of supermarkets to brand local products as well as establishing a dedicated Malaysian product line on e-commerce platforms.
59. In living the new norm, more and more Malaysians are choosing to use contactless payment. To encourage the use of this service, through the RM750 million e-Grants Program, the Government will credit RM50 to the consumer e-wallet account. This will be matched by additional vouchers, cash returns and discounts of RM50 from the e-wallet service company. This initiative which will start in July 2020 will benefit 15 million Malaysians.
60. To revitalize the property market, several tax incentives will be provided:
First: The Home Ownership Campaign will be re-introduced. Through this campaign, stamp duty exemptions will be granted on the deed of transfer and loan agreement for the purchase of residential houses worth between RM300,000 and RM2.5 million. The stamp duty exemption on the transfer instrument is limited to the first RM1 million of the value of the home while the stamp duty is fully paid on the loan agreement. This exemption will apply to a sale and purchase agreement signed from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021 subject to the terms of giving a discount of at least 10% by the developer; and
Second: Real Property Guarantee Tax Exemption is granted to individuals of Malaysian Residential Property on 1 June 2020 to 31 December 2021. This exemption is limited to the disposal of three residential units only for each individual.
61. In addition, the financing limit for third home loans of RM600,000 and above is no longer subject to 70% of the value of the home, during the Home Election Campaign program, subject to financial institution's internal risk management.
62. In addition to promoting the growth of the country's automotive industry, the Government has agreed to provide a 100 percent sales tax exemption on the sale of domestic passenger cars, and 50 percent for imported passenger cars for the period from 15 June 2020 to 31 December 2020.
63. I note that on average, people still expect Government services to operate outside of office hours to facilitate business with government agencies. Accordingly, the Government has agreed to extend and standardize operating hours at the City Transit Center or UTC nationwide effective July 1, 2020.
64. In order to attract overseas companies to relocate their business locations to Malaysia which will surely boost investment value and provide more employment opportunities for the people, the Government has agreed to provide the following tax incentives:
First: A 10-year 0% tax rate on new investments in the manufacturing sector with fixed-income investments of between RM300 million and RM500 million; and
Second: A 15% tax rate of 15 years for new investments in the manufacturing sector with fixed assets exceeding RM500 million and above.
65. This incentive is provided if the company transfers the location and commences operations within 1 year from the date of approval and the investment amount involved must be made within 3 years.
66. Whereas existing Malaysian companies transfer their overseas manufacturing facilities to Malaysia, they are entitled to a 100% investment tax incentive for a period of 5 years. Both of these incentives are valid for applications received from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021.
67. The Government will also provide an additional allocation of RM50 million to MIDA to undertake promotional and marketing activities.
68. In addition, to assist companies to upgrade their technology, penetrate the global market through outsourcing and increase their export value, the Government has agreed that the Local Investment Strategic Fund be granted a second round of projects and companies previously eligible for such facilities.
69. Project Acceleration and Coordination Unit (PACU) will be established to expedite the implementation and coordination of approved investment projects. Additionally, the approval of the manufacturing license will also be accelerated within two business days for the insensitive industry.
70. The tourism sector is among the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. To reinvigorate the tourism industry, several tax measures will be implemented:
First: Businesses under the tourism industry such as travel agencies, hoteliers and airlines who have been granted postponement of installment payments on April 1 to 2020 and September 30, 2020 will be extended for another 3 months from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020;
Second: Withdrawal of tourism tax for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021;
Third: Service tax exemption on accommodation services provided by accommodation premises operators extends from September 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021; and
Fourth: Individual income tax relief of up to RM1,000 provided for travel expenses in the country is extended until December 31, 2021.
71. Speaking of creative industries, entertainment and events, I have also heard complaints from employees, film directors, production crews and event managers. In this regard, several programs and financial facilities to revitalize the country's creative industry amounting to RM225 million will be implemented through cooperation between MyCreative Ventures, MDEC and the private sector.
72. For the agriculture and food industry, a RM350 million Agrofood Fund loan facility will be allocated to ensure the sustainability of agricultural and commodity entrepreneurs in the sector. In addition, the Government will also strengthen the mobility of agricultural labor through incentives provided to pioneer companies to train and train laborers to venture into agriculture and plantation. In addition, urban agriculture entrepreneurs will also be given a grant of RM500 per person and RM50,000 for each community.
73. To encourage the commodity sector, the Government has approved a 100 per cent exemption on export duty on crude palm oil, crude palm oil and crude palm oil processed from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020.
74. In response to the Government's commitment to reducing the impact of COVID-19, the Government has agreed to enact the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Bill. This Bill is a temporary relief from a contractual obligation for a specified period. The Government hopes that with the new Act, the survival of Malaysians will generally be continued. InshaAllah, the Government will present the bill at a session of Parliament in July.
My dear brothers and sisters,
75. I would like to give you a few simple examples of how PRACTICE can benefit you all. For example, Kak Radziah's entrepreneur under PRIHATIN package has benefited from wage subsidies and as a micro entrepreneur has received RM3,000 Special Attention Grant. Under the PENANG, Brother Radziah can now enjoy an extension of the wage subsidy for another 3 months. In addition, with the reopening of the nursery after the CPP, Kak Radziah is also now eligible to receive RM5,000 in kindergarten assistance and RM900 nursing course incentives per employee.
76. Another example is Datuk Lim. Under PRIHATIN, Datuk Lim benefited from a bank lending moratorium that helped sustain his business' cash flow. In addition, Datuk Lim's business under PRIHATIN was also exempted from the HRDF levy. Due to tax exemptions for the purchase of homes and cars under the PENANG, Datuk Lim is now keen to buy apartments and cars for his adult children. In addition, to support managing his home business, Datuk Lim enjoys free internet for video conferencing and income tax exemption for the purchase of his new laptop.
My dear brothers and sisters,
77. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Government has received donations in cash and medical equipment through a donation fund managed by the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) and the Ministry of Health Malaysia. To date, the Government has continued to receive requests from citizens and businesses seeking to contribute to the country's economic recovery.
78. Accordingly, the Government will issue a RM500 million Concerned Sukuk to meet the demand that will be implemented in the third quarter of this year. With the theme "From the People, To the People", the funds will be channeled to help finance micro enterprises especially women entrepreneurs, improve broadband internet coverage in schools especially in rural areas and infectious disease research grants. The program is open to the public and companies.
79. With the 40 initiatives I announced earlier, I hope everyone including the private sector and the public can cooperate and play their part. I am confident that any effort to revive and stimulate the economy that I announced today will reinvigorate the confidence of investors, traders and the people as a whole to bring the nation together.
80. I would also like to inform again that all Economic Stimulus Packages, including the measures under the ECONOMIC will continue to be monitored for implementation. The LABSANA team established in the Ministry of Finance will enhance its monitoring of all initiatives undertaken by the government.
81. The Council of Ministers will also work hard to provide the best for you. I hope that this Government's efforts can continue to benefit the people. Examples like Mr. Sugu and Mrs. Pavithra went viral on social media last month. Hopefully they can improve their skills and open a restaurant someday. We can taste their varuval chicken.
82. Lastly, I pray for better control. Something we never expected would happen, but that's the power and plan of God. As the word of Allah s.w.t. in Ali-Imran verse 54:
وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ
Indeed, Allah is the best of all planners
83. To all Malaysians, come with me and my Cabinet to ensure that our country continues to prosper and prosper.
Wabillahi al-taufik walhidayah wassalamu’alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh
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긴 연설문을 읽고 정리해 주셔서 감사합니다^^
이전에 연장된 MCO가 6월 9일까지인데...아직도 연장여부를 안 알려주고^^ 참. 그냥 연장된다라고 봐야겠지요?
정말 감사합니다 ^^ 이렇게 또 답답함을 하나 해소했네요 그나저나 연장 한다 안한다 말도 없고
그린지역의 국가라..... 아예 문 안열꺼야 라고 들리는건 저만은 아니겠지요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
학교 갔음 좋겟네요 그린지역이라도 .....