The book's title is "Digital Detox."
The main character characters are Nico and Coby.
They wanted to enjoy a relaxing weekend together. And they during the hotel they didn't use their phone During their stay at the hotel, they didn't use their phones.
There have so many thing inside There were so many things to do inside.
They play played board game games, painted picture pictures, and read a book books. They feel felt good and fun had fun. This trip really helps recharge helped recharge their batteries!
Score: B
- 문법: "during the hotel" 대신 "during their stay at the hotel"라고 해야 자연스럽고, "There have so many thing inside" 대신 "There were so many things to do inside"라고 해야 해요.
- 내용 추가: 이 여행이 어떻게 그들에게 에너지를 되찾게 해주었는지 설명을 더 추가해 보세요!