Chambumo Gyeong - 396. The movement to discover our roots and True Parents
On June 23, 1989, the Korean Rootfinding Association, which researches family ancestry, made True Father its chairman. True Parents believe that if, through their clan association, people inherit true love, true life and true lineage by means of the marriage Blessing in accordance with True Parents' teachings, this will facilitate the restoration of humanity. Therefore, they supported this organization. True Father said that the movement to discover family roots will continue until all people become true children who have inherited God's lineage. 1 We have an organization called the Korean Root-finding Association. Science has its roots, philosophy has its roots, and religion has its roots. I therefore suggest that we create a root-finding association for all of these fields. What does the research of family roots mean? The root of such things as peace, love, unity, ideals and service is the absolute God. They all go back to the absolute God. Humanism will decline. It does not know the fundamental root. We are trying to carry forward such a movement. (493-079, 2005/04/21) 2 Organizations that research family roots can encompass all aspects of human life. All fields that influence this world, such as history, science and religion, can be explored by these associations. There is only one root for everyone, be they politicians, economists or scientists. That is why this movement to discover roots needs to be globalized. The Korean Root-finding Association should first try to expand its scope to the greater Mongolian family, consisting of all people having the Mongolian birthmark. I'm saying that we should find our blood relations first. But this tribe cannot be the root; the ancestors of this tribe are the root. Other than God, the ancestors of the tribe with the Mongolian birthmark are True Parents on earth. So each and every member of that tribe has no choice but to gather on the side of True Parents. (493-081, 2005/04/21) 3 One entity cannot have two roots. It can have only one central root. Religion has to present the truth and the theoretical worldview that can explain this. Religions should help us come to the conclusion that this root—which is in particular the root of the movements for unity and peace—is the personal God. At the same time, this root, which is one and unique, encompasses everything, including Confucianism and Buddhism. This is why their adherents are destined to accept the Unification Principle. (493-082, 2005/04/21) 4 You blessed families are part of one great family. Whether you come from the North or the South, you are all one brethren. In Korea, people of all 286 surnames—such as Kim, Pak and Moon—are part of one great family. By assembling this greater Mongolian people with the Mongolian birthmark, we will form the realm that can bless a united world. More than 70 percent of the world's population, that is, more than two-thirds, have the Mongolian birthmark, so when they receive the Blessing and unite as one people, they will create a natural realm of peace. And when they come to belong to the one Father who has the authority as their Lord, with no obstacles separating Him from them, they will prepare the territory for the king of world peace. Since their origin and their root is God, no one will want to remain ignorant of Him. (493-304, 2005/04/26) 5 Most people in Asian nations are part of the Mongolian lineage and have the Mongolian birthmark. Half the people in the Middle East, as well as the people in Europe, also belong to this lineage. You become a member of the greater Mongolian people by marriage, just as people could become Israelites by marrying someone of Israelite stock.
In the same vein, we are now beginning Root-finding Association activities based on True Parents' lineage, the realm of the chosen people. We have to prepare for people to connect to the Root-finding Association to find their ancestors. They must go beyond the age of liberation and complete inner freedom and advance into the age of one eternal kingdom, the age of eternal peace and tranquility. People must now connect their lineages to God's lineage. The people of the Mongolian lineage are dispersed across the world, and we need to quickly bless them . (467-105, 2004/09/02) |